

Diseases of the nervous system (neurology)

Abusotic headache

Abuzusnaya headache is a secondary form of headache, which develops due to uncontrolled use of medicines.

Cluster headache

The concept of "trigeminal vegetative cephalgia" combines several rare forms of primary headache, combining both features of cephalgia and typical features of cranial parasympathetic neuralgia. Due to insufficient knowledge of doctors, the diagnosis of trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia often causes difficulties.

Beam headache

Beam headache is the primary form of cephalgia, manifested by attacks of very intense severely unilateral pain of orbital, supraorbital, temporal or mixed localization, lasting 15-180 minutes, occurring daily at a frequency of once every 2 days up to eight times a day.

Paroxysmal hemicranium

Paroxysmal hemicrania is manifested by attacks with pain characteristics and concomitant symptoms similar to those with headache. Distinguishing symptoms are short-term attacks and their high frequency.

Short-term unilateral neuralgic headaches with conjunctival injection and lacrimation

This rare syndrome is not well understood. It is characterized by short-term attacks of unilateral pain; the duration of seizures is much less than with other forms of trigeminal vegetative cephalgia. Frequently seizures are accompanied by pronounced lacrimation and reddening of the eye on the side of the pain.

Migraine: diagnosis

As with other primary cephalalgia, the diagnosis of "migraine" is based entirely on complaints and data of anamnesis, and in most cases there is no need to conduct additional research methods. Careful inquiry is the basis of the correct diagnosis of migraine. When diagnosing, it is necessary to rely on the diagnostic criteria of MKGB-2 (the diagnostic criteria of the two most common forms are listed below: migraine without aura and migraine with aura).

Brain and spinal cord abscesses: treatment and prognosis

Treatment of cerebral abscesses can be conservative and surgical. The method of treatment depends primarily on the stage of development of the abscess, its size and localization. In the stage of formation of the encephalitic focus (the duration of the anamnesis is up to 2 weeks), as well as with small (<3 cm in diameter) abscesses, conservative treatment is indicated.

Brain and spinal cord abscesses: symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms of abscesses of the brain and spinal cord correspond to the clinical picture of volumetric education. There are no pathognomonic symptoms of brain abscess. As with other voluminous formations, clinical symptoms can vary widely - from headache to development of severe cerebral symptoms with oppression of consciousness and expressed focal symptoms of brain damage.

Brain and spinal cord abscesses: causes and pathogenesis

It is not always possible to isolate the causative agent of the infection from the contents of the brain abscess. In about 25% of cases, the contents of the abscess are sterile. Among the isolated pathogens of hematogenous abscesses, streptococci (aerobic and anaerobic) predominate, often in association with bacteroides (Bacteroides spp.).

Abscesses of the brain and spinal cord

Abscess of the brain or spinal cord - a limited accumulation of pus in the cavity of the skull or spinal canal. Depending on the localization, abscesses can be intracerebral (accumulation of pus in the brain substance), subdural (located under the dura mater) or epidural (localized over the dura mater). Abscesses of the brain are met with a frequency of about 0.7 per 100 000 population per year.


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