

Diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders (endocrinology)

Generalized lipodystrophy: an overview of information

Generalized lipodystrophy is a little-known disease that can be viewed not as a combination of individual symptoms, but as a single pathological process with inherent patterns and developmental features, although the term "generalized lipodystrophy syndrome" (SGL) is quite acceptable.

Causes and pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome

The main cause of development of the metabolic syndrome is congenital or acquired insulin resistance, i.e. Insensitivity of peripheral tissues (liver, muscles, adipose tissue, etc.) to insulin.

Treatment of metabolic syndrome

There is no generally accepted algorithm for the treatment of metabolic syndrome. The main goal of the treatment is the normalization of metabolic disorders. The recommended algorithm of treatment requires, first of all, weight reduction of 10-15% of the initial, which is an affective agent in the fight against insulin resistance.

Metabolic Syndrome: An Overview of Information

Metabolic syndrome - a group of diseases and pathological conditions, which are based on insulin resistance. The following synonyms of the metabolic syndrome are used in the literature: insulin resistance syndrome, multiple metabolic syndrome syndrome, plurimetabolic syndrome, hormonal metabolic syndrome, X syndrome, lethal quartet, abundance syndrome.

Syndrome of multiple endocrine tumors

The term "syndrome of multiple endocrine tumors" (SMEO) combines diseases in which tumors of neuroectodermal origin (adenomas or cancers) and / or hyperplasia (diffuse, nodular) are detected in more than two endocrine organs.

Multiple endocrinopathies of autoimmune nature

In clinical practice, the greatest difficulties for diagnosis are endocrine diseases with symptoms of impaired functions of several endocrine glands. In most cases, clinical features of this kind are manifested in hypothalamic-pituitary disorders.

Obesity: an overview of information

Obesity is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by an excess of fat tissue in the body (in men not less than 20%, in women 25% of body weight, body mass index more than 25-30 kg / m2).

Treatment of sexual dysfunction

Treatment of the congenital pathology of sexual development consists of several aspects. The main issue is the establishment of the patient's gender, adequate to his biological and functional data, taking into account the prognosis of the possibility of sexual activity.

Disorders of Sexual Development: An Overview of Information

Sex is a complex concept, consisting of several interrelated links in the reproductive system: the genetic structure of the sex cell (genetic floor), the gonadal morphology (gonadal sex), the balance of sex hormones (hormonal sex)

Testicular tumors

In men, testicular tumors occur at any age, but more often in 20-40 years. In children, this disease is rare, most often during the first 3 years of life. Occasionally, tumors of both testicles are observed. Neoplasms can be benign and malignant, hormone-producing and non-secretive hormone.


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