

Serological tests

Antibodies to cytomegalovirus class IgM and IgG in the blood

Antibodies to the cytomegalovirus class IgM appear within 1-2 weeks after the onset of the disease and indicate a fresh infection or reactivation of a latent and persistent infection. Antibodies to the cytomegalovirus class IgG appear 2-4 weeks after infection, the sick continue to 10 years.

Infectious mononucleosis: antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus in the blood

Epstein-Barr virus is a virus from the herpes group, has a tropism for B-lymphocytes, persistently persists in the host cells as a latent infection. It is widely distributed throughout the world.

Varicella: IgM antibodies to the varicella zoster virus in the blood

When using the RSK, antibodies to the varicella-zoster virus in the serum are detected on the 7th-10th day after the appearance of the rash, their amount reaches a peak by the 2-3rd week. In favor of an acute infection, a 4-fold increase in antibody titer (a sensitivity of 50%) is indicated.

Analysis for herpes

To determine antibodies of class IgM and IgG to the herpes simplex virus-1 and 2, the ELISA method is used. The optimal examination includes the determination of antibodies of different classes separately to herpes simplex virus-1 and 2.

Analysis for hepatitis G: IgG antibodies to HGV in the blood

Viral hepatitis G is an infectious disease with the parenteral mechanism of infection (mainly with blood transfusions). The virus of hepatitis G (HGV) is classified as the Flaviviridae family.

Hepatitis E test: IgG and IgM antibodies to HEV in the blood

For specific diagnostics of viral hepatitis E, the ELISA method based on the detection of IgM antibodies (anti-HEV IgM), which appears in the blood 3-4 weeks after infection (10-12th day from the onset of clinical manifestations of the disease) is used. Detection of anti-HEV IgM in the blood serves as a laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis.

Analysis for hepatitis D: antibodies IgM to HDV in the blood

Viral hepatitis D is a viral infection due to the biological characteristics of the virus (HDV), which proceeds solely as co-or superinfection with viral hepatitis B, characterized by severe course, often with an unfavorable outcome.

Hepatitis C Test: Serum HCV Antibodies

The HCV genome is a single-stranded positively charged RNA that encodes 3 structural (nucleocapsid core protein and E1-E2 envelope nucleoproteins) and 5 structural (NS1, NS2, NS3, NS4, NS5) proteins. To each of these proteins are synthesized AT, found in the blood of patients with viral hepatitis C.

Hepatitis B test: HBSAg in the blood

Detection of the surface antigen (HBsAg) of hepatitis B virus in the serum confirms acute or chronic infection with HBV virus.

Hepatitis A test: serum IgM antibodies to HAV

Reliable confirmation of the diagnosis of viral hepatitis A is performed by serological methods - detection of an increase in the level of specific antibodies (anti-HAV) belonging to IgM (anti-HAV IgM).


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