Odorous and itchy discharge in women
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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In the anatomy of the female genital organs, everything is arranged in such a way that secretory glands secrete mucus, which maintains a healthy microflora and ensures their cleanliness. Vaginal discharge is a normal process, as long as they are transparent without a pronounced unpleasant odor. A change in color, odor and itching is a sure marker that something is wrong with your health and it's time to see a gynecologist or venereologist.
Causes of the odorous discharge and itching
There are various reasons for the violation of beneficial microflora of the genitals, from a banal violation of intimate hygiene to serious diseases. The main reasons for the appearance of uncomfortable condition of the intimate zone may be in:
- changes in hormonal background - affects the increased multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, which causes inflammatory disease;
- reduced immunity - promotes the active growth of microorganisms, fungi;
- pathologies of the reproductive sphere - venereal diseases, vaginitis, candidiasis;
- vaginal, endometrial, cervical cancer.
Risk factors
Frequent change of sexual partners and unprotected sex contribute to the development of gynecological and sexually transmitted diseases. Other risk factors include:
- hypothermia, which reduces the body's defenses;
- taking antibiotics that provoke dysbacteriosis, and with it thrush;
- pregnancy, during which the pH of the vagina changes;
- type 2 diabetes;
- Frequent sprays;
- allergy to pads and other intimate hygiene products, detergents, condoms;
- urinary incontinence in bedridden patients.
In a healthy woman, the vaginal microflora is dominated by lactobacilli (their average value is 3.8-4.2), creating a protective background for the penetration of pathogens. Also, high levels of estrogen maintain the thickness of the mucous membrane, which provides local protection.
The imbalance of these factors becomes a fertile ground for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria or direct infection with sexually transmitted infections (trichomonosis, gonorrhea, etc.).
Symptoms of disorders are difficult to miss, as they are not only visually visible, but they are picked up by the sense of smell. This is very depressing for women, because for most people the absence of any body odor is a sign of cleanliness and grooming.
The first signs of pathology manifest themselves differently, depending on the reasons that caused them:
- white discharge with unpleasant odor and itching is mainly caused by vaginosis and candidiasis. The latter is provoked by the fungus Candida, it corresponds to the presence of curd flakes, severe itching, burning sensation, especially during sexual intimacy and urination. At the same time, the discharge has a sour odor, yeasty. Normalization of the vaginal flora will get rid of; [1]
- discharge with odor without itching and burning - a reason to consult a doctor, as even the usual whites, which are accompanied by sexual intercourse, the establishment of the menstrual cycle or stabilization of the hormonal background do not give an unpleasant "ambergris", which means we are talking about health problems;
- yellow discharge with odor and itching most often indicate the course of the inflammatory process, bacterial infection. In order to prevent the disease from turning into a chronic process and not cause reproductive disorders, it is necessary to make a timely diagnosis and start treatment;
- greenish discharge with odor and itching - this shade gives the presence of leukocytes in large numbers and it is a clear sign of acute inflammation;
- discharge with itching and fish odor indicates vaginal dysbacteriosis (gardnerellosis). Vaginal microflora is disturbed by malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, taking antibacterial drugs, hormonal contraceptives, frequent hot baths, sprays; [2]
- brown discharge with odor and itching - the color itself may indicate that the period has not yet completely stopped, but the smell and itching are signs of gynecological diagnoses: endometriosis, [3] ectopic pregnancy, [4] polycystic ovarian syndrome; [5]
- Onion-scented discharge and itching accompany hormonal surges, which occur in women during pregnancy, menopause, after sexual intercourse and indicate the multiplication of fungal infection.
Diagnostics of the odorous discharge and itching
In addition to taking a history and looking in the mirror, the doctor will take a vaginal discharge for analysis:
- pH of the vaginal environment using indicator paper;
- KOH (with potassium hydroxide) to detect trichomonadal vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis;
- preparation of a wet anatomical specimen - examine the material in saline solution with a microscope to detect mobile trichomonads;
- Bacterial culture - cultivation of secretions for fungi and trichomonads;
- serologic blood test.
Of the instrumental methods may be necessary ultrasound examination of the genitals.
Differential diagnosis is carried out between all possible pathologies and sets the task of accurately determining the causative agent - the culprit of vaginal discharge with a change in their color, the presence of an unpleasant odor.
Treatment of the odorous discharge and itching
The treatment protocol depends on the diagnosis. Thus, in vulvovaginitis, predominant among the causes of odor and itching, prescribe antibiotics simultaneously to both sex partners, combine local and general therapy, eliminate factors leading to recurrence of the disease, restore normal vaginal microflora.
Other medications used for discharge include anti-inflammatories, analgesics, antihistamines, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, and supplements.
Metronidazole is effective against protozoa and anaerobic bacteria.
Metronidazole - has several dosage forms: tablets, vaginal suppositories. In trichomoniasis, a tablet is prescribed 2 times a day for both women and men (sexual partners), even if one of them has no symptoms. Women in parallel put suppositories (1 unit per day). The course of treatment lasts 10 days.
Nonspecific vaginitis requires seven-day therapy with 2 tablets twice daily.
The tablets can be administered to children from 6 years of age. During pregnancy, the drug can be used if necessary, since there is no data on teratogenic effect (animal studies have not revealed it). During breastfeeding it is interrupted for therapy.
Metronidazole can cause a number of side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, headache, dizziness, dry mouth, ringing in the ears, increased liver enzymes.
Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to drugs of imidazole group and other components of the drug.
Clotrimazole - refers to antimicrobial and antiseptic agents. Available in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories, solutions, ointments and creams. Do not apply to children under 12 years of age, pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Tablets are inserted into the vagina one twice a day for 3 days or once a course of 7 days, as well as vaginal suppositories.
When treating with the drug, allergic reactions, peeling in the genital area, discomfort, burning, swelling of the mucosa are possible.
Pimafucin is a topical antifungal drug, antibiotic, used for the treatment of thrush. Candle is inserted deep into the vagina in the supine position at night. Repeat for 3-6 days. Pimafucin can be used in children, during childbearing, feeding. The means is capable of causing irritation, burning sensation. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to its components.
Iodoxide is an iodine-containing preparation in the form of suppositories with antimicrobial and antiseptic action. It is used vaginally once a day for a week. Contraindicated in children, women during lactation and after the second month of pregnancy. Possible minor local reactions, the appearance of hyperthyroidism in existing thyroid diseases.
Itching can be relieved by applying a corticosteroid such as 1% hydrocortisone to the vulva, as well as antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin, edem, etc.).
Tavegil - tablets are taken before meals once or twice a day, starting from 6 years (0.5-1 pcs.), after 12 years and adults by a whole. Maximum single dose - 2 tablets, daily -6. Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to take the drug. Tavegil can cause such side effects as increased fatigue, dry mucous membranes, nausea, tachycardia, shortness of breath.
What vitamins should be taken to help your body quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms, strengthen immunity, prevent relapses, because even in a balanced diet is difficult to provide the necessary need for them?
These include: vitamin A (improves blood supply, has antioxidant properties), C - increases immunity, and its better "work" will contribute to vitamin E. Very important for women B6. They are taken during or immediately after meals, drinking water.
It is best to consult a doctor and choose a vitamin and mineral complex, which will concentrate the whole set of useful elements for the sexual sphere.
Physiotherapy treatment
After the acute period of diseases of the genital system is over, physiotherapeutic treatment can be applied. It includes spritzing with medicinal solutions, insertion of tampons impregnated with them into the vagina, as well as such physical procedures as vaginal magneto-, laser therapy, darsonvalization and others.
Folk treatment
Folk recipes are assigned the task of providing additional healing effect, which consists mainly in the use of herbal solutions. In acute periods, they are not recommended, but only at the stage of subsiding of the infectious process.
Decoctions are prepared from anti-inflammatory, antiseptic herbs, which include chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus leaves, sage.
In addition to spritzing in decoctions can be wetted tampons and put in the vagina for 3-4 hours.
In the pharmacy network you can buy homeopathic remedies that can help with vaginal discharge with odor and itching, but only after consultation with a doctor.
Among them:
Agnus Cosmoplex C - torpedo-shaped suppositories, used rectally, starting from twelve years of age, 1 piece 3 times a day. When the condition improves, switch to twice a day: morning and evening, the course of treatment is 5-12 days. Do not prescribe for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, during lactation.
The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to its components, as well as in cancer, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatism, AIDS, systemic blood diseases.
Gynecocheel - a complex homeopathic preparation in the form of oral drops, used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. It is prescribed from the age of 12 years. The recommended dose is 10 drops under the tongue or dissolved in 10ml of water and held in the mouth when swallowing. Take three times a day for 20 minutes before meals or an hour after a course of up to 5 weeks.
The drug may cause allergic reactions, especially in people sensitive to stings of bees, wasps, hornets.
Remens - well-known drops help women not only in menopause, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the organs of the urogenital system. Take 10 drops 3 times a day for six months. Side effects are unknown, there is no information about harm to pregnant women and during lactation.
Candida Yeast - at the first signs of candidiasis chew a tablet every 2 hours. With the onset of improvement reduce the dose to 4 tablets per day, girls 2-12 years reduce by half, the course of treatment for 2 months. In the absence of positive dynamics within a week, discontinue treatment.
Complications and consequences
The appearance of an unpleasant odor of discharge (the usual faint, barely perceptible), other symptoms that are not characteristic of a healthy state of the genitals, requires immediate treatment, otherwise consequences and complications are inevitable, their transition to a chronic stage, loss of reproductive function.
Important preventive measures to avoid sexual infections and inflammation and, as a consequence, the appearance of stinky discharge, is proper intimate hygiene, refusal to use sprays without the advice of doctors, the use of barrier methods of contraception in the absence of a permanent partner who you trust. It is also necessary to avoid hypothermia, promiscuous sexual relations. Regular visits to a gynecologist for preventive examinations will help to prevent many troubles with the health of the sexual sphere.
Timely response to the problem gives a favorable prognosis. It can be unfavorable only for pregnant women in case of recurrent nature of the disease and may include termination of pregnancy, placental abruption, infection of the fetus.