The child has caught a cold! What to do and how to treat colds in children?
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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"The child has caught a cold!" - a phrase that frightens many parents. But do not panic. It's worth keeping yourself in hand and calm down, because the cold is not terrible, as it seems, at first glance. With her to cope quickly and easily, without even resorting to chemotherapy drugs. Alternative methods of treatment will help the child to find a restful sleep, good mood and excellent state of health.
What should I do if I have a cold child?
If a child has a runny nose, it is best to do a washer rinse. To do this you will need half a teaspoon of salt. It must be mixed with another half teaspoon of soda and dissolve all this mixture in a glass of warm water. To do this, a small pear, thanks to which parents can wash the child's nose, is suitable. Immediately thereafter, it must be cleaned and dripped with pharmacy drops on a plant-based basis from the common cold. But you can make them yourself by preparing them on the basis of aloe or calanchoe. So, the juice from it must be squeezed and diluted with the same amount of any vegetable oil. Olive will do this best, It will not burn and will evenly promote the recovery of the nose from a cold.
You can help get rid of the cold to the baby if you warm up his nose with dry heat. Cooked egg or table salt, pre-heated in a frying pan, must be applied on the area of the maxillary sinuses. If we talk about salt, then you can drop two drops of iodine into it, pre-wrapped in cotton cloth. But only it should not be hot!
Another way to combat a cold, very light and quality, is inhalation. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is best to do inhalation of sage. This amazing antiseptic disinfects the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, and fir oil helps to sputum. 10 minutes is the optimal amount of time to be allocated for inhalations. During this time the solution will not cool down, and the baby will not get tired.
A hollow throat. To do this, parents will need a decoction of herbs. It can be St. John's wort, sage, chamomile. Its temperature should not exceed 37 "C.
Coughing is a rather evil "enemy" for the organism of a small child. If you do not take precautions in time and start a cough, the baby can get many different complications. Therefore, do not hesitate to start a fight with her!
First of all you will need breast picks, which are easy to brew and make from it infusion. Then it can be given to the child in a warm form 20 minutes before a meal. In general, it is worth saying that drinking is given to him, as much as possible. So sputum is diluted, slag is washed out from the body. And that the baby is sweet and quietly asleep, before going to bed you need to prepare a warm milk with honey or raspberries. This delicious medicine will be for children.
Soar your feet. If the child has caught a cold, the procedure will undoubtedly only benefit. To conduct properly hot procedures, the temperature is best gradually increased. For example, from 37 "C to 40 - 45" C. In vodichku can add a few drops of fir oil and soar for at least 10 minutes.
It is necessary to remember. In no case you can not soar your feet, do inhalations or heat your baby in case he has a fever.
If you have a cold baby
The baby's organism of the first year of life is very fragile. And any, even the easiest disease very quickly can weaken it. Literally, immediately, different complications may appear. Shortness of breath, a rough cough, shortness of breath - these are the signs that are observed in infants.
Here's what, first and foremost, you need to do:
- A sick child should always call a doctor!
- Before he comes, do not forget to be the first aid. It will consist in:
- providing the baby with fresh air, oxygen;
- airing his room, providing silence and cleanliness, dryness in clothes;
- "distraction" of it from an attack (in medicine there is such a thing as "distracting therapy"). It consists in putting on the chest, back, the larynx area put mustard plasters, making mustard foot or common mustard baths;
- immersing the child in a bath to the neck in warm water, the temperature of which should gradually increase. After it is worth giving the baby a warm milk with drinking soda or tea;
- giving the child a long sleep, in which he so needs. This is a fairly powerful factor in the recovery of a weakened organism. Breastfeed should be laid 3 times;
- feeding a sick child, which at that time is an impossible task for his mother. You can not force healthy children to eat. It is doubly impossible to feed the sick by force. According to doctors, the number of feedings can be increased, reducing the portion volume accordingly;
- in love. After all, a small child, like no one else, needs his caress, caring and tenderness with his whole being. Therefore, the mother should always be there to alleviate the pain, to calm her with confidence, to bring him joy if the child has caught cold.
Many parents do not know how and where to measure the temperature suddenly appeared. And you need to do this as follows:
- The first and easiest way to check the temperature is the mouth. To do this, you need to give your child to suck a special so-called nipple - thermometer. The result will follow immediately. You will see it in a few minutes.
- The thermometer with an infrared sensor, which is designed to check the temperature of the baby's ear, is suitable for all children, regardless of their age and sex. With its help, you can see the exact data, despite the fact that in the ear it is inserted only for a couple of seconds.
- For babies, the only place where it is most convenient and painless to measure the temperature will be the smell. To do this, you need to make sure that there is no diaper rash or sweat on the baby's skin. An electronic thermometer, for this will be very suitable. This will take no more than 30 seconds.
If a newborn child has caught a cold
If the newborn baby has caught a cold, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor! Do not wait until the child starts coughing, the temperature will rise. The earlier he is examined by a doctor, the better. Note: if there are signs of a cold, and the temperature does not rise - this is not a good sign!
What can you do before the doctor visits you?
- Do not start treating your son or daughter with older medications. They not only will not give him any help, but, on the contrary, they will do much harm to him.
- Try to put the baby so that he can breathe as easily as possible. For this, you can use a pillow, on which you should put it, before lifting it above the chest. Lay it so that the breath of your crumbs was not hampered.
- Do your best to clean the spout. This you can do with ordinary wool. Tear off a piece of cotton wool by stretching it a few centimeters beforehand, and roll it up so that the wadding stick turns out. Do not confuse with ready-made cotton buds. They are suitable only for adults. Then, moisten this wand with your breast milk, gently clean the spout. Milk can be replaced with beet juice. But know, apply it immediately after the spin is not worth it. Let it brew in the open for at least a few hours. Such juice can also be used instead of drops. If the discharge from the spout is abundant, then you can remove them from the spout using a pharmacy pear.
- With colds, bee honey can come to the rescue. But before you try it, test. To do this, take a little bit of natural honey on your finger and apply to the child's skin and bandage. The next day look at the results. If in the place where you still smeared with honey yesterday, there were no inflammations and rashes, you can safely apply it in the event that the child has caught cold.
If a month-old baby has caught a cold
Many believe that alternative medicine for babies is extremely harmful. But if it is used in moderation, then do not be afraid. After all, all means are natural, and therefore do not harm. But once again, we must call the doctor without fail and necessarily consult with him about the use of these or other alternative means. The main principle, as in medicine, and in any other field: "Do no harm", so that the doctors, in case of protracted troubles, were not powerless before the emerging illness.
Some mothers do not use their daisies to treat their daisies, because their children have diarrhea. Others, if the child has caught a cold, boldly apply it. Some believe that a month-old baby can have an allergic reaction, Therefore crumbs of Kalanchoe juice should not be given. It can cause a strong irritation of the mucous membrane, for washing the nose use salt water, breast milk. The second uses drops. The rest of the moms do not get carried away by them, considering that any vasoconstrictor is dangerous by addiction and its effect on the mucous membrane. They are not afraid, seeing how their child safely perceives the juice of the colanchoe, which drip (as a rule, it is diluted 1: 1 with boiled water), as a result of which its spout is cleared from the snot.
If the child has caught a cold 2 months
The main thing is not to panic. Any deviation from the norm is normal. Just a child, growing, growing up, adapting to the surrounding reality. It is believed that calm mothers - quiet children.
Here are five simple recommendations that will help your child avoid further complications:
- The first thing to do if the child has caught a cold, follow the doctor's instructions.
- Refuse any walks in the near future. You can do without them. The main thing is to periodically open the windows, ventilate, so that there is fresh air.
- It is not recommended to strongly wrap up your child. Be considerate and observant. The child should not sweat, and also lie wet. It must be kept warm. The temperature of the handles and legs will be a signal for you. They must be warm.
- At this stage, many parents have a question: "Is it worth it to give a lot of liquid at a temperature?" The liquid is undoubtedly necessary, but in moderation. A child should not be offered at once a lot of water, otherwise, he may have vomiting. It is best to give it dosed, by drop from the pipette, wiping his lips with water if they are red. But do it better regularly. The same can be said about food: if the child does not resist applying to the breast or mixture, then give it in small amounts. The child must necessarily undress, so that he was not so hot, taking off his diaper. The house should not be too hot and stuffy. Periodically it is necessary to ventilate the room.
- Only in case of acute necessity, it is possible to give the child an antipyretic. If the baby has a fever, then be sure to call a doctor at home so that he can understand what is his reason. And only after that, you can give antipyretics. And before his arrival, you can do a wipe, after undressing the child. Remember, when a child has a cold, it is important to bring down the temperature in a timely manner.
If the child has caught a cold 3 months
If the child has caught a cold, the spout is laid, then for this it is necessary to carry out preventive methods of treatment. So, here are some of them:
- Sometimes it happens that the spout can be a clogged crust that stays in regurgitation. Then, getting into the nose, prevents even and clean breathing. From this, the child can sniff. There is even the impression that he has a cold. Therefore, for your baby to breathe freely and not difficult, his nose should be cleaned daily, using a cotton wick, preferably made with his own hands and pre-moistened with baby oil.
- If the rhinitis in the baby is a consequence of ARVI, then it is possible to drip into his nose safe funds based on sea water. That other methods of treatment, then they can be used only with the permission of the attending physician.
- Do not forget to clean the baby's nose during the cleaning process, especially when it comes to feeding. Nose crumbs can be cleaned with the same cotton wicks.
If the temperature rises, and keeps within a few days, then this is cause for concern. There is another question: "How many times a day and in what quantity can I give antipyretic drugs?" Too much to give them just is not worth it. They can be given no more than a couple of times a day, for 2-3 days. The fact is that with a normal infection, the high temperature keeps, as a rule, no more than two days, and on the third day it decreases. If the temperature is increased for more than 3 days, then this is the last reason for a new appeal to a specialist. This suggests that the so-called secondary infection has begun, or rather complications or any manifestations of the nervous system. In this case, the child will already need special treatment.
If the child has caught a cold 4 months
If the child has caught a cold, suddenly became sluggish, capricious and completely lost his appetite, pay close attention to his health. Measure the temperature, observe the runny nose, throat. If at least one of the listed symptoms exists, it's worth taking the trouble and taking appropriate measures.
And so, what to do if a 4-month-old child has caught cold. Here are simple rules that will help him to get better soon.
- Give the baby more fluids. Up to 6 months it is necessary to water it only with warm boiled water. If the baby is breastfed, it's very good for his health. Since such milk contains immunoglobulins, they help the body fight infections. If the baby has already started to feed with additional mixtures, in this case all sorts of purees, prepared on the basis of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in various vitamins, will be useful to him.
- If the child has a high fever, then it is not worth it, as we already repeat to wrap and put on him as many things as possible. On the contrary, it should be put on "breathing" cotton clothes, and just cover with a light blanket.
- Do not go out with the baby on the street until the temperature returns to normal. Refuse in this period, and from daily bathing. If the temperature is 38 ° and above, then it is worth giving him a febrifuge in a small dose, characteristic of the child's age. In the case of vomiting, it is necessary to introduce a fever antipyretic in the form of rectal suppositories. If the temperature has risen above 39 °, then an alternative means is best for this, which is to wipe the child with vodka or vinegar, which is first diluted with water in the correct proportions. Many parents are advised also to put on a forehead - a wet napkin.
If the child has caught a cold for 5 months
If the child has caught a cold and has a spout in it, then try to clean it yourself. There are many ways for this, but we'll tell you about another, not mentioned in the previous subtitles.
To do this, you will need a solution of chamomile, which is important to drip 1 pipette into each nostril. After that, you should clean your nose. It is quite easy to do this. Pinch one nostril, and from the other with the help of the princess, pull the contents. Then drip the child with vasoconstrictive drops. But do not forget and know the measure. Such drugs can be used no more than 3 times a day and not longer than 5 days in a row. If through these few days the runny nose does not go away and causes inconvenience to your baby, then immediately you need to call a doctor.
If the child has caught a cold for 6 months
Children get sick often and a lot. At any age, almost every month, he is haunted by a cold. If at the age of 6 months the child has caught cold, then to knock off the temperature, get rid of the common cold and improve the overall health, the child is useful (if he is not allergic) to give cranberry and cowberry fruit juice, briar infusion, dried fruit compote. To water better in small portions, but as often as possible.
A decoction of chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, will also help if the child is troubled by the throat. They can drink a child over six months of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. If he starts coughing, then before applying any medication, it is very important to consult a pediatrician, since the choice of drugs is related to the nature of the cough.
It is sad that ARVI is dangerous not so much for its manifestations, as for the consequences. For example, an innocuous runny nose in children or a cough can turn into an early future in otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia. Therefore, if you notice a child having cold symptoms, it is better to immediately contact the pediatrician who will examine the baby and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment for him.
The most important thing before his arrival is not to engage in self-medication, which consists in a simple, at first glance, use of antibiotics. Many doctors believe that these parents are harming their child. The liver of the baby is weak and the load is not yet possible. Therefore, for a cold to pass without any complications, do not act arbitrarily, in the end not to become the enemy of your own blood.
If the child has caught a cold 7 months
Approaches to ARVI treatment can be completely different for different doctors. Some believe that it is better to be safe and prescribe more medications, while others prefer to wait and allow the body to fight infection one by one, considering that soft methods of treatment are most optimal for the child. Therefore, if the child has caught a cold, but he does not have severe serious illnesses, then they do not pose much harm. Light meals, warm drinks and rest, as well as "folk methods" of treatment will be enough to help the child overcome the disease and bring your body back to normal.
If the child has caught a cold, then, as a rule, he has a fever, which is a signal for immediate action. This means that the body is struggling with infection, because it is proved that when the temperature rises, metabolism is accelerated, so that immunity works much better and more effectively.
Despite the fact that with increasing temperature the patient has to be taken down to ease his condition, some pediatricians insist that it is necessary to reduce the temperature in the child only if it exceeds 39 "C. Therefore, if the child does not have severe chronic disease, it is better to follow not the indicators of the thermometer, but for his well-being and, if possible, if the temperature is not so high, suffer.
It is important to keep track of what the kid himself needs: if the temperature quickly becomes high, he is shivering, then you need to help him warm up as soon as possible. For this, warm clothes, a blanket and hot abundant in small portions of drink are perfect. At a time when the temperature reaches a maximum, the chill disappears, the baby's skin turns a little red, and sweat on his forehead, it would be good if possible to open it, so that the baby could feel better. You can also go to wiping or a warm bath. All this will help to further lower the temperature. But we should not forget that a sharp medical depression of temperature can be replaced by a sharp increase in it, which is fraught with febrile convulsions. Among other things, with severe temperature changes, the load on the heart becomes higher and stronger.
The conclusion suggests itself. The temperature should be lowered when it becomes higher than 38 - 39 degrees. It is better to use for this procedure a suppository or syrups in the age-related dose, but to use aspirin to lower the temperature of aspirin and analgin to small children is very risky.
If the child has caught a cold in 8 months
If the child has caught a cold at the age of 8 months, it is necessary to immediately pay attention to the following signs: skin color change, respiratory failure, cough, weakness, violation of the feeding regime. All of the above can include: changes in body temperature, the appearance of rash, loss of appetite and stool disorders. Mom must certainly notice and take appropriate measures if the child looks more excited than usual, or on the contrary too sluggish and immobile. A long dream, a crying in a dream - are also not the most pleasant signs and signals for the beginning of the fight against a cold.
The temperature above 38.5 "C and below 36" C deserves special attention. They are the most dangerous of all. In addition, if the baby has more than 3 days of a temperature of 37.1-37.9 "C - this is another exciting symptom, which can sometimes indicate a slowly developing inflammatory process.
Other dangerous symptoms include: a sharp cry, pallor, sudden lethargy with a lowered temperature. There may be an unusual rash, repeated vomiting, and the stool will become liquid and frequent. Terrible to say, but the child may suddenly begin to convulsions, fainting, impaired consciousness. The baby's voice can suddenly be husked, breathing is disturbed, on the face there may be swelling, sharp pains in the abdomen.
If the child has a cold and you notice one of these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. And if they also increase sharply, then it is better to call an ambulance in this case. This will prevent dangerous complications of the child's body, and even worse than a situation that could be a threat to the life of the child.
But the main thing is not to worry, no one else has developed without a cold. Therefore, in the case of ARVI, be patient, any disease is treated, the main thing is just not to start it, but at the time of helping the child, as the first urgent that parents and the second can do, from a qualified doctor who will give useful recommendations for further treatment and successful recovery.
Than to treat, if the child has caught a cold?
So, let's sum up. Do not worry and create a panic if you suddenly feel that the child has caught cold. At the first cold in his life, you must always consult a doctor, further on the condition of the baby.
At whatever age the child is, it is important to create favorable conditions for it, to ventilate the room and not to bring down the temperature without extreme necessity. Also, observing the regime of the day, adequate nutrition and hardening will help to avoid endless colds. These are the general conditions for a speedy recovery, and what to treat more specifically if the child has caught a cold, more details in these councils:
- As soon as the parents noticed that the condition of the baby has worsened, they immediately have a desire to follow the advertisement and buy something that will quickly help get rid of a cough or runny nose. But this is a wrong decision. Not always fast - it means qualitatively. Yes, pharmacy can remove the symptom, but they can not heal the whole disease. This is especially true for cough, which is strictly prohibited. The child should cough up all the sputum from the lungs, and this takes time. All these medications can only reduce immunity, but not vice versa. Herbs for this can come up, how in any way by the way.
- Breast children are very mobile, it has a beneficial effect on the disease, as it contributes to the effective drainage of the lungs. Good help with colds abundant drink, broth of dogrose, St. John's wort.
- If the child has caught a cold, the temperature has risen, all excess clothing should be removed from it, then changed into a light cotton one. If the temperature reaches the level of 38.5 "C, then it is necessary to hold air baths, periodically it is necessary to wipe the baby with a diaper that is moistened before it in water at room temperature. You can put a wet napkin on the baby's head.If the temperature does not decrease, to hold a wet wrap of the entire body of the baby.If desired, you need to grind it with vodka.If high temperature will be useful enema with water at room temperature again.
- During illness many babies do not want to eat. Do not make him eat. You can simply attach it to your chest or give it plenty of plenty to drink. As it can be used juice, decoctions of berries, compotes, tea.
If a runny nose appears, it is important to clear it of mucus by digesting breast milk. If it is absent, you can use vasoconstrictive drops for this purpose. Which is better to use may suggest the attending physician, who will take into account the condition and age of the child before prescribing the prescription. In order to drip drops in the baby's nose, it needs to be laid on the barrel in the direction in which half of the nose will drip, and then change the position. In each nostril it is supposed to drip 1-2 drops.
- Also, any kid, at what age he was not, it is very important to feel a positive attitude, support his parents, and then recovery will come immediately. Often play with the baby in the doctor, hospital. Steam the legs with funny toys, distract him, letting the boats, inspire confidence in him that this is just a cold. This feeling of security will be transmitted to the youngster and any disease of the neck or nose will pass quickly and without any sad consequences.
- Caring for the legs is also important. Before the child falls asleep, prepare him a bath in order to stimulate on his small feet reflexological points. After that, wipe the legs, wearing them socks, which you can put a dry mustard in advance.
With a common cold in alternative medicine you can use:
- pieces of cotton wool, pre-moistened with the juice of onions, which are also put into the nose several times a day for 10-15 minutes;
- Carrot juice and vegetable oil (in a ratio of 1: 1) will also be an excellent adjunct to fighting the common cold. All this must be mixed with a couple drops of garlic juice and buried several times a day;
- 3 tablespoons finely chopped onions pour 50 ml of warm water, combine with half a teaspoon of honey. The mixture is infused for 30 minutes.
If you apply all these useful, yet simple recommendations, your child has improved mood, an appetite has developed, the temperature has stabilized and activity has increased, and no longer a runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, or diarrhea, it can be considered that treatment the disease was successful!