Overeating of protein products
Last reviewed: 18.10.2021

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Prolonged and excessive use of any product is dangerous for the body. Recently, cases of protein intoxication have become more frequent, when malnutrition with excessive protein content leads to serious intoxication of the body.
The main causes of protein overeating:
- Protein diets - this category includes the Ducane diet and the Kremlin diet. According to diets, in the first few days it is necessary to consume only protein foods. Such food is dangerous for people with GI disease. Due to the unbalanced work of the digestive system, the process of digestion of food is slower and there is a risk of development of fermentation and rotting processes in the intestines that lead to poisoning.
- Poisoning with mushrooms and seafood - with the use of seafood, you must be extra careful, since even a small portion can cause an allergic reaction. As for mushrooms, the ecological situation in the world turns forest mushrooms into dangerous for consumption products, the abuse of which causes severe consequences for the organism.
- Protein - this food supplement is most often used by athletes for active growth of muscle mass. Failure to follow the instructions of the drug and high doses cause serious protein intoxication.
About other signs of overeating read in this article.
Overeating of overdue or improperly prepared foods of protein origin, is dangerous for the body. Symptoms of protein intoxication:
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Diarrhea and flatulence.
- Urine of dark color.
- Dizziness.
- Acute pain in the intestine.
- Increased body temperature.
To eliminate the painful condition, you must take a laxative or induce vomiting. If the state of health does not improve, then you should seek medical help to wash your stomach.
Overeating meat
An animal rich in iron is meat. It consists of amino acids and proteins, which are necessary for the body to function properly. The product reduces the effect of the hormone leptin, which affects metabolic processes. Because of this, meat overeating occurs.
Adverse symptoms of meat abuse:
- Unlike fats and carbohydrates, animal protein is long processed, which causes a surplus of energy, the appearance of fat deposits and weight gain.
- In addition to iron and amino acids, meat does not contain anything, so if the diet consists only of meat dishes, then it threatens with gastrointestinal problems.
- The lack of fiber leads to a long digestion of meat. Because of this, putrefactive processes begin in the intestine, accompanied by increased gas production, abdominal pain, belching.
- Protein, which is a part of meat is alien to the human body, it depresses a healthy microflora. Because of this, dysbacteriosis develops, and in especially severe cases - oncological diseases.
- Meat acidifies the body, suppressing nitrogen-fixing bacteria and increasing the need for food. The product contributes to the formation of uric acid, which can cause poisoning.
In addition to the above "features" of excessive eating of meat products, it should be borne in mind that meat food causes heaviness in the stomach. Because of this, there is increased fatigue after eating and starts to sleep. Regular obzhorstvo meat leads to the development of gout (deposition of salts in the legs), atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, multiple sclerosis. Also, meat eaters are characterized by quick temper, irritability and increased risk of colon cancer, mammary glands, blood.
Overeating of raw eggs
Eggs are a product of animal origin with beneficial properties for the body. They include a lot of vitamins: group B, A, E, K, H, PP, D, as well as beta-carotene, choline and mineral elements. Protein of chicken egg contains all known amino acids, therefore it is easily assimilated and nutritious. Eggs are fried, boiled, added to various dishes and even eaten raw.
A particular danger to health is the overeating of raw eggs. Food disorders can lead to such problems:
- The crude product is dangerous for salmonella infection. To reduce the risk of this complication, eggs should be well washed and disinfected in a special solution. Also, it is better to use them after preliminary heat treatment, that is, in a boiled or fried form.
- Egg yolk contains high cholesterol, which increases the "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Safe maximum - 1 egg per day.
- When keeping chickens, many farmers support them with antibiotics to reduce the risk of developing various infections. From a bird antibiotics pass in eggs and an organism of people. Abuse of the product depresses the healthy microflora and promotes the development of fungal diseases. Also, there is a decrease in the susceptibility of the body to antibacterial drugs, which in case of illness makes use of stronger medicines.
- Another danger of raw eggs is the high concentration of nitrates, herbicides, heavy metals and other harmful substances. Toxins accumulate in the organisms of animals and are contained in eggs. Proceeding from this, uncontrolled eating of eggs is a risk of intoxication.
To reduce the risk of developing the aforementioned complications, it is better to eat eggs after preliminary heat treatment and not more than 1-2 pieces per day.
Overeating cottage cheese
Cottage cheese is a sour-milk product that is loved by both adults and children. It consists of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The product is made from natural milk by ripening it. Depending on the fat content of milk and the method of production, several types of cottage cheese are distinguished: bold, low-fat, classic and fat-free. The product is used in many diets, it is approved for use in recovery after severe gastrointestinal diseases.
The daily norm of cottage cheese should not exceed 150-200 g. The use of a larger quantity threatens to overeat, which negatively affects the well-being.
- Fatty cottage cheese increases the level of cholesterol, can cause atherosclerosis and obesity.
- Due to the high protein content, the fermented milk product can harm the kidneys.
- Grainy cottage cheese can cause allergic reactions.
- Overeating fat-free product causes an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
- The use of stale cottage cheese is dangerous poisoning, because it quickly develop intestinal sticks.
In order to use cottage cheese was only in favor, one should adhere to the daily rate. The product can be combined with various fruits and berries, which significantly increases its usefulness for the body.
Overeating Oysters
Seafood is a source of protein, calcium, polyunsaturated acids, phosphatides and other elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Oysters are very popular, the meat of shellfish is easily digestible and unusual in taste.
Excessive consumption of oysters is dangerous by intoxication of the body. A painful condition develops when using an untreated or stale product. As a rule, poisoning due to overeating is associated with such factors:
- The product was improperly stored in a warehouse or in a shop, the packaging was broken or the expiration date of oysters.
- Infection with salmonella. The bacterium can live in any seafood, so when selecting shellfish, you should give preference to a proven seller and the product in a sealed package.
- Oysters are a source of protein, the abuse of which is dangerously protein overdose. The protein slows down digestion processes, triggering rotting and fermentation in the intestine.
In this case, mollusks are a real sea filter, because they pass through themselves large volumes of sea water and living microorganisms. It is this type of food that leads to the fact that oysters can contain phytotoxins, poisoning which is dangerous for the body.
- PSP is a paralytic toxin that causes intoxication of moderate severity. Painful symptoms develop 5-10 minutes after eating a poisoned product. There is burning tongue, lips and gums, nausea and vomiting are possible. PSP causes convulsive muscle contractions, tachycardia, respiratory failure, paralysis. Without timely treatment, a fatal outcome may occur in 3-12 hours.
- ASP - domoic acid, is part of diatoms. If this substance is contained in oysters, then in 2 days there are acute attacks of vomiting and diarrhea, pain in the abdomen. The painful state intensively increases, causing coordination disorders, convulsions, loss of memory. Also, a lethal outcome is not excluded.
- DSP is okadaic acid, regular overeating of mollusks with this substance leads to cancer. Signs of poisoning occur within a couple of hours after the binge eating disorder. There are pains in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, sudden jumps in blood pressure, pain in the heart and areas of the right hypochondrium.
But most often people have such symptoms of oyster poisoning:
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Headaches and dizziness.
- Increased weakness.
- Spasms in the intestines, gassing.
- Painful sensations in the stomach.
- Diarrhea.
- Urine of dark color.
Increased body temperature. - Convulsions.
- Allergic reactions of varying severity.
Another danger, which is in itself an excessive love for oysters - is halophilia. This foodborne infection is caused by halophilic microorganisms capable of reproduction in the salt medium. Molluscs act as carriers of these bacteria. In case of infection, nausea and intense headache, abdominal discomfort and acute diarrhea appear. If the infection has a slight degree of severity, then the recovery occurs within a few days. In severe cases, signs of intoxication may persist for more than two weeks.
At the first signs of overeating, oysters should be caused by vomiting, in order to clear the intestines of excess foods. To do this, you can drink plenty of water or press two fingers on the root of the tongue. If after a vomiting the condition has not improved, then you should take adsorbents and seek medical help.