Symptoms of overeating
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Studies have shown that most people with the problem of overweight and uncontrolled eating can not accurately name how and when the first signs of an eating disorder appeared.
First of all, overeating leaves behind a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, swelling, and in some cases, stools. If binge eating is of a regular nature, then violations occur on the part of all organs and systems. Begin problems with sleep, discomfort in the digestive tract, gradually deteriorating skin condition.
Also possible pain in the liver and pancreas. Further uncontrolled seizure leads to pathologies on the part of the cardiovascular system, disrupts the hormonal balance of the body and metabolic processes.
Psychosomatics in overeating
Psychological factors are important in the life of every person. Emotional stresses, emotions, a lack of emotions and many other psychosomatic components can be transformed into an uncontrollable desire to eat. This entails a number of complications and consequences, which negatively affect the functioning of the whole organism.
Psychosomatics, that is, the relationship of emotional needs with real pathologies can cause various disorders and diseases. On the psychogenic component is the case when the person has all the signs of the disease, but they can not be treated with drugs. In this case, the psychologist is engaged in therapy, or rather, the correction of the patient's condition.
The main psychological reasons for overeating are:
- Nutritional habits - the style of nutrition is laid down from childhood, so in adulthood it is difficult enough to overcome the developed habits. The most common misconception that parents impose on children from their earliest childhood: for good health, it is necessary to eat a lot and the rule of an empty plate when you need to eat all the food, even through strength.
- Emotional experiences - conflicts in the family or at work can cause the desire to receive a kind of compensation in the form of harmful food. Gradually, such compensation is a habit and one of the most effective methods of calm and relaxation. It is proved that women are more predisposed to seize emotional upheavals than men.
- Stresses - prolonged nervous experiences cause stress of the whole organism. Because of this, excitation of the nervous system occurs, painful symptoms appear. Such a condition temporarily reduces appetite, but after that a binge eating begins, that is, stress eating.
- Psychological trauma - any factors that violate the psyche cause a complex of various symptoms, one of which is voracity. At children it can be a divorce of parents, absence of friends and complexity of dialogue with collective. People of adult age: discontent with their own appearance, problems at work or school, and failures in their personal lives.
- Food dependence is a bad habit that does not differ from alcoholic or nicotine. That is, a person gets satisfaction from eating too much food. If after the overeating a sense of guilt follows, then bulimia can arise when a person tries to get rid of the eaten by causing vomiting or starting to starve.
The style of eating indicates the state of mind of a person. After quenching the hunger for a time there is a sense of security. Under the influence of psychosomatic factors, the patient uses an increased amount of food, but does not experience satiety.
The first signs of a painful condition are a difficulty to replace. Initially, the symptomatology is blurred, but over time, dependence appears on a regular basis. The main psychological signs of gluttony are:
- Inability to influence the process of overeating.
- Compensation of emotional background or attention by food.
- Absence of a pronounced hunger.
Treatment, that is, correction of psychosomatics begins with an appeal to a psychologist. The doctor determines the factors that caused the disorder and looks for ways to eliminate them. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease state and can range from a couple months to several years.
Attacks of overeating
One of the most striking examples of eating disorders is binge eating, when a person stops controlling himself, consuming a huge amount of food. In most cases, the disorder occurs because of prolonged self-restriction in the diet, for example, during a strict diet.
Such seizures can cause feelings of guilt and other negative emotions that cause you to quickly get rid of the eaten. To this end, people weary themselves with physical training, use laxatives and drink plenty of water, cause vomiting. Gradually everything is normalized, but as soon as a provoking factor arises, the attack repeats again. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, that is, an eating disorder of a cyclic nature.
In this case, it is necessary to understand that in itself, overeating is not a disease. Suspect a disorder if you have specific symptoms:
- Inability to stop overeating. Man is up to pain, that is, expressed physical discomfort.
- Sneakiness - close ones may not even suspect a problem.
- Use of increased amounts of food without significant weight fluctuations.
- The alternation of gluttony with starvation.
- Attempts to get rid of the eaten with the help of vomiting or enema.
Uncontrolled attacks of gluttony are associated with negative emotions and the action of certain genes. The conducted studies have established that the basis of the disorder is brain dysfunction, which is responsible for the formation of a healthy appetite. There are also risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing an eating disorder: heredity, physiological characteristics, psychological and cultural causes.
Treatment of an unpleasant condition is based on the elimination of negative factors that cause seizures. Long-term therapy may include taking medications, for example, sedatives and a course of physiotherapy.
Vomiting from and after overeating
There are many causes of vomiting after an episode of overeating. An unpleasant condition can be associated with intoxication, abuse of fried or spicy dishes, sweets.
There is also such a thing as acetonemic vomiting, which occurs when overeating fatty. The pancreas can not cope with the incoming amount of cholesterol, forming ketone bodies in the body. They affect the emetic center of the brain, provoking vomiting.
Recommendations for the elimination of painful symptoms:
- Do not go to rest, because the horizontal position of the body will only increase discomfort and cause heartburn. Walk, walk, but do not do vigorous exercises.
- Drink plenty of water. To improve digestion, you can take chamomile or mint tea.
- Drink activated charcoal tablets at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. Coal will ease the painful condition and eliminate excess gas in the digestive tract.
- Do not take laxatives, because they slow down the digestion process.
- At the first sign of relief, drink ½ cup kefir or natural yogurt.
- The day after vomiting, drink a glass of water with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice.
Very often vomiting from overeating occurs in children, when parents overfeed the kids. The regurgitation of food is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, irritability. To alleviate the painful symptoms, the child can be given a drink of a little carbonated water, which will strengthen the intestinal peristalsis and remove excess food naturally. Babies over 3 years can be given enzyme preparations that accelerate the digestive process.
Belching after overeating
Very often binge eating ends with aerophagia. The type of eructation depends on the food you eat. Most often a sour taste develops in the mouth, which is caused by throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus.
With uncontrolled use of different, incompatible products in the stomach, many chemical reactions occur. Because of this, increased production of gas begins, the excess of which is released during regurgitation. Aerophagia by air occurs after drinking beer, alcohol and carbonated drinks.
Regurgitation is classified according to the time of occurrence:
- Immediately after meals - gastroesophageal reflux disease, pyloric stenosis, insufficiency of the stomach.
- After 30 minutes-hour - insufficient production of enzymes, chronic pancreatitis.
- After 2 or more hours - chronic gastritis, increased acidity of gastric juice.
Types of eructation:
- Sour - various diseases of the digestive system.
- With a rotten or putrefactive smell - a violation of the process of digesting food, cancerous lesions of the stomach.
- Bitter - a violation of the work of food sphincters, which leads to the casting of bile in the stomach and esophagus. It can also indicate liver disease or concrements in the gallbladder.
- Air - occurs when talking with food or smoking, that is, if you swallow a large amount of air.
Increased gas formation and eructation occur when you abuse such products: baked pastries, black bread, beans, beans, cabbage, radish and radish, apples, pears, grapes. To eliminate the unpleasant condition, it is recommended to take enzymes that speed up the process of digestion or drink a glass of warm water with a spoonful of soda.
Hiccups from overeating
Normally, the diaphragm works quietly, but if it is irritated, it starts to move in jerks. In the throat comes a sharp stream of air, which falls on the vocal cords and causes the characteristic sounds for hiccups.
Excessive consumption of food leads to an increase in the size of the stomach, which begins to come in contact with the diaphragm, irritating it. Hiccups during overeating can be accompanied by vomiting. Very often, a painful condition occurs when eating a dry food, as well as overeating bread, bagels, rolls. Hiccups have an effect when using soda, alcohol, cold or too hot drinks.
In order to relax the diaphragm and eliminate hiccough, the following methods are recommended:
- Drink a glass of water in small sips.
- Take a deep breath and a few small exhalations.
- Hold your breath.
- Slowly lean forward, and then straighten up and put your hands up, stretching well.
As a rule, hiccough lasts for 15-20 minutes, but if it lasts longer than 48 hours, this is a sign of a serious pathology. In this case, an unpleasant symptom may indicate irritation or damage to the wandering, diaphragmatic nerve, laryngitis. Attacks can act as an adverse reaction to the drugs used. Another possible cause of hiccups is diabetic diseases, CNS disorders, meningitis, craniocerebral trauma.
Heartburn from overeating
A fairly common and unpleasant symptom that occurs with both normal nutrition and gluttony is heartburn. It causes a feeling of heat and burning behind the sternum, which spreads from the epigastric region along the esophagus. As a rule, heartburn appears an hour after a plentiful meal. The condition is exacerbated by the use of acute or fatty foods, as well as with active physical exertion after eating.
The appearance of heartburn from overeating is quite natural. Normally, the stomach volume is 500 ml-1 l, that is, the same amount of food should flow into it. If the amount of incoming food is much greater, it leads to stretching of the body. The physiological norm of stretching 3-4 liters, if these values are exceeded, then the sphincter begins to work. It opens, freeing up extra space for surplus food. Because of this, part of the gastric juice enters the esophagus, causing burning.
In addition to eating disorders, heartburn occurs in such cases:
- Late meal, less than 3 hours before bedtime. The horizontal position with a full stomach creates a strong pressure on the sphincter and provokes its opening.
- Physical stress after eating. When the abdominal muscles contract, the stomach is squeezed. Excess food rises up the esophagus, causing heartburn, nausea and vomiting.
- Tight clothes squeezing internal organs. Due to overeating, the stomach does not have enough room for stretching, so there is pressure on the sphincter, which causes unpleasant sensations.
- Increased acidity of the stomach or sensitivity of the esophagus mucous to reduced acidity.
- Bad habits: smoking, alcohol.
The risk of heartburn is significantly increased by the abuse of carbonated drinks and spicy condiments that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Burning behind the breastbone occurs when overeating citrus, tomatoes, fresh muffins, fried foods. Taking medications to lower blood pressure and relax smooth muscles can also cause heartburn, as well as stress or nervous distress.
To stop painful attacks it is recommended to drink water and take an antacid, that is, a drug that neutralizes the effect of acid. If attacks of heartburn occur after each meal, you should consult a gastroenterologist and necessarily normalize the diet.
Feeling of heaviness, abdominal distention from overeating
Excessive consumption of food adversely affects the work of the entire body, causing many unpleasant symptoms. The feeling of heaviness from overeating arises from over-filling of the stomach. Large amounts of food stretch the walls of the body, because of what the stomach can not function fully. An unpleasant condition can be accompanied by difficulty breathing, as the stomach presses on the lungs.
The severity in the stomach from overeating is significantly exacerbated by the action of such factors:
- Large gaps between meals. The stomach can not cope with digesting large amounts of food because of prolonged downtime.
- Unhealthy eating. Most often, a feeling of heaviness and bloating appear when eating fatty foods at a later time, that is, before going to bed. Gastrointestinal organs have to work all night to process the incoming food.
- Attacks of gluttony. A sharp change in the diet has a negative effect on the state of the stomach, which is not used to overeating. Because of this, the process of digestion slows down, pain, heaviness and raspiranie in the abdomen occur.
- Heavy food and drinks. Unpleasant symptoms occur when you abuse sweets, smoked foods, fatty and fried foods, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, coffee, strong tea.
- Bad habits. Smoking, or rather, the nicotine secreted by a cigarette disrupts the normal contraction of the walls of the intestine and stomach, causing a feeling of heaviness.
If the stomach copes with large amounts of food, then gradually unpleasant symptoms go away. But if the body wall is not able to push the food through the digestive tract, then there is nausea, bloating, colic. In this case, it is necessary to take drugs that improve and accelerate the work of the digestive tract.
Diarrhea due to overeating
The use of a large amount of liquid food causes the digestive system to work for wear, which leads to its failure. Because of this, there is diarrhea, that is diarrhea. A painful condition is a frequent and rapid emptying of the intestine with the release of a loose stool. Diarrhea from overeating can be complicated by taking an acute, and in some cases chronic, form.
Diarrhea after an attack of binge eating is a sign of a digestive system disorder. A painful condition can be associated not only with the effect on the gastrointestinal tract of excess quantity of foods, but also arise in viral, parasitic or bacterial infections.
Most often, the disorder appears immediately after you stop eating or eating. In some cases, it is supplemented by attacks of nausea and vomiting, acute pain in the abdomen. Treatment depends on the true cause of diarrhea. If the disorder is associated with gluttony, then normalize the diet and take medications with astringent effect that normalize the stool.
Nausea from overeating
One of the most common symptoms that occurs after consuming excess food is nausea. It appears when you overeat any food, leaking with painful sensations in the stomach, headaches and heartburn. In some cases, after a prolonged attack of nausea begins vomiting, which indicates that the stomach is trying to get rid of excess food.
If the nausea is very severe, and there is no vomiting, then to relieve the condition it is necessary to induce vomiting yourself. To do this, drink as much water as possible, you can also press your finger on the root of the tongue. With mild nausea and raspiranii in the stomach, it is recommended to drink a small sip of a glass of warm water or tea. A warm liquid will accelerate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and the nausea will gradually pass.
If you feel sick of overeating fatty foods, then this speaks for increased stress on the liver and pancreas. To alleviate an unpleasant symptom and improve digestion, you can take an enzyme drug, for example: Pancreatin, Mezim, Festal. The day after the episode of gluttony, a light diet with a predominance of easily digested food is recommended.
Shots from overeating
There are many reasons that cause intestinal colic, gluttony is one of them. Kolika is a painful syndrome in a stomach of a spastic nature. Discomfort can intensify and suddenly disappear. Most often, painful sensations result in the escape of gases or the urge to defecate.
Excessive consumption of food leads to changes in the work of the intestines and digestion disorders. Because of this there is a disorder of the peristalsis and tone of the intestines, which is manifested by spasmodic, that is, colic.
Often, intestinal colic proceeds with additional symptoms:
- Flatulence and severe bloating. Unpleasant sensations increase with palpation of the abdomen.
- Stool disorders: constipation and diarrhea, mucous inclusions in feces.
- Nausea and dizziness.
A painful condition occurs when you use products that cause excessive gas formation. Discomfort is one of the symptoms of food intoxication and intestinal obstruction. Sharp strong pain in the intestine can last as much as a minute, and during the day, manifested by acute attacks.
To eliminate colic, it is recommended to take activated charcoal or other sorbent preparations. Also, to ease the painful condition, you can drink a glass of warm water in small sips, lie down and massage your stomach.
Constipation from overeating
Violation of the stool is one of the complications of uncontrolled absorption of food. Due to the fact that the intestines can not cope with a large volume of food, the digestion process slows down. This triggers the processes of putrefaction and fermentation of undigested food. Most often from overeating, constipation occurs, which causes pain in the abdomen, flatulence and deterioration in overall well-being. Prolonged constipation is dangerous by intoxication of oragnism.
There are foods whose abuse can cause constipation:
- Sour-milk products - contain a large amount of casein, which slows the intestinal motility.
- Fat meat.
- Rice and pasta.
- Fruits and berries: bananas, pears, blueberries, cranberries.
- Sweets.
- Sunflower seeds and nuts.
- Fried and spicy dishes.
To combat the problem of pinching a chair, it is recommended to move more after eating to activate the functioning of the intestine. If the constipation does occur, then you can take a laxative drug or make a cleansing enema. Also do not forget about foods that increase peristalsis and help with constipation: boiled beets, dried apricots, prunes and others.
Temperature from overeating
Very often absorption of excess food leads to a deterioration in overall well-being. The stomach starts to hurt, there is an eructation, flatulence and even headaches. In some cases, overeating leads to an increase in body temperature. This symptom indicates that the digestive system does not cope with the processing of food and needs help.
The temperature in combination with severe pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting can indicate food poisoning. Pathological symptoms are manifested 1-2 hours after the use of poor-quality or improperly prepared foods. The painful condition is supplemented by general weakness, increased sweating and stool disorders.
If the temperature changes are associated with gluttony, then it is necessary to take enzyme preparations to speed up the digestion process. If the temperature has risen due to intoxication, it is necessary to take adsorbents and induce vomiting in order to remove harmful substances from the body. In especially severe cases, medical care and gastric lavage are required.
The flatulence and gases from overeating
Gravity in the abdomen after excessive consumption of food is a fairly common symptom. Flatulence, that is, the accumulation of gases in the intestine, causes pain in the abdomen and colic. Due to overeating, the digestive system simply can not cope with the abundance of food, so some of the food remains undigested and triggers fermentation processes.
A violent chemical reaction occurs when you use products that do not fit together well. Eating in a hurry and incomplete chewing food also causes bloating in conjunction with belching.
Consider the main products, overeating which causes flatulence:
- Pulses, cabbage, tomatoes, pears, onions, grapes, radish. Gassing is associated with increased fiber content in these products of plant origin.
- Baked bread, rye bread - contribute to fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestines.
- Sour-milk products - gases occur in people with lactose intolerance.
- Sweets and carbonated drinks - contain fast carbohydrates, which cause bloating and a feeling of heaviness.
- Gases appear from the abuse of fatty, fried and spicy food.
In addition to food causes, flatulence can be caused by dysbiosis, that is, a violation of the intestinal flora, gastrointestinal diseases, pancreatitis, helminthic invasions or pathologies of the gallbladder. Another possible cause of both gluttony and flatulence are nervous breakdowns and chronic stresses.
If the formation of gases occurs regularly, even with normal nutrition and combination of products, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe a study of the gastrointestinal tract in order to exclude possible pathologies.
Weakness after overeating
Very often bouts of gluttony result in increased weakness and condition when it starts to slip into sleep. Such symptoms can be an adverse reaction to eaten foods or indicate as more serious causes. Weakness is associated with a large expenditure of body energy on the process of digestion. The situation is complicated by eating hard-to-eat food. Because of this, in the small intestine there is an increased pressure, which can be manifested by nausea and flatulence.
The feeling of weakness can be associated with an increased level of tyramine. This amino acid lowers the concentration of serotonin, but increases dopamine and epinephrine. Because of this, there is a sharp narrowing of the vessels of the brain, oxygen starvation and sweetness. There may also be headaches and dizziness. People with vegetovascular dystonia should avoid eating too much food that contains tyramine:
- Sour-milk products and cheese.
- Alcohol.
- Meat and sausage products.
- Citrus fruits and ripe fruits.
- Bitter chocolate.
- Fried, greasy, smoked.
Sometimes afternoon weakness develops due to existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
- Inflammation of the pancreas.
- Gastritis, enteritis.
- Ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.
In this case, drowsiness is accompanied by pain in the epigastal area, nausea, and stool disorders.
Also, weakness is associated with the intake of high glucose levels in the blood. This substance reduces the production of orexin, which is responsible for physical activity, so it starts to sleep. This is observed with the abuse of sweets and simple carbohydrates. Doctors recommend not overpowering themselves in fits of weakness, and a little rest, so that the metabolism is restored and well-being improved.
Cough from overeating
Excessive consumption of food causes various symptoms that negatively affect not only the condition of the figure, but also harm the stomach. Overeating at night is one of the causes of night cough. An excessive amount of food causes reflux, that is, the ingestion of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. Because of this, there is an eructation, heartburn and cough. Many people who are familiar with this problem, note the feeling of squeezing in the chest and lack of air, nasal congestion, tenderness of the neck.
Cough after another binge eating can be associated with the use of strong allergens. Very often an unpleasant condition develops with the abuse of such products:
- Dairy products.
- Citrus.
- Spices and spicy dishes.
- Nuts.
- Sweets.
- Sour and unripe fruits, vegetables.
Coughing occurs when food gets into the respiratory tract. An unpleasant condition appears with the use of alcoholic beverages and as a reaction to dry or spicy food.
Regular overeating with frequent bouts of coughing indicates the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The constant throwing of food from the stomach into the esophagus weakens the muscles of the latter. Gastric juice irritates the mucous organ, causes coughing attacks, severe heartburn. The appearance of this symptom is one of the first signs of the development of peptic ulcer.
In order to prevent the appearance of cough after eating, you need to normalize the diet. Also, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all possible products of allergens and wash down the food with water. If cough is associated with GERD, then medical care is needed, since without timely and proper treatment the problem will be aggravated, complicated by painful symptoms.