

Hematologic examinations

Vitamin B12 in the blood

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is necessary for the normal maturation of red blood cells. It performs the function of coenzyme in the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and methionine from homocysteine. Methionine is necessary for the conversion of folic acid into folinic, which provides the normoblastic type of hematopoiesis.

Vitamin A in the blood

Vitamin A refers to fat-soluble and exists in two forms - actually vitamin A, or retinol (found only in animal products), and provitamin A, known as carotene (derived from animal and vegetable products) that can be converted into retinol in the walls the digestive tract.

Superoxide dismutase in the blood

Superoxide dismutase in the blood is the study of the enzyme responsible for the antioxidant function. Superoxide dismutase is referred to as SOD. This important enzyme activates the transformation of superoxide anions (the ion of an oxygen molecule in conjunction with an unpaired electron) into oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, which are not so dangerous to the body.

Glutathione Peroxidase

Glutathione peroxidase is one of the most important elements of the body's antioxidant system. It turns hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxides into harmless molecules before they form free radicals. It is a selenium-dependent enzyme. Changes

General antioxidant activity

If one or several links of the antioxidant system are deficient, tissues lose protection from the action of free radicals, which leads to damage to tissues and organs and the development of the disease.

Malondialdehyde in the blood

Malonic dialdehyde in the blood is an unfavorable sign, since it indicates that active lipid peroxidation occurs. Normally, the serum dialdehyde malonovogo should be no more than 1 micromol / l.

Markers of malnutrition

Disturbance of nutrition - a condition caused by a change in food intake or a violation of its utilization by the body, which leads to disruption of functions at the subcellular, cellular and organ levels.


Myelogram - the percentage of cell elements in smears prepared from the points of the red bone marrow. The bone marrow contains two groups of cells: cells of the reticular stroma (fibroblasts, osteoblasts, fat and endothelial cells), which constitute an absolute minority in number, and cells of the hematopoietic tissue (parenchyma).

Malaria assay (Plasmodium malaria in the blood)

Plasmodium in the blood smear in healthy people is absent. Malarial plasmodia alternately parasitize in two hosts: in the body of a female mosquito of the genus Anopheles, where sexual reproduction occurs, sporogony, and in the human body where asexual reproduction occurs, schizogony

Duration of bleeding (according to Duke)

The duration of bleeding (according to Duke) is a specific technique for assessing the state of the circulatory system, more precisely - the vessels. Normally, according to this method, the period from the beginning to the stop of blood loss should be no more than three minutes.


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