Cellulite and how to fight it
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cellulite is more of a female problem, since male physiology does not suggest this nasty orange peel. But women have to find the most sophisticated means to combat cellulite, especially in the hips.
Read also: Cellulite: where does the unappetizing "orange peel" come from?
What is cellulite?
This is not only an ugly appearance of the skin, but also internal changes in subcutaneous fat. In it, the metabolism is broken, the fatty tissue is clogged with toxins, it does not receive blood, and therefore all harmful substances are not removed from the muscle and adipose tissue. This fabric can no longer become smooth and beautiful until the blood flow in it is restored.
Lymph also complicates, and under the skin, small nodules are easily palpable, which is difficult to remove. It is enough to squeeze the skin of the thigh or buttocks - and the orange peel becomes clearly visible. At the last stages of cellulite, orange peel is visible and without squeezing the skin with your fingers.
Is cellulitis an inflammation or not?
A few decades ago it was believed that cellulite is an inflammatory process. But this is not so. Studies show that with cellulitis inflammatory process does not take place.
One of the theories of the onset of this disease is that cellulite arises against a background of imbalance of hormones in the body. In particular, the development of cellulite affects sex hormones. If cellulitis occurs against the background of obesity, the culprit of its development may be an abnormal thyroid gland. Then cellulite is taken to treat, and otherwise - if this disease is not accompanied by other disorders in the body, in our country cellulite is usually corrected as a cosmetic defect, and not as a serious disease.
Bulimia as the cause of cellulite
Bulimia is a terrible disease that provokes attacks of brutal appetite, and then a person causes himself to vomit. Because of bulimia metabolism slows down, a person can not control his weight and gets better.
French doctors believe that cellulite can occur because of bulimia, in particular - because the person is overeating. Bulimia is an indicator that in the body, in addition to this disease, a number of other diseases develop. Among them there may be thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, neurosis. All these diseases are associated with overweight and cellulite.
If you have a problem with increased appetite, you need to change your lifestyle. You need less to eat flour, sweet, fatty and spicy food, as well as play sports. Sometimes people overeat in order to calm down and get joy with food. This is the fastest and easiest source of getting positive. But if you replace this source with other, more active ones, you can bring yourself much more useful in the struggle for a good figure.
Risk groups
More full of women are prone to cellulite, although it can also occur in thin people. Both of them need to establish a more healthy diet and include vitamins in the menu.
More than 300 diets are registered in the world officially. And at least one of these diets is used by the wives to lose weight. Many of them lose weight incorrectly: first they exclude fat and carbohydrates from the diet, and then they gain weight rapidly. This does not contribute to the fight against cellulite. Statistics show that only one in 200 women takes themselves in hand and can maintain their weight after going through a diet for more than a year.
Where does cellulite concentrate?
On the hips and buttocks, the orange peel appears first of all, and there it is the most. She was not paid attention to for many years, but in America, women decided that their thighs and buttocks should be smooth and smooth, so the orange peel was called the word "cellulite", translated from the Latin language - "cage".
Diagnosis of cellulite
Do you have cellulite or not, you can check in the diagnostic center or the department of dermatology. There is a special computer diagnostics that will help determine at what stage of development there is cellulite and if there is any at all.
In case there is cellulite, the woman will have an incorrect ratio of muscle tissue and fatty subcutaneous tissue, and tissue fluid will not be enough. At the initial stage of cellulite development, there is no need for special treatment, it is enough to change the diet and increase physical activity. At later stages of cellulite development, special preparations will already be needed.
Treatment of cellulite abroad
There he is treated as a separate serious disorder in the human body, therefore they undertake to treat even if the person is otherwise healthy. In America, especially consider those women who are in the menopause period.
Read also: How to get rid of cellulite on your legs: 5 effective ways
Realizing that this disease is associated with inadequate production of many hormones, cellulite is cured with ointments and creams with hormones in the composition. These creams contain testosterone and progesterone hormones that help fight the orange peel.
Methods of combating cellulite
Since every fifth woman suffers from cellulite every 30-40 years, doctors in our country practice a new direction in medicine - aesthetic endocrinology. It is a science that uses hormone treatment methods to repair skin defects.
We remove concomitant diseases
These diseases can be infectious inflammation, lympho- and blood flow disorders, posture defects, varicosity, osteoporosis, swelling of the legs.
It is necessary to remove the infection from the body. To deal with them, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious drugs on the recommendation of a doctor. Infections can be in the oral cavity, in the diseased teeth and gums. To eliminate them, you need to contact the dentist.
It is necessary to correct the posture
This can be done through special exercises, including with the help of orthopedic appliances. If a person hunches, has posture defects, this can cause stagnant phenomena of lymph, blood, and these stagnant phenomena can disrupt the blood flow in all parts of the body, including in the thighs, buttocks - the concentration of cellulite.
To get rid of cellulite, it is important to get rid of varicose veins
Varicosity suggests stagnant phenomena in the veins and a violation of blood flow in them. The circulatory system is one, so stagnant phenomena in the veins of the legs provoke cellulite - stagnation in the subcutaneous fatty tissue.
It is necessary to get rid of swelling of the feet
This can be achieved through diuretics and taking medications as recommended by a doctor. The cause of edema of the legs can be hormonal changes in women over 35-40 years.
Before the menstrual flow begins, the woman's estrogen level in the body rises. This affects the blood flow and lymph flow, legs can swell. This may be accompanied by flatulence (involuntary discharge of gases).
It is necessary to adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract
This can be done on the recommendation of a doctor with the help of medication and diet. When a person's intestines and stomach work well, blood flow and lymph flow will also improve. In addition, it will be easier to take vitamins and other useful substances that, because of poor bowel work, were not absorbed earlier.
Need to quit smoking
Smoking complicates the flow of oxygen into the bloodstream and provokes venous congestion. Smoking also provokes thrombosis of blood vessels, this causes the risk of cellulite due to the accumulation of toxins in the tissues.
The initial stage of cellulite
How to check if you have a tendency to develop cellulite? Stand in front of the mirror, align your back, put your hands at the seams. Put your feet in the "together" position. Raise your hands up.
Watch your hips. If they have a thickening from above, and before it was not, then this may be the initial stage of the development of cellulite.
If you still doubt whether you have cellulite, squeeze your thumb and forefinger with your skin on your hips. If between the fingers you see bumps, it means that cellulite already takes you into its tenacious paws.
If this is not an indicator for you, consult a specialist - dermatologist and endocrinologist.
How to deal with cellulite?
It is important to form your diet in such a way that you do not have days of fasting and days of overeating. With such a way of feeding, fats begin to be deposited "in reserve". The metabolism slows down in such a way that fatty deposits become more and more.
Read also: Cosmetic methods of combating cellulite
Basically, they are deposited on the waist and hips.
Such unstable nutrition, except for cellulite, leads to side effects. Studies of British specialists have shown that sitting on strict diets worsen memory and brain activity as a whole.
Especially dangerous are the so-called fast diets, when a person limits himself to almost everything, and mono-diets, when the diet is maximally unbalanced.
Alternative medicine for the treatment of cellulite
With the help of these recipes, a person can remove the appearance of cellulite, and lose weight, and reduce swelling of the legs, and cope with other concomitant diseases that provoke the orange peel.
A recipe for reducing appetite
To reduce your appetite, you can use this recipe. Brew corn stigmas with a glass of steep boiling water. It must be insisted for up to 6 hours and filtered. Take this infusion possible for 14 days, then a month break.
Dose - 30 drops 4 times a day before eating.
Infusion for the acceleration of metabolism
To activate the metabolism, you can cook this plant charge. Take 3 pieces of fennel fruit and 3 parts of camomile chamomile flowers, 4 parts of black elderberry and 4 parts of peppermint (leaves). Pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 3-4 hours. Drink infusion should be 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Then make a week break and continue the course of treatment.
Infusion against edema
If cellulite is accompanied by swelling of the feet and constipation, it is worth taking such an infusion. He fights well with edema and cellulite, and also activates the metabolism.
Take three parts of the bark of the buckthorn, one part of the dandelion roots, one part of the fennel fruit and one part of the parsley roots, one part of the peppermint leaves. Pour all this with boiling water and insist during the day. Then strained infusion should be taken every day for 400 g on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is up to 10 weeks.
Diet Piekhi
The diet of Edita Pieha helps to fight cellulite deposits and excess weight. Instead of meat you need to eat fish (cape is not more often than 1 time in 2 weeks), or meat can be replaced with legumes. The menu should include cabbage, beetroot, corn, mushrooms, cereals (only mannoy should be excluded, it contributes to a set of extra kilos.
There are almost no Pieks of tomatoes and potatoes on the menu, but there are carrots, and cheese, eggs, milk is better almost excluded from the diet, because they are poorly absorbed in the body of an adult.
Products Pieha almost does not salt, and if you want something salty, you can apply soy sauce. Sugar also promotes cellulite deposits, it is better to replace it with honey, which is dissolved in water.
As for bread, white is better not to eat - more useful bread made from rye flour, black or gray. After a person ate, there should be an easy feeling of hunger. You have to get up and walk instead of lying. Walking on foot is very good for establishing metabolism and preventing cellulite. It is best to practice walking for at least 30-40 minutes in a row.
How to choose an anti-cellulite diet?
The main principle of a proper diet is to minimize salt and sugar in the diet - they are already enough in the food we consume. If a person eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, he improves the work of the stomach and intestines, because in vegetables and fruits a lot of fiber. It makes it possible to activate metabolic processes, in particular, the metabolism of fatty acids.
Most of the fiber is contained in zucchini, good in this sense, also carrots, cranberries, sea kale. The latter also has a lot of iodine, which improves thyroid function, activates hormone production by this organ and improves fat metabolism.
Weight loss without fasting
This method of losing weight was offered by the physiologist Minvaleev from the city of St. Petersburg. Thanks to this method of losing weight, the body does not experience stresses, because of which the metabolism and the person usually slows down, but, on the contrary, gets better, accumulates fats. If you do not expose your body to stress, it achieves the goal that you set yourself - lose weight.
Studies have shown that the energy that a person has spent today is replenished in two days. Therefore, save on food should also be two days later - this allows a person to lose weight quickly and without stress. What does it mean to save on food? That is, on the third day after physical exertion, we need to have a good breakfast, and this menu should contain minerals and vitamins.
But instead of lunch and dinner you need to drink. Or green tea, or coffee, or herbal decoctions. Caffeine, which is found in grain coffee or black tea, helps to release glucose and run it into the bloodstream.
Caffeine is called a sympathoadrenal drug because of its property to make glucose in the blood a free substance. In addition to drinks with caffeine drink for dinner drink with rose hips (it contains a lot of vitamins). For taste and enhance immunity, add honey.
With such nutrition, the body will replenish the energy reserves from the fatty tissue stores, and not from the food that you ate. Thanks to this method, you can lose weight in comfort, but do not destroy the condition of the skin, nails, hair, do not slow down the metabolism.
Replenishment of fluid in the body
The body retains fluid, especially when eating dishes with salt. The fluid retention in the body is one of the main causes of cellulite development. Therefore, it is necessary to remove salt from the body, and at the same time, toxins that accumulate "on dry rations". To do this, you need to drink plenty of water - at least two liters a day.
Than losing weight on tablets?
If a person wants to lose weight, and at the same time and cope with the orange peel - cellulite - do not do this with the help of slimming tea, diet pills, oral preparations that burn fat. This can not only disrupt the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also disrupt the water-salt metabolism in the body, and at the same time, the exchange of fats.
As a result, a person begins swelling of the legs, buttocks and thighs recover, and the orange peel does not go away. In addition, to cope with excess weight, too, is not obtained because of metabolic disorders.
But even if a person is reasonably nourished, this is not enough to fight cellulite, and physical exercises, as well as comfortable shoes, are needed.
Harm of anti-cellulite creams
If advertisers promise an instant effect from the anti-cellulite cream, you can not flatter yourself: this will not happen.
From the anti-cellulite cream, the orange peel will not pass. Comprehensive measures are needed. That is, the substances that are contained in creams contribute to the breakdown of fats, but only if the cream is combined with the massage. Hands of the masseur in the fight against cellulite can work miracles, breaking fat deposits and freeing out the outlet for toxins.
But if a woman counts only on the effect of the cream, she will do more harm than good - the effect without massage movements will not.
How to soften fatty tissue?
Massage improves blood flow, lymph flow, makes it possible for the fatty deposits to become thinner, softer, to break and as a result (not immediately) be eliminated. It is known that the softer the fat tissue, the faster it breaks and disappears. And with it - and orange peel.
To massage was more effective, you need to take before him a hot shower, it opens the pores of the skin and softens it, preparing for a massage. To break the orange peel, it is better to massage the skin with a hard glove or brush. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas - buttocks, hips, waist, legs. This can be a good alternative to anti-cellulite cream or gel.
How to maintain the health of problem areas?
To maintain loose cellulite skin, you need to wear sealing pantyhose. In the warm season, it can be pantyhose for 70 days or more. They distribute the bloodstream to the inside of the foot in the same way, so the condition of the veins gradually improves, and the risk of cellulite decreases.
Tights with a support effect improve the condition of muscle tissue, accelerate metabolism, and help to look more slender.
Pantyhose with pull-up effect has such an effect only temporarily, so they should not be worn every day. Otherwise, the veins on the legs will contract and, conversely, the blood flow will slow down, blood clots may appear. From this, the risk of cellulite only increases, but does not decrease. Therefore, the choice of pantyhose should be judicious and planned. Enough pair of tights with a pulling effect, and all the rest - with a supporting, for frequent wearing.
Physiotherapy for the elimination of cellulite
Among the effective physiotherapy procedures are:
- Myostimulation
- Lymphatic drainage
- Electroliposis
These procedures are based on impulse currents that affect the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue, activating blood flow and lymph flow, increasing elasticity and tissue density. From this, the nutrition of tissues and their enrichment with oxygen improves, the skin looks healthier and more beautiful.
Anti-cellulite treatments
Procedures with ultrasound give a good result. Ultrasound can reduce swelling, as well as fat deposits.
Anti-cellulite wraps with algae also help to cope with the orange peel and promote weight loss.
Wraps with algae make it possible to saturate the body with useful microelements: iron, zinc, calcium, sulfur, iodine, phosphorus. These substances help to reduce cellulite deposits.
Mud procedures
They also have an anti-cellulite effect. Mud wraps provide an opportunity to arrange a greenhouse effect for the skin. This allows you to open pores, improve blood flow, remove toxins from the body through the skin. The skin after such procedures is tightened, it becomes elastic and smooth, its color becomes even and beautiful.
Surgical intervention
It will help to cope with cellulite, especially if the orange peel is in the last stages of development. Operative intervention can not be tolerated if a woman has a disease of blood, blood vessels, heart, poor blood coagulability.
There is also a surgical method of influencing cellulite - liposuction, this is one of the methods of plastic surgery. With the help of this method, by vacuum sucking fat, the doctor can return the figure to its former shape or make it much more beautiful.
During the liposuction procedure, the doctor removes excess fat deposits, even if a woman already in years and her skin has become flabby, has lost its former smoothness. The surgeon, who performs liposuction, changes the structure of subcutaneous fat so that toxins are not deposited in it and lymph is not stagnant. Liposuction can affect the problematic parts of the body: buttocks, hips, lower legs, abdomen.
This method is very good for getting rid of cellulite - it allows you to improve blood flow, lymph flow, lose weight, build up and make the skin smoother. For this method, you do not need any money, no effort - just a desire to cope with cellulite.