Overeating after the holidays and during a diet
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Excessive eating is an eating disorder that requires medical treatment and psychological correction. Consider the main causes and types of this pathology.
Overeating negatively affects the metabolism, significantly slowing it down. Violation occurs because of a variety of reasons, both psychogenic and somatic. To a greater extent, it is associated with the use of biological and chemical substitutes for natural products, as well as stimulants of taste sensations.
The disorder leads to serious consequences and complications. First of all, obesity develops, which leads to a violation of the synthesis of hormones and metabolic disorders. These processes trigger a pathological process that adversely affects the cardiovascular, endocrine and sexual systems of the body.
Medical statistics indicate that the problem of overeating and overweight is progressing more and more every year. Over the past 5 years, the number of people with eating disorders has increased from 10% to 13% and continues to increase. If this trend does not change, in about 7-10 years, about 20% of the world's population will suffer from food dependence and its complications.
This forecast is directly related to the development of the food industry, which produces products rich in genetically modified organisms, artificial sweeteners, aromatic odors and other synthetic components. Fast rhythm of life, snacks on the go, high cost of healthy food and a number of other factors, significantly worsen health.
Risk factors
Surely every person with a food disorder at least once, but wondered what provokes us to overeat. Consider the main risk factors for binge eating:
- Food additives and flavor enhancers. Products with a special chemical composition cause a real dependence. But this food contains a minimum of micronutrients and vitamins useful for the body. Because of this, the body is constantly in a state of hunger, forcing to eat more and more "bad" food.
- National features. Frequent feasts with the use of alcohol negative affects the immune system and metabolic processes. Under the influence of alcohol, appetite significantly increases because of which a person eats more than the norm.
- The lack of healthy eating habits in the family or complex relationships, as well as both factors, have a negative impact on eating behavior.
- Professional activity. Athletes, dancers, models, TV presenters and other people whose work and social position depend on appearance. In this case, frequent diets and starvations lead to eating disorders.
- Emotional disorders, obsessive states, depression and heightened anxiety result in the absorption of excess food, that is, stress seizure.
In addition to the above factors, it is established that women are more prone to food disorders than men. The problem is common among adolescents and people 20-25 years old, but can occur at any other age, as well as in any social category.
Overeating and inactivity
The use of excessive amounts of food leads to a variety of different complications, including a decrease in muscle tone, that is, hypodynamia. Both adults and children face this problem.
The main causes of hypodynamia include:
- Passive lifestyle.
- Conscious refusal of activity.
- Long work at the computer and other sedentary professions.
- Violation of the regime of the day.
Reduced muscle tone can arise due to infectious diseases, with brain dysfunction, CNS pathologies, birth trauma. In this case, a decrease in physical activity leads not only to overweight, but also to more serious complications:
- Endocrine disorders.
- Arterial hypertension.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Osteoporosis.
- Depression and neuroses.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Violations and atrophy of the musculoskeletal system.
- Decreased intellectual abilities.
- Changing appetite.
Statistics indicate that the problem of gluttony and hypodynamia is most relevant for people of mental work with a lower level of psychoemotional and motor activity. Moderate diet in conjunction with regular physical activity allows you to maintain muscle tone, and also prevents metabolic disorders.
Overeating after the holidays and New Year's overeating
Longer feasts and holidays are the most common reason for eating too much food and gaining excess weight. Overeating after the holidays leaves after a set of unpleasant symptoms:
- Heaviness in the abdomen.
- Belching.
- Flatulence.
- Violations of the stool.
- Excess weight.
In order to holiday gatherings are not reflected in the figure, you must prepare the body in advance. Consider the main recommendations that will help avoid the New Year overeating:
- Do not limit yourself to food on the eve of holidays. Keep the usual daily calorie.
- Go to the fractional diet to prepare the stomach for digesting a large amount of festive dishes.
- For 20-30 minutes before the planned feast drink a glass of warm water. The liquid will improve digestion, reduce appetite and quickly give a sense of satiety.
- When choosing dishes, give preference to stewed, baked or boiled foods with a minimum of fatty sauces and dressings.
- When choosing an alcohol, choose dry wines because they contain a minimum of sugar. It also happens that the higher the degree of the drink, the more calories it contains.
- Choose protein foods: fish, meat, seafood and necessarily vegetables.
- Minimize the amount of fast carbohydrates and fats: salads with mayonnaise, potatoes, confectionery, sweet and sodas.
- Apply food in small portions, eat slowly, chewing food well.
- Do not concentrate on the festive table, divert attention by talking with guests, active entertainment or dancing.
- At the first signs of satiety, stop eating. Consider the fact that a feeling of satiety will make itself felt in 15-20 minutes.
If you still eat, then do not go to rest, as this will only slow down digestion. If possible, take a walk or do household chores. To improve digestion and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir. The next day, do not arrange a fasting day. Malnutrition will further slow down the metabolic processes, which will harm the body. Maintain a standard diet and drink plenty of water. Do not forget about the physical exertion that will help to eat the calories eaten.
Overeating during a diet
Long-term restriction in food entails a feeling of dissatisfaction and lack of energy. Because of this, there is an insistent desire to eat something forbidden, which leads to overeating during the diet. In this case we are talking about a psychological problem, which in most cases hides a number of factors provocateurs:
- Stress. Many people mistakenly believe that the best way to get rid of unpleasant emotions and nervous experiences is to eat something tasty. Prolonged seizure of problems - this is an extra kilogram, to fight which you have to sit on a diet. But because of the constant stress for a long time to stick to the diet does not work. The vicious circle will last until stress and other stimuli are eliminated.
- Loneliness and fear. The lack of communication and love, as well as fear - is another common cause of gluttony, including during a diet.
- The habit of eating up the leftovers. Quite an insidious problem, which at first glance lies behind good intentions - not to let the products spoil. This kind of sedation harms not only the figure, but also the general state of health.
- Strict diet. Prolonged food restriction sooner or later, but lead to breakdowns. The body suffers from a shortage of calories that are habitual for him, which makes it difficult to overcome the desire to eat something and a heightened sense of hunger. In order to avoid such problems it is better to consult a dietician who will help to adjust the diet to achieve the desired results.
- Fast food intake leads to the fact that a person does not feel saturated with the consumed foods and begins to overeat. This is observed when eating while watching TV or reading a book, when attention is not concentrated on a dish. Slow and quiet food will save you from breakdowns.
- False feelings of hunger for thirst. The conducted researches have established, that very often people accept water deficiency for the aggravated appetite. To distinguish the true hunger from thirst, it is enough to drink a glass of warm water. If the desire to eat did not pass in 15-20 minutes, then you need a small snack.
Systematic breakdowns during a diet, that is alternation of overeating with malnutrition lead to disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, joints suffer. With frequent disruptions during a diet, you should consult a psychologist to correct eating behavior and eliminate psychological factors that cause gluttony.
Overeating in psoriasis
Non-infectious dermatological disease with flaky plaques on the skin - this is psoriasis. The appearance of this pathology is associated with metabolic disorders of the body, so diet is one of the main rules of its treatment.
Overeating in psoriasis causes relapse of the disease. Psoriatic plaques form on the skin, which begin to peel and itch. The violation of therapeutic nutrition leads to an increase in the area of the lesion. There is also a high risk of such complications:
- Psoriatic arthritis.
- Generalized pustular psoriasis (purulent rashes).
- Psoriatic erythroderma (defeat of all skin).
Abuse of prohibited products disrupts metabolic processes in the body. The list of food contraindications during the illness includes:
- Table salt - irritates the digestive tract, causes swelling.
- Sharp, fatty and fried dishes - badly affect the skin, nervous system and work of the digestive tract. Cause itching, burning and inflammation of the skin.
- Easily assimilated carbohydrates (sweets, sugar, baked pastries) - provoke inflammatory reactions.
- Preservative products, GMOs, stabilizers and flavor enhancers cause allergic reactions.
Compliance with diet for psoriasis is a prerequisite for recovery. Healthy and moderate nutrition significantly improves skin condition, reduces the frequency of relapses of the disease, eliminates itching. Also contributes to the normalization of weight and improves the functioning of the digestive system.
For normal assimilation of food, metabolism is responsible. A complex of chemical compounds ensures the full functioning of cells and the interaction between the chemical composition of incoming products and the human body.
Food is essential for normal growth and development. Food saturates our body with such substances:
- Proteins are amino acids that act as the main building material. They are responsible for the growth of tissues and musculature. Isolate animal and vegetable proteins. In combination with fats, they regulate the energy balance of the body.
- Fats are organic compounds, energy suppliers. They support the elasticity of blood vessels, allowing useful substances to penetrate quickly to tissues and cells. Thanks to this, the condition of the skin, hair, nails and overall well-being is improved.
- Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. They are divided into simple and complex. The former are easily digested, but can lead to excess weight and worsen metabolic processes. Complex carbohydrates provide a stable and lasting sense of satiety.
- Mineral substances and vitamins - improve the work of the body at the cellular level. Maintain the normal functioning of all organs and systems.
Exactly from metabolic processes depends how much cells will be supplied with useful substances and can perform their chemical reactions. Overeating is characterized by the absorption of excess food with the inability to stop this process in time.
Symptoms of the avery
Regardless of the cause, all types of binge eating have a similar symptom complex. The main symptoms of overeating are:
- Permanent fluctuations in weight and weight gain.
- Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract: a feeling of heaviness, increased gas formation, bloating.
- Problems with sleep - after absorbing excess food, the body is difficult to fall asleep, because the digestive system is running at full speed.
- Absorption of food in the absence of hunger and at any time of the day.
- Depressive state and nervous overexertion.
- Uncontrolled food intake while maintaining the usual way of life and the usual daily routine.
- Binge eating when watching TV, reading and acting other distractions that break the saturation process.
The appearance of the above symptomatology indicates the progression of an eating disorder, which requires treatment and psychological correction. About other signs of overeating read in this article.
With the problem of overeating at least once, but every person came across. Binge eating is due to a variety of factors and causes. Proceeding from this, the disorder has several types and stages.
Consider the main stages of overeating:
- Preobjhorstvo - the usual meal ends with the saturation of the body, but the subconscious mind requires an addition. Very often, this occurs when you are feeding while watching TV or reading. That's why all dieticians are advised to eat in silence.
- Gluttony - a variety of dishes and the inability to tell oneself in time to stop, leads to overeating. Very often this stage occurs when a person eats up everything to the last crumbs, fearing that tomorrow the food will deteriorate or promises that today's zazhor is the last time, and tomorrow the sport and a healthy diet.
- Post-fatness is the stage of physical and psychological frustration. Self-flagellation begins because of the eaten, which is aggravated by pains in the stomach, shortness of breath, nausea. From the psychological side there is a sense of guilt, anger and even fear.
If the problem of eating disorders occurs on an ongoing basis, then you need to seek medical help.
Bulimia is replaced by overeating
Bulimia is a serious eating disorder. Mental disorder is characterized by regular bouts of overeating with further disposal from the eaten. For this, a person induces vomiting, takes laxatives or does enemas. As a result, this behavior leads to a serious depletion of the body and the development of complications from many internal organs.
The disease has no clearly defined causes. All factors of the appearance of the disorder are related to the psychological state, nervous experiences and emotional disorders.
The main signs of bulimia:
- Lack of control over food intake - the patient can not stop eating even with the appearance of severe physical discomfort.
- Sneakiness - gluttony often occurs after everyone has fallen asleep or left the house. A man eats in seclusion.
- Lack of weight changes - despite the regularly disappearing products from the refrigerator, the weight of the patient does not change.
- Constant jumps between hunger strike and gluttony. With bulimia, normal nutrition is extremely rare. The patient lives by the principle - or all or nothing.
- After each meal, the patient goes to the toilet or bathroom to induce vomiting. More often it is the smell of vomit that allows close ones to suspect the disease. To get rid of the recently eaten can be used diuretic and laxatives, enemas.
- Frequent vomiting attacks lead to the appearance of swelling in the eyes and cheeks. The patient has calluses on the fingers or the back of the palms of the teeth. Markings occur because of putting your fingers in your mouth for an emetic reflex.
- Gastric acid, which penetrates the oral cavity during vomiting, causes discoloration or darkening of the teeth. In the future, this leads to the destruction of the tooth enamel and the crown itself.
Bulimia, which gives way to gluttony, is dangerous to health. The most serious side effect of the disease is dehydration due to regular cleansing. Emetic attacks in combination with laxatives and diuretics lead to a violation of electrolyte balance in the body and a significant decrease in the level of potassium. This negatively affects thinking processes and concentration of attention. There may be problems from the cardiovascular system and the development of renal failure.
The most common complications of eating disorders include:
- Fluctuations in body weight.
- Pain in the abdomen and increased gas formation.
- Swelling of the upper and lower extremities.
- Slowness of voice and sore throat.
- Severe weakness and dizziness.
- Dental problems: caries, ulcers of the oral mucosa, tooth decay.
- Chronic constipation.
- Ulcerative lesions of the digestive system.
- Violation of the menstrual cycle in women.
Treatment of the disease is long and complex. As a rule, the therapy takes place in special clinics under the supervision of psychologists and nutritionists.
Overeating and Binge eating
Regular uncontrolled devouring of a huge number of foods that can not be stopped in time is a binge eating disorder. This disorder has a scientific name - compulsive overeating. Many experts associate a nutritional disorder with unspent energy. For example, a person has certain plans or ambitions, if they are not implemented, it will lead to seizing the problem.
Overeating is characterized by symptomatic bouts. After the episode of overeating, a pronounced sense of guilt appears and self-flagellation begins. The person is disgusted with himself, which leads to depressive states.
The main causes of food abuse:
- Prolonged depression.
- Low self-esteem and self-doubt.
- Complexes because of dislike for one's own body.
- Violation of the regime of the day and nutrition.
- Weak willpower.
- Psychological trauma.
- Children and adolescence.
Symptoms of gluttony:
- Rapid absorption of large amounts of food.
- Eating without regard to the regime of the day.
- Accumulation of delicacies and harmful products for further eating.
- The propensity to eat alone.
- The state of nervous overexertion or chronic stress, weakening after another glutton.
- Expressed a sense of satisfaction because of excessive eating.
- Lack of control of own actions.
Regular bouts of gluttony lead to various complications. First of all, the risk of diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, obesity, curvature of the intestines is significantly increased. If a food disorder takes the form of bulimia, then it can cause schizophrenia disorder and a number of other disorders, both physical and mental health.
Treatment of food dependence is reduced to minimizing negative emotions and stresses. It is necessary to observe the regime of the day and nutrition, adhere to a balanced diet and healthy sleep. Another important point is the love of yourself and your own body.
Overeating after anorexia
To date, there are several types of eating disorders. There are such basic categories of violations:
All categories are interrelated, progression of one leads to the appearance of another. This also applies to overeating after anorexia.
Anorexia is a syndrome of total lack of appetite. The disorder occurs due to existing diseases, mental disorders or medications that lead to loss of appetite. The pathological condition is characterized by a psychological aversion to food, which entails a serious depletion of the body.
The main signs of food disorders include:
- Compulsive behavior.
- Refusal to eat in front of other people.
- The meal turns into a ritual: a small slicing meal, a certain layout on the plate and more.
- Violation or absence of the menstrual cycle.
- Skin discoloration, jaundice and dryness.
- Thinning of hair on the head.
- The appearance of gun hair on the body.
- Hypersensitivity to cold and constantly cold extremities.
- Gastrointestinal disorders: hung-up gas, pain, belching.
- Violation of coordination of movements, slow thinking, bad memory.
Very often, eating disorders are accompanied by other psychological disorders: obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, panic disorder, depression. More often than not, young women face these diseases because of dissatisfaction with their own appearance. The desire to lose weight and look more beautiful leads to a gradual refusal of food, but failures during such a "strict diet" end in bouts of gluttony.
Overeating in alternation with hunger presents a serious danger to the body. Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive, with the earlier medical and psychological assistance provided, the less complications this pathology will cause.
Complications and consequences
Frequent overeating negatively affects the work of the whole organism. Consider the main problems that cause excessive eating:
- Overeating is the main cause of overweight and obesity.
- A lot of weight makes the heart work harder. Because of this, cardiac rhythm, circulatory and respiratory disturbances are possible.
- Possible hypertension and increased risk of heart attack.
- The over-saturation of the liver with fats, or fatty degeneration of the liver, leads to the development of diseases from other parts of the digestive tract: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, gastritis.
- Obesity has a negative effect on the endocrine system. Hormonal failures cause menstrual irregularities and problems with conception.
- Diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders.
- Inflammation and joint diseases.
- Sleep disorders and apnea.
About other consequences of overeating read in this article.
Diagnostics of the avery
Methods of investigating the problem of overeating completely depend on its form and symptoms. A full-fledged diagnosis consists of visiting various specialists, both physical and psychiatric.
Diagnosis of overeating includes such methods:
- Collection of anamnesis and analysis of the patient's life.
- General examination and physical examination.
- Lab tests.
- Instrumental research.
- Differential diagnostics.
The disease is confirmed if there are signs characteristic of the disorder. For the final diagnosis use ICD 10, code F50 Disorders of food intake.
Laboratory diagnostics is an obligatory component of a complex examination of the organism for the causes and complications of eating disorders. To assess the state of the body, patients are assigned such tests:
- General and biochemical analysis of blood.
- Analysis for the level of electrolytes.
- Analysis for the level of cortisol.
- Analysis of urine and feces.
- Analyzes of gastric juice.
Particular attention in the process of diagnosis is given to the gastro panel. This is a set of different tests and tests for assessing and studying the condition of the digestive system. Based on the results of this analysis, the doctor determines the risk of developing atrophy, ulcerative and malignant lesions. Venous blood is taken for the study.
Instrumental diagnostics
Excessive and uncontrolled consumption of food negatively affects the state of the whole organism. The musculoskeletal system, the digestive system, cardiovascular, genitourinary and endocrine systems fall under the sight.
To identify various disorders of the digestive system caused by overeating, instrumental diagnostics is carried out:
- Radiography is an assessment of the state of the stomach, intestines and esophagus. It allows to identify ulcerative lesions, tumors and other anomalies.
- X-ray examination is a study of the movement and peristalsis of organs. By its results, it is possible to draw conclusions about the state of motor-evacuation functions.
- CT and MRI - these methods give a layered visual image of any internal organ. This allows us to assess the state of internal structures and identify their lesions.
- Ultrasound examination - is conducted to assess the shape, location and size of the digestive system. Identifies tumor neoplasms, concrements, vascular defects, pathology of the ducts.
- Scintigraphy - radioactive isotopes are used for its carrying out, which allow to study the peculiarities of food movement along the gastrointestinal tract. The method is used for suspected liver disease, pancreas and bile production disorders.
- Sensing - using the probe, the contents of the stomach are sucked off with further investigation in the laboratory. Such a diagnosis can determine the true causes of digestive disorders and identify complications of food abuse.
- Endoscopy and gastroscopy - for the study of the digestive system uses an endoscope. A special tube with a camera is inserted through the mouth into the stomach. Allows you to visually assess the condition of internal organs and, if necessary, take tissues for biopsy.
In addition to the above diagnostic methods, the patient can be assigned to study the cardiovascular system, the brain and other organs, pathologies in which can provoke overeating or act as its complication.
Differential diagnosis
Overeating arises from the action of many different factors, both psychological and physiological. Differential diagnosis of an eating disorder is carried out with such pathologies:
- Depression - a mental disorder, in neglected cases causes bulimia.
- Violation of the thyroid function - hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism lead to an incorrect production of hormones. This leads to a jump in appetite and other metabolic complications.
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder - OCD is a personality disorder for which uncontrollable emotions and actions, including gluttony, are characteristic.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system. For example, a stroke leads to a violation of cerebral circulation, which leads to disorders of nervous and cerebral activity. Because of this, there may be irregularities and abnormalities in the usual norms of eating behavior.
- Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that has several kinds and forms. One of the varieties of this pathology is characterized by the dissatisfaction of the patient with the proportions of his body. This leads to both uncontrolled binge eating and to a total refusal to eat.
- Traumas of the brain - hemorrhages in the brain lead to impaired brain activity. In severe cases, this causes organic personality disorders. Because of this, the patient's behavior becomes inadequate, long-term gluttons and subsequent attacks of vomiting are possible.
- Diabetes mellitus - this disease occurs due to insufficient insulin production. To make up for the deficiency of this hormone, patients introduce a synthetic analogue. Artificial insulin causes severe hunger, which leads to gluttony.
- Obesity is a chronic disease, the main symptom of which is overweight. Without proper medical care, this problem can go to the form of bulimia.
In addition to the above factors, eating disorder is differentiated with different dependencies. For example, when coding from psychoactive substances (narcotic drugs, alcohol), pathological attachment to food can develop.
Treatment of the avery
Excessive eating is a problem that requires a comprehensive treatment approach. Methods of therapy depend on the type of overeating and the reasons that it provoked. The fight against overeating begins with a visit to a therapist, a nutritionist and a psychologist. Treatment includes such methods:
- Cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy.
- Hypnosis.
- Physiotherapy.
- Medication: antidepressants, drugs to reduce appetite.
Prevention of excessive amounts of food is reduced to the rules of healthy eating. Prevention of overeating begins with the organization of the regime of the day and the education of adequate self-esteem. A favorable psychological and emotional climate, this is another point on the way to avoiding excesses.
- Do not eat at the computer or reading. Let the food intake become a ritual, which must be prepared by turning off all the gadgets to fully enjoy the dish.
- Adhere to the basic meals in accordance with such principles: rationally, moderately and diversely. Slowly chew, as the saturation signal will enter the brain only 20 minutes after the start of the meal.
- Before each meal, drink a glass of warm water. Do not forget that for a sharp sense of hunger can hide the basic thirst.
- At the first signs of satiety, stop eating. Do not live in reserve and do not eat up foods that are about to deteriorate.
- Do not use food as a reward. Remember that you are not an animal to encourage yourself with a carrot for the task accomplished.
- Observe the sleep and wakefulness. Lack of sleep is one of the most common causes of overeating, both in adults and in children.
- Hunger is born in a rumbling stomach, not in the head. Do not eat up stress or nervous distress. From this the problem will not disappear, but there will be a violation of eating behavior.
In addition to the above recommendations, you should maintain physical activity and monitor your health. It will not be superfluous to have a seasonal intake of multivitamin complexes to strengthen immunity.
From the causes, symptoms and complications, the prediction of overeating depends. If the food dependence is caused by psychological factors, the outcome of the disease is based on the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
If the disorder has become bulimia, then without timely therapy or with refusal of treatment, the prognosis is unfavorable. This is due to the development of a variety of complications that affect the cardiovascular, nervous and other body systems. Adopting the problem and its adequate treatment, give a favorable prognosis for recovery.