Pimples under the nose
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Why can there be a pimple under my nose? Is it the result of a disease, or is it just a coincidence? How to get rid of this unattractive education?
Rarely, who has never faced such a problem. Therefore, there are good reasons to understand this issue in more detail.
ICD Code 10
- L 00 - L 99 - Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat.
- L 60 - L 75 - diseases of the skin appendages.
- L 70 - acne.
Causes of acne under the nose
What is the pathogenesis of the appearance of acne?
Pimple occurs on the surface of the skin due to blockage of the sebaceous channels by its own secretions, which, in contact with the air, form a kind of cork. In addition, an infection can enter the canal, which provokes the development of an inflammatory reaction. Thus, a pimple of red color is formed, followed by the formation of abscess or wound.
Near the nose there are a lot of sebaceous glands, so the appearance of acne in this place is not uncommon.
So what are the reasons that can cause seizure of the sebaceous canal?
- Active hormonal background. The most common pimples appear in the period of active sexual development - in adolescents. The surge in hormone levels becomes the main factor in the increased production of sebum, which can lead to its accumulation in the pores. If against a background of such a state there is a bad diet or insufficient care for the skin, then inflammatory foci can be formed - large pimples, often multiple.
- Incorrect food ration. It has long been known that our diet and lifestyle largely affect the quality of the skin. Alcoholic beverages, animal fats, spicy seasonings, smoked products and sweets directly affect the work of the liver. If the liver does not cope with its basic function, then the skin can appear different rashes, especially in the face.
- Frequent or severe stress. After experiencing stress, depression or nervous fatigue, the secretion of the sebaceous secretion also increases, which causes the appearance of acne.
- Rhinitis, including allergic. With a runny nose, there is a leakage of mucous discharge from the nose, there is a constant rubbing of the skin with nasal tissues and hands, which also leads to irritation and inflammation of the sebaceous channels.
- Insufficient hygiene rules. Collecting on the surface of the skin of the face, bacteria, motes, exfoliated epidermal cells, the remains of a cream or cosmetics can artificially clog channels, resulting in inflammatory reactions in the form of acne.
Symptoms of acne under the nose
Pimples can be of two types:
- with signs of inflammation - papules (red pimples), pustules (purulent pimples), nodules (large painful pimples), cysts (the most severe course of acne);
- without signs of inflammation - black dots, or comedones.
The first signs that a pimple is forming under the nose is a small spot soreness of the skin in a certain place, sometimes accompanied by itching. Gradually appears a small speck - reddish or light, depending on the type of emerging pimple.
After the pimple under the nose becomes apparent, the symptomatology expands.
- It often happens when a pimple is hurting under your nose. Soreness can indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the acne - for example, with a skin cold caused by prolonged exposure to cold or wind. The development of such a pimple begins with the appearance of a red speck that gradually increases and turns into a painful exaltation without signs of accumulation of pus inside. The condition can be accompanied by symptoms of ARI, staphylococcal infection, herpes, as well as infectious diseases of the digestive system.
- White acne under the nose can manifest as one of the types of acne - these are rashes of the type of small white nodules that are quite dense when palpating. White pimple is a fat accumulation under the surface of the skin. This cluster is caused by clogging the pores with sweat secretions. Most often white formations under the nose appear in people with high fat content of the skin on the face, or those who are prone to increased sweating.
- Red acne under the nose is almost always inflammatory, which is due to the presence of bacteria in the area of acne, which actively develops in the fatty skin. Red acne during growth grows above the surface of the skin at 1-4 mm, sometimes accompanied by pain when touched. Such rashes usually resolve themselves, leaving no traces on the surface of the face.
- Subcutaneous pimple under the nose at the initial stages of development is a compacted point region, which eventually ripens to a large pimple. Such an element looks like a reddened eminence that causes pain even with a slight touch. The subcutaneous pimple is difficult to treat, and often after it there are traces or small scars.
- The internal pimple under the nose is often the result of acute local inflammation of the sebaceous duct. Such a pimple can be flat, either in the form of a cone or hemisphere. The internal cavity of formation is usually filled with pus.
- Pimple under the nose in an infant may be a sign of hormonal changes in the child's body. Such restructuring occurs, as a rule, in the second-third month of the baby's life. Pimples are usually small, often multiple, can then appear, then disappear on their own, without any treatment. The skin condition is normalized as soon as the hormonal background becomes stable.
Consequences and complications of acne under the nose
Often, after healing the pimple, a dark or light spot remains on the surface of the skin. This condition in medicine is called post-inflammatory skin pigmentation. Most often these spots disappear after a while on their own.
A much greater problem is the complication of the pimple, like the formation of scar tissue (scar). Most often this happens when forcibly squeezing out a pimple. The larger the pimple, the bigger the scar he leaves behind.
In themselves, scars from acne do not present any danger, except that they are an unpleasant cosmetic defect. Get rid of such a defect is very difficult, and in most cases, scars remain for life.
When observing the rules of personal hygiene and skin care, the forecast of acne is generally considered favorable.
Diagnosis of acne under the nose
As a diagnostic, you can use a routine external examination and tests, but in most cases, external examination is sufficient.
The delivery of laboratory tests is assigned to female patients with suspected obvious hormonal disorders. Testing for the content of testosterone, FSH, LH in the blood is used.
Laboratory tests for bacterial or fungal infection are carried out in order to exclude the development of folliculitis.
Instrumental diagnosis is used only in cases when the appearance of acne is associated with diseases of internal organs - for example, with diseases of the digestive system.
Differential diagnosis is prescribed to exclude the following diseases:
- rosacea;
- folliculitis;
- keratosis.
It may be necessary to consult specialists such as dermatovenereologist, infectious diseases specialist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, etc.
Who to contact?
Treating acne under the nose
If you, first of all, are interested in the question of how to squeeze out a pimple under your nose, then you should know that it is absolutely not recommended to do this. Extruding acne often leads to an even greater distribution. In addition, the place of the extruded pimple may form a scar or an unpleasant pigmented trail. If you squeeze an inflamed deep nodule, you can accidentally infect the skin. In the future, this can result in negative consequences, up to the fact that it will be necessary to apply surgical treatment.
How to cure a pimple? And how to remove a pimple when menstrual, when there is a hormonal change in the body?
First, stop using any make-up. Trying to disguise the defect with a layer of powder and foundation cream, you block up the inflamed time even more, which only worsens the situation.
Wash only with soft warm water, without the use of aggressive detergents.
Medicines begin to apply only after consulting a dermatologist. Most often, it is either hormonal drugs or antibacterial agents. Of antibiotics, preference is given to the group of tetracyclines: they start treatment with external antibacterial creams. It can be tetracycline or levomitsetinovaja ointment, and also combined ointment Levomikol. Usually the course of local antibiotic therapy lasts two weeks, after which the rashes are eliminated for a long time.
After each washing, it is recommended that the affected area of the skin be treated with Polysorb, which will clean and attach the inflamed surface.
If the appearance of acne is associated with problems with the digestive organs, it is often advised to use drugs to combat dysbiosis. These can be such drugs as Lactovit, Bifidumbacterin, Lactomon, etc.
Often a good effect gives a dotted application of pharmaceutical ointments Baziron, Zinerit or Skinoren. It is preferable to apply them in the morning after washing and overnight.
When pus appears inside the pimple, it may be enough to treat the inflammatory element with a cotton swab dipped in iodine solution.
It is impossible to seal a inflamed pimple with adhesive plaster: lack of air access will aggravate the inflammatory process.
If you are close to such a method of treatment as homeopathy, then you can use Sulfur 6C - especially effective for treating teenage pimples. Sulfur is released as external ointments and granules for internal use. The course of treatment with ointment is 7-10 days: treat rashes in the evening, shortly before sleep. Granules are used in C6 dilution, more often once a week. The exact scheme of reception is appointed individually, proceeding from the reasons of occurrence of disease.
Alternative treatment of acne under the nose
Herbal treatment usually gives a good, but not quick, effect. Alternative remedies are also often used to prevent the recurrence of rashes.
- Rhizome burdock - 1 tbsp. L., St. John's wort 1 tbsp. L., color celandine 1 tbsp. L., 500 ml of boiling water. Herbs are flooded with water, boiled for 15 minutes, and we insist for about an hour. We apply for lotions 2-3 times a day.
- Color elecampane 1 tbsp. L., color of calendula 1 tbsp. L., nut leaves 1 tbsp. L. Fill 400 ml of hot water and keep on the fire for 15 minutes, after which we insist one hour. We use it to rub face skin three times a day.
- Birch leaves 1 tbsp. L., Birch juice 100 ml, honey 1 tsp, boiling water 200 ml. Leave the birch leaves on low heat for 4 minutes, cool, mix the remaining ingredients and insist for a quarter of an hour. We take inside 2 tbsp. L. Three times a day after meals. The course of treatment is one month.
You can also treat the pimple with a decoction of chamomile, yarrow, sage. With hormonal disorders it is useful to drink tea with mint or thyme.
More information of the treatment
The basis of your skin's health is proper and adequate nutrition. You need to be careful about the products that we eat. It is necessary to exclude from the diet potentially allergenic products (those for which you can develop an allergy), as well as sweets, smoked products, spicy seasonings, fast food. In order to optimize the digestive process, it is advisable to consume more vegetables and fruits, as well as other plant foods. It is recommended to cook dishes in a double boiler or in an oven, but use a frying pan much less often.
To improve the work of the intestine, one should use sour-milk products. One cup of kefir is enough for the night to avoid the development of dysbacteriosis.
- Wash with the dirt of the skin, always in the morning and before going to bed.
- Lead a healthy lifestyle, abandon the harmful habits of your health.
- Walk more often in the fresh air.
- Choose the most appropriate for your skin cosmetics, if necessary consult with a cosmetologist.
- Once a week, use masks, scrubs, or peeling procedures to cleanse the skin and remove the dead skin.
If you listen to these tips and do not forget to take care of your skin, then no pimple under your nose will bother you. The main thing is to maintain the health of the whole organism, and then the face will be clean, and the skin will be radiant and smooth.