Burn of the sky
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Unfortunately, burns are not uncommon in our lives, and most of us know how to provide first aid for trauma of this kind. However, there are specific types of thermal and chemical burns - for example, a burn of the sky, in which destruction and detachment of mucous tissues occur. Do I need to treat such damage and when should I see a doctor?
The difficulty of a sky burn is that the oral mucosa is very vulnerable, and it is often not even possible to determine the depth of tissue damage. However, the deeper the trauma, the longer and more difficult it will be to recover
Burn injuries are considered to be one of the most common injuries in the world practice. Not an exception and a burn of the sky. Chemical mucosal damage occurs in approximately 22% of all diagnosed burns, with more often damage caused by acid-containing substances, and more rarely - by alkalis. The most common causes of injuries are domestic.
Thermal burns of the sky mainly occur under the influence of boiling water. At the same time, more than half of the cases fall to the share of patients of childhood.
The burns of the sky are equally often received by both men and women.
Causes of the burn of the sky
A sky burn can occur for many reasons. The most common damage to the sky happens after drinking too hot tea, coffee, compote, etc., or food.
Especially often burns occur in a hurry, when a person tastes drinks or food, not being sure of their safety.
Burns can also be obtained when chemicals or compounds, such as alkalis, acids, salts, refined products, enter the oral cavity. Cases of sky burn with medicines containing aggressive components were recorded.
Less often, a sky burn is triggered by exposure to an electric current or directed radiation.
Risk factors
Representatives of the following professions are especially prone to sky burns:
- cooks, workers of the "hot shop";
- auto mechanics, car mechanics;
- fire fighters;
- inveterate smokers, as well as persons suffering from chronic alcoholism;
- children.
According to statistics, among a number of "risky" professions are also office workers, who are characterized by the use of hot coffee or food, as they say, "on the run."
Children can burn a mucus of the sky by accident, or simply without imagining what it can lead to. Parents should explain to small children why it is impossible to drink too hot compote or there is a hot porridge.
In rare cases, physiotherapeutic procedures may lead to a burn of the sky, which, in particular, are carried out for the treatment of angina, tonsillitis or laryngitis.
The burn of the sky can be isolated or combined with damage to the oral mucosa, tongue and pharynx. The degree of burn depth depends on the temperature of the damaging agent and the time of exposure.
The burn wound can be conditionally divided into affected areas:
- the center is a site with the maximum damage of tissues, vessels and cellular structures;
- periphery is a zone of minimal damage, which heals and recovers faster than the central one.
In the pathogenesis of a sky burn, inflammatory reaction to tissue traumatization is of great importance. The mucosal and submucosal tissues significantly increase vascular permeability: this occurs under the influence of histamine, serotonin, prostaglandins and oxygen radicals.
In the burn wound, proteins and other macromolecules of the serum rapidly penetrate. So the phase of inflammatory edema begins. In the wound, neutrophils, monocytes, platelets accumulate. Mediator systems that affect vascular wall permeability, cell migration and immune response are released.
Presumably, the intensification of metabolic processes after a burn is a consequence of the function of the mediator systems that are released from macrophages.
Symptoms of the burn of the sky
In order to get a sky burn, it is often enough to make just one sip of scalding tea or coffee. When a burn is received, immediately unpleasant symptoms appear:
- a burning sensation in the sky;
- soreness when touched;
- swelling of the palate;
- abrasion of the mucosa, the appearance of blisters;
- metallic taste in the mouth;
- The impossibility of further consumption of hot and even warm drinks (or food).
The mucous surface of the mouth and the palate is very sensitive and vulnerable. However, it can be easily treated and restored in a short period of time.
Burn the sky with hot tea
Burn the sky with hot tea you can get by making just a sip of the freshly prepared drink. Usually the second sip is no longer possible, as the sensation of burning and pain becomes simply unbearable.
When the sky is burned with steep boiling water, instead of mild inflammation, reddening of the mucous membrane, swelling, appearance of erosions and ulcers of different sizes may occur.
Often a hot tea burn occurs if you just drink a brewed drink in a cold room or outside in the cold. The desire to warm up quickly prevails over caution, and most people ignore the danger of swallowing an unheated liquid.
Burn the sky with hot food
Burning of the sky with hot food can occur under any circumstances, but most often such a result leads to the listed cases:
- food intake with a strong sense of hunger, when a person can not or does not want to wait for the cooling of food;
- the use of the prepared dish directly from the frying pan (pans, etc.);
- casual reception of hot food (by ignorance or negligence).
The burn of the sky occurs at the point of contact of a piece of hot product with the mucous membrane. The depth of damage depends on the temperature of the dish. And, if the product is fried in hot oil, then the degree of burn can be more pronounced than after swallowing the product, which was cooked in water.
Chemical burn of the sky
Chemical burn of the sky can be obtained as a result of exposure to chemicals - acids, alkaline solutions, as well as medicines (eg formalin, silver nitrate, phenol).
Chemical damage to the sky is accompanied by redness and swelling of the mucosa. If the damaging substance is on the surface of the sky for a long time, then deeper tissues can be affected, which can provoke necrosis.
Burn the sky with a tube of quartz
Tubus quartz is a quartz lamp, which is often used for intracavitary irradiation to alleviate the condition of patients with inflammatory processes in the throat or nasopharynx.
Unfortunately, a burn of the sky, oral mucosa or larynx after the procedure a quartz tube is not uncommon. This procedure is usually strictly time-limited. If the exposure time is slightly "overexposed", then a burn can be obtained.
To suspect a burn lesion of the mucosa is possible on the following grounds:
- the surface of the sky becomes red, irritated;
- blisters or vesicles with liquid transparent contents appear.
This condition is accompanied by pain and discomfort in the affected area.
First signs
As a rule, when a person burns the sky, a person immediately understands that he burned himself:
- there is a sharp pain or burning sensation from contact with the irritant;
- mucous sharply and rapidly swells;
- repeated exposure to a hot drink or product causes pain and extremely unpleasant sensations - to the extent that it is no longer possible to use hot dishes or tea.
If, during thermal damage to the mucous discomfort, it can pass almost immediately after the contact of the sky with the hot product has ceased, then for a chemical burn the pain may persist for some time.
Where does it hurt?
It is unlikely to determine the stage of the burn independently. Usually, the stage is prescribed by the doctor when diagnosing, based on the depth of tissue damage.
- The first stage is characterized by damage to the superficial mucosa and the presence of edema. The patient feels short-term pain, which quickly passes. The burn of the sky is shallow and heals independently for 2-3 days.
- The second stage is damage to the tissues of the mucous and submucosal layer. In addition to redness and swelling, the stage is characterized by the appearance of vesicles with liquid contents. The burn of the second stage is more painful and heals a little longer: on average 10-14 days.
- The third stage of the sky burn is quite rare and represents the development of wet tissue necrosis. The healing is sluggish, long, with the possible attachment of purulent infection and coarse scarring.
- Thermal burn of the sky can be obtained due to the damaging effect of hot liquids, products or steam (eg, inhalation).
- A chemical burn of the sky can be caused by chemical reagents, medicines, concentrates.
- Electrical burn of the sky is a rare type of burn associated with the damaging directional action of an electric current.
- Radiation burn of the sky is the result of irradiation and most often occurs during physiotherapy sessions.
Complications and consequences
The first stage of a sky burn usually heals on its own and does not entail the appearance of adverse effects and conditions.
The second stage usually heals longer. After about several days, the exfoliated particles of the epidermis can be rejected, after which the complete healing of the damaged area occurs.
The third stage is considered the most unfavorable in terms of complications. Often, a third-stage sky burn is accompanied by the following consequences:
- general intoxication of the body;
- tissue necrosis;
- bleeding;
- the formation of ulcers;
- joining the purulent infectious process.
The third stage of the sky burn requires mandatory medication, as an independent cure for such damage is almost impossible.
Diagnostics of the burn of the sky
To diagnose a burn of the sky, it is usually sufficient to visually examine the oral cavity of the victim, as well as a further detailed survey on what happened.
Blood and urine tests are performed to exclude the initial stage of intoxication, which is often the case with extensive and deep burns.
Instrumental diagnostics with a sky burn is not very informative, however, some diagnostic procedures can still be applied. For example, with a chemical burn of the sky, a doctor can prescribe contrast radiography, gastroscopy and esophagoscopy to prevent the chemical agent from entering the digestive system.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is performed with various types of burns. For example, if the victim does not know what kind of liquid caused the sky burn, the doctor conducts differentiation of injuries with acids, alkalis and alcohols.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the burn of the sky
The general treatment for a sky burn is to carry out such activities:
- treatment of the palatine surface with analgesics and bactericidal preparations;
- sanitation of the oral cavity with removal of crusts and damaged exfoliated tissues;
- rinsing and periodic treatment of the wound;
- use of systemic drugs to prevent intoxication.
All of the above actions are applicable only to deep damage to the mucous palate. As we said above, light burns of the sky usually heal independently.
If the sky is burned with acid, you can rinse the oral cavity with a soap solution or a solution of soda.
When burned with alkaline solutions, the mouth is rinsed with diluted lemon juice or weak vinegar.
When burned with alcohols, the mouth is abundantly washed with clean water or an isotonic sodium chloride solution.
Medications that can be used to treat a sky burn:
Mode of application |
Side effects |
Special instructions |
Spray Chlorophyllipt |
Spray is used in the amount of 2 clicks up to 4 times a day for 3-4 days. Further treatment can continue, irrigating the affected area twice a day. The total duration of treatment with the drug is 10 days. |
Occasionally, allergies may occur. |
The possibility of using a spray for treating a child's sky burn in children has not been studied. |
Miramistine |
Rinse the solution with Miramistin, up to 6 times a day. |
Rarely, there may be a brief burning sensation, which is eliminated for 30 seconds. |
The possibility of using Miramistine in pediatrics and during pregnancy is discussed with the doctor. |
Methyluracil |
When the sky is burned, Methyluracil is used in the form of an aerosol, covering the damaged portion of the mucosa with a foamy mass for 10-15 minutes 3-5 times a day. Duration of the drug - up to 2 weeks. |
Occasionally there is an allergy to the drug. |
The drug is well perceived by all categories of patients. |
Lidocaine 10% |
Used for anesthesia as needed (applied to the affected area). The duration of action of the solution or spray is up to 7-8 hours. |
Possible dizziness, a sense of weakness, indigestion, lowering blood pressure. |
In children's practice, lidocaine is used in the form of a gel (Kamistad, Kalgel, Dentinoks). |
Hepilor |
It is used for rinsing the mouth. The drug is dissolved in warm water (10 ml of Hepilor per 50 ml of water, or 2 tsp to a quarter of a glass of water). Spend 2-4 rinses a day for 5 days. |
Hepilor may cause allergies. |
Hepilor is not used to treat a sky burn in children under 6 years of age. |
Vitamins, which contribute to the early recovery of burn damaged sky tissues:
Vitamin A |
Retinol - is used to accelerate the modulation of the processes of differentiation of the cellular structures of the epithelium, the processes of keratinization, the restoration of mucous tissues and skin. As an auxiliary treatment for a sky burn, take 2-3 drops of retinol (from 6600 to 9900 IU) 2-3 times a day. |
Vitamin E |
Tocopherol - is used as an antioxidant and a drug that stimulates the processes of cellular metabolism. The recommended dose of tocopherol is 0.1-0.2 g twice daily for one month. |
Vitamin C |
Acid ascorbic - is necessary for the renewal of connective tissue, intercellular fluid and collagen fibers. The drug is taken in an amount of 500 mg per day. Duration of admission is 1-2 weeks. |
Physiotherapeutic treatment may consist of the following procedures:
- irradiation with ultraviolet is carried out, starting with one bio-dose, every other day, up to 2-3 bio-doses. Before the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with a soda solution.
- UHF-therapy is the effect on tissues of a high-frequency electromagnetic field at a certain frequency of electromagnetic oscillations.
The choice of physiotherapy is performed by the doctor, given the depth of damage to the palatine tissues.
Alternative treatment
Of course, with severe burns of the mucous palate, alternative treatment will not replace the traditional one. However, for light injuries, some alternative recipes may be useful. Next we will consider only the most common methods of treating a sky burn at home.
- The tremendous effect of healing is observed when chewing the leaves of aloe, or colanchoe. Of course, these plants are not particularly pleasant to the taste: however, the result will surpass all your expectations. Some patients, to improve the taste, mix shredded leaves or aloe juice and a spoonful of honey. This combination has a more pleasant taste, but it can be used only if there is no allergy to bee products.
- With the bleeding surface of the sky, you can chew washed leaves of plantain, which has long been famous for its healing and antibacterial properties. If there is no plantain, you can use the leaves of the nettle.
- It is useful to lubricate the surface of the burn with oil from sea buckthorn berries. If such a product is not at hand, then it can be replaced with St. John's wort oil.
- Many experts advise with a small burn of the sky to drink cool sour milk drinks - kefir, yogurt without additives, low-fat sour cream. Sour-milk products will help to quickly locate the inflammatory process and stimulate the restoration of damaged mucous membranes.
Herbal Treatment
- In alternative medicine, with a scorch of the sky, it is advised to use a leaf of willow-tea (it is also a chameidon plant). Ivan tea cleans inflammation and pain, including in the presence of ulcers on the burn surface. The leaves are used to prepare a decoction followed by rinsing the oral cavity. The broth is prepared from the calculation of 15 g of the plant for 200 ml of water.
- Medicinal chamomile is used for rinses. To prepare the infusion, you should take 20 g of inflorescences and brew 200 ml of boiling water.
- When a sky burns, it is useful to use violet grass. Prepare an infusion of 20 g of grass and a glass of boiling water and use for rinsing.
- You can buy a tincture of marigold in the pharmacy and dilute it with water in the amount of 1 tsp. Tincture for 100 ml of water. The resulting solution is suitable for rinses, which are carried out several times per day.
- The famous tanning agent - the bark of oak - has been used for many centuries with various burns, including in the case of a sky burn. Especially useful decoction from the bark of oak will become with a bleeding burn surface. Oak bark in the amount of 40 g is boiled in 400 ml of boiling water for about 20 minutes, after which it is insisted for 1 hour. Use a decoction for rinsing, 3 to 5 times a day.
Small burns of the sky can be successfully cured by homeopathic remedies. What drugs are used for this?
- Urtica Urens - take every 15 minutes. Up to six times, if desired, supplementing by rinsing with the same name tincture. To prepare the solution, 20 drops of the original Urtika urens tincture are used per 100 ml of cool boiled water.
- Kantaris-30 - when liquid bubbles appear on the burn site, apply every 15 minutes up to 6 times.
- Calendula - used for burns of the sky with opened bubbles, as it prevents bacteria from entering the wound. The drug is given in the form of Calendula-6 three times a day for three days.
- Causticum - apply with severe pain in places affected by a burn. The agent is administered in the form of Causticum-30 three times a day for three days.
Operative treatment
Surgical intervention can be prescribed only with deep burns, which are extremely rare in the case of trauma to the sky. As a rule, the victim spits out or swallows the damaging agent before the destructive processes begin in the tissues.
With severe and deep tissue damage, the operation allows:
- shortening the healing period;
- reduce the number of complications;
- reduce the number of post-burn contractures.
The essence of the operation is usually to excise the dead necrotic tissue and close the wound surface (skin grafting).
It is very important to pay attention to preventive measures in order to prevent and prevent possible thermal or other scalding of the sky, as in the overwhelming majority of cases such traumas are the result of a banal negligence.
A special approach requires the prevention of children's burns, since such injuries are often the negligence and negligence of adults.
- It is necessary to hide chemicals and medicines from children, regardless of their age and skills.
- Children should explain the danger of boiling water, hot objects, hot food, etc.
- Before trying a freshly prepared dish or drink, you need to make sure that it's safe in terms of the likelihood of a burn.
Burns of the first and second stage of the sky almost always end favorably: the damaged area heals independently, without any intervention.
A more complicated sky burn requires timely treatment, as often the prediction of injury depends on it. If you delay with treatment, then the negative consequences of damage can develop, up to the state of severe intoxication and sepsis.