

Diseases of the ear, throat and nose (otolaryngology)

Lesions of the larynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Damage to the larynx is one of the most life-threatening injuries, which, if not lead to death, is most often doomed to permanent cannulation, disability and a significant deterioration in the quality of life.

Toxico-allergic lesions of the larynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The problem of the pathogenesis of toxic-allergic lesions of the larynx covers a huge layer of pathological conditions of the larynx, many of which have not been thoroughly studied with respect to both etiology and pathogenesis.

Lesions of the larynx with multiforme exudative erythema: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Multi-form exudative erythema of Gerbera is a rare itchy dermatosis, manifested by strongly itchy papules that rise above the surface of the skin, which is an acute cyclical disease characterized by a sudden symmetrical rash on the skin of the extensor surfaces of the extremities.

Laryngeal papyrus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

In acute pemphigus, more than 50% of patients have, in addition to skin lesions, and lesions of the mucosa and among them - in 30% of the pemphigus of the larynx.

Blastomycosis of the larynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Blastomycosis is a group of chronic non-contagious diseases related to deep mycoses, affecting the skin, bones, mucous membranes and internal organs. The disease was called Gilchrist syndrome

Sporotrichosis of the larynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Sporotrichosis is a relatively rare human disease, affecting primarily the skin and subcutaneous tissue, in rare cases, spreading to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, in particular the nose, throat and larynx.

Actinomycosis of the larynx

In classical works, the fungus Actynomyces bovis was used as the pathogen, but from the latest works of the Romanian otorhinolaryngologist V.Racovenu (1964) it follows that Actinomyces Israeli is the true causative agent of actinomycosis.

Thrush Thrush

Thrush of the larynx or a disease similar to it (pearl), due to its descent fungus Candida albicans, whose colonies on the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharyngeal develop as white rafts, tightly welded in the first days with the underlying substrate, and then easily torn away.

Sarcoidosis of the larynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Sarcoidosis of the larynx develops for unknown reasons. According to modern ideas, sarcoidosis is a disease of impaired immunoreactivity with a special reaction of the body to the effect of various environmental factors.

Leprosy of the larynx

Along with leprosy nose, leprosy of the larynx in endemic foci occurs quite often. As early as 1897, at the International Conference of Lepologists, general statistical data were given, according to which lesions of the larynx were observed in 64% of all cases of this disease (Gluck).


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