Circulatory disorders of the legs: causes and methods of treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Problems with blood circulation - problems with well-being
When blood circulation is disturbed in the legs, a person may have big problems with his state of health. Cramps may occur suddenly. For no reason at all, at any time of the day, convulsions can overtake a person.
There may be a decreased (most often) or significantly lower temperatures of the legs and hands at the same time (doctors call it "cold feet" or "cold hands"). On the legs as a result of poor blood circulation, sprouts from small veins, mesh of these veins may appear - this already indicates the initial stage of varicose veins. And the cause is poor circulation of the legs.
Why do you have trouble with the circulation of your legs? First of all, it is a sedentary lifestyle, when the blood stagnates in the veins and they become cold, they can quickly get tired, get sick. You are familiar with the situation when you are constantly freezing, but it is worthwhile for you to walk fast or run, and you want to immediately take off your clothes, because it's hot? No wonder: you broke up the blood flow and thus got rid of the cold feet and hands syndrome.
What to do?
Naturally, to engage in the gym or simply replace the seat in one place for walking and jogging. So you can activate the blood flow without any medications, and at the same time cope with excess weight.
Metabolic disorders
This is a serious cause of circulatory disorders. It's not so easy to deal with it. When a person has endocrine disorders, he may also have obesity or simply excess weight. And since the legs carry the biggest weight load from all parts of the body, they carry the weight of the body, the blood flow can slow down, the circulatory system can not withstand constant loads, and here are the health problems: leg edema, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other leg diseases.
What to do?
Examine the hormonal background and undergo hormone replacement therapy, if necessary. At this time for more effective treatment should be done by the feasible load, exercises for strengthening the feet and ankles.
Such exercises will strengthen the walls of the vessels, make the legs more durable, remove their load. The ideal means for lifting the weight from the legs (in particular, to strengthen the circulatory system) is swimming.
More about cold feet syndrome
It often happens that even in the heat of a person's cold feet and hands. Firstly, it is very unpleasant, especially when practicing love or a simple handshake. Secondly, it is worthwhile to be alert, because the cold feet and hands syndrome do not arise from scratch - this is a consequence of diseases that are imperceptibly flowing in the body. In particular, the shortcomings of the circulatory system and its poor performance.
Cold feet syndrome can manifest itself and as a hypersensibility of the limbs to the cold. Even with a slight cooling, a person suffers, because his toes and feet are very cold, and this causes great inconvenience. We need additional warming means that other people do not use: warm shoes, super-warm socks, constant hot tea or coffee, and there's no question of working in a cool room.
Causes of cold feet
When a person has insufficient elasticity of the walls of the veins, the wreaths are thin, the blood runs slowly over them, he can suffer from cold feet syndrome. As soon as the temperature of the environment decreases, the vessels contract, and the blood flow becomes slower. And blood is a very important substance in the human body: as soon as it slows down its circulation, the temperature of the whole body can rise so that a person can keep warm. That is, natural thermoregulators of the human body are included. Also it is necessary to overstrain legs or foots to overcool, here, please - cold.
The reason for cold feet is also in their structure
In a person with poorly developed muscles on the legs, the blood flow is much weaker than that of the one who strengthens the muscles. Therefore, the legs are colder.
Anatomically, the legs are so arranged that they lack enough fatty fiber under the skin - a depot designed to warm the body. But the skin of the feet occupies a large surface. Here are the feet and become cold. Poor blood flow can also be due to the natural thinness of the veins and the weakness of their walls.
Smoking, too, can contribute to poor blood supply, as it increases the fragility of the vessels, because of this, and peripheral arteries become narrower. And if you give the legs a high load or even deprive them of movement, the flow of blood to the legs and hands is reduced even more, to raise it in the body and thus maintain the thermal balance of the body.
There are also causes of cold feet - this oxygen starvation arteries due to colds: bronchitis, pneumonia. It can also be deformation and lesion of the arteries, as well as Raynaud's syndrome (compression of neural bundles).
If a person wears tight shoes, tight pantyhose or socks, it takes a long time to get cold, poor blood flow and cold feet syndrome are aggravated. In addition, hypothermia of the feet also leads to angina, cystitis, bronchitis, even pneumonia. For women, this is especially dangerous: they may suffer from impaired fertility (the ability to conceive and give birth to a child).
The first symptoms of poor circulation of the legs are not only coldness in the limbs, but also nodules on the legs and hands of red or dark red. They are called oznobyshami. These nodules strongly itch and can hurt.
Who to contact?
What is necessary for the general strengthening of the vessels of the legs?
If your relatives suffered from circulatory system disorders, you should take this into account and be cautious, take care of your own feet. And if you have signs of a violation of the circulation of the legs, such as swelling, vascular stacks, increased fatigue of the legs, pain in the feet, you should especially do preventive maintenance.
Means for legs - they need to be used to make the skin supple, and the walls of the vessels of the legs - stronger. It can be soothing balms, ointments, sprays against excessive sweating of feet, bactericidal powders, massage gels.
In pregnancy, the legs carry an increased load, and the woman may have blood flow in her legs. Then you need a bandage, tights with a compression effect, a special strengthening gymnastics for the feet, comfortable orthopedic shoes.
A busy schedule. If a person needs to walk a lot (couriers, postmen), run (military, athletes), stand on their feet (teacher, hairdresser), sit (office worker), after work, you need unloading. Otherwise, your legs will not last long and "thank you" for increased fatigue, diseases of joints and tendons, bones on the fingers. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor your posture while sitting (no "leg on your leg!"), Wear shoes with high heels no more than 4 hours without a break, do not wear tight pantyhose or socks. Shoes should not tighten the leg tight lacing, clasps or straps - it will slow the blood flow and promote swelling of the legs.
To be able to unload is to be able to alternate different types of activities: sitting, walking, standing, running. Then the legs will carry a reasonable load and will not be as tired as in a monotonous mode. Coming from work, every laziness perform a simple discharge exercise: lie on your back. Throw your legs up above the level of the heart and lie down for 10-15 minutes. The blood flow will be relieved, it will not be so intense.
With flat feet and a heavy load on the legs - massage helps very well. It can be done. If only the doctor does not advise you to refrain from the massage. You can do a general foot massage, self-massage, massage with hot stones for the shins and feet, massage with a medicinal broom in the bath, massage in the salon after the pedicure, and an elementary but very effective massage of each finger and calves. This will greatly improve blood circulation, make the feet and fingers more flexible, improve the elasticity of the joints of the legs.
Tips against poor circulation of the legs
These methods can be used in a complex, and you can - one at a time. But complex therapy, of course, is more effective.
Alcohol compress - helps improve the circulation of the legs. It can be done very simply. Wet socks with alcohol and put them on their feet. You can remove them when the alcohol evaporates and the socks dry. This simple method will improve blood circulation in the feet, protect them from the cold if the person is frozen.
Effective for the fight against poor circulation of the legs are magnetic insole. They are sold in pharmacies and have a good effect on the feet. Magnetic insole can be used for 4-5 hours a day or more, even you can sleep in them. Do it this way: before going to sleep in the socks lay magnetic insoles and sleep in them. And in the morning they take pictures. During the night, feet rest, blood circulation in them is restored.
Menu for good blood circulation
To blood circulation was active, the blood was not so thick and flowed more quickly through the vessels, you need to include special foods in the menu.
How to make the right menu for good circulation? First of all, you need to include in the diet products that stimulate blood circulation in the legs. This carrot, rice cereals and buckwheat, cooked in the form of cereals, apples, red fish, beets. This food will clean the vessels of cholesterol.
By the way, cholesterol plaques arise precisely because of fatty foods, which you need to intelligently dose, do not overeat. When the blood becomes too thick because of fatty foods, it can not move quickly enough along the vessels, deprive them of oxygen and nutrients, because their feet and freeze.
It is very good to periodically drink drinks with ginger in the composition. Half a teaspoon of ginger, one teaspoon of honey, black pepper on the tip of the knife - all this pour a glass of boiled hot water. This drink warms and stimulates blood flow in the legs. And it also helps you not get sick from hypothermia.
For blood, red and black pepper in the diet are also good, and also mustard and horseradish. They stimulate blood circulation, help fight cold leg syndrome, prevent excessive blood clotting.
Raw garlic, garlic in capsules or in the form of dry powder actively improves blood circulation.
Gingko biloba is an exotic plant that also helps well against delayed blood circulation. This drug is sold in pharmacies.
Infusion of hawthorn not only saturates the blood with vitamins, but also helps fight colds, strengthen immunity. A pure infusion of hawthorn can be taken 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening for 20 minutes before breakfast. To hawthorn, you can add a complex composition of cinnamon, ginger, this will further enrich the blood with useful substances and help strengthen the immune system.
Watermelon is very effective for improving blood quality. It contains lycopene, which helps to enrich the blood with useful substances. Lycopene also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, helps to activate blood circulation. So in the season of watermelons eat them more for health. In each small slice of watermelon - as much as 14 milligrams of lycopene.
Ginseng is a plant useful not only for potency. This ancient tool will help blood in the legs to move more actively. Ginseng, taken in a complex of vitamins or tinctures, will help the flow of blood move faster, ensure its inflow to the feet. At the same time, the general tone of the body is significantly increased - you become not much more vigorous.
Other remedies against "cold feet"
If a person has cold feet syndrome, and such that it is accompanied by shivering (nodules on the fingers), you can use ointment with calendula in the composition or ointment with red capsicum. Such ointments can be applied to the feet if their skin is not damaged.
Soaring feet is an effective tool for centuries to improve blood circulation. In addition, it is a good way to reduce high blood pressure. For this procedure to be even more effective, a tablespoon of dry mustard powder (very effective for colds), rosemary or oregano (these herbs are sold in pharmacies) can be added to hot water. In such a hot bath in another version, you can also add black ground pepper with pounded ginger. This remedy perfectly improves blood circulation, tones blood vessels, strengthens them.
Hot compresses are a good remedy to activate blood circulation in the legs before going out into the cold. Compress, moistened with hot water, you need to put on your feet. Hold for 3 minutes - attach ice. Then again - a hot compress for three minutes. Such a method excellently activates the blood flow. The second option is to alternate a hot and cold shower. This will improve blood circulation throughout the body, including in the legs.
Do not squeeze the blood vessels. This will lead to a violation of blood circulation. Do not get carried away by tightening sportswear, too tightening leggings, tights, stockings, socks. If you wear such clothes all the time, it can cause a risk of clogging the vessels, because they squeeze them and prevent normal blood flow.
Help your vessels purchase special socks. These are not simple socks, they are elastic. They can be worn when one has to sit for a long time in one place and when the blood flow gets a special load. This situation can arise during the flight. These socks are made of special elastic materials. They can be bought at a pharmacy. They help the blood not to stagnate, the ankles and feet get unloaded even while the person is sitting in one place. Reduce the risk of thrombosis and prevent blockage of blood vessels.
Correct posture when sitting. This is a necessary condition for the blood flow in the legs not to be disturbed. The feet should be on the floor, and not dangle over the floor. You can put one leg slightly forward, and another one should stand exactly. You can not sit more than 45 minutes in one place - you need to walk around and change the position of your feet.
The use of aroma oils improves blood flow very well. Arromaterials - a recognized tool not only to improve blood circulation, but also for a good mood. And if you apply massage with aromatic oils, it will help to activate blood circulation in the legs.
Here is a good recipe for aroma massage. Mix the black pepper ground and 3 drops of rosemary oil. Add olive oil there, also 3 drops, and massage the feet with this mixture. The only thing that you can not use such a massage with rosemary during pregnancy, especially in the first weeks. This can increase the risk of miscarriage.
Reflexology can help you cope with leg problems and bad blood flow. It is necessary for a specialist to massage the necessary points on the soles of the feet, the blood flow will improve significantly. This is also a good prevention of leg ailments.
More information of the treatment