Yellow discharge and itching in women
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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The vagina of a woman is covered with multilayered squamous epithelium, which with the help of constantly secreted secretion is kept moist, which protects it from the penetration of pathogens. Vaginal discharge has a white color, neutral odor. In a normal state, its acidic environment protects against the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, present in small amounts in its microflora, do not allow their penetration into the deep layers of the walls. A change in the color of discharge, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, itching indicates disorders in the sexual sphere.
Causes of the yellow discharge and itching
The appearance of yellow heavy discharge - a signal to consult a doctor, as these are signs of inflammatory-infectious process or venereal disease. Specifically, the causes may lie in infections:
Such manifestations are accompanied by colpitis (inflammation of the external genitalia), [4] adnexitis (inflammatory process of the appendages), [5] allergies, bacterial vaginitis, cervical erosion. [6]
Risk factors
Contribute to the development of vaginal pathologies indiscriminate sexual relations, unprotected sex, decreased immunity (local hypothermia plays an important role in this), avitaminosis, trauma to the vaginal walls, taking antibiotics, hormonal changes, improper intimate hygiene. Even diseases of the gastrointestinal tract leading to dysbacteriosis, pregnancy, diabetes mellitus are a risk factor.
When the protective functions of the vaginal mucosa decrease, the number of lactic acid bacteria (Doderlein's bacilli) decreases, and leukocytes and pathogenic microbes appear in their contents. Gradually, the vaginal environment becomes alkaline, favorable for further multiplication of microorganisms.
What symptoms should alert and serve as a signal of sexual dysfunction? The first signs may include the following:
- yellow discharge without odor and itching - may not yet indicate the disease, if it appeared after menstruation, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The absence of odor and itching gives time to observe your condition and not to worry;
- yellow discharge, itching and burning - the use of poor-quality tampons, condoms, personal hygiene products can cause allergy to them, manifested by these symptoms;
- yellow-green discharge and itching - frequent companions of sexual infections and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries, the presence of leukocytes stains purulent discharge green;
- white-yellow discharge and itching - such a color could be normal in the middle of the menstrual cycle, if not itching. The presence of an unpleasant odor is a sure sign of infection;
- abundant yellow discharge and itching are characteristic of bacterial vaginitis, and during sexual intercourse there is also pain and burning; [7]
- yellow curdy discharge and itching in women - acute course of salpingitis, oophoritis, adnexitis can give such a character of vaginal discharge. Another reason - vaginal candidiasis, accompanied by white flakes, which have the property of yellowing on the underwear; [8]
- yellow liquid discharge and itching - the presence of viruses is manifested by a liquid watery secretion, but the attachment of bacteria colors it yellow;
- yellow discharge, itching, burning and redness - swelling of the vulva, burning in the perineum, genital area, painful sensations during urination against the background of yellow discharge indicates venereal disease;
- itching and yellow discharge in pregnancy - in the early stages of pregnancy, this may be evidence of an allergy to daily hygiene products (intimate gel, daily pads). Yellow discharge without pain and itching, which does not cause other unpleasant sensations, is quite acceptable, because it is due to changes in the composition of hormones.
Diagnostics of the yellow discharge and itching
Change in the color of vaginal secretion - a signal to consult a gynecologist, who in addition to clarifying the anamnesis will examine on the gynecological chair with a mirror vagina and cervix, make bimanual examination, take a smear, conduct culture, cytological cultures, determine the pH of the vaginal environment.
Other tests (Gram staining, Romanowsky-Giemsa, amine test), as well as urine and blood tests may be required. Of the instrumental methods, ultrasound is most often required.
Differential diagnosis
There are many diseases of the genitourinary sphere, manifested by yellow vaginal discharge. The differentiation is made between allergies, inflammatory diseases of the genitals and sexually transmitted infections:
- with gonorrhea;
- herpes-virus infection;
- with bacterial vaginosis;
- candida vulvovaginitis;
- mycosplasmosis;
- with syphilis;
- trachymoniasis;
- chlamydia.
Treatment of the yellow discharge and itching
In the treatment of diseases of the genital sphere are used pharmaceutical drugs of anti-aerobic action, eubiotics, normalizing the microflora of the vaginal environment, immunostimulants, antiseptics and disinfectants. Used as a general therapy, and local - vaginal ointments, creams, tablets, suppositories, if necessary, sanitation of the vagina and external genitalia (sprinzation). In parallel, treatment of concomitant diseases is carried out, because often inflammatory-infectious pathologies of the genital organs occur against the background of gastritis, ulcers, hormonal restructuring, weakened immunity due to colds, acute respiratory viral infections.
Depending on the pathogen determined by laboratory tests, antibiotics are prescribed. For example, in mycoplasmosis it may be ofloxacin.
Ofloxacin - belongs to fluoroquinolones. Uncomplicated gonorrhea requires a one-time 400mg, more severe cases - twice a day for 2 tablets, the duration of the course is determined by a doctor. Antibiotic is contraindicated in allergies to its components, epilepsy, after head injuries, inflammation of the brain, strokes. It is not prescribed for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.
Ofloxacin can cause urticaria, fever, tachycardia, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances, nausea, abdominal and epigastric pain, cramps, visual disturbances, malaise, and fatigue.
Lomexin - effective in the treatment of candidiasis, vulvovaginitis, colpitis, mixed vaginal infections. Soft capsules of broad-spectrum antifungal action. They are inserted deep into the vagina at night in the supine position, a slight burning sensation may be felt. Reapplication should be done after 3 days if symptoms have not gone away. If an allergic reaction occurs, it should be discontinued. Do not use during pregnancy and lactation, children.
Side effects are unlikely, except as mentioned.
Fluomizin - actively fights vulvitis, fungal infections, gardnerella. Vaginal tablets, introduced at night deep inside the vagina lying on the back and bent legs for 6 days. They can be used to treat pregnant and breastfeeding women, but are not prescribed for children. May cause vaginal dryness, burning, swelling, itching. Contraindicated in ulcers of the vaginal epithelium, hypersensitivity to the components of the means.
Gynoflor - restores vaginal microflora after drug treatment, eliminates vaginal dysbacteriosis. For treatment is administered before bedtime one tablet a day (6-12 days), for prevention - 1 pc. 1-2 times a week.
The drug has contraindications for cancer patients, with endometriosis, vaginal bleeding of unknown nature, sensitivity to the active or auxiliary substances, girls who have not reached puberty.
Side effects are rare and are expressed as local burning, hot sensation, swelling, itching.
Dalacin - suppositories, ointment - antibiotic. Daily norm 100g course of 3 days. It is not used in pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects are possible in the form of urticaria, rash.
Vitamins such as A, C, E, D, B vitamins, especially vitamin B6, play an important role for the health of the female reproductive sphere, as it regulates the level of hormones and normalizes metabolism. Women should make sure that they are present in food, and also take them additionally, preferably as part of vitamin and mineral complexes.
Physiotherapy treatment
In gynecological diseases that provoke yellow discharge, can be used UHF, for example in colpitis, UV irradiation of the vulva, electrolyte cauterization (vaginitis), electrophoresis, darsonvalization. Physiotherapeutic treatment is not carried out in malignant neoplasms, systemic blood diseases, hypertension III degree, fever.
Folk treatment
Many women resort to folk methods of treatment of discharge. It consists mainly in the use of herbs that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action. For this purpose, mistletoe (a tablespoon per glass of boiling water), oak bark (tincture), decoction of St. John's wort herb is suitable. With their help, as well as a solution of baking soda, manganzovka carry out ablutions and spritzing. You can put tampons soaked in decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus leaves).
Homeopathic treatment of diagnoses with vaginal discharge consists in the use of suppositories prepared from the essences of various plants with therapeutic effect. The principle of their production consists in soaking the raw materials in 95% alcohol in the proportion of 1:2 for 24 hours, adding olive oil boiled for 6-8 hours on a water bath (the same volume) and combining the ingredients with the base (beeswax, cocoa butter, lanolin). A candle is obtained by pouring into molds.
Complications and consequences
Vaginal infections adversely affect the health of women, lead to chronic inflammatory processes of the female genital organs, infertility, neoplasms, including malignant, complicate the course of pregnancy, negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus and even lead to its death.
The list of preventive measures includes taking care of the cleanliness of your body, using quality hygiene products, condoms, natural underwear. The key to sexual health is a constant partner. Particular care should be taken in baths, saunas, so as not to catch an infection, do not overcool. It is also important to start treatment of pathologies in time.
Organization of a healthy lifestyle, nutritious diet helps to increase the body's defenses, counteract inflammatory and infectious diseases.
The prognosis of vaginal diseases of the genital organs in most cases is favorable, if therapy is started in time.