Than to treat an itch between fingers of legs or foots and arms or hand: alternative agents, ointments
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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When the question arises, than to soothe the itch between the fingers, the doctor usually stops his choice on such medications:
- Antihistamines block histamine receptors and inhibit the allergic process. After taking the drug (Claritina, Suprastin, Cetrin), the elimination of itching and swelling occurs for several hours. Such drugs have virtually no contraindications and are sold in pharmacies without prescription from the doctor.
- Glucocorticoids are powerful hormonal drugs that act on cells responsible for the development of the allergic process. Strongly acting glucocorticoid drugs really help to quickly eliminate itching, but they have a number of side effects, among them the most frequent are dyspeptic disorders, changes in blood pressure indicators, headaches, etc. That is why such drugs are prescribed only in exceptional cases when another therapy is unsuccessful . Duration of admission is limited: it is highly undesirable to continue treatment more than 10 days.
- Antibiotics and antifungal agents do not directly affect the elimination of itching between the fingers. However, these drugs inhibit the growth and development of an infectious agent, whose vital activity causes the appearance of itching sensations. Such drugs are prescribed after laboratory tests to identify the infection. In the laboratory, scraping is taken from the skin at the site of the lesion, and sowing is performed to determine the susceptibility to antimicrobial agents (in the presence of a bacterial infection). The duration of therapy usually does not exceed ten days: antifungal agents are prescribed, or antibiotics (penicillin, cephalosporin, macrolide group).
For external use, various ointments and creams from the itch between the toes are suitable. For example, if the problem is caused by a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe an ointment with an antibiotic - Erythromycin ointment, Levomecol and other similar drugs will perfectly cope with their task.
With a fungus pathogen often appointed Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Ketonazole. No less effective is the use of rivanol, boric acid, resorcinol.
When an itch mite is found , treatment of the skin between the fingers with disinfectant and anti-inflammatory drugs is used (Wilkinson's ointment based on tar, green soap, naftalan oil and sulfur is excellent).
If the problem is caused by a skin disease (for example, dermatitis), then the use of hormonal creams is shown, among which Fucicort, Advantan, Lorinden are especially popular. With dermatitis and psoriasis, you can additionally use Zinc and Tan Ointment, or external means such as Solipsor.
Medications that a doctor can prescribe
Dosing and Administration |
Side effects |
Special instructions |
Tablets are taken with food, one piece up to 4 times a day. |
Drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, thirst, indigestion. |
Suprastin is incompatible with alcoholic beverages. |
Loratadin |
Take one tablet daily, within 10-14 days. |
Rarely - thirst, nausea. |
The drug may have an additional soothing effect. |
Erusus |
Take one tablet daily. |
Rarely, allergic reactions. |
Erius refers to non-sedentary antihistamines, so it does not cause a calming effect. |
Ketoconazole |
Take 200 mg once a day with food. |
Dyspepsia, abdominal pain, insomnia or drowsiness, joint pain. |
During treatment it is better to refrain from transport management. |
Ketotyfen |
Take 0,001 g in the mornings and at night, with food. |
Dryness of mucous membranes, drowsiness. |
The drug has an additional pronounced soothing effect. |
Dexamethasone |
Dosage is selected individually, starting at 0.75 mg per day, depending on the indications. |
Increased appetite, weight gain, with prolonged admission - a violation of the adrenal glands. |
The drug is prescribed only in the case of lack of effectiveness from treatment with other non-hormonal medications. |
If the itching between the fingers is caused by inflammatory processes, then a combination of an anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine drug should be used. Widespread use of ointments hormonal and non-hormonal composition, as well as antifungal and antibacterial agents. Unfortunately, it is impossible to designate any one medication - external or for oral administration - that could save a person from itching at one time. However, some ointments and creams are very popular among patients. For example, excellent reviews were obtained after applying the cream gel Nezulin. This cream stops the development of the inflammatory process, eliminates itching and burning sensations, strengthens local immunity, while still acting gently and safely.
The best ointment from the fungus between the toes, according to the patients themselves is Ketoconazole. Such a drug exists under different names: Dermazol, Ketozoral, etc. There is also an effective combination of ketoconazole and corticosteroid. It's about Candide-B cream, which is successfully used to treat fungal infections. Especially recommended this drug, if the itching between the fingers is accompanied by eczematous phenomena - for example, with dermatomycosis, epidermophytosis, etc.
Depending on the direction of the drug treatment, the doctor can recommend an additional intake of multivitamin preparations. Vitamins will help normalize the trophism of tissues, accelerate healing and recovery. In case of an itch between the fingers, such drugs are recommended:
- Solgar Vitamins "Skin, Nails and Hair" is a popular American tablet preparation for accelerating the processes of regeneration of the skin and appendages.
- Doppelgerz Active Coenzyme Q10 - contains vitamins, minerals and plant components that optimize metabolic processes that nourish the skin, strengthening and restoring its structure.
- Effervescent vitamins Swiss Energy Multivitamins with biotin - a Swiss drug that strengthens not only skin and hair, but the body as a whole.
- Doppelgerz Active "For healthy skin, hair and nails" has a rich vitamin-mineral-vegetative composition, which strengthens and protects the skin from the aggressive influence of the environment.
- Duovit is a Slovenian preparation containing vitamins of group B, as well as vitamin A, C and E, biotin, zinc and iron. The composition of the complex contributes to additional protection of the skin from harmful oxidation processes and rapid age-related changes.
- Alpha Vitam Cosmetics is a preparation containing all the vitamins, minerals and plant components that are necessary to maintain the health of the skin.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Since the removal of the itch between the fingers usually implies an integrated approach, physicians often prescribe physiotherapy in addition to the basic medication. There is no single procedure that can eliminate an unpleasant symptom, so the physiotherapy procedures are directed at eliminating the immediate cause of discomfort.
To stabilize the mental state of a person and to correct the work of the nervous system, one can recommend:
- electro-therapy;
- electrostatic shower (general franklinization procedure).
To activate and stabilize the function of immunity, laser therapy with an infrared spectrum is applied to the thymus gland zone.
UV irradiation (general technique) with long waves will help improve the overall condition of the patient, but also have a bactericidal effect.
Baths and other water procedures will help to remove the itch, soften the skin, normalize the psycho-emotional background.
Among the local procedures for the removal of itching between the fingers are especially often appointed:
- darsonvalization and galvanization procedures;
- paraffin application;
- electrophoresis with antipruritic (antiallergic) drugs;
- sessions of local cryo or magnetotherapy;
- UFO, laser therapy.
Most often to speed up recovery, doctors prescribe a combination that includes 2-3 physiotherapy procedures: for example, one of them provides a general action, while the other two provide for a local action.
The basic contraindications to such treatment of the itch between the fingers are:
- tumor processes;
- decompensated states;
- acute phase of tuberculosis;
- severe mental pathologies;
- systemic lupus erythematosus;
- porphyria of the skin;
- bladder dermatosis.
UV irradiation is not used in the summer form of psoriasis.
Alternative treatment
Alternative means will help to overcome the itch between the fingers. But their use must necessarily be combined with traditional treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease state. We offer you a few of the most popular recipes for alternative medicine:
- Propolis - a famous beekeeping product, because it has long been used as a strengthening and antimicrobial agent. Propolis is a part of many medicines for dermatological diseases, burns, ulcer processes, rashes. If the itching areas are regularly applied propolisnom ointment, the problem will disappear much faster. 10% tincture on propolis is no less effective: tincture is treated with itching areas up to three times a day.
- Mumiye is a natural product rich in mineral and organic components. Its use to eliminate the itch between the fingers always justifies all expectations. Usually a 2% mummy solution is used: it can handle problematic areas, or be applied as compresses.
- Natural soap is an excellent remedy for infectious skin lesions between the fingers. When itching and other unpleasant symptoms are thoroughly washed problem areas with cold water and laundry soap. Next, soap your hands or feet between your fingers and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water and wipe your skin dry. To enhance the effect in water for rinsing, you can add baking soda (1 tablespoon per liter of water). It is not necessary to wash such a solution. The procedure is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, until persistent improvement in the condition.
It is also effective treatment with herbs - for example, celandine juice, which should be applied between the fingers twice a day, for a week. You can use other recipes using herbs:
- Tea, brewed on the leaves of lemon balm, has a calming effect, inhibits the development of the inflammatory process, reduces the severity of itching. To make such tea, one teaspoon of dried leaves is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water and consumed between meals three times a day. Treatment should last at least a month.
- Tray baths accelerate the restoration of the skin, soften the manifestations of allergy, eliminate the itch between the fingers. To make a bath, brew 2 tbsp. L. Plants in 1 liter of water, stand for about half an hour. Affected feet or brushes are immersed in a warm solution for 15-30 minutes, after which, without rinsing, wipe dry. The procedure is carried out daily at night.
- Tincture of calendula not only reduces the sensation of itching, but also successfully fights bacteria that cause it. Tincture can be bought in a pharmacy or prepared independently (take 10 grams of raw materials for 0.5 liters of alcohol, stand for 2 weeks in a dark place). The obtained tincture wipes itching areas 2-3 times a day.
As with many other disease states, homeopathy potentiates the effectiveness of other therapeutic agents. What kind of drug to prescribe, the homeopath physician decides: usually the appointment is based on the characteristics of the itch between the fingers, and also taking into account the constitutional and mental characteristics of the patient.
Dosage in different patients may differ, as it is selected individually. Side effects are extremely rare, almost impossible. Only in single cases allergic reactions to individual preparations of homeopathy were recorded.
The itch between fingers without an eruption is treated by such means:
- at pricking - Rus, Graphite, Mercurius solubilis;
- at burning - Arsenicum album, Causticum, Phosphorus, Graphite;
- with the sensation of "crawling creepy" Rus, Sepia, Pulsatilla, Sulfuris, Sekale;
- if the itching sensations are enhanced by heat - Pulsatilla, Sulfuris, Mercurius solubilis, Sepia;
- if the itching sensations increase under the influence of cold - Arsenicum album, Gepar sulphuris, Causticum;
- if itching sensations increase after carding - Phosphorus, Rus, Pulsatilla;
- if the itching sensations decrease after carding - Sulfuris, Calcium carbonum, Thuya.