

Diseases of the nervous system (neurology)

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy: diagnosis

To diagnose chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency, it is necessary to establish a connection between clinical manifestations and the pathology of cerebral vessels. For a correct interpretation of the revealed changes, careful collection of an anamnesis with an assessment of the previous course of the disease and dynamic observation of the patients is very important.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy: symptoms

The main symptoms of discirculatory encephalopathy: emotional disorders, polymorphic motor disorders, memory impairment and learning ability, gradually leading to maladaptation of patients. Clinical features of chronic cerebral ischemia - progressive course, staging, syndromic.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy: a review of information

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is a slowly progressive brain dysfunction that has arisen as a result of diffuse and / or small-focal damage to the brain tissue in conditions of long-term insufficiency of the cerebral blood supply.

Subdural hematoma

Subdural hematoma is a volumetric accumulation of blood, located between the solid and arachnoid medullary membranes and causing compression of the brain. The vast majority of subdural hematomas are formed as a result of craniocerebral trauma. Much less often they arise in the vascular pathology of the brain (for example, hypertension, arterial aneurysms, arterio-venous malformations, etc.), and in some cases are the result of taking anticoagulants.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a type of intracranial hemorrhage in which blood spreads in the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord. There are subarachnoid hemorrhage in traumatic brain injury and in acute violation of cerebral circulation in hemorrhagic type.

Hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke - any spontaneous (non-traumatic) hemorrhage into the cavity of the skull. However, the term "hemorrhagic stroke" in clinical practice is used, as a rule, to denote an intracerebral hemorrhage caused by the most common cerebrovascular diseases: hypertensive disease, atherosclerosis and amyloid angiopathy.

How to prevent ischemic stroke?

The main goal of the stroke prevention system is to reduce the overall morbidity and reduce the frequency of deaths. Measures aimed at primary prevention of stroke are based on the population social strategy of prevention of cerebrovascular diseases at the state level (mass strategy) and medical prevention (high risk strategy).

Treatment of ischemic stroke

The main tasks of the ongoing treatment of ischemic stroke (medical, surgical, rehabilitation) are restoration of disturbed neurological functions, prevention of complications and their control, secondary prevention of recurrent cerebral circulation disorders.

Diagnosis of ischemic stroke

The basis of instrumental diagnostics in stroke is the methods of neuroimaging, in particular CT and MRI. These methods are used for differential diagnosis between stroke and other forms of intracranial pathology, clarifying the nature of the stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic) and controlling the nature of tissue changes in the affected area in the treatment of stroke.

Symptoms of ischemic stroke

Symptoms of ischemic stroke are diverse and depend on the location and volume of the lesion of the brain. The most frequent localization of the focus of the cerebral infarction is carotid (80-85%), less often - vertebrobasilar basin (15-20%).


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