

Back treatment

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Back treatment should begin with the fact that you first need to meet with a vertebrologist, a physiotherapist, a manual operator, a chiropractor or an osteopath who will put an accurate diagnosis and determine a treatment strategy. However, further treatment of the back depends on you. Many of the practitioners are able to excellently eliminate the complex compression of the vertebral segments, but their efforts will not be able to relieve you of the problem. You have to help yourself - and do it confidently. Even the therapist-wizard who "plays" on the spine, as a pianist-virtuoso, can correct only that aspect of your problem, which can be handled. You can only eliminate the compression of your spinal column and regain control over the muscles only you can.

A therapist who does not take the patient's helpers is unlikely to achieve long-term success. Most patients would be happy to participate in their own healing if they knew how to do it. Quick pinching in one place, then in another, and then a request to come again in a couple of weeks - so you can hardly achieve something if between sessions a person will not work himself. The recovery period can be very short in comparison with the period of destruction, but it still takes time. This is a long treatment of the back, which must go forward, starting from the moment when the problem is stopped and all processes are reversed. An upset that has developed over the years can not be instantly cured, especially if the factors that caused it (for example, gravity and human strangeness) are unchanged.

First of all you need to eliminate the compression of the spine. Nobody will do this for you. You may also need to remove the contracture of the soft tissues of the back. Nobody will do this for you. You must restore the strength of the weakened muscles. Nobody will do this for you. So, with the exception of releasing the vertebral segment with your hands, which you hardly ever will ever get, all the rest of the work on restoring your health you do yourself. And remember that you have a great advantage - intuition and inner sensations that guide you from the inside.

The main thing in self-medication is to minimize the contraction of the injured link and restore mobility to it. This can be achieved by stretching the spine, during which the segments are disconnected, and then you can move on. Reducing the vertical compression allows the disc to be saturated with water and become more elastic. So, he perceives shocks more and less injures, and also protects articular surfaces of arched joints from excessive interaction. It acts as a support on which the segment tilts, while the deep back muscles control the slope of the vertebra forward, pulling it back like a horse with reins; while all of them are pulled under the most favorable angle for them. When the disk is flattened, this reciprocating motion decreases, and the whole system fails. There is tension and ultimately pain. Therefore, disk recovery is your first priority. The key to treatment is much easier to find, if you know the cause of the disease.

Treatment of the back for problems with the spine involves performing a few simple exercises in a certain sequence, and not at all their variety. And since the squeezing of the segment is the initial disorder that entails all the others, the main methods of treatment are the same in all cases, even in the most complicated ones. The most effective are the same exercises: pulling the knees to the chest; rolling on the back; squatting; use of the block for the back, tennis ball and dorsal cushion; leans forward from the prone position, strengthening the muscles of the abdominal press; normal and diagonal inclines with the touch of the toes; diagonal twisting in the supine position; Slopes of the case from the edge of the table.

However, you must remember that the treatment of the back and each disorder should proceed at a certain rate. You must strictly adhere to the regime, while at the same time adjusting it in accordance with your feelings. You need to achieve a delicate balance between adherence to the regime and rest. Act, but do not force events. Strictly observe the requirements, but try not to disturb your back. Treatment of the back try to adapt to your condition.

Let your instincts guide you. Maybe sometimes you will overload your back, but remember that pain is just a distress signal, and people are more often than not afraid of what they should be afraid of. They overprotect their health and are ready to do everything to prevent pain and "wall" it inside the back.

Unpleasant sensations are instantly eliminated by a simple volitional effort that forces the muscles around the sick place to relax. This can be done at any time: on a walk, waiting for an elevator or when spreading a bed. As soon as you feel that you have a muscle spasm, concentrate on loosening the muscles. This will be an important milestone in the fight against the disease.

Most often self-medication is ineffective when you try too hard to get rid of the pain. Perhaps you are not calm enough or persistent; or, on the contrary, are excessively resolute and inclined towards rapid recovery.

The main thing in the process of self-medication is to move forward, calmly, but purposefully; without excessive timidity, and not too aggressive. Simply step by step, go to your goal, quickly reacting to everything that happens.

Do not despair: at some stage, one way or another, everyone turns off the straight path to recovery. It seems to you that this is a road to nowhere, that if you did everything right, there should be no pain. Today you feel more frustrated than yesterday, you feel sick, it hurts.

Calm down and wait for the storm. Do everything that is possible to avoid panic. The back is simply outraged by the new rules of the game, and it is very important not to yield to it. It is necessary to reduce the load for a couple of days, but in no case do not stop. Remember that the road leads only to one side - forward. Having reached the very source of the problem, it is vital to continue moving, so that in the end you should be more than proud when the raging ocean calms down.

You will not reach the goal if you stop halfway. You will feel that all the measures you have taken have only worsened your condition. You provoked the root cause of the whole problem and caused an angry response that lasted for several weeks or even months, but, having saved, you did not reach the finals and did not see any noticeable improvements.

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Back treatment and bed rest

Sometimes the back pain is so strong that you are not able to begin the exercises. In this case, it is best to lie in bed and take medicine.
To withstand bed rest, as a rule, is not easy. People have difficulty adapting to the changes in their lives, and it always seems that there is an easier way. But now you just have to rest. Moreover, to do nothing is necessary to treat with all humility, without being irritated, otherwise all this will not bring you benefits.

With severe inflammation after doing the exercises, you may again have pain that mimics the original. In the chronic phase of the disease, the increased pain is quite tolerable, but with acute inflammation of the segment it seems that the treatment has become much worse for you. Bed rest, creating long periods of rest between difficult exercises, allows the back to recover, after which you can continue therapy.

When you lie, the spine does not contract under the influence of gravity and the release of the vertebral segment begins. This is the first step leading to a reduction in pain. In a horizontal position, not only does the metabolism in the problematic link normalize, but muscle spasm also weakens. As muscles relax, pain weakens, and blood circulation is restored. Toxic products of the inflammatory process are naturally removed from the nerve endings, and the pain becomes unstable. It is only necessary to eliminate the protective spasm, as the recovery processes will immediately begin to gain strength.

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How to keep bed rest

The surface on which you are lying should be horizontal and level (the sofa for this purpose does not quite fit). You can get up to shower and change clothes, but after that you need to immediately go back to bed and stay there, maybe a few days.

Place only one pillow under your head, a maximum of two. Do not erect a mountain from them, because of which the back is deeply bent. If you are uncomfortable even lying down, leave one pillow under your head and place a few under the lower leg to keep your legs at right angles to your body. So you remove compression in the lumbosacral region.

Even in bed, try to be as active as possible. Do not lie motionless, this contradicts our tasks. Be relaxed and active enough, but do not forget that the back should remain in a horizontal position. From time to time try to perform the exercises described below. Rest in the position in which you feel most comfortable (although any pose becomes uncomfortable if you lie there too long and you have to change it). Place within reach all that you may need: phone, books and some of the products. Your back needs time and peace, so quit the game and enjoy the rest.

To rise it is necessary extremely cautiously. To do this, you will have to move to the edge of the bed and hang your legs. Rise sideways, pushing from the bed with both hands and drawing in your stomach. When the body takes a vertical position, the legs will drop to the floor themselves. Do not get up more than two or three times a day.

Back treatment with medicines

We still do not like taking pills, just like lying in bed. People do not want to enter a game that can never end. But if bed restores you from chaotic life, which is controlled by pain, then the drugs will give you the opportunity to change your ideas about your own back. One thing is that you finally gave up and started taking pills, relieving you of strict adherence to your previous, unshakable life principles. Drugs, especially muscle relaxants, help to clear the battlefield and create a new course of self-medication. After receiving a desired respite from pain, you think about your problem (and this is very important), that is, thanks to the preparations, the foundation of a new attitude towards oneself, more calm and concentrated, is laid. Properly prescribed medications in combination with physical exercises - this is exactly what you need to adequately go through all the adversity.

A doctor can prescribe you three types of medication: painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants.

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Painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The choice of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs must be discussed with your doctor. He knows the medicinal properties and characteristics of different drugs and, according to your medical history, will pick up the optimal ones for you. Treatment of the back pursues one goal - to get rid of the pain, so the more powerful the painkiller, the better, but take it only a short time and under the supervision of a doctor. The tablets are drunk three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening) to get rid of the pain for the whole day. (There are many different pain killers on sale, however, keep in mind that codeine-based products can cause constipation, which will only aggravate the pain in the back.)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also produced with a variety of names, for example: Naproxen, Voltaren, etc. Their role is to actively suppress the inflammatory process, which is the main source of pain. Anesthetizing, they allow to normalize the work of the affected structure, but, more importantly, thanks to them you get the opportunity to move to more vigorous methods of treatment. Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be extremely prudent, as they irritate the intestines and cause nausea. Take them with food to minimize side effects.

Physical exercises irritate tissues to some extent. All movements, with which the segment regains mobility, lead it to the very limit of its possibilities and provoke an inflammatory response. All treatment of the back is designed in such a way as to artificially influence the problematic link, causing it to inflow of blood. Treatment is reduced to a purposeful movement, which, unlike ordinary actions, will not harm you. But because of this, the joint can swell, especially when it is already inflamed. If you are not careful, you risk causing a sharp reaction in response to a mechanical attack.

Sometimes this response of the body can be so strong that it seems as if the treatment worsened your condition. Usually, even after the most serious exacerbation it eventually becomes easier, although it does not console you when you are in extreme pain. It is necessary to try and convince yourself that your goal justifies the means and you have to endure all these torments for the sake of what. If only you during such exacerbations are not immobilized muscle spasm (and here he really can become worse), then the degree of response to treatment will be directly proportional to the subsequent improvement. Moreover, at this stage the pain in the back should be perceived as a favorable sign. Over time, you will realize that the pain caused by the response to treatment is qualitatively different and fundamentally different from the one that you experienced before.

The best tactic is to initially reduce pain to a minimum; to stop it at the root and interrupt the vicious circle. Therefore, it makes sense to take the medicine in advance, knowing that the treatment will somehow cause a reaction. Before you start the exercises, protect your back with a pain-proof "bulletproof vest." When your condition is normal, you just stop taking the medication and live on without pain and without pills.

Muscle relaxants

Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, muscles can get out of control and this only worsen the situation. The inflammatory process has gone so far that defensive muscle contraction is just one of the manifestations of an ever-increasing reaction. Muscle spasm is a completely natural phenomenon, if at the same time you do not experience pain. However, the force of the spastic reaction at the same degree of joint inflammation in different people may differ. It depends on many factors, not least on a person's personal qualities, as well as on the presence or absence of other emotional stresses in his life, some of which can be buried deep in the unconscious.

It is no exaggeration to say that muscle spasm itself is capable of turning light discomfort into a tragedy. It can force other structures to shift so much that the back will become incurable. Muscle spasm is a completely unpredictable factor for back pain. It can continue indefinitely, even when the original cause that caused it has long been eliminated. In other words, the whole chain inflammatory reaction is often held only on it. Spasmodic muscles ache on their own (like any muscle in convulsions), but their constant compression also prevents normal circulation in the entire affected area. The pain arises because the muscles are too tense for too long, and because they lack oxygen.

Muscle spasm causes a person's anxiety, despair or even depression, and this is enough to make the vicious circle come to an end - which is why you need muscle relaxants. The weakening of muscle tension, even if caused by chemicals, breaks the connection between pain and pain response and creates optimal conditions for the recovery process.

Therefore, treatment of the back involves the use of muscle relaxants, which weaken any spasm, regardless of whether it is caused by emotional or organic causes. Diazepam works best (it is also known under the names Seduxen, Valium), a tranquilizer that has muscle relaxant properties, although it has its drawbacks.

When you are not able to move without an immediate attack of pain, Valium relaxes the muscles (although because of it, mental activity is partially inhibited). This drug is addictive, it can also accumulate in the body, so take it only under the strict supervision of a doctor. When you pulled your back and the first pains in your leg, sometimes it's enough to drink one Valium tablet and go to bed early to get it over.

For acute pain, the dose should be large enough to cause drowsiness. It is best to take 5 mg 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and evening). Because of the action of the medicine, you want to go to bed, you will feel relaxed, all the structures in your painfully twisted back can finally be released and relaxed. When the attack passes, you are unlikely to recall the sequence of events these days. As soon as the mobility begins to recover, and the pain ceases, the medication can be stopped.

It may happen that you lose control of the recovery process for a while, and you will feel that the back treatment is inconclusive. The improvement suddenly stops, although before that everything went quite smoothly; you literally pierces a severe attack of pain. You are covered by despair and lack of self-confidence. You do not understand what happened, and are afraid to move on. But if you stopped, consider that the disease has won you.

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