

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Allergic contact cheilitis

Allergic contact cheilitis is a lip disease, which is formed by direct contact with substances that can cause a delayed-type allergic reaction.

Exfoliative cheilitis

Exfoliative cheilitis manifests itself in two forms: exudative and dry. Exudative exfoliative cheilitis is a chronic lip disease characterized by a persistent, prolonged course.

Ulcerative gingivitis

Ulcerative gingivitis - extremely rare as a primary lesion, usually represents a phase of exacerbation of chronic catarrhal gingivitis and is characterized by pronounced alteration phenomena.

Actinic cheilitis

Actinic cheilitis is a disease caused by the increased sensitivity of the red border to ultraviolet radiation (allergic reaction of delayed type), one of the symptoms of photodermatosis.

Geographic language

Geographical language is an inflammation of the tongue, usually benign and accompanied by exfoliation of the upper epithelial part (desquamation). It is more correct to call this disease desquamative glossitis (glossitis desquamativa) from the words "desquamation" - sluschivanie and glōssa - language.

Dental treatment

Dental treatment is recommended to be carried out immediately, as soon as the first signs of tooth decay or a slight pain in the area of one or more teeth appeared. Timely removal of the cause of toothache in most cases allows you to cure and keep the tooth.

Whitening teeth at home

Whitening teeth at home, despite the abundance of methods of professional bleaching, is still of interest to many. Immediately it should be noted that waiting for some unbeatable effect from home whitening is hardly worth it, but some methods can still be tried.

The gum hurts: what to do?

How to distinguish the pain of the tooth from the pain caused by the inflammation of the gums, especially since the gum is often very painful, grabbing the entire jaw? In order to independently differentiate a painful condition and choose ways to neutralize pain, you need to know what causes pain in the gums may occur.  

Teeth hurt: what to do?

"Sore teeth: what to do?" - this question is not just relevant, for people suffering from toothache, this is perhaps the only thought that engulfs the brain, especially when the pain is acute.  

Removal of a tooth

Tooth extraction - this phrase sounds so frightening that many people bravely endure any pain, engaged in self-medication in the form of applying to the sore spot products of exotic species and properties.


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