

Diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders (endocrinology)

Syndrome of low T3

Syndrome low T3 (Euthyroid Sick Syndrom) is characterized by a low content of thyroid hormones in the serum of clinically euthyroid patients with systemic diseases of non-thyroid etiology.

Partial (selective) deficiency of pituitary hormones

Partial deficiency of pituitary hormones may be an early signal for the development of a more generalized pathology of the pituitary gland.

Primary hypothyroidism

Primary hypothyroidism is hypothyroidism that develops as a result of congenital or acquired dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Diabetic foot: an overview of information

The diabetic foot syndrome is a pathological condition in diabetes mellitus, characterized by damage to the skin, soft tissues, bones and joints and manifested by trophic ulcers, skin-joint changes and purulent-necrotic processes.

Diabetic Nephropathy: An Overview of Information

Diabetic nephropathy is a specific kidney damage in diabetes mellitus, leading to the formation of nodular or diffuse glomerulosclerosis.

Diabetic neuropathy: an overview of information

Diabetic neuropathy is a combination of syndromes of the nervous system that are pathogenetically associated with diabetes mellitus, classified according to the primary involvement of the spinal cord nerves (distal or peripheral, diabetic neuropathy) and / or the autonomic nervous system (visceral or autonomic, diabetic neuropathy with the exclusion of other causes of their defeat.

Hypoglycemia and hypoglycemic coma

Hypoglycemia is a clinical syndrome caused by a decrease in blood glucose and characterized by clinical signs of activation of the autonomic nervous system and neuroglycopenic symptoms.

Hyperosmolar coma

Hyperosmolar coma is a complication of diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by hyperglycemia (more than 38.9 mmol / l), hyperosmolarity of blood (more than 350 mosm / kg), marked dehydration, the absence of ketoacidosis.

Diabetic ketoacidosis and diabetic ketoacidotic coma

Diabetic ketoacidosis is an acute complication of diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by hyperglycemia (more than 14 mmol / l), ketonomy and the development of metabolic acidosis.

Syndrome of primary resistance of receptors to glucocorticoids

Syndrome of primary resistance of receptors to glucocorticoids is a disease manifested by hypercortisolemia, normal daily rhythm of cortisol secretion, increased level of ACTH in the blood, increased excretion of free cortisol in the urine in the absence of clinical manifestations of Cushing's syndrome.


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