

Dental treatment

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Perhaps every person faced the problem of dental disease. Toothache delivers unbearable suffering, depriving suffering sleep, appetite, mood and health. Dental treatment is recommended to be performed immediately, as soon as the first signs of tooth decay or slight pain in the area of the tooth appeared. Timely removal of the cause of toothache in most cases allows you to cure and keep the tooth.

Modern dental treatment includes a series of different methods, many of which are completely painless and effective. These include ultrasound treatment of teeth, laser and high-frequency diagnostic equipment, computer technology, orthopedic methods, dental treatment with a microscope.

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Ultrasound treatment of teeth

It is believed that the treatment of teeth ultrasound is only to clean the surface of the dentition from dental calculus and plaque. However, ultrasound is indispensable in surgical dentistry, as a tool effective in the treatment of "wise", dystopic and retina dental structures. Also, ultrasound can penetrate into such places in the oral cavity, where it is ineffective or physically impossible to reach the dental boron. Ultrasound dental treatment in dentistry is called piezo surgery.

Laser Therapy

Dental treatment with a laser is the most common method of treatment for modern surgical dentistry. The use of laser therapy gives a lot of positive results, for example:

  • the patient almost does not feel pain during the procedure;
  • The use of a laser is a bloodless method of treatment;
  • restoration of tissues after treatment occurs very quickly, since they are almost not subject to destruction;
  • Laser therapy is an excellent disinfectant.

Also, the laser is indispensable in the treatment of gums, because it easily removes the gingival pockets, the surface is cleaned of tartar and plaque, along with these procedures, disinfection of damaged tissues occurs. In addition, the laser has the ability to level the gum, making it denser.

Laser treatment of teeth is not practiced in every dental clinic, since special equipment and specialists with laser experience are required for this type of therapy. In this regard, this type of treatment is quite expensive.

High-frequency diagnostic devices

Modern prestigious dental clinics begin dental treatment with the diagnosis of the disease through innovative computer technologies, deprived of the property of irradiation with X-rays, an intraoral camera and a viziograph. These diagnostic methods can save a lot of time, both the patient himself and the dentist, because the results of the diagnosis are displayed directly on the computer screen of the dentist. In addition, diagnostics with the help of this equipment helps to identify dental diseases at the earliest stages of their development, and also allows monitoring the course and consequences of treatment of these diseases.

Dental treatment with a microscope

Treatment of teeth and dental canals that are inflamed due to the appearance of periodontitis or pulpitis, today's medicine conducts through a microscope. The microscope allows the dentist to visualize even the smallest cracks and tubules, which are later to be sealed, so that the risk of any complications is minimized.

Dental treatment with the help of a microscope is becoming more and more in demand today, as this method allows not only to provide qualitative sealing of the slightest tooth cracks in the patient, but also to diagnose the first signs of dental diseases, to remove obsolete pins and cultic tabs, and to treat previously sealed teeth.

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Orthopedic dentistry

Changes also affected orthopedic dentistry. Modern dentistry uses for treatment such highly effective preparations, as polyurethane, zirconium dioxide, nylon, soft acrylic plastics. Transformations have also occurred in such a field of dental treatment as prosthetics - now doctors can do without grinding the dentition, and they have the ability to fasten removable dentures by ultra-trendy techniques.

Restorative treatment of teeth

More and more often dentists are addressed by people who would like to make their smile more beautiful and charming. For modern dentists, this task is quite possible, because today they have the newest restoration materials and prostheses, which are able to completely simulate real, healthy dental tissues.

Dental treatment with excessive sensitivity is also not a problem today, as professional remedies help to eliminate this problem quickly and effectively. The "secret" of the treatment is fluoride, due to which sub-microscopic crystals of CaF2 are formed in the canals of dentin, the pores of the destroyed tooth enamel and dental cement.

Dental treatment, carried out in a timely and high-quality manner, makes it possible to preserve or completely heal teeth.

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