Climax without tides
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With age, sooner or later, but the climacterium comes to every woman. It's not worth panicking because of this, but getting ready for this period would be very useful. After all, not all climax proceeds smoothly and painlessly: mood swings, apathy, irritability, insomnia, headache and hot flashes are just a small and incomplete list of the main symptoms of this life stage. True, some women experience menopause without hot flashes - this is considered an atypical course of the menopause, and it is sometimes difficult to recognize.
Causes of the menopause without tides
In the environment of medical specialists it is considered that there are always tides in menopause. Simply in some cases, they proceed secretly, little-expressed, unnoticeable, or disguised for other sensations. For example, some patients noted the absence of typical hot flashes, and at the same time, the appearance of night sweating, intolerance to stuffy rooms, short-term trembling in the hands, weakness. Such sensations, as well as tides, can last from 30 to 60 seconds, several times a day.
The pathogenesis of the tides is simple: the tides in menopause are caused by the response of the pituitary gland to a sharp decrease in the amount of estrogens in the body - the so-called estrogen imbalance. In response, the pituitary gland enhances the production of LH - luteinizing hormone, which, in turn, leads to a sharp short-term rise in body temperature, which is the moment of the tide.
It can be assumed that any changes in this chain of reactions may lead to the absence or obscuration of climacteric tides, since many sensations can also depend on the state of the autonomic nervous system of a woman.
Symptoms of the menopause without tides
When characterizing the first signs of the onset of menopause, invariably mean the tides. Nevertheless, this age period can occur without them: in this case, the first position is other symptoms, by which it is possible to recognize the climacterium.
Usually, the onset of physiological menopause begins with the failure of the monthly cycle. Periods of delay of the monthly gradually increase, the degree of blood loss decreases. In some women, bleeding during menstruation can be intermittent with pathological uterine bleeding - sometimes abundant and prolonged.
A climax without tides can be accompanied by some signs that can be conditionally divided into several groups:
- psychoneurological signs: lethargy, sleep disturbances, apathy, the appearance of phobias, depression, anorexia, mood swings;
- cardiovascular signs: headaches, dizziness, increased sweating, fluid retention in the body;
- endocrinological signs: weight fluctuations, pain in the joints.
Tides can be undetected and manifest as nausea, temporary heart rate, headache.
In rare cases, there is a climax with tides but without sweat. Absence of excessive sweating is also not a pathology, as is the absence of the tides themselves - this is simply a feature of the autonomic nervous system.
Complications and consequences
The growing deficiency of estrogen in the onset of menopause can gradually lead to the emergence of certain complications, which can be expressed as:
- persistent increase in blood pressure;
- osteoporosis - weakening of bone tissue;
- atherosclerotic changes in the vessels;
- heart disease, heart attack;
- cardiovascular problems, stroke;
- other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Diagnostics of the menopause without tides
Diagnosis of this age period usually presents no problems, since the typical clinical picture is most often observed at the age that is typical for the onset of menopause - after 40-45 years. However, the diagnostic process can be difficult if the woman has any diseases of the reproductive organs - especially chronic ones. It is for this reason that the diagnosis of menopause without tides may require some diagnostic refinement.
During the examination, the doctor pays attention to the general condition of the patient: on the condition of the skin, hair, mood, constitutional features (often with the approach of menopause, the condition of the skin worsens in women, excess weight appears).
Among additional studies the doctor can appoint:
- blood tests for the content of hormones - estradiol and FSH (the value of follicle-stimulating hormone more than 30 IU / l may indicate the onset of the menopause period);
- instrumental diagnostics - mammography (reveals changes in the mammary glands), ultrasound (allows to evaluate the function of the ovaries and cyclic changes in the uterus).
To diagnose atrophic processes inside the genitals, examination and pH testing are performed, supplemented by microbiological examination of vaginal discharge.
Differential diagnosis
Climax without tides differentiate from such disease states:
- early depletion of the ovaries (before the age of 40);
- pathologies of the thyroid gland;
- autoimmune diseases;
- increased level of prolactin in the bloodstream;
- congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;
- polycystic ovary;
- chronic alcoholism;
- hormone-dependent tumor processes;
- infection;
- neuroses, panic attacks.
For the conduct of differential diagnosis may need to consult an endocrinologist, neurologist, psychiatrist and other specialized professionals.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the menopause without tides
In menopause without hot flashes, treatment is prescribed with such drugs as bromides - for example, 0.05 mg of sodium bromide twice a day, with a possible increase in dosage to 0.2-0.4 mg / day. The reception continues until the symptoms of irritability and nervousness stop.
Often a positive effect is provided by such drugs as trioxazine, devincan, meprotan, andaxin.
Hormone replacement therapy with menopause without tides is prescribed, taking into account the stage of this period, the patient's age and the presence of menstruation.
- At the initial stage of menopause - when the level of estrogen is not yet critically low, but other symptoms are already present - small dosages of estrogen can be used. Such drugs affect the processes in the central nervous system, normalizing the course of inhibitory reactions. In the first phase of the monthly cycle, folliculin is administered by injection intramuscularly at 1000 IU once a day, or an octetrol for 1 tab. Up to 2 times a day.
If the patient is found to have functional uterine bleeding, then progesterone (5-10 units / day for 1 week), testosterone propionate (25 mg IM once every 3 days), or methyltestosterone up to 2 once a day, sublingually for 10 days.
- In the second stage of menopause with a sharp decrease in the number of hormones and the onset of a stable menopausal period, with significant vegetative disorders, such medications are used:
- folliculin intramuscularly in the amount of 1000 IU daily, or 3000 IU once every 2 days, 10 injections per course;
- Estradiol dipropionate in the amount of 10000 IU intramuscularly once in 4-7 days, 5 injections per course;
- synestrol on 1 tab. Orally up to 2 times a day for 14-20 days.
The duration of application of estrogens is low, but each course can be repeated in about 5 months.
- In the third stage of menopause, estrogen preparations are used to slow down the function of the pituitary gland and lower the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones. Treatment is prescribed according to the following schemes:
- testosterone propionate in the form of intramuscular injections of 25 mg every other day (course about 7 injections), or methyltestosterone sublingually 0,005 up to 3 times a day (course up to one month);
- methylandrostenediol 25 mg / day. (course of 10 days);
- folliculin 3000 IU intramuscularly once every three days (course 7 injections) or synestrol 1 tab. Up to 2 times a day (treatment course - up to 1 month).
- This type of treatment should take place under the obligatory and constant control of the amount of estrogens in the body. Hormonal therapy is not prescribed:
- with various tumors in the reproductive system and mammary glands;
- with repeated uterine bleeding.
Side effects with hormonal treatment of menopause may include:
- nausea, dyspepsia;
- edema;
- pain in the head;
- soreness and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
- change of libido.
Replacement hormonal therapy is appropriate to combine with the reception of soothing drugs, with relaxing physiotherapy procedures, with adequate nutrition and observance of sleep and rest regimes.
Alternative treatment
- At the first signs of the onset of menopause, it is recommended to carry out sokoterapiyu: daily drink 2-3 glasses of fresh juice from beets, carrots or cucumbers. Such juices prevent the formation of blood clots, strengthen the vessels, eliminate puffiness, restore the hormonal balance.
- It is useful to take pion tincture: 20 drops of the drug 3 times a day before meals. Peony calms, removes pain, improves mood and normalizes sleep.
- Experts advise with climax every day to eat 100 grams of fresh red grapes with honey. This combination of products leads to the purification of the body and the alleviation of negative climacteric symptoms.
- The daily use of 1 tablespoon of linseed or soybean oil will be of great benefit. These oils contain natural phytoestrogens, which naturally inhibit the onset of menopause. Butter can also be added to salads and ready-made non-hot meals.
Herbal Treatment
- Aromatic tea with oregano:
- pour 2 tbsp. L. Dry herbs 250 ml of boiling water, we insist for an hour and a half;
- take in the morning and evening for 1 glass, without sugar and other additives.
- Valerian drink:
- steaming 1 tsp. Valerian root in 250 ml of boiling water, we insist half an hour;
- take in the morning and at night for 1 glass.
- Sage tea:
- steal 50 g of dry grass in 0.5 liters of boiling water;
- we drink during the day instead of tea.
- Birch infusion:
- we store in the thermos for the night 100 g of birch leaves and buds in 0.5 liters of boiling water;
- In the morning, the infusion is filtered and we drink 100 ml every 2 hours.
In addition, with climax, with and without tides, such herbs as a hog queen and a red brush are good. In the pharmacy you can buy ready tinctures of these plants. Usually they are taken for 25-30 drops before meals, three times a day.
To facilitate the well-being of climax, which takes place both without tides and with tides, it is possible to successfully apply homeopathic remedies. Such drugs have long been recognized as one of the most effective and safe.
- Remens - take 1 tablet or 10 drops three times a day. Usually treatment lasts for several months. The drug is well tolerated and virtually devoid of side effects: only occasionally there may be a temporary increase in the secretion of saliva.
- Klimaktoplan - take from 1 to 2 tablets three times a day, half an hour before meals or half an hour after it. Very rarely there may be allergic reactions to the drug.
- Climaxan - take between meals, 1 tablet twice a day, under the tongue. In severe climacteric, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 3-4 doses per day. Rarely, allergic reactions to the drug can be observed.
- Climakt-Heel - take 1 tablet three times a day between meals, sublingually. The drug is tolerated well, only occasionally causing allergy in persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the homeopathic remedy.
- Inoklim - take 1 capsule daily for 3 months, and in severe climacteric - 2 capsules daily. Side effects when taking the drug is not noticed.
Operative treatment
Usually, doctors do not practice surgery to relieve the condition in menopause without hot flashes. The operation can be appropriate only in the case when hormonal disorders provoked the development of malignant neoplasms of the reproductive organs or mammary glands.
Complete removal of the ovaries and uterus does not exclude the appearance of symptoms of menopause.
More information of the treatment
Unfortunately, you can not slow the arrival of menopause. However, any woman can reduce the degree of discomfort if she thinks about some preventive measures in a timely manner.
For example, to mitigate and alleviate symptomatology in menopause (even if this period is not accompanied by tides), one can follow these recommendations:
- regularly engage in uncomplicated gymnastics, yoga;
- not to allow the development of obesity;
- avoid abortion, promote a comfortable and natural course of pregnancy;
- to observe a mode of work and rest;
- do not run the disease, timely treat any pathology;
- to refuse from bad habits;
- properly and fully eat.
With certainty it can be argued that adherence to a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of developing negative symptoms in menopause.
The climax without tides in its prediction is no different from the typical course of this physiological period. If timely use of substitution therapy, as well as follow recommended prevention measures, you can significantly alleviate the condition, reduce the degree of discomfort, improve well-being, and reduce the likelihood of developing adverse effects of menopause.