Allergic reactions in children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Allergic reactions in children develop as a result of a decrease in the sensitivity threshold of the baby to the effect of any allergenic agent. The reaction of the body can manifest itself as an acute response (immediate-type hypersensitivity) or more prolonged (delayed type).
Such reactions of the body are the basis for the development of allergic diseases, for example, bronchial asthma or pollinosis. Provocative substances can be house dust, animal hair, pollen of plants and much more. It is not always as a result of the first meeting with the allergenic agent that there is a response with characteristic symptoms. They are more often observed when they meet again.
Most of the allergic pathology occurs in childhood. The main clinical manifestations of allergic reactions is a runny nose, puffiness, hyperemia, dyspnea and frustration of the intestine.
Allergy worries about 15-20% of babies and adults. The degree of severity of the body's response to an allergen causes the amount of clinical manifestations. In some cases, rhinitis, itching and lacrimation are possible, in other children the clinic can consist of lesions of the skin, pain syndrome in the abdomen, coughing, nausea and headache.
Causes of allergic reactions in children
An important role in the development of allergic reactions is played by genetic predisposition. Quite often there are cases of transmission of allergies to children from parents and close relatives. In addition, there are cases of allergies to food, cigarette smoke, stressful situations or the environment.
The causes of allergic reactions in children are characterized by the effect of various allergens on the baby's body. Among them, the most common effect of domestic mites, which are found in dust, pollen of flowering plants and trees, inhaled through the upper respiratory tract.
Particularly susceptible to the development of allergies are children who have animals at home (cats, mumps, rats, dogs). Cat's wool is the most irritating allergen. However, not only the wool coat, but also the particles of saliva and the remains of the peeling of the skin can also act as an allergen.
The causes of allergic reactions in children can be found in foods such as dairy products, chocolate, citrus fruits and other fruits, chicken eggs and spices. Separately it is necessary to note food additives and colorants, on which the development of allergic reactions is also possible in children.
Some people suffer from clinical manifestations of allergies in response to stressful situations, fear, anger and other psychogenic factors. Quite often there are allergies to medications, especially antibacterial and antimicrobial.
Symptoms of allergic reactions in children
The manifestations of allergies depend on the volume of the influencing factor, its degree of activity and the sensitivity of the organism. The response can manifest itself in different ways, involving the internal organs and skin.
Symptoms of allergic reactions in children on the face are manifested in the form of hyperemia, elements of rash and flaking. Such signs are not as terrible as affecting the throat and respiratory tract, resulting in impaired breathing and coughing.
Allergy to food is very common and is characterized by the appearance of rashes until the formation of blisters, reddening of the skin, severe itching and abundant sweating. In addition, the baby's sleep is disturbed. In some cases, there is a development of Quincke edema, bronchospasm, defeat of the digestive tract with nausea, flatulence, colic and bowel dysfunction.
Symptoms of allergic reactions in children on the skin can manifest diathesis, eczema with typical vesicles, crusts and itching, as well as atopic dermatitis.
Types of allergic reactions in children
Taking into account the mechanism of development, the following types of allergic reactions in children are distinguished: true and pseudoallergic. The first type of allergic reaction goes through 3 stages of development.
The immunological stage consists in sensibilizing the baby's body with a provoking allergen, which involves the accumulation of antibodies in response to its effects.
Biochemical stage is characterized by the appearance of an immune response in the case of repeated contact with this antigen-allergen, resulting in the release of histamine.
And, finally, the pathophysiological stage includes the clinical manifestations of an allergic reaction. Such types of allergic reactions in children as a pseudoallergic type refer to pathology without the participation of the immune system, that is, they are characterized by the absence of allergic antibodies and sensible cells (lymphocytes).
Immunological type of reaction is caused by the mechanism of hypersensitivity of immediate or delayed type. In the process, mediators with potent biological activity are released and cause redness, itching, dizziness, headache and shortness of breath.
Acute allergic reactions in children
The reaction of the body to the effect of the irritating factor may be different. Acute allergic reactions in children are a special area of medicine, as they develop very quickly and provoke the emergence of severe dysfunctions of basic vital functions. As a result of the lightning-fast development of the allergic reaction, the life of the baby can suffer.
Acute allergic reactions in children need immediate medical attention, in view of the fact that every minute is very important. Such reactions appear in response to the effect of the allergen in the form of a pronounced immune-inflammatory complex.
There are two groups of the organism's response to the influence of the stimulus - these are local and generalized reactions. Local manifestations are characterized by the development of Quincke edema, allergic rhinitis and lacrimation, urticaria, exacerbation of bronchial obstructive pathology and bronchial asthma.
Common manifestations of an allergic reaction include anaphylactic shock and toxicoderm. All these acute reactions, especially generalized, require immediate medical intervention.
Diagnosis of allergic reactions in children
When you visit a doctor about an allergy, you first need to establish the cause of its development. So, in order to determine the influence of genetic factors, it is worthwhile to learn about the presence of such allergies in close relatives. In case of detection of this fact, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed diagnosis with the definition of a provoking factor - allergen.
The main diagnosis of allergic reactions in children is to conduct skin tests in order to identify the cause of allergic reactions.
The process of performing the allergological test is based on the subcutaneous injection of a certain irritant or with a needle test, using household allergens.
A special patch with an allergen applied to it is used to perform the cutaneous test. Then it must be glued to the skin of the baby and observe the reaction.
Diagnosis of allergic reactions in children also involves the use of additional methods of examination. Among them, it is necessary to stop the attention on the blood test for the detection of antibodies to each allergen. If, after carrying out these tests, the cause of the allergy has not been established, then it is worthwhile to conduct a provocative test.
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Treatment of allergic reactions in children
Help a child suffering from allergies, is to reduce the activity of the allergic process and the severity of clinical manifestations. In addition, it is necessary to prevent further development of allergies through preventive measures.
Treatment of allergic reactions in children includes a whole range of activities. The amount of medicines used depends on the degree of activity of the process and the symptoms. Also it is necessary to take into account the causative factor, which provokes the development of an allergic reaction.
Treatment of allergic reactions in children is the use of antihistamines (cetrine, claritin, an allron). In addition, it is necessary to use special creams in the presence of skin lesions. The remaining medications are prescribed depending on the symptoms.
In severe cases it is recommended to use hormonal drugs and the method of desensitization. It is based on the gradual introduction of an allergen into the body, regularly increasing the dosage. Thus, the body begins to resist the irritating factor and then ceases to clinically manifest itself.
An important area in the treatment of allergies is sanatorium treatment. Babies strengthen immunity and increase resistance not only to allergens, but also to infectious agents.
Prevention of allergic reactions in children
The most effective method of preventing the development of such conditions is the prevention of allergic reactions in children. It begins in the prenatal period, when the fetus can first meet with allergens. To avoid sensitization of the body, a pregnant woman should observe a certain diet. It should exclude citrus fruits, nuts, chocolate, honey and other highly-sensitive products.
In addition, it is not recommended to take a large number of medicines, smoke, but, on the contrary, spend more time in the fresh air.
Prevention of allergic reactions in children during the newborn period is in breastfeeding, and in its absence - the use of highly adapted mixtures with a minimal amount of allergens.
In addition, it is necessary to regularly hold wet cleaning indoors and try to limit the contact of the baby with pets. They are not only carriers of the infection, but also owners of an allergen such as wool.
In case of suspected allergy to pollen and other plants, it is recommended to limit the contact of the baby with them.
Prognosis of allergic reactions in children
Each child reacts to allergenic agents in different ways, so to anticipate what kind of activity the reaction will be difficult enough, especially if its body first meets with an irritating factor.
In the case of seasonal allergies, parents are more than once confronted with the appearance of symptoms in children and can even prevent their development. However, if an allergic reaction of an immediate type occurs, for example, to a medication or food ingredient that is expressed in anaphylactic shock, you should immediately call for an ambulance.
The prognosis of allergic reactions in children with this form of immune response depends on the speed of medical care, since anaphylactic shock threatens the baby's life. In the course of its development vital systems are affected, thanks to which all vital functions are provided.
Allergic reactions in children can manifest themselves in the first months of life, however, in the absence of a genetic predisposition to the development of allergies, all methods of combating it must be used. This is due to the progression of pathology and the deterioration of the state every year more and more in the absence of an adequately selected treatment.