

Diseases of the nervous system (neurology)

Generalized anxiety disorder

A generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by frequent or persistent fears and anxieties that arise about real events or circumstances of concern to a person, but are clearly excessive in relation to them.

Panic disorder with agoraphobia or without agoraphobia

The main symptom of a panic disorder is a recurring panic attack. Panic attacks are characterized by sudden intense anxiety, accompanied by at least four autonomic or cognitive symptoms. A panic attack is characterized by rapid development, anxiety culminates in a few minutes.


Schizophrenia is one of the major health problems in the world. During the life of schizophrenia, approximately 0.85% of people develop. In childhood, the disease often manifests itself in the weakening of motivation and emotional reactions.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Guillain-Barre syndrome, or Guillain-Barre-Strol syndrome is an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy of autoimmune etiology, characterized by peripheral paralysis and, in most cases, protein-cell dissociation in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Polyneuropathy: treatment and prognosis

In hereditary polyneuropathies treatment is symptomatic. In autoimmune polyneuropathies, the goal of treatment is to achieve remission; and in the Guillain-Barre syndrome, the support of vital functions is of fundamental importance.

Polyneuropathy: diagnosis

When detecting slowly progressive sensorimotor polyneuropathy, which debuted from the peroneal group of muscles, it is necessary to clarify the hereditary history, especially the presence of fatigue and weakness of the leg muscles, changes in gait, and deformities of the feet (high rise).

Polyneuropathy - Symptoms

In the clinical picture of polyneuropathy, as a rule, signs of damage to motor, sensory and vegetative fibers are combined. Depending on the degree of involvement of fibers of various types in the neurological status, motor, sensory or vegetative symptoms may predominate.

The causes and pathogenesis of polyneuropathy

At present, there is no generally accepted classification of polyneuropathies. According to the pathogenetic sign, polyneuropathies are divided into axonal, in which the axial cylinder is primarily affected, and demyelinating, which is based on myelin pathology.

Polyneuropathy: an overview of information

Polyneuropathies are a heterogeneous group of diseases, characterized by systemic damage to the peripheral nerves (Greek poly - many, peiro - nerve, pathos - disease).

Primary headaches

Primary headaches include clinically heterogeneous types of headaches. The pathogenesis of these remains not fully understood, and therapeutic approaches have not yet been substantiated by controlled clinical trials. In most cases, the forms are primary (benign). At the same time, the symptoms of some of them may resemble clinical manifestations in secondary cephalalgia, when it is mandatory to perform additional, including neuroimaging, studies.


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