

Diseases of the mammary glands (mammology)

Node in the mammary gland

A knot in the mammary gland is a neoplasm, which indicates a disease or pathology of the body. Consider the main causes and types of nodes in the glands, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.


Mastalgia is a disease that is accompanied by constant pain in the mammary glands. Consider the main causes of this pathology, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Invasive breast cancer

Invasive breast cancer is a disease that is characterized by the spread of the tumor to the lymph nodes and other organs and tissues. Let's consider features of a pathology, the basic signs, methods of diagnostics, treatment and the forecast on convalescence.

Lipogranuloma of the breast

Lipogranuloma of the breast is a fatty necrosis, that is a benign formation. Let's consider features of the given pathology, signs, methods of diagnostics, ways of treatment and preventive maintenance, and also the forecast on convalescence.

Protective breast cancer

In the list of women's oncological diseases, protocol breast cancer is found no less frequently than other types of breast cancer. In recent years, the incidence of this type of cancer has increased significantly.

Swelling of the mammary glands

Swelling of the mammary glands, that is, an increase in the volume of their cells or stroma, has both a physiological character and a pathological etiology.

Lymphostasis of the breast

If in the process of failure in the functioning of the lymph flow appears edema, doctors diagnose lymphostasis of the mammary gland, that is, a difficult outflow of lymph from the area of the breast.

Hematoma of the breast

The mammary gland requires special attention, because hemorrhage into a limited tissue space can provoke a "bad" pathology.

Fibrosis of the breast

Fibrosis of the mammary gland is a pathology of its tissues, in which the proliferation and compaction of fibroblast-synthesized proteins of collagen and elastin and glycoprotein cells forming the matrix of connective tissues.

Additional mammary gland

The additional lobe and the additional mammary gland are formed from the elements of the gland tissue that are located not far from the mammary glands itself: the pectoral muscle zone, the subclavian and axillary region.


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