

Diseases of the nervous system (neurology)

Causes of Ischemic Stroke

Isolate primary (development in this patient for the first time in life) and secondary (development of a patient who had previously suffered an ischemic stroke) cases of stroke. There is also a fatal and nonfatal ischemic stroke. As a time interval for such assessments, an acute period of a stroke has now been taken - 28 days after the onset of neurologic symptoms (previously 21 days).

Ischemic Stroke: An Overview of Information

Ischemic stroke is a pathological condition that is not a separate and special disease, but an episode that develops as part of a progressive general or local vascular lesion in various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Death of the brain

At all times there was no more exciting and mysterious problem for mankind than life, death and transitional stages between these interconnected and mutually exclusive concepts. The states bordering on being and non-being cause huge interest and cause states: lethargy, some amazing "como-like" stages of autosuggestion of Indian yogis, etc.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The syndrome of chronic fatigue is a disease characterized by excessive, disabling fatigue, which lasts at least 6 months and is accompanied by numerous articular, infectious and neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Extrapyramidal syndrome

Extrapyramidal syndromes are an outdated term, but still widely used in Russian-language literature. To extrapyramidal syndrome, it is customary to refer to syndromes characterized by excessive movements or, on the contrary, insufficient motor activity. The first group of syndromes is called hyperkinetic disorders, the second - hypokinetic.

Meningeal Syndrome: An Overview

Meningeal syndrome occurs due to irritation of the meninges, characterized by the presence of meningeal symptoms in combination with changes in pressure, cellular and chemical composition of cerebrospinal fluid. Synonyms - shell syndrome, syndrome of irritation of meninges.

Complex regional pain syndrome

The term "complex regional pain syndrome" (CRPS) refers to a syndrome manifested by severe chronic pain in the limb in combination with local vegetative disorders and trophic disorders, which occurs, as a rule, after various peripheral traumas.

Postherpetic neuralgia

After suffering varicella, the Herpes zoster virus remains in the body in a latent state, localizing primarily in the sensory ganglia of the spinal nerves and the trigeminal nerve. When reactivated, the virus causes the formation of a characteristic vesicular rash and the appearance of pain in the innervation zone of the corresponding nerve root.

Treatment of migraine

Treatment of migraines is reduced, first of all, to the exclusion of provoking factors (smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of sleep, stress, fatigue, eating certain products, vasodilators - nitroglycerin, dipyridamole, etc.), regular physical exercises.

Symptoms of migraine

Migraine pain is more often pulsating and pressing character, usually captures half of the head and is localized in the forehead and temple area, around the eye. Sometimes it can begin in the occipital region and spread anteriorly into the forehead region.


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