Causes of cervical erosion
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of erosion of the cervix are unfortunately not fully understood, however, in modern medicine it is considered that the main prerequisites for the development of this female disease are inflammatory processes of the genital organs, such as endocervicitis and vaginitis.
In addition, among the causes of erosion can be noted various sexual infections (in particular, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis or chlamydia), mechanical trauma of the mucous membrane of the cervix, as well as hormonal disorders in the female body, etc.
Erosion of the cervix to date is among the "top ten" of the most common diseases of the female sexual sphere: approximately every second woman in the world is facing this ailment.
What is a diagnosis called "erosion of the cervix"? This is a kind of "defects" (wounds) of small size that cover the mucous membrane of the cervix and can cause various complications in untimely treatment (infection of the urogenital system, infertility, abortion).
To identify erosion of the cervix, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist, since in most cases the disease is asymptomatic. A woman may not even suspect of its development. That is why it is so important to diagnose and start treatment of cervical erosion in a timely manner - the health of a woman depends on this!
Causes of erosion of the cervix
Causes of erosion of the cervix can be diverse. Of these, the following factors make sense:
- infection of the genitourinary system, especially viral etiology (in most cases - human papillomavirus, as well as ureaplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia);
- frequent syringings, leading to a violation of the vaginal microflora;
- hormonal disorders caused by estrogen deficiency;
- inflammatory processes in the cervix of chronic nature;
- unsuccessful implantation of the contraceptive spiral;
- dysbiosis of the vagina, resulting from frequent changes in sexual partners;
- mechanical trauma of the vaginal wall and mucous membrane of the cervix due to medical intervention during childbirth or abortion;
- sophisticated sexual contacts using "toys" that can damage the cervix.
Erosion of the cervix can occur not only in women who have an active sex life, but also in young girls who have not known sexual intimacy. The disease occurs in both women giving birth and pregnant women.
Causes of erosion of the cervix can be associated with immune imbalance in the female body, heavy and genera, overweight and obesity, and surgical intervention (for example, removal of polyps).
There are several types of cervical erosion:
- Congenital - occurs even in the process of intrauterine development of the fetus as a result of improper differentiation of the epithelium of the uterus. As a rule, this type of erosion does not pose a threat to women's health and disappears on their own.
- True - the most common form of erosion, which is the cause of gynecological diseases. The causes of its occurrence are associated with infectious agents that cause inflammation in the female organs (cervicitis or endocervicitis, adnexitis, colpitis, vulvitis), as well as sexually transmitted infections (herpes, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, etc.).
- Pseudo-erosion is a condition in which a normal multilayered epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical epithelium.
Often cervical erosions occur in diseases of the thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenals, immunodeficiencies of various genesis (persistent chronic exacerbations, influenza, HIV infection). During pregnancy, there is a violation of the process of hormone formation, which can also provoke the formation of erosion.
Erosion of the cervix - the cause of infertility
Causes of erosion of the cervix (infection, cervical injury, hormonal disorders and malfunctions in the body of a woman) can often provoke infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system due to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
Many women are worried about the question of whether erosion can cause infertility. In itself, no, but if it is caused by a factor that negatively affects a woman's fertility (for example, a sexual infection), then this factor can provoke the development of female infertility. Therefore, cervical erosion can be considered only as a symptom of a possible pathological condition that can lead to difficulties with conception of the child.
Therefore, the claim that erosion of the cervix is the cause of infertility is not entirely correct. This pathological condition forms ideal conditions for the active development of pathogenic microflora and, as a consequence, the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the small pelvis. Thus, disease-causing bacteria that can cause unpleasant diseases, in particular, inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, can multiply on the affected mucous cervix of the uterus. Because of these diseases, infertility often occurs. Erosion is a kind of open "gate" for penetrating the candidiasis, chlamydia, trichomonads and a number of other pathogens. They contribute to the development of chronic inflammation, because of which a woman can not become pregnant.
In addition, damaged tissues with erosion of the cervix become a kind of "barrier" on the way to natural fertilization. During pregnancy, erosion of the cervix can also cause a miscarriage.
Causes of congenital erosion of the cervix
The causes of erosion of the cervix of the congenital type are explained by the anatomical features of the structure of the female reproductive system. Usually in girls at the time of birth, the glandular (internal) epithelium of the cervix is outside and eventually moves inside. In the event that this does not happen, the inborn erosion of the cervix develops. In fact, such a process does not lead to any consequences and in the future does not interfere with the onset of pregnancy and the bearing of a child.
The causes of congenital erosion of the cervix are usually related to heredity, hormonal disorders or malformations. In fact, congenital erosion is not considered a pathology, as it develops naturally. However, there are cases when after birth as a result of infection or tissue damage, congenital erosion becomes a more complex pathology. In this case, inflammation caused by papillomavirus, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, or other pathogens may occur. In such cases, erosion should be treated.
For the treatment of congenital erosion of the cervix, complicated by an inflammatory process, the following methods are most commonly used:
- Medicamentous therapy (taking antibacterial drugs, antiseptic substances and wound healing agents).
- Electrocoagulation (moxibustion). It is recommended only for women giving birth, since this method of erosion treatment can cause scarring. Thus the cervix of the uterus loses its elasticity, which leads to the problems of its opening during childbirth.
- Chemical removal of erosion. It is used only for superficial lesions of tissue or condylomata.
- Cryotherapy (application of liquid nitrogen). A modern painless method that does not injure the cervix and is suitable for the treatment of surface-affected tissues.
- Laser therapy is the most sparing method of treating erosion, practically without contraindications.
- Radio wave surgery is an innovative method of treating erosion.
Psychological causes of cervical erosion
Causes of erosion of the cervix can have psychological (emotional, subconscious, deep) prerequisites. Such violations are the special medical industry - psychosomatics, which studies the development of disease states as a result of the influence of various psychoemotional factors.
The diseases of the female sexual sphere that arise against the background of psychosomatic nature include:
- infertility,
- disorders of the menstrual cycle,
- ovarian cysts,
- premenstrual syndrome,
- fibroids and uterine myomas,
- sexual dysfunctions (frigidity, anorgasmia, etc.)
- cervical erosion,
- problems with conception.
Psychological causes of erosion of the cervix are often associated with the state of non-acceptance of a woman - her appearance, any nuances in behavior. In such cases, the woman herself (consciously or subconsciously) suppresses femininity, she does not want or for some reason can not really feel loved, beautiful and desired. Various diseases of female genital organs, including erosion of the cervix, are the result of unsatisfactory relations between women and men, doubts about their attractiveness. Erosion of the cervix seems to symbolize a wounded woman's self-esteem, inability to realize herself as a lover, friend, mother. Often the appearance of problems with women's health provokes subconscious aggression on men. It can be a hidden resentment, deep disappointment, a feeling of hatred and anger, claims, contempt.
In the works of doctors V. Sinelnikov, O. Torsunov, S. Konovalov, questions about psychoemotional prerequisites for the development of female diseases are considered. Researchers believe that the condition of the uterus ("the temple of female creativity") reflects the woman's thoughts about self-actualization. To normalize the woman's health, she needs to forget the years of insults and insults inflicted by men. In addition, one should get rid of his own remorse and reconsider his attitude towards people and the world around him.
To treat cervical erosion, it is necessary to remove the traumatic psycho-emotional factor that contributed to the development of the disease. For example, the attitude to the opposite sex, past grievances, the question of frequent changes of partners, etc. In addition, to strengthen women's health, it is recommended to reduce stress levels, to revise lifestyle, diet, to abandon bad habits, to work on a positive emotional mood. It is also important to think about improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs. To this end, a woman should pay more attention to the physical condition and maintain a form through running, squats, gynecological massage.
It is very important for a woman to change her attitude towards erosion of the cervix. This is not a separate disease, but a symptom, an alarming "bell" that needs to be recognized and heard on time. One medical treatment is not enough, a woman should help herself in eliminating the psychological factors of the disease.
Causes of repeated erosion of the cervix
The causes of erosion of the cervix in recurrent manifestations are almost the same as in the case of the primary appearance of pathology:
- infectious and inflammatory processes,
- promiscuous sexual relationships,
- hormonal disorders,
- immune disorders.
In our time, cervical erosion is considered one of the most common pathological processes in gynecology. After the necessary therapy in the vast majority of cases, the disease recedes, but there are cases when it is repeated.
Causes of repeated erosion of the cervix can be associated with an initially incorrect definition of the true nature of the disease, as well as ineffective treatment or unfinished course of therapy. Quite often relapse of this disease is observed in its infectious nature - the development of gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia or trichomoniasis. Treatment of such infections must be carried out at once for both sex partners, moreover under the strict supervision of a bacteriologist. Unfortunately, in real life, simultaneous treatment of partners is extremely rare, so the risk of re-infection with a particular sexual infection increases.
Causes of erosion of the cervix can often be associated with the human papillomavirus HPV, because it is this agent that causes irritation and inflammation of the cervical mucosa. Erosion itself is not terrible, it is dangerous because it can become a predisposing factor to the development of cervical cancer (of course, if there are additional prerequisites).
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