Rapid weight loss
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Excess weight is the problem of a third of the world's population. People try to get rid of extra pounds in various ways, trying to bring their body to the ideal proportions. Despite a huge number of existing methods of losing weight, the fastest growing weight is the most popular and attractive. Among the various ways and means, there are very effective, which in a short time really allow you to get closer to the desired result. But, all methods have different side effects, negatively affecting human health. What is considered a sharp weight loss? What is the danger of rapid weight loss, which diseases can be signaled and why should it be abandoned? Let's try to understand.
Rapid weight loss is a spontaneous (without provoking factors) significant weight loss and a visually noticeable change in body volume. The patient grows thin, in spite of full nutrition, sedentary or inactive work, lack of physical activity and an active lifestyle. His state of health remains stable, but after a while there is weakness, symptoms of intoxication, there is an increase in body temperature or other unpleasant manifestations.
Causes of the slimming
What is considered a sharp weight loss and how can it be caused? Common causes leading to rapid weight loss are:
- Development and growth of neoplasms in the body. Oncolorization is always accompanied by patient exhaustion. Weight loss is explained by the absorption of a large amount of energy by malignant cells during rapid division.
- Changing the hormonal background. The pathological conditions of the endocrine system cause a sharp decrease in weight. For example, thyrotoxicosis. The thyroid gland produces a large number of hormones. Their excess leads to the activation of metabolic processes. For enhanced metabolism, energy is needed, the source of which is the supply of fatty tissue.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Most diseases of the digestive system are accompanied by loss of appetite, which is the reason for rapid weight loss. This is due to pathological disruptions in the processes of digestion of food and absorption of the necessary nutrients and minerals by the intestine. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to a weakening of the body: atrophic gastritis, stomach ulcer and / or duodenal ulcer, enteritis, colitis, pancreatitis, celiac disease.
- Intoxication syndrome. This condition accompanies oncological processes, helminthiases, infectious diseases. The defeat of the body with toxic substances is accompanied by lethargy, weakness, rapid fatigue, increased body temperature, decreased appetite. The chronic course of the infection process may not manifest itself for a long time, but against its background, depletion will progress.
- Psychoemotional stresses. Violation of the mental state causes a symptomatic loss of appetite or a conscious refusal to eat. For example, anorexia, which affects girls and women, inadequately assessing their body, leads to a complete refusal to eat. Occur:
- weakness,
- hormonal failures,
- osteoporosis,
- anemic conditions.
- Critical dehydration. A sharp decrease in weight is due to abnormal dehydration. Reducing the amount of water in the body below the physiological norm can be caused by copious diarrhea, diuretic intake, indomitable vomiting, severe sweating.
Risk factors
What factors can cause a sharp decrease in body weight?
Factors that favor rapid weight loss can be divided into two categories:
- Weight loss, associated with certain pathological conditions and diseases of the body.
- Sharp weight loss, caused by a change in lifestyle and lability of psychoemotional balance.
Causes that do not depend on pathological changes in the body are as follows:
- unbalanced nutrition;
- excessive physical exertion;
- strict mono-diets, which go on hunger strikes;
- phobias;
- transitional age.
If rapid weight loss occurs without visible factors provoking weight loss, you need to undergo a medical examination. Some formidable pathological processes are accompanied by a decrease in body weight. Weight loss can be provoked:
- oncological diseases;
- tuberculosis infection;
- endocrine changes (thyrotoxicosis);
- anorexia;
- syndrome of hypokorticism;
- Alzheimer's disease;
- ulcerative pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
- disturbance of intestinal permeability.
It must be remembered that any disease discovered at the initial stage of formation, in most cases, is amenable to therapy.
Sharp weight loss is always a stress for the body. Sudden weight loss leads to:
- exhaustion of the body;
- disruption of the normal functioning of internal organs;
- failure in metabolic processes and imbalance of water-electrolyte equilibrium;
- the appearance of lethargy, weakness;
- decreased efficiency;
- vitamin deficiency and hormonal failures;
- the emergence of aesthetic problems;
- the development of viral diseases accompanied by fever, due to a decrease in immune protection;
- psychosomatic reactions.
Symptoms of the slimming
Changes in metabolic processes that accompany abrupt weight loss, affect the functioning of various organs and systems. Spontaneous weight loss is accompanied by symptoms that are characteristic of a particular acute pathological condition or for the underlying chronic process. Some manifestations of sudden weight loss:
- Gastrointestinal tract - bloating (flatulence), pain in the epigastric region, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite.
- Nervous system - cephalalgia (headache), dizziness, depression, anorexia.
- Musculoskeletal system - pain in the bones, joints and muscles.
- Skin covers - there will be flabbiness, dryness, itching, the skin turgor decreases.
What is considered a sharp weight loss? Conscious weight loss is a complex of measures aimed at reducing body weight. Used to combat obesity and to enhance the external appeal. But a sudden, spontaneous, uncontrolled weight loss for no particular reason may indicate a serious illness.
What are the first signs of a strong weight loss?
Before dealing with weight loss, you need to determine BMI (body mass index). BMI is calculated by the formula: I = m / h * h where the person's weight in kg divided by the height, measured in meters per square. If BMI:
- > 18, then a person lacks weight and needs to recover.
- 18,5-24, then everything is in order, it's not necessary to get better or lose weight.
- 25-29 - there is excess weight. It is necessary to adhere to a diet and actively engage in physical activity.
- 30-40 is considered a classic obesity, requiring specialist advice. In addition to diet and exercise, you need a certain set of medications that help in weight reduction.
- <40, a sign of obesity, life-threatening patient. For the treatment of this condition, techniques using surgical intervention are often used.
Rapid weight loss and weakness
Sharp weight loss and weakness can be symptoms of menacing endocrine pathology - diabetes. A characteristic feature of this disease is a disruption of the normal function of the pancreas, namely an inadequate synthesis of the insulin hormone. The hormone is a "conductor" of glucose (energy source) inside the cell. Without enough insulin, glucose accumulates in the blood, and body cells experience "hunger". With a constantly elevated level of sugar content, sleep, vision, weakness and fatigue appear. Signs of diabetes, along with a strong weight loss and weakness, are:
- increased urine production (polyuria);
- frequent nocturnal urge to urinate;
- feeling of hunger and thirst due to disturbed metabolism;
- excess of the normal level of glucose in the blood;
- long-term healing and suppurating wounds.
If with significant weight loss and weakness there is a discoloration of the skin, eye sclera, brittle nails and hair loss, then it is possible to suspect the onset of cancer.
Among the symptoms of tuberculosis also note a sharp weight loss and weakness. In addition to these signs, the disease is mainly characterized by:
- constant chest wet cough;
- presence of blood and purulent inclusions in sputum;
- pains in coughing in the chest area;
- increased sweating.
Rapid weight loss and nausea
What causes weight loss and nausea?
A sharp decrease in weight can be associated with persistent nausea and vomiting. Attacks of nausea are so strong that they do not stop after taking antiemetics. This combination of symptoms is typical for:
- Pathological condition of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the cause of the symptoms will be an inflammatory process that blocks the supply of nutrients and disrupts the digestive process. Typical signs are nausea, vomiting, loose stools. All of the above phenomena lead to a lack of useful substances and the body does not receive enough energy.
- The change in the hormonal background is characteristic of hypothyroidism (insufficient synthesis of hormones by the thyroid gland). For the disease, typical signs are the presence of nausea, drowsiness, weakness, sudden loss or weight gain.
- Oncology of different localization. Nausea and weight loss are inherent in advanced stages of the disease.
- Toxicosis of pregnant women. For the first trimester of the gestation period, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss are characteristic. These phenomena disappear at 20-22 weeks of pregnancy.
- Hypocorticism or Addison's syndrome is caused by insufficiency of the adrenal cortex. This disease also accompanies the patient's weight loss on a background of nausea and lack of appetite.
Hair loss and slimming
How does weight loss affect hair loss? Hair loss is provoked by a number of reasons:
- stressful situations;
- age-related changes in the hormonal background;
- surgery with general anesthesia;
- period of pregnancy.
Trichologists say that while on a diet, the body experiences a deficiency of nutrients and minerals, which provokes hair loss. Hair thinning due to lack:
- zinc,
- gland,
- magnesium,
- vitamins of different groups (A, B, D),
- fatty acids,
- proteins.
The problem concerns both women and men. Not all diets lead to such consequences. It is necessary to be afraid of frequent unloading days, mono-diet, and also fashionable express diets, promising a rapid reduction in body weight. Such diets provoke rapid weight loss, which is a stress for the body. Therefore, pathological changes in metabolic processes occur against the backdrop of a deficiency of nutrients and minerals necessary for a full-fledged vital activity. In addition to hair loss, metabolic disturbances lead to:
- pathological weight gain;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- diabetes mellitus;
- stroke;
- heart attack;
- renal and hepatic dysfunction.
Rapid weight loss of 10 kg
Many people, dreaming of quickly losing weight, use express diets, which allow you to reduce body weight per week by 10 kg. This is quite realistic, but weight loss is not due to getting rid of excess fat accumulation, but because of the removal of a large amount of fluid from the body.
Human subcutaneous fat contains a large percentage of water. Therefore, removing the fluid leads to weight loss. Using diuretics, you can achieve a significant reduction in body volume. To get rid of a liquid it is possible and due to profuse sweating, which is facilitated by visiting a Finnish sauna or using a thermal suit. If for a long time a person regularly loses fluid from the body, not replenishing the missing quantity, then this is fraught with the emergence of a deficiency of a large number of trace elements and nutrients. This situation negatively affects the work of the heart muscle, kidneys and rheological properties of the blood.
Sharp conscious weight loss is real, but it is harmful to health. If dehydration reaches critical levels, then the work of the kidneys, the heart, the dryness and flabbiness of the skin, the hair will become thin, the nail plates will become brittle. With prolonged starvation, chronic gastrointestinal diseases worsen. The danger of a dramatic significant reduction in weight (over 10 kg in 7 days) is fraught with the return of the old body weight, and sometimes its recruitment, after the end of the radical diet.
Sharp weight loss as a symptom of the disease
What is a sharp weight loss and can it be a symptom of formidable diseases? A sharp decrease in body weight may indicate:
- the appearance of a neoplasm;
- disorders in the hormonal system;
- diseases of the digestive tract;
- intoxication syndrome;
- psychoemotional disorders;
- critical dehydration.
Rapid weight loss and diabetes
Uncontrolled weight loss in diabetics is caused by the cessation of the synthesis of the hormone insulin. Sources of energy are muscle and fat tissue. Patients with diabetes experience:
- strong thirst;
- numbness of limbs;
- frequent urination;
- peeling, slow regeneration of skin;
- decreased visual acuity.
Diabetes of the second type in young patients leads to cachexia (malnutrition), characterized by partial or complete atrophy of the fat layer, ketoacidosis (high content of acetone in the blood). There is no standard treatment for depletion. The condition of patients is corrected with the help of hormonal means, medications that stimulate appetite, rational nutrition.
Rapid weight loss in oncology
A sharp decrease in body weight is observed with malignant neoplasms of any location, but more often indicates oncological diseases of the intestine. Weight loss occurs involuntarily, a person does not make any effort.
Stress and weight loss
How is weight loss linked to stress? Nervous tension is the main reason, negatively affecting the desire to eat. Stress can cause both increased and decreased appetite. It often causes reluctance to eat. Psycho-emotional overloads do not allow full relaxation and a mood for eating. During stress, there is a spasm of the muscles of the body, including the organs of the digestive tract, in connection with which there is no need for food. Stressful situations negatively affect both adults and children. There are many reasons that cause a nervous shock:
- problems in the team at work or at school,
- family conflicts,
- loss of loved ones,
- financial crises.
Every day a person is exposed to stress, if the nervous system is labile, then her frustration and complications appear. In the beginning, the consequences of malnutrition can please patients with excessive body weight. But further weight loss can lead to:
- anorexia;
- fatigue;
- retardation;
- decreased activity;
- spasm of muscle tissue;
- cardiac arrhythmia;
- violations of the menstrual cycle.
Sharp weight reduction under the influence of a stressful situation should alert and push to address to the doctor. If you do not ask for adequate help in time and do not eliminate the main causes of loss of appetite, then the body will greatly weaken. On its own, the patient can regain appetite and slow down uncontrolled weight loss by using:
- psychotherapy,
- moderate physical activity,
- a distraction or a hobby.
More information about the treatment of the state of increased stress can be obtained during a psychologist's consultation.
Slimming weight loss women
What is considered a sharp weight loss in women? What causes weight loss in women of childbearing age? Strong slimming in women is provoked:
- violation of metabolic processes;
- first and second trimesters of pregnancy;
- depression;
- energy imbalance.
The main reason for the uncontrolled reduction in weight in women is a strict diet. Most people trying to lose extra pounds restrict themselves to eating and use a variety of diets. When the necessary weight is reached, a person begins to fear food, it seems that an extra piece of food will be a threat to a slender figure. Sometimes severe eating restrictions cause dystrophy and anorexia. With a sharp weight loss may develop apathy, drowsiness, depression.
Strong weight loss can cause an unbalanced diet. The body begins to lack a lot of useful substances. Long-term absence of calories the organism is compelled to fill at the expense of own stocks. This principle is based on a low-calorie diet. With the disappearance of amino acids, vitamins and microelements, dystrophic changes occur.
Another reason for active weight loss in women is due to hormonal imbalance, which occurs during natural life cycles - the first trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc.
A sharp decrease in weight may be manifested in the violation of metabolic processes caused by the use of aggressive medicines.
Rapid weight loss after childbirth
The reasons for a sharp weight loss in the postpartum period are many:
- hormonal changes in the body;
- changing the load regime (feeding, walking, washing, cooking, cleaning);
- postpartum depression.
In order not to spoil the figure, young mothers sit on a diet. During this period, it is necessary to pay more attention to a healthy balanced diet, adjustment of the daily regimen. During this period it is not recommended to apply dietary restrictions. The diet affects the quality of milk for its nutritional, immunomodulating and taste properties. Applying a diet in the postpartum period, a woman risks in the future to get a new problem associated with weight gain.
Sharp weight loss in men
What causes sudden weight loss in men?
Weight loss is often a positive process with increased weight. Excess kilograms are burned with active physical activity or compliance with a low-calorie diet. Weight reduction occurs due to the hormone testosterone, which is intensively produced during exercise. If the weight decreases with a full meal and a wonderful appetite, then you should think about the problem. Uncontrolled weight loss can signal the onset of a pathological process in the body.
Often, weight loss in men is manifested against the background of emotional overstrain associated with work, home turmoil, rest problems, etc. It is necessary to be nervous and there is a loss of appetite, a disturbance of sleep, there are headaches and stomach upsets, which lead to a sharp decrease in weight. In addition to stressful situations, a sharp decrease in weight provokes: diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, cancer, HIV, tuberculosis.
Complications and consequences
A sharp decrease in weight is observed as a result of strict diets. Over a period of almost complete starvation, there is a decrease in metabolic processes, a slowing of cell regeneration, a general weakening of the body, a decrease in immune responses. As a consequence, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails deteriorates. The integuments lose elasticity, get unhealthy appearance and color, become flabby. In the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms, sides, the skin sags.
How does weight loss affect the gallbladder?
Malnutrition, which contributes to a sharp reduction in weight, leads to the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Swedish scientists have established that strict diets with a low calorie content do not favor persistent retention of reduced weight, but harm the health, leading to cholelithiasis. Gradual weight loss with the use of balanced diets does not cause such side effects.
According to the research, mono-diets, dry fasting, provoke cholecystitis, lead to cholesterol growth in bile, increase bilirubin (bile pigment), promote stagnant phenomena in the gallbladder. Diet, the caloricity of which is 1300-1400 calories a day, gives a more stable result and 2-3 times less leads to the appearance of cholelithiasis in comparison with a mono-diet of 500 calories. The result of an extreme diet is almost instantaneous, but it is not resistant and carries a hidden health threat.
What causes sharp weight loss?
Rapid weight loss can be the reason:
- pressure reduction;
- memory impairment;
- destruction of tooth enamel;
- gastritis or pancreatitis;
- renal dysfunction;
- protein-free edema;
- depressive state;
- return of excess weight.
"Dry" fasting (complete refusal of food and liquid) after a few days leads to dehydration of the body, intoxication, shock state. Medications that reduce appetite are dangerous by the content of psychotropic substances that affect the brain area responsible for feeling saturated. Eating raw foods causes abnormalities in the digestive tract. Prolonged mono-diets cause avitaminosis and reduce protective reactions of the body. Full refusal of sugar and salt provokes violation of salt and carbohydrate balance, which affects the functioning of the heart muscle and brain. Color diets lead to dysfunction of the liver and gallbladder, due to the accumulation of aggressive components. The use of exclusively plant foods leads to metabolic disorders and hormonal failures.
After a sharp slimming, the skin fell
If a person is overweight, then the body volume increases and the skin is stretched. After a sharp drop in weight, resulting in "dry" fasting, strict diets, raw food, body volume is reduced, and the skin remains sagging on the abdomen, buttocks, face, hands, chest, inner thighs. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to reduce the weight competently and gradually, so that the skin "had time to pull up". Too fast weight loss inevitably leads to sagging of the skin.
Diagnostics of the slimming
How is the diagnosis of a sharp weight loss? An experienced doctor at an initial consultation will conduct an anamnesis and physical examination. As a result of an examination with a rapid decrease in weight, he may notice:
- decreased skin turgor;
- flabbiness of the skin;
- "Bags" under the eyes due to decreased kidney function;
- weakness;
- apathy;
- cramps calf muscles.
In the case of an unexplained cause, a sharp loss of body weight may be prescribed:
- clinical analysis of urine and blood;
- biochemical blood test;
- consultations of narrow specialists.
Due to the fact that sudden weight loss can be a consequence of the pathological process in the body, it is necessary to conduct research and analysis. In this situation, using laboratory tests reveals the severity of weight loss and possible causes. The results of a clinical blood test will help to identify inflammation and anemia. A blood test for glucose will show the presence or absence of diabetes mellitus. Hormonal tests (TTG, T3 and T4) are performed to eliminate problems with the thyroid gland. Biochemical indices:
- Hepatic tests are needed to evaluate liver function.
- Creatinine allows you to identify kidney failure.
Proteinogram is carried out to study the level of protein starvation and the presence of inflammatory processes. Immunograms and markers of autoimmune diseases are prescribed to detect immunodeficiency and connective tissue diseases. Analysis of feces for helminthiases. If necessary, antibodies to various pathogens of infectious diseases (screening tests for oncopathology, HIV, tuberculosis) are recommended.
Instrumental diagnostics
What is a sharp weight loss and what instrumental diagnosis is used? If a sharp weight loss is a symptom of the disease, the attending physician recommends the following specialists:
- the oncologist;
- phthisiatrician;
- neuropathologist or psychiatrist;
- gynecologist;
- urologist.
Narrow specialists, depending on the prospective pathology, can prescribe the following types of diagnostic studies:
- Ultrasound diagnosis;
- CT and MRI studies;
- gastroduodenoscopy;
- colonoscopy;
- radiography.
Differential diagnosis
In differential diagnosis it is necessary to distinguish the causes of weight loss. Rapid weight loss is provoked by certain types of diets or is a symptom of an insidious disease. The tactics of further therapeutic measures depend on the reason for the sharp decrease in weight.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the slimming
Before you start treatment you need to determine the cause of weight loss. When it is established, doctors suggest the following solutions to the problem:
- balance nutrition;
- normalize the water-electrolyte balance;
- with infectious diseases (intake of vitamin C, abundant drink, according to antibiotics);
- in stressful situations (sedatives, relaxing techniques, acupuncture massage);
- active sports, which became the cause of weight loss, must be stopped for a while;
- oncological, endocrine, intestinal diseases require specific therapy;
- parasites (anthelmintic drugs).
In any case, the doctor and prescribes the medication and treatment regimen after consultation and complete examination of the patient.
With a sharp weight loss associated with the disease, a disease that causes exhaustion is treated. If weight loss is triggered by a lack of nutrition, then a special diet with increased caloric intake may be prescribed. It includes:
- high content of vitamins;
- proteins - meat dishes, seafood, eggs.
- fats, preferably - butter, fatty sour cream, milk, cream, kefir, yogurt, vegetable oil, moderately fried fish;
- carbohydrates - fruit, fruit and berry drinks, berries, vegetables, bakery products, honey, chocolate, porridges;
- specialized dietary concentrates - Peptamen Enteral, Nutrizon, Nutren Complit, Berlamin Modular, Nutridrink;
- recommended infant formula (Nutrilon, Humana, Novolakt, Semilak, Nutrilak).
With a sharp decrease in weight, doctors prescribe drugs of various groups:
- adaptogens or tonic agents - Herbion Ginseng, Hawthorn, Mildronate, ATP-forte, Stimol, Nooclerin;
- hormonal drugs - Danabol, Oxandrolone, Methandrostenolone;
- combined vitamins - Vitamix, Complivit, Duovit, AEVIT, Oligovit, Centrum.
- Dosage and mode of medication is prescribed by the attending physician.
As a result of a sharp weight loss the body lacks useful microelements and vitamins. What is the reason:
- dry skin,
- brittle hair and nails,
- deterioration of the mucous membranes;
- irritability.
To saturate the body with microelements and vitamins, doctors recommend the use of multivitamin complexes.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
A sharp decrease in weight leads to a deterioration in the process of cell regeneration. With lipolysis, a large number of toxic substances enter the bloodstream. As a result of such effects, the color of the skin deteriorates, and the dryness of the skin appears. To combat these effects of weight loss will help physiotherapy - vacuum-roller or lymph drainage massages.
With a strong weight loss, the skin becomes flabby and saggy. In this case, after consulting a cosmetologist, you can go through:
- pressotherapy;
- laser resurfacing;
- photorejuvenation;
- photothermolysis;
- ultrasound or microcurrent therapy;
- RF-lifting;
- course of mesotherapy;
- massage (blepharolift, chiromassage, stone therapy, etc.)
- different types of wraps.
Alternative treatment
What is a sharp weight loss and what treatment offers alternative medicine now consider. A sharp weight loss is considered a decrease in body weight by 5-10% of the total weight for 6-12 months. To increase weight and restore a weakened organism, it is recommended:
- Reception of honey in an amount of 110-120 g per day three times a day.
- The head of onions cook with honey and vinegar. Take during the day.
- Bee milk in its pure form is sublingually three times a day before meals.
Herbal Treatment
To restore a weakened organism and strengthen immunity, herbalists recommend:
- Grice of Chinese magnolia vine (fresh or dried) in the amount of 20 g pour into a mug and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Wrap with a towel, after 30 minutes. Strain. Drink three times a day warm for 1 tablespoon.
- Corake Aralia Manchurian (1 tsp) pour into a jar and pour 100 ml of vodka Tightly cork and put in a dark place at room temperature for 10 days. Prepared tincture take 30-40 drops before eating.
- Adonis (1 tablespoon) put in a glass and pour boiling water. Infuse 1 h and take honey with 1 tbsp. Before meals.
Doctors-homeopaths with physical and nervous exhaustion recommend the following drugs:
- Ignatia-Homaccord - drops for internal use. The drug is necessary for psychosomatic disorders, mood instability, indigestion. The drug activates metabolic reactions in the brain. Has no contraindications. Normally, the drug is taken orally or sublingually 3 r. In a day. For 30 minutes. Before meals. Drops should be taken diluted 1 tsp. Pure boiled water. 10 adults are recommended for adults and children over 6 years of age.
- Hepeel and Hepeel H homeopathic remedies in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The drug is prescribed for violations of the function of the digestive tract, anemia, asthenic conditions, aversion to food, allergies. For adults and children from the age of three, it is recommended to take one tablet three times a day for 15 minutes. Before meals. The tablet dissolves under the tongue until completely dissolved. Solution for injections used 1-2 times a week for 1 ampoule intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intravenously. If there is no possibility to make an injection, you can take the contents of the ampoule orally.
- China-Homaccord S is a homeopathic remedy produced as drops for internal administration and injection solution. It is prescribed for anemia, gastrointestinal disturbances, migraine pain, exhaustion, dehydration. The standard dosage is 10 drops three times a day; 1 injection in 2, 7 days. Drops take a quarter of an hour before eating a diluted teaspoon of water.
Operative treatment
With a sharp weight loss the skin becomes flabby, lose its elasticity. If it is not possible to bring the skin into its normal form, a surgical procedure may be recommended:
- brachioplasty - lifting of the skin on the hands;
- abdominoplasty - correction of sagging abdominal skin;
- circular face lifting;
- face and neck lifting;
- filamentlifting (use special threads), lipolyfting (for correction use own fat of the patient), gluteoplasty (implant), surgical excision of the skin - manipulations to correct the skin of the buttocks;
- mastopexy - breast lift.
Before you start treatment you need to determine: what is a sharp weight loss and what is it caused. If weight loss is triggered by a lifestyle:
- dry fasting;
- mono-diet;
- smoking;
- alcoholism;
- drug addiction;
- irrational nutrition.
In these cases it is recommended:
- rejection of addictions;
- walks in the open air, contributing to increased appetite;
- balanced diet.
If sharp weight loss is a symptom of the disease, then a patient should be examined for pathology. The sooner the disease is determined, the faster and more successfully the treatment will be.
Sharp weight loss leads to such consequences:
- lack of appetite,
- weakening of the body,
- frequent attacks of nausea,
- anemia,
- puffiness,
- mental illness.
If you do not pay due attention to the condition of the patient, the consequences can be sad. Observance of the regime of work and rest, rational nutrition, moderate exercise, reduction of stress loads will help to cope with the problem. If severe weight loss is caused by the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment as early as possible.