Numbness of toes: reasons, treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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It happens that after a long time in an uncomfortable pose with bent legs, a person begins to feel discomfort in the limb and numbness of the toes, and sometimes the legs as a whole, comes. This is due to clamping of the vessels of the leg. This situation is easy to fix. Active movements and light massage quite quickly eliminates the numbness symptoms, which are manifested in the form of unpleasant tingling or burning sensations, the feeling that the leg is shivering, a little painful contraction and unreasonable chilliness. But such measures do not always help, because the cause of numbness of the limbs can be various pathologies.
Studies show that 90% of all complaints of frequent or prolonged "uncaused" numbness of the toes are associated with a single diagnosis - osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. In this case, this symptom is observed most often in those who have a diagnosis of the stage of the formation of herniated intervertebral discs.
According to other studies, 40% of cases of chronic abnormality of fingers and feet occur in chronic diseases such as diabetes, oncological diseases of the spine, HIV infection, lack of vitamins, chronic alcoholism and even severe liver and kidney damage. Almost a third of all cases of numbness of the legs have a hereditary factor, and a fifth is caused by inflammatory diseases. In addition, it is not always possible to accurately determine the cause of the pathology, which, however, significantly hampers further therapy.
Causes of the numbness of toes
In any case, patients notice the first signs of numbness, such as tingling and burning in the fingers, loss of skin sensitivity, the appearance of "goosebumps," the weakening of the fingers, feet or limbs as a whole.
In itself, numbness of the toes is not dangerous, since it serves only as a signal for the development of other pathologies. But just these very pathologies in their development can sometimes lead to disastrous consequences. The consequences and complications in turn depend on the disease, one of the symptoms of which is numbness of the legs. For example, the usual hypothermia of the toes can cause severe inflammation of the lungs, and frostbite threatens tissue necrosis and gangrene, for the prevention of which amputation of the finger or part of the leg is practiced.
Similar dangerous complications can be observed with endarteritis, in which the arteries overlap, which can also result in gangrene.
Probably, we should not remind that the "popular" osteochondrosis of the spine is one of the most common reasons for the loss of working capacity and disability if the process of deformation of intervertebral discs is not stopped on time.
No less dangerous are cancer problems with the spine. Numbness of the toes is the most innocuous circumstance in this situation. If you pay attention to the symptoms in time and identify the tumor at an early stage, there is every chance to remove it with the least risk to your health and life. If we allow the proliferation of malignant cells, the consequences can be the most tragic.
If, after a long sitting on a leg bent under him or in a "leg-to-foot" position, limb numbness occurs, lasting up to 1-2 minutes, there is no special reason to sound an alarm. It is easy enough to massage or vigorously rub the numb leg section.
But in the case when the loss of sensitivity accompanied by unpleasant sensations does not pass for a long time, it is already a signal to include a visit to the doctor in the list of cases for the next few days to reveal the causes of the pathological condition.
Numbness in the fingers and toes is nothing more than a loss of sensitivity due to disturbances in the vascular or nervous system. These include pinching or damage to the peripheral nerves, squeezing or reducing the patency of the vessels, resulting in a violation of blood circulation, lack of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body.
Well, who would doubt that in the first place in the prevalence of causes causing numbness of the toes, there will be omnipresent osteochondrosis, which has recently become more and more widespread. The lion's share of cases of numbness of the limb falls precisely on the osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, especially if the presence of a hernia or the preceding protrusion of the contents of the intervertebral discs is diagnosed.
Often loss of sensitivity in the legs is observed against a background of other diseases affecting the spine. This is the sciatica of the lumbar region, scoliosis, and various conditions associated with the pinched nerves in the region of the intervertebral discs. Numbness of the middle toe is associated with diseases of the spine, including oncological pathologies of the spine, as well as peripheral nerves.
Not only the oncological diseases themselves, but also some methods of their treatment can cause loss of paresthesia (numbness) of the extremities. Numbness of the toes in chemotherapy is due to impaired conduction of nerve impulses from receptors caused by damage to nerve fibers of the peripheral nervous system. First, numbness of the toe ends is observed, and then the process affects the entire limb.
Osteochondrosis is characterized by numbness of the fingers of the right foot. The same symptom may be associated with endocrine (thyroid disease, diabetes, etc.) or infectious (HIV, herpes, etc.) diseases. In particular, some viruses create favorable conditions in the human body for the development of an autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, which affects various joints, organs and systems of the body and is accompanied by a disturbance of sensitivity.
Loss of sensitivity can be a symptom of severe intoxication due to taking large doses of drugs or alcohol abuse. Sometimes numbness of the fingers is caused by injury to the limb and related trauma consequences, lack of vitamins or vascular disease.
Numbness of the toes in diabetes can be caused by angiopathy (destruction of the vascular walls of capillaries, arteries and veins) or peripheral type of neuropathy (nerve disease). In this case, loss of sensitivity can be observed on one or both legs. There is a so-called diabetic foot syndrome with complete loss of sensitivity.
Chronic polyneuropathy with multiple lesions of the peripheral nervous system develops not only against the background of diabetes mellitus. The causes of its development can be poisoning with poisons and toxins, various infections and even allergic processes. The disease is characterized by a loss of all kinds of sensitivity, which in the future can lead to paralysis.
One of the types of neuropathies, which is characterized by numbness of the lower leg and toes, is the tunnel syndrome. The cause of the tunneling neuropathy of the common peroneal nerve is the compression of the nerve between the fibula and the edge of the long muscle of the same name below the knee joint. This is observed with prolonged sitting with a bent leg and passes as soon as the limb takes a relaxed position. But if the tunnel syndrome is preceded by trauma (for example, fracture of the fibula) or knee surgery, serious treatment may be required before everything returns to normal.
Among vascular diseases, one of the symptoms of which is the constant numbness of the toes, it is possible to distinguish obliterating endarteritis and Raynaud's disease. The first is an autoimmune disease with thoroughly unexplained causes and is manifested by narrowing of the arterial vessels of the lower extremities, as a result of which blood circulation is disrupted. With Raynaud's disease, a decrease in the blood flow through the vessels can be caused by stress and alcohol intoxication.
Violation of blood circulation can also be caused by thrombosis or blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques in atherosclerosis. Numbness of the toes can accompany an ischemic stroke that affects the lower cerebellar and vertebral arteries.
If numbness (paresthesia) is observed in the area of the big toe, you can talk about a possible metabolic disorder. A vivid example of the disease of this group, causing numbness of the limbs is gout (deposition of salts in the joints). With this pathology numbness of the fingers can be observed both on the right foot and in the region of the left leg.
Pain and numbness of the toes are observed in various neurological pathologies and vascular spasms. So the transmission of the nerve trunk in the lower extremities causes the so-called tunnel syndrome, and the pathological swelling of the peripheral nerve - neuroma, which is characterized by numbness of the feet and toes.
Painful sensations against loss of sensitivity of the toes can be caused by the banal lack of vitamins necessary for the body. It's about vitamins A, B3 and B12.
There were cases of numbness of the toes associated with hyperventilation of the lungs, resulting from a change in the frequency and strength of the inspiration-exhalation due to intense excitement.
Uneven squeezing of various parts of the foot, characteristic of flat feet, can also negatively affect the sensitivity of the limbs.
Numbness of the toes does not necessarily indicate any disease. For example, numbness of the little finger on the leg often does not cause any special fears and is associated with wearing tight shoes. If the shoes are small in size and one of the fingers rests against the toe of the shoe, the sensitivity of this toe can not be ruled out.
Numbness of the extremities is most often observed if the blood vessels or nerve fibers are exposed to the side. It can be a squeezing or kinking of veins, arteries, capillaries and nerve endings. What happens when you squeeze nerves and blood vessels, why do we feel numbness, and then pain and tingling? Consider the pathogenesis of this process.
If, due to illness or for some other reason, the blood vessels are kinked or squeezed, it is logical to assume that blood circulation is disturbed as a result. If it concerns peripheral vessels, lower or upper extremities suffer. The weakening of the blood flow leads to the fact that the hands and feet become cold and lose sensitivity, i.e. Grow dumb.
Disturbance of blood circulation with damage or reduction in the diameter of the vessels often leads to a disruption of nerve supply, which can also cause numbness in the fingers or toes, as well as atrophy or pinching of nerve endings.
Negative effects on blood vessels or nerve fibers lead to impairment of conduction of nerve impulses from sensitive receptors and the brain does not receive signals from them, which means that we can not adequately react to sensations that occur.
By the way, a violation of blood circulation can cause banal hypothermia. Under the influence of low temperatures, the blood flow slows down, which is accompanied by paleness of the skin of the fingers and numbness. In the case of severe frostbite, the usual numbness can be replaced by pain, a prolonged loss of sensitivity and the death of tissues.
Sometimes the appearance of numbness in the legs contributes to some production conditions. This is a vibration that can cause a persistent spasm of the peripheral vessels, which will further influence the sensitivity of the limbs.
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Diagnostics of the numbness of toes
Diagnosis of the very numbness of the limbs is not difficult, because the feeling of "vitality" of the foot with an unpleasant tingling and "running shivers" is difficult to be confused with something else. It is much more difficult to determine the cause that caused this condition, except in cases where the uncomfortable posture is to blame for the numbness of the foot, and we presuppose such an outcome in advance.
In principle, the numbness of the toes associated with wearing an inappropriately sized or cramped shoe can also be easily anticipated. But in other cases, when there are apparently no reasons for numbness of the legs, additional tests and serious instrumental examinations may be needed to determine the pathology with great accuracy, the symptom of which is the numbness of the toes that has caused concern.
Since the most common cause of numbness in the fingers of the lower limbs is osteochondrosis, the main method of instrumental diagnosis for this pathology is the x-ray of various parts of the spine. MRI, CT and ultrasound of blood vessels help to determine the state of the nervous and vascular systems and to reveal pathological changes in them.
Since numbness of the legs is typical for many pathologies, to identify the cause of numbness of the toes, it may be necessary to consult not one specialist. This is a therapist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist, an angiologist, a traumatologist, a rheumatologist, and a pathologist. These specialists can assign their research.
For example, if a suspected diabetes or arteriosclerosis of the blood vessels is required, not only a general, but also a biochemical blood test, a general urine test that helps to detect the presence of inflammation, an increase in the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. With suppuration, characteristic of diabetes, additional bacussis from wounds is additionally performed to identify the type of bacteria.
Sometimes an X-ray stop is also required for suspected joint and bone damage in them.
Complete information on the condition of the internal walls of blood vessels in vascular diseases and diabetes mellitus is provided by ultrasound duplex scanning, arterial oscilometry and capillaroscopy.
If suspected of Raynaud's disease, specific studies are required to identify autoantibodies that fight against the cells that are native to the body. Such studies are called immunological.
In vibration disease, in addition to capillaroscopy, which allows to determine the state of the vascular network, special studies are conducted, such as a running test and foot thermometry.
The results of all the above studies, as well as information from the anamnesis in combination with the information received from the patient and during the external examination, will help to establish the diagnosis as soon as possible in the course of differential diagnosis, to then begin effective targeted treatment of the condition accompanied by numbness of the toes.
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Treatment of the numbness of toes
When it comes to the treatment of numbness in the limbs, it is important to understand that the different methods of therapy will be directed not so much at the removal of unpleasant symptoms as on the eradication of the cause that caused the loss of sensitivity of the toes. That is why it is so important that the diagnosis was not only timely, but also corresponded to the true state of affairs.
From the means of drug therapy with numbness of toes use anesthetics, means for relieving muscle spasms (muscle relaxants), vitamin-mineral complexes. If the loss of limb sensitivity is associated with impaired blood circulation in the vessels, in addition to the above, prescribe angioprotective agents that relieve inflammation and improve blood microcirculation, as well as drugs that reduce blood clotting to prevent blood clots, which is characteristic of varicose veins and thromboses.
If the cause of numbness of the toes is somehow connected with joint work, chondroprotective agents can be added to the general list of medicines, which can restore cartilaginous tissues and optimize the condition and work of the joints, thus preventing their negative effects on the nerves and blood vessels.
To improve nerve conduction, vitamins and mineral complexes are used most often, and medications are less common. The decisive role in this case is played by preparations of B vitamins, especially those containing vitamins B1 and B12, which are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. Of the minerals worth paying attention to zinc, potassium, calcium and magnesium. These substances, along with vitamins and amino acids, are responsible for the health of the central and peripheral nervous system.
With frostbite, diabetic foot and other conditions with the formation of purulent wounds, antibiotics are required to prevent the infection of blood due to gangrene.
Medications for numbness of the limbs
Numbness of the toes is always accompanied by unpleasant sensations, such as burning, tingling and pain. In order to relieve these symptoms, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of patches, tablets, ointments or injections. The most commonly prescribed are "Analgin", "Paracetamol", "Pentalgin", derivatives of salicylic acid. With a pronounced pain syndrome against the background of the intervertebral hernia or rheumatoid arthritis, stronger drugs are prescribed, such as Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Meloksikam, and others.
"Meloksikam" is an inexpensive, non-steroidal preparation that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect. It does not adversely affect the cartilaginous tissue. It is used both in the form of tablets, and injectively.
The method of administration and dose of the drug depend on the diagnosed disease. Tablets are taken once a day with food. Injections most often imply administration of the drug once a day. The dosage of the drug can range from 7.5 mg to 15 mg per day.
Taking the drug may be accompanied by dyspepsia, anemia, skin rashes and itching, headaches and dizziness, impaired kidney and liver function. It is necessary to notify the doctor about any side effects of the drug.
Precautionary measures. Taking large doses of the drug can cause an overdose, accompanied by a clouding of consciousness, abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain, gastric bleeding, stopping breathing, the development of renal or hepatic insufficiency. Treatment of this condition implies carrying out measures that accelerate the removal of the drug from the body: washing the stomach, taking activated charcoal or colestyramine.
The drug is not prescribed for children under 15 years of age, patients with intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid, ulcers and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding, with cardiac, renal or hepatic insufficiency, during pregnancy and lactation.
With violations of peripheral circulation, varicose veins, diabetes, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower limbs, as well as with spinal injuries to improve microcirculation prescribe drugs-angioprotectors. These include Pentoxifylline, Doxilek, Vazaprostan, Antistax, and others.
"Doxilek" is the drug most often used in the therapy of pathologies that cause numbness in the toes.
The dosage and the way the drug is used depend on the disease. The usual recommended dose of the drug is 250-750 mg per day. Multiplicity of admission is 1 to 4 times a day. Capsules are taken without chewing, during or after the meal.
Taking the drug may be accompanied by the following side effects: digestive disorders, changes in hepatic parameters, allergic manifestations.
"Doxylek" is able to strengthen the action of drugs that dilute blood, in particular, "Heparin".
The drug is contraindicated for ulcerative gastrointestinal lesions, gastric bleeding, liver and kidney disease, blood coagulability, in the first trimester of pregnancy. Designed to treat patients older than 13 years.
"Heparin" is a drug that reduces the viscosity of the blood and prevents thrombogenesis, which when numbness of the toes associated with circulatory disorders is prescribed in the form of ointments, subcutaneous or intravenous injections and droppers.
The way of application and dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor individually in each specific case.
Side effects of the drug include skin and general allergic reactions, bleeding and hemorrhages, pain in the head, joints and the place of administration of the drug, redness of the skin, digestive disorders, increased blood pressure, changes in laboratory parameters.
When an overdose of the drug there are bleeding of varying intensity.
- hypersensitivity to the drug,
- The thrombocytopenia caused by reception of "Heparin", in the anamnesis,
- various types of bleeding,
- periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
With caution should be taken to take the drug for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, heart diseases, diseases of the hemopoiesis, pathologies of the central nervous system, oncology.
If numbness of the toes is caused by degenerative processes in the joints, as a result of which nearby nerves and blood vessels are damaged, chondroprotective agents that positively influence cartilage and bone tissue are used to stop the pathological process. A striking example of such a drug is Chondroxide, which normalizes the metabolism in the cartilage and exerts a regenerating effect on the bone and connective tissue of the joints.
The drug can be used both in the form of tablets, and in the form of ointments or gel, which are applied directly to the skin over the affected area of the main disease 2-3 times a day. Tablets are also taken 2 times a day for 2 pieces at a time with a small amount of liquid, regardless of food intake.
The course of treatment with the drug depending on the condition of the patient and the form of the medicine used is from 2-3 weeks to six months with the possibility of repeated courses in 3-5 months.
Side effects of the drug a little. Sometimes there are allergic reactions, there is nausea and upset of the chair.
He has little contraindications. This period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as hypersensitivity to the drug. Caution in taking medication should be observed with a tendency to bleeding.
Treatment of numbness of the toes against diabetes mellitus or frostbite may include the use of antibacterial drugs (Gentamicin, Ampicillin, Ofloxacin, etc.) in order to avoid complete loss of sensitivity due to tissue necrosis of the extremities and to eliminate the lethal outcome in The result of contamination of blood with the products of their decay.
Physiotherapeutic treatment of numbness of toes
In the treatment of numbness of the toes, physiotherapy is widely used, which is often more effective and safer than medication. A variety of methods of physiotherapy allows you to choose the appropriate treatment option for various pathologies, in which there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs, to find an individual approach to the treatment of each patient.
In recent years, the increasing popularity of temperature therapy is gaining, i.e. treatment with heat and cold. At numbness of toes, good results are obtained by contrasting foot baths and cold therapy, which quickly and effectively removes inflammation, relieves swelling, has a pronounced anticonvulsant and analgesic effect. Such procedures help not only to restore the sensitivity of the hands and feet in a short time, but also positively influence the work of all organs and systems of the body.
Electrophoresis is used in all cases when it is necessary to strengthen the conductivity of nerve impulses or to improve the indices of muscle and tissue activity. It helps to remove all unpleasant symptoms accompanying numbness of the limbs. Medicinal electrophoresis has found wide application in the complex therapy of any neurological diseases, since with its help the necessary drugs are injected directly into the affected area, having a strong therapeutic effect.
Pain and numbness of the toes can be removed in several laser therapy sessions, which, with the help of a stream of light particles, stimulates the recovery and normalizes the functions of various human tissues.
A similar effect is provided by magnetotherapy, which also stimulates the body to fight various diseases, improving brain and cardiac activity and relieving the pain associated with numbness in some pathologies.
And, of course, it is simply impossible to overestimate the benefits of therapeutic massage with loss of sensitivity. If the numbness is not associated with the development of some pathology in the human body, but is only the result of being in an uncomfortable position or wearing unsuitable footwear, massage is the only therapeutic method to remove the numbness symptoms in a short time.
Relaxing and therapeutic massage is also useful for numbness of toes against a background of some pathologies, as it helps to safely and effectively remove muscle and vessel cramps, improves blood circulation and tissue trophism, relieves pain, restores sensation to the body.
Useful for numbness of the limbs and moderate exercise. Daily jogging, swimming and some exercises (squeezing, unclenching of the toes, riding round the feet, walking on the toes and heels) will help not only to relieve the numbness symptoms, but also to prevent the occurrence of this condition in the future.
Methods manual and hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), acupuncture and reflexology, balneological baths, mud massage, transcutaneous / percutaneous electrical stimulation, stone massage help improve the patient's condition and permanently consolidate the result obtained from complex therapy.
Alternative medicine for numbness of the limbs
Alternative treatment is a measure and a means that will help reduce the numbness of the toe by itself, without resorting to the help of doctors. But this does not mean that the use of alternative experience should be uncontrolled and occur in exchange for drug treatment.
Consider alternative recipes that help to remove the symptoms of numbness of toes and strengthen the effect of pharmaceutical drugs, which are designed to fight the underlying disease.
- Recipe 1. Wraps with honey. They are held for each numb finger separately. To do this, the finger is smeared with honey, which is carefully rubbed into the skin, and then wrapped with a piece of cloth or bandage. Do it better at night.
- Recipe 2. Garlic-lemon infusion. 1 lemon and garlic head are crushed, poured 2 glasses (500 ml) of water and infused for 4 days. The infusion is consumed before meals in the amount of ¼ cup.
- Recipe 3. Razirka: pickles and hot peppers. 2-3 cucumbers cut into cubes and mixed with 3 pods of ground red pepper, add 500 ml of vodka and insist in a dark place for 7 days.
The recipe for Tibetan medicine. Pour hot water in a large bowl with a temperature that you can tolerate. Lower the legs into it and press the bottom of the bowl with your fingers. In a few minutes the sensitivity of the fingers is restored.
Do not forget about the treatment of herbs. With numbness of the toes, a wormwood, a motherwort, a chicory, a wild rosemary are beneficial. Tinctures of herbs on vodka or apple cider vinegar are used for healing rubbing.
Homeopathy with numb toe
Treatment of the disease that causes numbness in the toes continues for more than a day, which means that you will have to saturate your body with chemical compounds that are part of prescribed medicines for a long period. You can resort to alternative medicine, but in themselves they will not bring the desired recovery. So, it makes sense to try out effective and safe means that homeopathy offers us.
As already mentioned, one of the minerals involved in the correction of nerve conduction is zinc. Zincum metallicum is a homeopathic preparation replenishing the reserves of this microelement in the body. A remedy is used in high dilutions, at least 12th. A more accurate appointment can be given by a homeopathic doctor.
The same applies to potassium and calcium preparations: Kali phosphoricum, which is used in 3 and 6 dilutions, Calcarea phosphorica (3, 6, 12 dilutions), Calcium carbonicum (as prescribed by the doctor). With pains and numbness of the toes, magnesium preparations can also be prescribed: Magnesium carbonicum or Magnesium phosphoricum.
In the defeat of the nervous and bone system can be prescribed drugs from the spider Tarentula hispanica or Teridion. Doses of these drugs depend on the pathology in which they are used. The first drug is recommended for use in the 3rd dilution and above 2 times a week. Doses of the second can fluctuate significantly.
Numbness of limbs against peripheral circulation is treated with a homeopathic drug Aesculus compositum, which should be taken 3 times a day after meals. The medicine is released in the form of drops, its daily dose varies from 3 to 10 drops, depending on the age of the patient. Drops are diluted in a small amount of water, before swallowing it is recommended to hold in the oral cavity.
With any nervous illnesses, including numbness of the toes in the background of damage to the nerves, the positive effect is produced by the drug "Nervocheel."
No matter how good and safe any homeopathic remedy is, its appointment should be made by a homeopathic doctor, not the patient himself. Despite the practical absence of side effects, when using homeopathic remedies, it is superfluous to observe some precautions, because any drug may not be so safe in developing a hypersensitivity reaction. And some drugs are not recommended to be taken until a certain age or during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Do I need an operation when my toes numb?
Numbness of the toes is a pathology requiring mainly conservative treatment, which includes medication, homeopathic and alternative therapies, physiotherapy, behavioral and lifestyle correction. Operative treatment in this situation is rarely used, and only in connection with the underlying disease, which has caused the numbness of the limbs. Such diseases include varicose veins, spinal hernia, and oncological diseases of the spine.
For example, with varicose veins, a doctor may resort to phlebectomy, consisting in the surgical removal of damaged veins. In vein thrombosis, it may be necessary to remove thrombi that cause blockage of blood vessels.
Surgery is also carried out with a hernia of intervertebral discs, as well as with malignant neoplasms on the spine. Sometimes such an operation not only helps to relieve the symptoms of numbness of the legs, but also saves the life of the patient.
In severe cases of frostbite of the fingers or diabetes, when the purulent process progresses and the necrosis of the tissues develops, sometimes an amputation of the finger or leg site is resorted to.
To prevent numbness of the toes, not associated with any pathology, is not difficult. Avoiding uncomfortable poses, hypothermia of the limbs and wearing uncomfortable shoes, you can never know this unpleasant condition. But that is not all. Some factors in our life can provoke the development of acute and chronic diseases, which will manifest themselves in the form of numbness of the extremities. To prevent this, you need to adhere to certain preventive measures.
The lifestyle and nutrition of a person often play a decisive role in the state of his health. If a person is active and motivated, walks and leisure activities prefer to lie on the couch, has a negative attitude towards alcoholism, drug abuse, gluttony and smoking, adheres to a rational diet, timely and fully undergoes medical examinations and treatment of various infections, then the risk of developing it A dangerous chronic disease is very small.
Nevertheless, one should not forget about caution. Do not give excessive stress to the spine, you also need to avoid injuries to this part of the body, and limbs, too. It should be understood that any trauma of the body does not pass without a trace, reflected on the state of tissues and systems of the body, in particular the nervous and circulatory. In this regard, it makes sense to observe certain precautions both at work and at home.
The prognosis of the treatment of numbness of the toes is most often favorable. Modern medicine has a sufficient set of methods and tools that allows, if not to cure the cause of limb numbness, then quickly stabilize the patient's condition and adjust the sensitivity of tissues and muscles.
It is more difficult if the numbness of the toes is caused by an oncological disease of the spine. Treatment of oncology can be successful in the early stages of the disease, but more often than not, patients who notice a decrease in the sensitivity of the hands or feet seek help late, when the tumor acquires large (and sometimes inoperable) dimensions, spreading metastases throughout the body.