Allergy to hyaluronic acid
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Allergy to hyaluronic acid can arise for a number of reasons.
But before moving on to consider this issue, it is worthwhile to figure out what the "substance" is. Thus, hyaluronic acid belongs to the number of polysaccharides, it is part of the connective, nervous, and epithelial tissues. It is considered an important structural element of the skin. With age, the balance of water in cells is significantly impaired. As a result, aging occurs, and small wrinkles appear. One of the reasons for such unpleasant phenomena is the lack of hyaluronic acid. But, despite the fact that this substance is important for the skin, it can cause harm.
A person may have an ordinary intolerance to this "drug". In this case, itching, redness and swelling are not excluded.
But this is quite normal. Because for the body the increase in the lips is the "introduction" of a foreign body. It is important to monitor the course of "recovery", because you can easily enter the infection. And in a rather complicated form. So the wounds from the injections should be treated with antiseptics.
In order to avoid any problems in the future, a number of tests are performed before any procedure with hyaluronic acid. If it is a question of enlarging the lips, then we should drink a course of antibiotics against herpes. Because he is able to activate under the influence of this substance.
The main cause of allergy can be only an individual intolerance to this acid. Therefore, before any procedure, it is necessary to take tests. Allergy to hyaluronic acid is a rare phenomenon, but all the same, you should not take risks.
Symptoms of allergy to hyaluronic acid
The main symptoms of allergy to hyaluronic acid can easily be confused with after a "procedural" period. So, how does this allergy manifest itself?
First of all, an unpleasant itch appears. But in no case can not scratch the "hit" place. Redness is also not ruled out, but it often occurs after the procedure. Moreover, in some places the skin is able to change color, this is quite normal phenomenon.
It is worth paying attention to the swelling, if it does not pass for 3-7 days, then most likely it's allergies. Also, puffiness appears exclusively in the morning hours, this also needs to be monitored. All other "troubles" may well indicate an allergy. Especially if a woman has herpes, after the procedure on the lips.
In any case, you need to go for help to a specialist. Because the consequences can be very serious.
Diagnosis of allergy to hyaluronic acid is quite simple. There are several basic methods. So, the first of them is skin tests. Examination is performed by the method of pricking or scratching. A drop of hyaluronic acid is applied to the "damaged" spot. If the skin does not change and nothing happens at all, then everything is fine. The skin color changed, there was an itch and a burning sensation? This indicates the presence of allergies.
- Study lg E specific antibodies. As a result, it is easy to establish whether there is an allergic reaction or not. The method is the most sensitive. The procedure is similar to the above. However, for the analysis it is necessary to donate blood from the vein.
- Provocative tests. The study of specific antibodies and skin tests indicate those allergens that are potentially dangerous to humans.
- Elimination allergens. It is only necessary to remove the allergen to understand whether it causes any reaction in the body or not. Because the allergy to hyaluronic acid is a serious problem.
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Treatment of allergy to hyaluronic acid
It is necessary to pay attention to the treatment of allergy to hyaluronic acid, because this can be useful in the future. Especially those girls who want to put in order problem zones with the help of certain procedures.
When the first signs are manifested, it is immediately necessary to abandon hyaluronic acid. For some time, you will have to take medications that your doctor will appoint. They will be aimed at suppressing the adverse effect of acid on the body. Mostly these are antihistamines. Among them are Tavegil, Dimedrol, Claritin, Telfast and others.
It is not necessary to start taking drugs on your own. Because this can aggravate the situation. The main task of a person is not only to exclude the ingestion of an allergen, but also to send it to the body. In addition, all efforts should be made to eliminate symptoms and their complications.
Prevention of allergy to hyaluronic acid implies avoiding situations that can cause an allergic reaction. In this case, we are talking about various procedures for changing "problematic" zones. Simply put, adjusting the lips and getting rid of wrinkles.
You should look for good substitutes for this acid. It is advisable to conduct a test for the presence of allergies. In no case can one resort to procedures to increase the lips, if a person does not know if he is allergic to hyaluronic acid. This applies to any procedures associated with the introduction of this "substance" under the skin. Because the consequences can be serious.
Prevention is not only to avoid the most allergen, but complete fencing from it. In any case, you can not use acid without making sure that the body responds positively to such an "invasion." In general, an allergy to hyaluronic acid can lead to serious problems, so you should not ignore it.
The prognosis of allergy to hyaluronic acid is very positive. If you start a timely treatment and try to "accustom" the body to this substance, then there should not be problems.
It is important to start the same treatment on time. Before this, several tests should be carried out, which should fully confirm the presence of allergies. Only then you can prescribe a treatment and try to get rid of an allergic reaction.
The organism of each person is individual. Therefore, to carry out the procedure of treatment is necessary on the basis of some features. If you notice the presence of allergy in time, severe consequences can be avoided.
True, not every organism can cope with this problem. This suggests that it is possible that hyaluronic acid will have to be replaced with another substance. To date, such "manipulation" is completely permissible. Especially if it concerns the procedure of lip augmentation. Allergy to hyaluronic acid is a serious problem that requires immediate resolution.