Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Diastema is the most common anomaly of the location of the teeth. This process is characterized by the appearance of a gap between the central incisors of the teeth. The width varies depending on the specific case, usually 1-6 mm. Sometimes the distance can be 10 mm.
A common anomaly of the dentition is the diastema (schebina, schebinka). This process is characterized by the appearance of a gap between the front incisors. But it can happen all over the place. Diastema can lead to a change in the appearance of the patient. Sometimes diction and speech can change. Naturally, how much violations will be expressed depends on the severity of the anomaly.
Some people eventually come to terms with what happened to them, and do not try to improve the situation. It is necessary to understand that, whatever the case, it is possible to correct everything. Any defect is amenable to correction. Pathologies and anomalies are now not terrible. At a time when everyone decides technology, there's nothing to be afraid of.
To say that a scab does not spoil a person's life, it's even silly. But if there is an opportunity to save the situation, it is necessary to use this. It should be noted that the gap between the incisors can reach 1-10 mm. So sometimes it does not look aesthetic, it should be eliminated.
Causes of Diastema
The main causes of the diastema between the teeth are quite understandable. So, among them include a low attachment of the bridle of the upper lip. Some people have a rudiment of a superfine tooth, which is located between the roots of the central incisors. It is he who can provoke the development of schebinka.
But this is not the only cause of the problem. The appearance of this anomaly can be affected by the microdentity of the central incisors. Excessive development of the bony septum, which is located between the central incisors or the entire jaw can serve as the development of cracks.
Early loss of milk teeth from the front group, their abnormal position, as well as late shift to permanent. All this in aggregate increases the risk of development of chipping.
Despite all the above, the main reason for the appearance of the gaps between the teeth is the low attachment of the bridle. In this case the scab is easily cleaned by an experienced dentist. If you do not do it on time, then problems with diseases of the dentition can not be avoided.
Diastema Symptoms
Are there any symptoms of this abnormality? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Because if we proceed from the very definition of this phenomenon, then it is quite easy to notice the development of the chipping.
So, first of all there is a significant gap between the front incisors on the upper or lower jaw. Naturally, all this is not very evident, but to notice something is amiss simply.
Another common symptom is one or more gaps between the teeth in the row. In no other way does this "disease" show itself. There are no unpleasant or painful sensations. Therefore, it is necessary to observe only external changes. And sometimes they are not so noticeable, you need to consider this fact.
It is desirable to start treatment in time. So that in the future there are no serious problems with the dentition. Because the scab is capable of causing caries and other diseases, which will lead to serious problems in the future.
Trema and diastema
Do the tremles and diastemes have differences between themselves? In order to fully answer this question, it is necessary to disassemble everything according to the points.
So, the diastema is the pathology of the dentition. In this case, formation of a considerable distance can be observed. In general, they do not exceed 1-6 mm, but sometimes reach 10 mm. It can be located on both the upper and lower jaws.
Trema somewhat similar problem. True, it manifests itself mainly in the form of gaps, not only on the front incisors, but also on the rest, which are located in the oral cavity. And this occurs when excessive development of the jaw. Cracks between the teeth can manifest themselves when the teething teeth are erupted. After all, during this period there is an active growth of the jaw. Tremma is generally less than 1 mm.
Diastema and trema refer to cosmetic defects. Because how to eliminate them is quite simple. If you do not address this issue in time, soft gum tissue may be damaged, as well as a dental disease. That is why schebin requires fast orthodontic correction.
Diastema in the stars
Many ladies noticed that the diastema of the stars is a completely normal process. And most of the famous people do not hurry to clean it. Because the gap between the teeth can become that very highlight.
If we talk about ladies, then the gap between the front incisors gives a certain charm. Especially if you make a doll make-up. Bright lips, light eyes and neatly laid hair. Thus, you can get a flawless appearance. Above this, it is worth considering each girl who has a small chunk.
To the stars, who do not hide their zest, include Madonna, Vanessa Parady, Jane Birkin and many others. Such a smile gives a certain piquancy, so it is not always necessary to clean the scraps immediately. The truth is, all this can lead to a number of problems in the future. So if there is a desire to show everyone their own zest, then you should first consult with your doctor. After all, schebin can cause even caries.
Diastema in children
Often, the diastema in children is due to the malformation of the teeth. So, the cause of the development of scabbing can be an incorrect bite.
There is nothing wrong with this, because as the old age the dentition starts to change to a permanent one, and this will help to correct the situation. During treatment schebinki at children, it is necessary to find out what teeth have deviated, and why it happened. In this case, the child is asked to close his teeth. Thanks to this procedure, you can see whether the middle line is the same.
In the course of treatment, in no case can the central incisors be brought together by rubber rings. Because they are elastic and due to this they can penetrate deep into the gum. This leads to an irreparable harm to the circular ligament of the tooth. To correct a situation in this case it is possible by means of an Eng's or Kappa's, which is fixed on several teeth from the side where they should not move. Between the kappa and the hooks of the box, the rubber draft is stretched. After the necessary effect is achieved, and the gap "disappears" will have to fix it with the help of retention apparatus.
Diastema of infant teeth
The diastema of the baby teeth is developing because of their incorrect growth. In this case, you have to go to the dentist. There is nothing wrong with the appearance of the chipping. Because with time the baby's teeth change into permanent teeth and the problem will go away by itself. True, this does not happen in all cases.
What can we do to prevent the milk teeth from "giving away" the gap? It is necessary to resort to the help of rubber traction, as well as special caps. The first thing is the procedure, following which, you can determine which teeth have deviated. To do this, check the ideality of the midline. After that, the kappa and special hooks are used, between which the rubber rod is pulled. She will put the dentition in place.
In general, there is no need to resort to similar procedures at such a small age. It is necessary to wait until the dentition is replaced by a permanent one. In this case, you need to solve the problem unequivocally. Because in the future the gap can lead to a number of unpleasant sensations.
Diastema in adults
In fact, in adults this anomaly occurs quite often. Especially at the age when the gum begins to weaken and the dentition goes to a painful load. Basically it happens after thirty. To say that this is a generally accepted fact is not worth it, because a schebinka can arise at any time.
Naturally, the sooner a person starts to fight it, the better. To say that this is a very serious problem is difficult. After all, in fact, this is far from the case. Many people, on the contrary, try to keep their scrapes in order to give the appearance of a zest. Some stars live by this principle.
If to speak seriously, then shcherbina can change both diction and speech. For an adult, this can be unacceptable. In this case resort to elimination of scabbing with the help of orthodontic and surgical treatment. It is worth noting that everything is done in a certain complex. In general, the gap does not carry any danger, although it is capable of provoking the development of caries.
Diastema Diagnosis
Diagnosis is performed by visual inspection of the oral cavity. Because the arisen shchebinki will be immediately visible. For this, no special tests or procedures are necessary.
However, in more complex situations, in order to clarify the causes and types of pathology, it will still be necessary to resort to certain procedures. So, the definition of bite is performed. In this case, the person should close the dentition, and the dentist should look at the location of the middle line.
In addition, X-rays, orthopantomography, imaging, as well as the study of diagnostic models of the jaw. During the analysis, the position, shape, inclination of the roots and incisors, the general condition of the bridles and so on are determined. The point is that the problem of choosing the optimal method of elimination must be resolved collectively. Because the process of improving the condition involved dentists, surgeons, orthopedists and orthodontists. Eliminates scherbinka complex.
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Treatment of diastema
In fact, the treatment of diastema can not be called a complex process. So, the impact on this phenomenon is of two kinds. This is a surgical and orthodontic treatment.
It should be noted that these two processes are interrelated. Complex treatment includes a trip to the surgeon, and then to the orthodontist. During the process of "getting rid of" the gap, the ratio of the central incisors and the midline of the face is fully taken into account. In addition, the state of the roots of the teeth, their position, the shape and the inclination of the schepina are taken into account. Due to the knowledge of such small nuances, the doctor can manage to select a quality treatment.
Orthodontic procedures may include the use of special removable or non-removable structures. In this case we have in mind vestibular plates, braces, as well as crowns with levers. This allows you to immediately move one or two teeth, to a normal position and remove the chipping.
To achieve more successful results of treatment, the surgeon often makes a plate of the bridle of the upper lip. Sometimes manipulations are performed to disturb the density of the palatine seam between the medial incisors. Sometimes in the process of treatment the frenum of the lip atrophies independently and in this case it is not necessary to cut it. In any case, schebin requires a rapid intervention by a specialist.
Correction of the diastema
To date, correcting the diastema is not at all a difficult process. All this is achieved through qualitative complex treatment.
How can I remove or repair the chipping? It should be noted right away that it is impossible to do this without the doctor's intervention. In the initial stages, plates are used which are able to put the tooth in place and thereby remove the gap between them.
In more serious cases, a special crown with levers is used. It completely covers the gap formed. Good help to get rid of cracked braces. The truth puts them preferably at the age of 25 years, while the body is still gradually continuing the formation process. To correct the situation with the help of such an influence is quite simple.
In fact, there are many ways to correct pathology. And worry about her appearance is not worth it. To date, fix it is quite simple.
Diastema restoration
When the gap is too wide, it can be carried out with the help of conventional prosthetics. This will help avoid relapse, as well as improve the aesthetics of a smile. In addition, you can correct the diction and speech of the patient.
The interval between the teeth is perfectly closed with the help of restorations of the central incisors with veneers. Often this applies only to adult patients who have begun the process of orthodontic treatment.
It is necessary to remember once and for all that all the anomalies and defects of the dentition are easily eliminated by long-term treatment with dentists. This allows you not to worry about many reasons. After all, scherbina causes unpleasant sensations at the psychological level.
Braces with a diastema
Do braces are used with a diastema and is this treatment effective? Naturally, this way of getting rid of the gap between the front incisors is one of the most popular. True, despite this, it has its own nuances.
So, wearing braces is necessary at a certain age. Naturally, this is the period from the development of permanent teeth to 25 years. At this time the body is still forming, and to fix the situation with the dental series is quite simple. To remove the slope and to close them will not be so difficult.
The method of eliminating the cracks is decided solely by the attending physician. Aligning the dentition with braces is one of the most effective to date. Only now we will have to face some problems of wearing them. Diction, speech and visually can be changed. Therefore, before choosing such a correction option, it is worthwhile to think about it seriously. In fact, scrape does not bring much trouble, but for aesthetic beauty it is necessary to get rid of it.
Closing the Diastema
The anomaly is closed in two ways. The first option is therapeutic, it allows you to change the shape of the dentition and build it up with a special composite material. In this case, the material is selected in color to the teeth.
The second option is orthodontic. Thanks to him, you can fix the situation using different methods. So, to the orthodontic variant carry application of brackets which gradually level gaps. True, this method is the longest. Veneers allow to obtain an ideal aesthetic result. Form, color, surface texture, color correction and fixation with the help of special cement.
A special success was given to fiberglass tapes, which are used to solve the problem. The use of this technique allows not only to strengthen the gaps with a special tape, but also to choose the color of the material that fits the natural shade of the tooth. Do not forget that each method has its own testimony.
Diastema prevention
That the problem did not disturb in the further, qualitative preventive maintenance of a diastema is necessary. To achieve the desired result and to exclude the appearance of scherbina is not so difficult.
First of all, you will completely eliminate bad habits. But in this case, it does not mean smoking or drinking alcohol. So, to bad habits carry constant biting or nibbling of nails. In addition, you do not need to chew pencils and other objects. All this spoils the state of the dentition and can cause chipping.
The most important way to prevent this problem is a systematic visit to the dentist. If you notice the problem in time, it will be much easier to fix it. To exclude this phenomenon in children, you must regularly show them to the dentist. After all, if there are already any deviations, it will be easier to eliminate them in the early stages. It is necessary to understand that it is much easier to prevent defects than to treat them later. So, in time, the noticed shcherbina can save time and financial costs.
Diastema prognosis
To date, the diastema forecast can only be positive. Because there are many ways to solve this problem.
The variety of clinical forms of scherbina talk about the need to compile an individual plan for its elimination. After all, each case is different nuances. It is necessary to clearly substantiate the criteria for choosing the best methods for solving the problem. In addition, a certain sequence of treatment steps should be followed.
This approach allows achieving optimal aesthetic results during treatment. Eliminate the shortcomings of sound reproduction, as well as many psychological complexes that arise against the background of a change in diction and speech. The main rules for the prevention of scabbing are the exclusion of bad habits and constant examination with the dentist.
In this case, the outlook will be favorable. In fact, to date, this should not be a problem. After all, the ridges can be easily eliminated, the main thing is to ask for help in time.
Much depends also on the clinic that makes the procedure. It is necessary to take this fact into account. The cost is affected by the way of treatment, but there are quite a few of them. After all, sometimes you need complex therapy. The material also has a different price category property. Much depends on the doctors who deal with the problem. So there are quite a lot of criteria, because of what the price can skyrocket. In general, the diastema is eliminated for the optimal cost.
Price of diastema treatment
To say that the price of diastema treatment is high, it is impossible. Naturally, for many people the concept of admissibility is different. But in fact, to eliminate the chipping in the initial stages can be for a minimum amount.
If we are talking about a chain that will pull together the dentition and thereby put them in place, then the cost of such influence fluctuates around 150 hryvnia. In fact, this is very small, for such a problem. If the situation is a little more complicated and you need not only to shift your teeth, but also to bring them back, the price can vary within 250 UAH.