Cholesterol of the gallbladder
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Cholesterol gallbladder - a violation of the gallbladder, associated with a bad metabolism of fats. This disorder provokes the accumulation of decay products in the walls of the bile.
Most often, this pathology occurs among middle-aged women suffering from atherosclerosis. Also, cholesterosis is considered the initial stage of cholelithiasis.
Pathology can be asymptomatic for years, but with stagnation of bile can occur painful sensations.
At the heart of treatment is proper nutrition, taking cholagogue preparations. As an auxiliary therapy can be used herbal therapy, therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures, reflexotherapy.
Causes of cholesterosis of the gallbladder
The exact cause of the development of cholesterosis is not known, but experts believe that the pathology develops because of a violation of the metabolism of fats, so any disease that leads to an imbalance in the processes of synthesis and decay of fats can lead to cholesterosis of the gallbladder.
Provoke the development of the disease can endocrine disorders, obesity of the liver, high cholesterol in the gallbladder lumen.
In recent studies, it has been established that the risk of developing cholesterosis increases when there is a violation of the bacterial flora of the intestine due to the intake of antibiotics, as well as in severe disorders in the functioning of the immune system.
Propensity to the development of pathology is observed in persons with abdominal obesity, when fat envelops internal organs.
Symptoms of cholesterosis of the gallbladder
Cholesterol of the gallbladder in a number of cases is asymptomatic and can be detected by accident on ultrasound of internal organs.
But sometimes with the development of the disease there is nausea after eating, especially greasy, aching pain on the right side, which is exacerbated by the use of smoked, fatty, fried or salty foods.
Some patients noted dry mouth, a feeling of bitterness, especially in the mornings.
There are also disorders of stool (diarrhea constipation and vice versa).
With a high cholesterol level in the bile, the symptoms of the disease can resemble biliary colic (severe pain, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth, sweating, weakness, dizziness).
Sometimes cholesterosis occurs simultaneously with inflammation of the bile, resulting in a sharp pain on the right side, diarrhea, nausea, fever, weakness.
Cholesterol of gallbladder walls is usually considered the initial stage of cholelithiasis. The pathological process in the bile is a supersaturation of the walls of the organ with cholesterol. Cholesterol gallbladder in most cases occurs without symptoms for a long time (sometimes a person does not suspect a violation for years).
With stagnant processes in the biliary, pain appears on the right side. To stop the development of the disease will help a constant diet, a healthy lifestyle and taking cholagogue preparations.
Polypoid cholesterosis of the gallbladder is characterized by the formation of polyps (fatty protrusions). Cholesterol polyps usually appear with an uncanceled form of the disease. The most effective method of diagnosing this form of cholesterosis is ultrasound, which clearly shows the change in the structure of the walls of the bile.
Focal cholesterosis of the gallbladder is characterized by the appearance of a reticulum on the mucosa, a particular section of the wall is affected, most often in the neck region.
In focal form, fibrosis of villi, inflammatory-sclerotic changes, dystrophic changes in foam cells is most pronounced.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnosis of cholesterosis of the gallbladder
Diagnosis is hampered by the lack of clear clinical manifestations of the disease. The main method of pathology detection is ultrasound.
With diffuse lesions, there is an uneven appearance on the walls of the bile and thickening, as well as a noticeable wall cholesterol formation. When focal, thickening and fat spots appear on individual parts of the wall of the bladder.
Cholesterol gallbladder leads to increased levels of lipids and plasma cholesterol in the blood, it is also possible to increase hepatic transaminases.
In addition to ultrasound, MRI of internal organs is used to detect cholesterosis.
What do need to examine?
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Treatment of gallbladder cholesterosis
Today for the treatment of cholesterosis use the tactic of waiting, based on the observation of the mucous organ (ultrasound every six months). The specialist analyzes the changes in the walls of the gallbladder, studies the nature of the neoplasms, and so on.
After this, the doctor determines the method of treatment - operative or conservative.
With conservative treatment, the main focus is on dietary nutrition with a large number of fibers and vegetable oils. Reception of choleretic preparations allows to adjust the motor-evacuation function, to improve the composition of bile.
Typically, for these purposes, appointed Liobil, Genohol, Holenzim.
Also prescribed drugs of bile acid (Henofalk, Ursofalk), which contribute to lowering the level of cholesterol in bile and preparations for lowering cholesterol in the blood.
The operation to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is prescribed for serious violations of the body, concomitant diseases (cholelithiasis), with multiple lesions of the bile.
Recently laparoscopy has been used to remove the affected organ - a more modern and less traumatic method of surgical intervention.
After surgery, the patient must follow strict diet throughout life.
Cholesterol gallbladder requires constant adherence to diet, it is advisable to eat fractions (small portions 5-6 times a day) to avoid stagnation of bile.
Before going to bed, it's better to give up dinner and drink some kefir or compote.
With stagnant processes in the gallstones and an increased risk of stone formation, it is recommended to drink a course of medicinal herbs that promote the excretion of bile (birch, immortelle, mint, tansy, ayr, dog rose, yarrow).
It is recommended 2-4 times a year to drink during a month mineral waters (Jermuk, Naftusya, Essentuki - 17, Essentuki - 4). Water before consumption is better to warm, drink half an hour before eating.
Diet with gallbladder cholesterosis
With cholesterosis, fatty meat, buttery pastries, alcoholic beverages, spicy seasonings, broths (meat, mushroom, fish), canned food, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, eggs (except protein omelettes), fatty milk, cottage cheese, sour cream are removed from the diet.
Great benefit and nutritional value in the disease is marine fish and seafood.
Recommended foods rich in lipotropic substances (contribute to fat burning) - cod, dairy products, soybeans, beef, chicken eggs.
Cholesterol of the gallbladder causes inflammation of the organ, so it is extremely important to eat foods that do not require a lot of bile to digest food.
When the disease is useful, salads from fresh vegetables, fruits, caviar from courgettes.
The main condition for a healthy diet with cholesterosis is a diet - eat at the same time in small portions 5-6 times a day, for dinner it is better to eat a light salad or to drink a glass of yogurt and yogurt. Food should be warm and preferably freshly prepared (preferably cooked or steamed).
Excretion of cholesterol occurs not only with bile, but also with calories, so it is recommended to add to the diet products that improve the work of the intestines (sea kale, porridge).
Prognosis and prevention
Cholestasis of the gallbladder in most cases has positive predictions. A prerequisite for successful treatment is timely diagnosis, the correct course of therapy and the observance of a healthy lifestyle. It is especially important to observe a special diet for this disease, which is considered the basis of conservative treatment.
As a preventive measure, a diet enriched with vegetable fibers, oils, polyunsaturated amino acids should be observed.
Cholesterol gallbladder is the consequence of severe disruption of fat metabolism in the body, which leads to the accumulation of cholesterol in the walls of the body. The disease can be asymptomatic for several years and eventually lead to cholelithiasis.