

Diseases of the nervous system (neurology)

Dysfunction of brain structures

This is not a disease, but a whole complex of pathological and physiologically inadequate reactions of the brain to various environmental factors. The person experiences discomfort.

Neuropathy of the branches of the trigeminal nerve

There are numerous transformations, as well as functional changes. Myelin fibers and axial cylinders also undergo changes. It is a serious problem with which modern neurology is increasingly faced. 

Focal seizures in children and adults

This is a kind of brain disease known since ancient times, which manifests itself in specific convulsive attacks, called epileptic

Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a rare pathology, characterized by a progressive decline in intelligence.

Temporal epilepsy in adults and children

Among the numerous varieties of epilepsy - a chronic CNS disorder with a paroxysmal manifestation of symptoms - temporal epilepsy is distinguished in which epileptogenic zones or areas of local attachment of epileptic activity are found in the temporal lobes of the brain.

Neuropathy of the ulnar nerve

Elbow neuropathy is one of the forms of involvement of the ulnar nerve. With this pathology, the normal functioning of the elbow is disrupted, the sensitivity of the wrist is reduced, and the tone of the surrounding muscles is disturbed.

Types of neuropathy of the ulnar nerve

Elbow neuropathy is a fairly common phenomenon in the modern world. This is due to the increased level of injuries, high stresses and stresses at work and at home. 

Causes of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is considered the most common type of age-related dementia: this pathology occurs in about 40% of all diagnosed dementias.

Dysfunction of the brain in adults and children

The brain is one of the basic structures of the human body, which has relative autonomy and performs a regulatory function. It is the coordination of the brain's work that determines the balance of the basic processes in the body, the normal functioning of the main organs and systems. 


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