Exercises with a herniated spine: effective complexes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Exercises with a hernia of the spine - rupture of the outer fibrous membrane of the intervertebral disc and displacement of its nucleus into the lumen of the spinal canal - are an integral part of the therapy of this pathology.
The complex of exercises with a hernia of the spine should be selected in accordance with the disc of which part of the spine has suffered and how much it protrusion (protrusion). It should be borne in mind that the mobility of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine is different. Moreover, it is different and different people ... In addition, not all exercises are suitable in the case of removal of the hernia of the spine.
Read on, and you will find out what exercises with the hernia of the spine are the most effective and how to perform them.
Effective exercises with a hernia of the spine
Effective exercises with a hernia of the spine are exercises aimed at strengthening the deep and superficial muscles of the back, the lumbar (lumbar triangle), and the neck.
It is believed that by strengthening the muscles and their ligaments, we provide the spine with a reliable support in the form of a so-called muscle corset. If this "corset" has a sufficient level of development, then you can not worry about the stability of the spine and its intervertebral discs.
However, in modern vertebrology (the section of orthopedics dealing with pathologies of the spinal column), it is believed that by strengthening the strength of the muscular corset of the spine, the compression on its supporting segments - the intervertebral discs and the facet (arched) joints - substantially increases. Especially with static body positions and considerable muscle strain. Some vertebrologist doctors recommend a universal way of preventing and solving problems with the intervertebral hernia - normal walking at a calm (walking) pace lasting up to two hours in a row.
Exercises with a herniated spine of the lumbar spine
To exercise with a hernia of the spine of the lumbar region (like all exercises for this pathology of any localization), they should be used, it is necessary to coordinate them with your attending physician and LFK specialist without fail. This rule should not be violated - for your own good.
The complex of exercises with a hernia of the spine in the lumbar region is done, mainly lying on the back. To do this, you need to put on the floor a gym mat or a blanket, folded three times in length.
I exercise:
Starting position: lying on the back, arms straight at the sides of the trunk, legs straight. Straining the feet of both legs, pull them towards the shins (toward ourselves), simultaneously, straining the neck, try to bring the chin as close as possible to the chest. We stay in this position for 5 seconds and slowly take the starting position on exhalation. Repeat 8-10 times.
II exercise:
The starting position, as in the previous exercise. Without lifting his feet from the floor and leaning on his hands, slowly raise the head and upper back on the inspiration, hold the pose for a few seconds and take the initial position as slowly (on exhalation). After each repetition, pause in 5 seconds. The minimum number of repetitions is 5, the maximum is 15.
III exercise:
The initial position is the same, but the legs are bent at the knees. On the inhalation, raise the pelvis from the floor, holding the upper body on the shoulder blades, neck and neck. Hold the position for a few seconds and on exhalation return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 5.
IV Exercise:
The initial position is the same, but the hands are wound behind the head. It is necessary to alternately bend the legs in the knees and try to bring them as close as possible to the chest. When the leg is bent, an inhalation is made, with straightening - exhalation. The number of repetitions is 10 (each leg).
V Exercise:
We lay on the back, arms and legs are straight. The right leg and left hand (on inhalation) simultaneously lifted up, hold the pose for a few seconds and slowly lowered in exhalation. Do the same with your left foot and your right hand. The total number of repetitions is 10.
VI Exercise:
Lie on your stomach, legs straight, bent at the elbows, hands are on the floor near the trunk. Leaning his hands on the floor, inhaling the head and back from the floor, bend his back, throwing his head back. On exhalation return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 10.
Exercises with a hernia of the cervical spine
These exercises in the hernia of the spinal cord are concentrated on the cervical region and should help the long neck muscle, the long muscle of the head, the stair muscles and the sternocleidomastoid muscle to become more elastic and facilitate the work of all seven cervical vertebrae.
I exercise:
In the standing or sitting position (as you prefer) straighten the shoulders and smoothly turn the head alternately left-right-to-right, and then - in the reverse order, gradually increasing the amplitude of the turns. Perform the exercise 10 times.
II exercise:
The initial position is the same, but now you should slowly and smoothly tilt your head forward, bringing your chin as close as possible to the hole between the collarbones. Then slowly raise your head (on inhaling). The number of repetitions is 10-15.
III exercise:
Without changing the initial position of the previous exercises, you need to gently tilt your head back while inhaling and simultaneously pull your chin up. On exhalation, as smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
Exercises with a hernia of the thoracic spine
Given that the thoracic spine is less mobile, the set of exercises with a spinal hernia of this localization is very modest.
I exercise:
You need to sit on a chair, straighten your back and, laying your hands behind your head, gently flex backwards, trying to press the back of the chair tightly against the back of the chair. On exhalation, tilt the upper torso forward and slowly straighten. The number of repetitions is 5.
II exercise:
Starting position: lying on the back (lay a soft cushion under the back to lift the thorax), hands are straightened along the trunk, legs are straight. On inhalation, gently bend back, exhale slowly back to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 5.
Exercises Bubnovsky with a hernia of the spine
Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergei Bubnovsky is the author of kinesiotherapy - a complex of therapeutic gymnastics for the musculoskeletal system.
Exercises Bubnovsky with a hernia of the spine are designed for all intervertebral disks and are designed to improve their blood supply. Some exercises repeat the ones already described, so let's give the following:
- Starting position: standing on all fours, hands are straight, pointing at the palms. On inspiration, flex your back gently, tilting your head to your chin; on exhalation return to the starting position; on the next breath, bend his back and raise his head; on exhalation again return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 15-20.
- The starting position is similar. At the inhalation, without bending the arms in the elbow joints, to make the slopes forward, transferring the weight of the body to the upper part of the trunk. On exhalation smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat at least 20 times.
Exercises of Dikul with a hernia of the spine
To strengthen the muscular corset, many doctors recommend performing Dikul exercises with a hernia of the spine.
I exercise:
Starting position: lying on the back, straight legs together, hands are divorced in the sides (downwards by the palms).
The upper part of the body remains fixed, raise the right thigh and slowly turn to the left without separating the legs. Hold this position for 5 seconds and slowly take the starting position. A similar movement is made by the left thigh to the right side. Repeat 5 times in each direction.
II exercise:
The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, and the upper part of the trunk also remains stationary. Without taking his feet off the floor, step-by-step steps are taken in both directions with a delay in the extreme right and left positions for a few seconds. Repeat to each side for 6-8 times. This exercise is especially useful in the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region.
III exercise:
Starting position: lying on the back, legs shoulder-width apart, arms crossed on the chest. The lower part of the body remains fixed, the upper part smoothly (sliding on the floor) is tilted to the sides. Each time in a point of the maximum inclination to the right and to the left a pause in 3-4 seconds is made. The number of repetitions is 3 in each direction.
Exercises of yoga with a hernia of the spine
Exercises of yoga with a hernia of the spine are carried out lying, which from the anatomical point of view is most expedient.
I exercise:
Starting position: lying on the abdomen, straight legs together, arms stretched along the trunk. On inspiration, lift the head, shoulders and chest from the floor, after a pause (exhale), smoothly lower them. The minimum number of repetitions is 5, the maximum is 15 (in three approaches).
II exercise:
Starting position: lying on stomach, straight legs together, arms extended forward. At the same time, raise your legs (without bending at the knees) and hands, in this position, hold for a few seconds and slowly lower your limbs. The number of repetitions is 5-10 (with pauses of 5 seconds).
III exercise:
Starting position: lying on the back, bent at the knees of the legs together. On inhaling, raise the bent legs, grasp the legs with your hands and, pressing them to the back of the thighs, simultaneously press the vertebral column to the floor. In this position, stay as long as possible.
IV Exercise:
Starting position: lying on the back, straight legs together, arms stretched along the trunk. To bend a leg in a knee and lift it to a stomach, simultaneously to raise a head and to reach the bent knee. Hold in position for 15 seconds. After returning to the original position, relax the muscles of the back and neck. Then do the same with the other foot. Repeat each foot 3-4 times.
Exercises after removal of a hernia of the spine
Doctors say that there are special exercises after removal of the hernia of the spine, which help rehabilitation after surgery. Here are a few of these exercises.
I exercise:
Starting position: lying on the back, bent at the knees legs widely spread out. Do not tear off the shoulder girdle from the floor, knee the right leg to tilt to the heel of the left leg, return to its original position. Do the same movement with the knee of the left foot to the right heel. Repeat 5 times with each foot.
II exercise:
Starting position: lying on the back, straight legs together, arms spread out to the sides upwards in the palms. Do not tear off the trunk from the floor, stretch your left hand to the palm of your right, then change your hands. Repeat with each hand 5 times.
III exercise:
Starting position: lying on stomach, straight legs together, arms bent at elbows, chin resting on hands. Paying attention to the fingers of the foot and straining the abdominal press and buttocks, raise the knee of the right leg from the floor, keeping the foot evenly. Return to the starting position, perform the exercise with your left foot. Repeat each foot 3-5 times.
Forbidden exercises with a hernia of the spine
Unconditionally forbidden exercises with a hernia of the spine - jumps, jumps and exercises with weighting. Also, in the hernia, any sharp movements (for example, swings with hands and feet) or a fast pace of doing exercises are unacceptable.
Undesirable torso in the standing position and exercises, in which a significant part of the body weight is transferred to one leg (for example, lunges to the sides).
And without exception, all exercises with a hernia of the spine can not be performed without removing the pain syndrome.
As the specialists of medical physical training note, the individual complex of exercises correctly chosen by the physician for spinal hernia should be performed regularly and long enough. But it's worth it to move freely and without pain.