Eye Burn
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Eye burn is a traumatic injury of an acute type. Usually injured eyeball, protective and accessory apparatus of the eye. The burn is accompanied by severe pain, falling vision, edema of the eyelids, the appearance of an anamnesis. Negative effects on the visual organs require immediate first aid. After all, a person can remain without the ability to see for life.
Causes of eye burn
The causes of eye burn in most cases are due to the ingress of various alkalis (ammonia, caustic soda, hydrated lime, ethyl alcohol, caustic potassium, etc.). Sometimes it can be contact with concentrated acids. Such impacts are the most dangerous of its kind. Basically, the eye burn is due to the ingress of paints, varnishes, aerosols, poisonous plants, etc. Naturally, all fault falls solely on the person himself.
When ingress into the eyesight of the alkali, colliquated necrosis develops. It is characterized by hydrolysis of cell membranes, cell death, enzymatic destruction of tissues. The depth and size of the necrosis formed usually exceed the value of the zone of direct contact with the aggressive agent. Credible data can be obtained after expiration. 48-72 hours after injury
Exposure to the eye with acid leads to coagulation necrosis. Damage in the future is associated with inflammation and secondary infection.
Thermal damage occurs, against the background of boiling water, high temperatures, steam, hot fat, flame, metal, incendiary and highly inflammable mixtures.
Radiation damage refers to the damage to the vision apparatus by infrared or ultraviolet rays. Eye damage associated with exposure to sunlight can occur under certain conditions. Usually this happens when the ultraviolet rays are slightly delayed by the atmosphere. This is typical for the mountains.
Eye burn welding
It is characterized by a severe burning sensation that turns into pain. And the character of pain is quite strong. The victim is concerned, his light is irritating, eyelid spasms and tearing are observed. Light trauma, as a rule, does not damage the retina and all changes are reversible after a few days.
If such a symptom is found, it is necessary to go to an ophthalmologist for an appointment. First aid should be provided without delay. It will alleviate acute pain. To do this, the victim should be given an analgesic drug. Appropriate Analgin, Diclofenac. Often an anesthetic is prescribed in the form of drops. The patient is taken to a darkened room with no signs of sunlight. When absolutely necessary, they wear glasses.
You can not rub your eyes, which will be very desirable to do, because the sensation of sand in the eye does not give rest. This sensation is caused precisely by inflammatory processes in the eye, and not by the presence of solid particles in the eyes. Excessive friction can aggravate the situation, lead to an increase in inflammation. You can not dig in the albucid and other first-ever eye drops. They have an irritating effect on the mucous eyes. Do not wash your eyes with dirty water directly from the tap. There is a risk of infection, and the effect of such washing will not. It is impossible to dig in the acute period of the disease (during the day) in the eyes honey, aloe juice, tea leaves and other products according to the advice of grandmothers.
Electric eye burn
It is characterized by burning, which turns into severe pain. The person begins to worry too much, the daylight irritates him. Therefore, it is recommended to take the victim to a dark room or put on glasses. The organs of vision need to be reassured. Network trauma goes through a few days, but with proper treatment. This is a reversible process.
The main thing is to give the person first aid in time. It will help relieve pain and relieve irritation. To do this, the victim is given Analgin and an antihistamine in the form of Suprastin and Tavigil. During treatment, you can not touch your eyes and rub them. It is better to refuse this action, since it is fraught with serious consequences. There is a risk of injuring the organs of vision and causing severe inflammation. The infection will lead to an aggravation of the situation.
Use to eliminate the problem of alternative medicine is not worth it. In this period it is necessary to act quickly and correctly. Self-medication will not do any good. Eye burn is removed under medical supervision.
Eye burn electric arc
It has its own peculiarities depending on the type of the damaging factor. This damage occurs against the background of short-wave (ultraviolet) and long-wave (infrared) radiation. Waited for such damage in the solarium, ski resorts. Electric welders often suffer from a problem.
The "trauma" does not appear immediately. Must pass several hours, an average of 4 to 6. A person begins to complain of severe pain in the eyes, lacrimation, photophobia, a sharp deterioration of vision due to damage to the retina. With radiation damage, the patient needs immediate help.
He should be anesthetized by eye drops. Anokain is great. Corticosteroids: Dexamethasone and Hydrocortisone Ointment. To remove severe swelling use oily solutions of vitamins, such as Vita-Pos. As antibacterial agents: Levomycetin and Floxal.
Chemical eye burn
Occurs under the influence of acids or caustic alkalis. In everyday life, such a defeat can occur because of contact with the organs of vision of crystals of potassium permanganate, iodine solution, household chemicals and lime.
The main feature of such damage is the duration of the impact of the damaging factor. When you get into the eyesight of the alkali, it strikes the tissue directly at the point of contact and does not penetrate deeply. If the eyes have got chemicals, an urgent rinse with water jet should be done. Until the damaging factor is fully washed. In the conjunctival sac, the eyes are instilled with antiseptic eye drops, the skin around the eye is lubricated with antiseptic ointment, after that the affected eye is covered with an aseptic bandage and the victim is urgently sent for examination to the ophthalmologist. It must be understood that this is the most dangerous defeat. To give first aid to the person who received eye burn should be immediately.
Quartz Eye Burn
Quite often it occurs both in everyday life and when an unprepared person (or child) enters a medical institution, where quartz of one or another room is often performed.
Depending on the length of stay in the quartz room and the time during which the person not only watched but was simply facing the quartz lamp, and also the power of this lamp, there may be different degrees of trauma to the eye, eyelid, conjunctiva, cornea or lying deeper tissues.
Such a defeat does not carry a great danger. But much depends on the power of the lamp. Therefore, if unpleasant symptoms appear in the eyes, you should seek help. The consequences are not heavy and reversible, but, nevertheless, they require competent elimination of the problem. Especially dangerous is the defeat for children. The organism of toddlers is strongly susceptible to various kinds of harmful influences.
Injury to the eyelids. With an average degree of damage, the eyelids turn red and swell. There may be pain, but it is tolerable. It usually occurs when the person did not look directly at the quartz lamp or there was a small time to face it, but at a rather large distance from it. A man needs help. The lesion is treated with an ointment with an antibiotic, Tetracycline or Levomycetin Ointment is suitable. Then give anesthetic - Analgin.
Lesions of medium severity. During it, the conjunctiva, and even the cornea, are often affected. Eyelids turn red, swollen, soon there are blisters, the eye is open because of severe pain is difficult. When first aid is given to the organs of vision, drops with an anesthetic are added (0.5% of dicaine or 1-2 drops of ampoules with novocaine 0.5%). Formed bubbles do not open themselves. You can give the person anesthetic. Inspection of an ophthalmologist is mandatory.
Severe injury is mainly due to thermal damage. In the case of a quartz llama, this should be carried close to the face when turned on, which is very unlikely. Recognize it simply, it looks like a dark gray or yellow crust on the eyelids. The eye can not be opened, any action is accompanied by severe pain. The help is similar, as well as with defeat of an average degree. But without consulting a specialist is definitely not enough.
Inflammation of the conjunctiva can be isolated. This means that in addition to the conjunctival membrane neither sclera, nor the cornea, nor even the eyelids were affected. This phenomenon occurs when a short-term view of a quartz lamp.
The symptomatology is manifested a few hours after the influence of the detrimental factor on the organs of vision. There is a mild reddening of the eyes, lacrimation and pain when looking at the light. The victim tries to keep his eyes closed. To give a person first aid is to use a 5% solution of dicaine or even novocaine - up to 2% concentration in the ampoule. For the eyelid, Korneregel or Tetracycline ointment is laid. The victim should be immediately sent to the ophthalmologist.
The average and severe degree of inflammation, manifests much earlier. The eye is very red. The victim complains of very severe pain, pronounced lacrimation and photophobia. The help in this case is exclusively medical. Therefore it is important to send the victim to the hospital.
Thermal eye burn
Occurs when exposed to high temperatures. This can happen due to the ingress of boiling water, melted butter, steam, etc. Such injuries, as a rule, are of medium and mild severity, because when the hot substances hit the eye, it reflexively contracts. This is also why the eyelid often suffers most.
Symptoms of thermal damage include severe pain in the eye, lacrimation, photophobia, visual impairment, sensation of a foreign body in the eye, opacity of the cornea. Eyelids, eyelashes, and also the skin around the eyes can be burnt.
Only the doctor can provide first aid. It is important to help a person in a timely manner. To do this, an ambulance is called up or the victim is sent to a hospital. But you need to put on sunglasses on it. This will eliminate the additional negative impact of light on the eyes and eliminate eye burn.
Eye burn acid
Refers to the number of chemical lesions. Any chemical substance can cause eye irritation, the most serious damage usually occurs when strong alkalis or acids get into it. Allocate 5 degrees of damage. The severity of chemical damage is determined by the type, volume, concentration, duration of exposure, degree of penetration and temperature of the chemical.
The age of the victim plays an important role, as well as the state of the eyes before the appearance of such a problem. Traumatization with acids is less dangerous. Protein folding in most cases protects the eye from the deep penetration of the damaging factor.
Exceptions are situations where concentrated sulfuric acid (battery solutions, chemical industry) and nitric acid enter the eye. Hydrofluoric (hydrofluoric) acid also has a high penetration ability. The first help in case of getting a harmful factor should be timely.
Eye burn ultraviolet
Occurs under the influence of solar radiation, when the atmosphere weakly delays UV radiation. You can get such a defeat from the tundra or the mountainous area. This concept even has its name - a snow ophthalmia. This is an ordinary snow or mountain blindness.
Sometimes ultraviolet eye burn can be obtained due to prolonged exposure to bright sunlight, as well as from artificial sources of UV radiation (electric welding, quartz lamps and other devices). Photo-ophthalmia, which is the result of radiation from ultraviolet radiation sources, is called electro-ophthalmia.
Symptomatics is no different from other damages. Usually everything manifests itself in the form of sharp pain in the eyes, severe lachrymation and redness of the conjunctiva. The first signs are observed after 5-7 hours. For extremely severe cases, the appearance on the cornea of surface bubbles and turbidity. Hyperemia and edema develop on the mucous membrane of the eyes, the cornea dims.
First aid should be timely. The victim is instilled in the eyes, 25% solution of dicaine, 0.1% solution of epinephrine, 2 - 5% novocaine, peach or vaseline oil. Every 30 minutes it is recommended to instill disinfectants (0.25% solution of Levomycitin, 20 to 30% solution of Sulfacil-sodium, Furacilin 1: 5000, etc.).
The full course of treatment is prescribed by an ophthalmologist. It is conducted on an outpatient basis. The patient will have to stay in a darkened room for some time. As a rule, full recovery occurs in 24 - 48 hours.
Burn your eyes with alcohol
Can be attributed to the category of chemical lesions. If this phenomenon occurs, after examining the affected eye with a surgeon, the patient should be referred to the oculist for observation and prevention of visual impairment.
The symptomatology of the process is standard. A person feels a strong pain syndrome and a traumatic shock. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the patient with extreme caution. Alcohol of any origin has the property of absorbing moisture inside the eye: dissolve the protein, act on the lens and cornea, and penetrating into the blood, act as a poison.
In connection with the occurrence of trauma due to ingestion of alcohol and alcohol-containing components, treatment is hampered by an increased level of hyperemia and infiltration of the conjunctiva of the eyeball. Patients often complain of photophobia, lacrimation and blepharospasm.
Treatment can be both medicamental and surgical. Depending on the condition of the person. Usually used antibiotics, ointments and drops. Balarpan and Typhon drops will do. Apply to the affected area gel Solcoseryl. If to speak about a surgical method of removal, it is a scleroplasty with the help of a conjunctival flap, a layered keratoplasty with a tectonic and therapeutic purpose and keratoplasty to eliminate post-burn ulcer.
Eye burn oil
It is one of the most common types of thermal burns. This trauma is typical for people whose work is related to cooking. Naturally, this affects mainly women.
There are four degrees of trauma. At the first stage, the upper layers of the skin are actively affected, which leads to the appearance of a sensation of slight burning. The eye burn of the second degree oil is more pronounced, not only the upper layers of the skin are affected, since the burn itself penetrates inside, but does not reach the growing cells, leaving room for regeneration. When the third degree of damage kills a layer of growing cells, therefore, complete restoration, unfortunately, is impossible. The most dangerous injury, this defeat is the fourth degree. It is charring of parts of the body. The "reach" of such an effect does not work, so you can relax.
Symptoms of traumatizing with oil include tearing, photophobia, decreased vision and pain in the eye. Usually the affected area has the appearance of dirty-dark or gray scabs. If the damage is combined, then on the skin, cornea and mucous membranes, it is possible to detect particles of a thermal substance, or rather, oils.
Injury of the eye with oil of the first degree is cured out-patient. The damaged surface is smeared with sterile fish oil or sintomycin emulsion. If it is a question of inflammation of the cornea, then instillations of Levomycetin or Sulfacilnathria are prescribed. In this case, the injured person from fat damage should be under constant supervision of an ophthalmologist.
In case of any eye lesions with boiling fat, first aid consists in prolonged irrigation of water or saline into the conjunctival bag, after which a solution of sodium sulfacyl and boric acid is instilled, and then a sterile dressing is applied.
Sunburn Eye
It's quite easy to get it. Enough is a long time in the sun and do not use sunglasses. Such a burn of the eyes is not particularly dangerous. A person simply needs to ensure peace and send him to a dark place. For the period of treatment it is best to wear sunglasses.
There is such a defeat in the form of weak rubbing in the eyes and lacrimation. You can give first aid to yourself and yourself. It is enough to drink an analgesic tablet in the form of Analgin. Put the tetracycline ointment on the eyelid and everything. In some cases, special drops are used. If there is any doubt, you should seek medical help. He will hold a consultation and tell you how to proceed.
Solar lesions are not so common. At least, their eyes are extremely rare, which can not be said for the skin. Therefore, it is enough to observe some security measures and does not bother about possible consequences.
Burn your eyes with lime
Much more dangerous than skin burns of the body. The organs of human vision are characterized by increased tenderness and sensitivity. So, in case of delay, a person can remain an invalid for the rest of his life. He is partially or completely deprived of vision.
The defeat of lime is complicated by the ingress of its particles directly into the tissues of the eye. That is why one should be aware of the possible consequences, as well as measures to provide assistance to the injured person, because the one who is warned is armed. Unfortunately, no one is immune from accidents at work and at home, unfortunately.
If you get into the eyesight of slaked lime, you should thoroughly wash your eyes with a lot of clean water. The eyelids should be unscrewed and moistened with a wet swab or tweezers to remove lime particles that remained after rinsing. At any degree, compulsory hospitalization of the patient is indicated. Then the patient is treated in the department of ophthalmology.
If for any reason a person has not been hospitalized, he needs to instill a solution of Na2 EDTA in his eyes. This is an ordinary disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. It will help get rid of the symptoms and ease the condition of a person. Instructions are carried out every 2 drops.
Eye burn steam
Occurs when exposed to high temperatures due to the ingress of hot neutral liquids into the eyes of molten substances or by direct contact of the eye with something hot (flame, cigarette, etc.). There is a burn of the eyes with steam or hot air.
The symptomatology of the process. A person feels severe pain, photophobia, lacrimation and sensation of a foreign body in the eye. His eyesight deteriorates considerably, down to its loss, clouding of the cornea is observed. The skin around the eyes, eyelids and eyelashes can be burned.
It is necessary to rinse eyes as soon as possible with cool running water or a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, the victim is opened eyelids, wrapping his fingers with a bandage. A person should be able to cool his eyes for 15-20 minutes. For this, the usual running water from the tap is taken. After washing in the injured eye, it is necessary to drip a solution of the eye antiseptic (for example, 10-30% solution of sodium sulfacil (Albucida), 0.25% solution of levomycetin) to prevent infection, cover the eye with a clean cloth (handkerchief, gauze, etc.) Give the tablet an analgesic and call a doctor.
If the pain in the eye increases, visual acuity is reduced and signs of an eye infection are observed, hospitalization should be immediate. There is a risk of impairing vision and not restoring it.
Eye burn with alkali
It causes hydrolysis of the protein structure and cell destruction. All this leads to moist necrosis of tissues, including - deeper structures when ingested into the intraocular fluid. It is possible that the stroma of the cornea and the trabecular network may change, which, with an increase in the production of inflammatory factors, may lead to an increase in intraocular pressure.
This damage is manifested by a very extensive symptomatology. So, for him is characterized by a decrease in visual acuity, increased intraocular pressure, inflammation of the conjunctiva. In severe cases, perilimbal ischemia, corneal epithelial defects, stromal opacities, corneal perforation, and inflammation appear. Scars are not excluded. Therefore, it is desirable for a person to seek help immediately. Damage to alkali is one of the most dangerous and can lead to irreversible consequences.
Radiation burns of the eyes
They are found, as a rule, in adults, and in children are very rare. There are cases when eye burns with ultraviolet rays (such as "eye disease of electric welders" and "snow disease"), as well as infrared rays (when observing a solar eclipse, casting of cast iron and steel, etc.). Traumatization with ultraviolet, infrared and radioactive rays is possible only with a gross violation of safety regulations.
The clinical picture of damage by ultraviolet rays when observing the electric welding or using it is characterized by the fact that after 4-6 hours the eyes begin to turn red, a fog appears, and the pain quickly builds up. It is not excluded photophobia, blepharospasm and lacrimation.
When examining the eyes, a mixed injection, corneal edema, loss of its brightness and specularity, small blisters and erosion are revealed; hyperemia and edema of the iris are possible. Vision is sharply reduced. "Snow disease" is manifested almost the same picture, but there is, as a rule, in people who spend a long time in the highlands during sports competitions.
Burn your eyes with pepper
It arises more likely due to inaccuracy of the person. If this happens, it is clearly not worth to wash the eye with water. It is advisable to resort to tea brewing. A weak solution of chamomile and calendula will do. The damaged eye should be wiped with a cotton swab that will be moistened in one of the above means.
Eyes can be washed by pouring the solution into a special medical cup or using an ordinary tea cup. The eye descends into the liquid open, while they need to vigorously blink and turn the protein in different directions.
To eliminate pain and burning, it is recommended to resort to contrast poultices. Flat cotton swabs, richly moistened and wrung out in the hot and cold steep brews of black tea, are alternately applied to the eyes for 3 minutes. Naturally, in such a situation it is necessary to act quickly. But still, it is advisable to show up for the examination to the doctor.
Burning eyes with hydrogen peroxide
Occurs in particular in persons who wear contact lenses. They use this "solution" for their disinfection. When proper procedure of neutralization of peroxide is not observed, there is damage to the organs of vision.
Exposure to the eye of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide causes immediate burning, irritation, lacrimation, and blurred vision, and sometimes photophobia. It is almost impossible to get a strong damage with this method. If the conjunctiva is damaged, conjunctival hyperemia (reddening), lacrimation, and pain occurs, which occurs after several hours.
If 3% of hydrogen peroxide has undergone a cornea, clouding of the corneal epithelium, edema of the stroma, opacity of the cornea, sometimes blisters in the stroma of the cornea. The last symptom completely disappears in 6 hours.
In case of exposure to the eye of 3% hydrogen peroxide, immediate prolonged washing with water or 0.9% sodium chloride solution (for 10-15 minutes) is indicated. A drop of anesthetic may help. There is no other treatment in the literature. In theory, local application of Diclofenac (in drops) and frequent rinsing may be beneficial.
Burn the eyes with vinegar
If the "solution" gets into the eyes, an immediate rinse should be performed. You should always contact the hospital.
A convenient way to wash the eyes at home is as follows. The patient should keep his head above the washbasin with the rinsed eye up, and the pouring cold water from the glass or mugs helps him. When rinsing, the eyelids of the victim should be kept open. This will wash the vinegar from the conjunctival cavity. To open the eyelids, it is convenient to use a dry handkerchief or towel, because the moist eyelids slip out of the fingers. Continue to rinse abundantly with the affected eye for approximately 20 minutes. The rest is manipulated by a doctor. It is important not to ignore this point and call an ambulance. Acids have a very detrimental effect on vision and can lead to irreversible processes.
Eye burn with bactericidal lamp
Not scary, but the treatment should still be timely. Treatment of such trauma should be carried out immediately, because otherwise the patient may experience very serious complications.
Do not press and rub the burned eye. Thus, you can easily exacerbate the situation. You can not try to rinse your eyes and use a cotton bandage. The victim should be reassured and explain to him all prohibited activities. Then it is advisable to take the person to the hospital.
It is allowed to apply ice, but the pressure on the damaged eye is not allowed. And, of course, if you burn the organs of vision, you should provide full treatment in a medical institution. Describe the exact sequence of actions is difficult. Such a question is dealt with exclusively in a medical institution. Self-treatment can lead to a complete loss of vision. In some cases, irreversible processes occur.
Burn your eyes with a cigarette
Refers to the number of thermal. It can happen at any age and place. Especially in small children, whose parents have a harmful habit of smoking. There is a lesion in the form of pain, redness and loss of vision.
Speaking of clinical signs, these are thermal lesions of the skin of the eyelids, point or extensive erosions of the cornea, epithelial defects and conjunctival injection. In severe cases, reactive changes in the anterior chamber, turbidity and swelling of the cornea, ischemia of the limbus or sclera occur.
To eliminate the problem, you need to use antibiotic ointments, such as Eritomycin, Bacitracin, Tetracycline and Ciprofloxacin. One of the means is used every 2-6 hours. If treatment is not performed on time, complications are possible. They are mainly manifested in the form of scarring. That's why to take all necessary measures immediately, after the defeat. Especially when it comes to little babies. Because the process can be irreversible.
Burning the eyes with the sun
Occurs after observing the eclipse of the sun without special adaptations. There is a significant and rapid decline in vision. The anterior part of the eye does not change. The optical media are transparent. On the fundus of the retina in the macular area, yellowish-white foci with fuzzy edges. The parts of the retina that adjoin the eye become swollen and have a grayish appearance.
Treatment is as follows. The doctor prescribes corticosteroids in retrobulbarno injections. Intravenously inject 40% glucose solution 20 ml with the addition of 2 ml of 5% solution of ascorbic acid and 1 ml of 2% Suprastin solution. In addition, Indomethacin and Etamzylate are given intravenously 1 tablet 3 times a day. It is necessary to limit the visual load. It is recommended to wear sunglasses. The recovery of vision occurs quite quickly. The main thing in time is to begin to make efforts to eliminate the main cause of this phenomenon.
Scale eye burn
Not such a frequent phenomenon, it occurs because of the inattention of the person himself. When this problem occurs, the first thing to do is to remove the foreign body. This is done using a special chisel or injection needle. Washing the situation to save, just will not succeed. To begin with, an application of 1-2 drops of a local anesthetic is made to a person, and then an auxiliary "instrument" is introduced.
If there are many foreign bodies in the eye, repeated washing is carried out. It is sometimes possible to remove the scale together with the removal of the foreign body, but more often when using an ophthalmic lance after local anesthesia. In some cases, the scale localized centrally in the axis of view (especially placed deep), it is safer to leave it for a while, until the sediment moves to the surface of the cornea, where it is easier to remove. After that, Cyclopentolate 2% and Erythromycin Ointment are applied. In addition, a pressure bandage is applied for 24 hours.
Burn the eye with milk
It can not be classified as one of the most terrible. But at the same time he is still able to have a negative effect on the human organs as a whole. The first aid can be provided by the victim himself. It is enough to wash your eyes with running water. This will help to eliminate the source of irritation.
If the spittle enters the eye, then it is clinically manifested as follows. First there is puffiness of the eyelids, then itrit, keratitis and strong conjunctivitis. In some cases, even intravenous injections are used to resolve the problem. The content of special essential acids also causes such a negative reaction to the juice of the herb.
Treatment is not specific. But if you do not eliminate the spur of the eye in time, you can aggravate the situation. Severe lesions result in partial or total loss of vision. In some cases, it is impossible to return it. Therefore, immediately after the manipulations associated with first aid, it is worth sending a person to see a doctor.
Burning eyes with vodka
Refers to the number of chemical lesions. If this problem occurs, the examination is performed exclusively by the surgeon. This phenomenon is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome. Therefore, one needs to calm down and perform immediate treatment. Alcohol is able to penetrate the interior of the eye, dissolve the protein and damage the lens and the cornea. Penetrating into the blood, it acts like poison.
The treatment is medicated and surgical. In connection with the appearance of eye damage due to ingestion of alcohol and alcohol-containing components, treatment is hampered by an increased level of hyperemia and infiltration of the conjunctiva of the eyeball. Patients often complain of photophobia, lacrimation and blepharospasm. Burning eyes with alcohol can cause the appearance of iridocyclitis. It is necessary to prevent this disease with 1% atropine and diclofenac (inside). With increased intraocular pressure, Timolol drops are used at a dosage of 0.25 to 0.5%.
If necessary, surgical intervention takes into account the threat of perforation of the membranes of the eye, the degree of squeezing of the vascular network of the fundus due to perilimbal edema.
Symptoms of eye burn
Symptoms of eye burn depend on the degree and cause of the problem. If the mild degree is damaged, there is a sharp pain in the affected eye, reddening and moderate swelling of the tissues, sensation of foreign body entry, blurring of vision. If the eye was exposed to thermal agents, then there is a reflex closure of the eye gap. In case of contact with the flame, eyelashes burn, later there may be an incorrect growth of eyelashes - trichiasis.
Severe injuries can lead to necrosis of the conjunctiva and exposure of the sclera. As a result of this phenomenon, a ulcerative defect is formed, which eventually cicatrizes. This leads to the appearance of a fusion between the eyelid and the eyeball. With corneal lesions, there is lacrimation, photophobia, blepharospasm; in severe cases - neurotrophic keratitis, corneal opacity.
Depending on the severity of the lesion, changes in visual function may result in a slight decrease in vision or a complete loss of vision. With acute damage to the tissues of the iris and the ciliary body, iritis and iridocyclitis develop. In severe inflammation, the vitreous body and lens become clouded, the vascular membrane and the retina are damaged. The complication of deep eye injuries is the development of secondary glaucoma. Deep chemical damage leads to corneal perforation and death of the eye.
Eye burn 1 degree
Eye burn of 1 degree does not pose a particular danger. It is characterized by hyperemia of the skin of the eyelid and conjunctiva. It is not excluded the appearance of edema and superficial erosions of the cornea. They are determined during the instillation test with fluorescein. The main criterion for an easy degree is the complete disappearance of all lesions. In this case, even not necessarily conduct treatment.
Despite the fact that there is no special danger, first aid must be provided without fail. To do this, the affected eye is simply washed with running water. If necessary, you can seek help from a doctor to confirm your safety. After all, the organs of vision can not always be restored. In some cases, even an easy defeat can lead to serious problems. To admit such a confluence of circumstances is clearly not worth it. Especially when it comes to the lesion of a young child.
Eye burn of 2nd degree
Eye burn of the 2nd degree refers to moderate severity. It manifests itself in the form of damage to the superficial layers of the skin of the eyelids, edema and superficial necrosis of the conjunctiva. It is characterized by the defeat of the epithelium and stroma of the cornea. Because of this, the surface of the cornea becomes uneven and grayish-turbid. On the skin of the eyelids burn blisters are formed.
In this case, there must be a quality treatment. The first thing is to remove from sight organs a foreign object or liquid. Then put the tetracyclin ointment under the eyelid. If necessary, a person is given an anesthetic drug, Diclofenac or Analgin. To show the patient to the doctor is necessary without fail. Injuries of medium degree are dangerous due to their complications. You can easily get a poor vision or lose it at all. Correct treatment is prescribed by the attending physician. Depending on the situation, it can be home or outpatient. Delay with this action is clearly not worth it.
Burn the cornea of the eye
Burning of the cornea of the eye is a serious danger and can cause a loss of vision or complete loss of vision. The faster a person is given first aid, the better will be his recovery.
Corneal lesions of the eye occur frequently in ophthalmic practice. The main reasons for this phenomenon include: the ingress of acids, alkalis, exposure to excessively high or low temperatures, steam, fire, hot or cryogenic liquid. Exposure to ultraviolet, infrared radiation causes radiation damage to the cornea, such injuries occur, as a rule, through carelessness when working with a welding apparatus, visiting the solarium.
When the cornea is damaged, it is necessary to rinse the eyes. Remove the irritant from the surface of the face, eyes and conjunctival sacs with clean water or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. In the absence of water, you can use milk. Washing should be thorough and carried out for a quarter of an hour. After that, an eyelid with an antiseptic is applied behind the eyelid and around the eye, a sterile bandage is applied and the patient is immediately taken to the hospital.
If this is a mild thermal eye burn, it is recommended to apply a bandage moistened with cold water or an antiseptic solution to the eyes and seek medical help.
Retinal burn
A retinal burn can be caused by various causes. This phenomenon often occurs as a result of exposure to bright light, a laser beam or welding. The most common defeat was ultraviolet. Injury is not as severe as chemical, but it still has unpleasant consequences.
With such a lesion, the retina of the eye suffers first. If a person is in the sun for a long time and does not wear sunglasses, the risk of injury increases at times. The cause of solar "inflammation" of the retina may be the sun reflected from snow or water. There are even isolated cases, such as the disease "snow blindness".
The main factor in the negative effect on the retina may be a laser. Often, this trauma occurs in people working with laser radiation. Often there are cases of occupational injuries, when strong acids, such as acetic or sulfuric acid, or lime fall on the retina.
Everything appears in the form of a strong reddening of the eyes, resists and pain. Over time, there may appear a decrease in visual acuity, headache, eyelid edema, lacrimation, severe pain in the affected eye. If you do not make timely treatment, partial loss of vision is possible. It is produced depending on the factor that caused this phenomenon.
Consequences of eye burns
The consequences of eye burns are determined by their type of damaging factor, degree and timeliness of treatment. This criterion can be varied. The outcome in each case is determined by the type of the damaging factor.
Light surface injuries in most cases pass without a trace. In case of severe thermal and chemical damage, the following can not be ruled out: cicatricial changes in the eyelids, improper growth of the eyelashes, incomplete closure of the ophthalmic cleft, fusion of the eyelids with the eye surface, narrowing and obstruction of the tear ducts. Sometimes there is opacity of the cornea, the development of cataracts, secondary glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, chronic sluggish inflammation and even the death of the eyeball.
With radiation traumatization of the macular area of the retina, irreversible loss of vision is possible. It should be understood that the treatment of the problem is a painstaking, complex process that requires the doctor great knowledge and skills, and from the patient - patience and careful compliance with all recommendations. Only in this case is success guaranteed.
Diagnosis of eye burn
Diagnosis of eye burn is done solely by an ophthalmologist. Independently to determine the main cause of defeat in some cases is impossible. Sometimes, the diagnosis requires consultation of a surgeon. If the period is acute, then no measures are initially taken to identify the problem. It is necessary to give the person immediate help. Then, based on the received "material" and the story of the victim, draw conclusions. Naturally, some actions are carried out.
The diagnostic measures include an external examination of the organs of vision with the help of eyelids. This will allow us to assess the extent of the lesion, and to identify which areas have been hit by a striking factor. Also, visual acuity, intraocular pressure measurement and ophthalmoscopy are determined. Biomicroscopy using fluorescein with a coloring effect is also used. Thus, it is possible to identify the true causes of the defeat and how difficult the situation is.
Who to contact?
What should I do if my eye is burned?
Everyone should know what to do with a burn of the eye. Because of this action is not insured by anyone. First of all, you should thoroughly wash your eyes. They can be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to help relieve inflammation and blunt pain. In some cases, a solution of chamomile or tea leaves is used. But it is better not to resort to this method, it is among the alternative methods. Not knowing the complexity of the situation, do not do this rinsing.
It is recommended to keep your eyes closed. If there is no such possibility, it is necessary to put on sunglasses, and will go to the hospital. In case of a difficult situation, call an ambulance. As an anesthetic, Diclofenac or Analgin is taken. This will help ease the condition of the victim.
If the eye burn was caused by welding, it is extremely fast to act. To fully recover and restore the function of vision, most often prescribed antihistamines: Tavigil, Suprastin, Dexamethasone. To remove the pain and inflammation appoint: Analgin, Deksalgin, Diclofenac. Most often, in order to remove the damage, use the treatment with eye drops, special ointments. In any case, the patient must be placed in a room with darkened windows, in order to avoid sunlight from entering his eyes. If the patient needs to go out into the world, it is recommended to use special glasses with a light filter.
What should I do if my eyes are burned?
What should be done with eye burns and how to provide first aid is information that is necessary for every person. If chemical damage has occurred, remove them from the eye. This action is performed using a cotton swab or a bandage wound on a finger. After that, the eye should be rinsed with water. Washing is carried out with the help of a lump of wool, which is moistened under a stream of clean water.
Unclaimed cotton wool spend on the edge of the eyelids from the temples to the nose for 15 minutes. With an alkaline damage, you can rinse the eye with a 2% solution of boric acid. If the organs of vision were damaged by acid, a soda solution is used for washing.
First aid for lesions of different kinds includes receiving pain relievers, both general and local, for the victims. As described above, Diclofenac and Analgin are suitable for this. For oral administration, analgesics are used. In addition, apply for instillation in the eye 4% solutions of novocaine, lidocaine, 0.2% solution of levomycetin. When providing first aid, if possible, the patient should be placed in a dark room. Help with eye burn
Help for eye burn depends on the complexity of the defeat. If it were powdered chemicals, it is worth removing them with a cotton swab or dry cotton wool. Only after this you can start washing. If you do everything in a different sequence, you can not rule out a reaction between the liquid and the substance, which will lead to a deterioration in the state.
In case of lesions with liquid chemicals, eye rinsing should be started as soon as possible. It is the speed of the beginning of the lavage that decides the fate of the sight. You can rinse under the tap with a loose cotton wool, which is moistened with water, and, without squeezing, spend them along the edges of the eyelids from temple to nose for 10-15 minutes.
In case of injury caused by alkali, 2% solution of boric acid can be used for washing, and if the eye is burned with acid, then a soda solution is used for washing. It is also possible to wash out from a rubber bottle, with the help of an eye glass bath, etc. It should be understood that elimination of the negative factor from the eyes is carried out for half an hour. This is enough to completely wash the substance. Then it is necessary to drip a 0.25% -0.5% solution of dicaine, 4% - 5% solution of novocaine, grimekaine or lidocaine, 10% -30% solution of sodium sulfacil (Albucida) and 0.2% solution of levomycetin. In this case, necessarily hospitalization in a hospital.
Treatment of eye burn
Treatment of eye burns at home is not carried out, for this, a person should contact a medical institution. First, anti-inflammatory therapy is used, as well as agents that promote tissue regeneration.
If the victim has a third or fourth degree of injury, surgical intervention is used. During this process, dead cells are completely removed. It is already impossible to restore them. Eye burn of the first and second degree, as a rule, do not lead to loss of vision. The third degree is capable of leading to a partial loss of vision or a decrease in vision. Coronary transplant surgery will be appropriate. With fourth-degree burns, the treatment is complex. It includes both medicamental and surgical elimination of the problem. Treatment is phased. In this situation, it is possible to partially restore vision, but only if the deep structures of the eye have been preserved. More detailed information on the comprehensive problem-solving will be presented below.
Drops with eye burn
Drops with eye burn are used to restore the mucous membrane and eliminate burning. Widely used drugs such as Albucide, Levomycetin and Normaks.
- Albucid. Eye drops are used by both adults and children. For a child, 20% solution is suitable, for an adult - 30%. Dosage of the drug depends on the severity of the inflammatory process. In the acute phase of inflammation, Albucid is applied up to 6 times a day for 2-3 drops in each eye, as the condition improves, the rate of instillation is gradually reduced to the complete disappearance of the symptoms of inflammation.
Use the product should not be with increased individual sensitivity to sulfonamides. Do not be excluded and side effects in the form of burning, edema of the conjunctiva, itching and lacrimation. In this case, the drug should be stopped.
- Levomycetin. Usually prescribe 1 drop of the drug in each eye 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician individually for each patient. The recommended maximum duration of treatment is 2 weeks. The agent can cause a number of side effects. It should not be taken to people with hypersensitivity to the main components. This can lead to itching, rash and active tearing.
- Normax. Before using the product, you should wash your hands thoroughly. In case of severe eye damage, drops are used together with antimicrobials. The duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug is determined by the attending physician individually for each patient. In acute cases, usually prescribed 1-2 drops of the drug with an interval of 15-30 minutes, after which gradually increase the interval between the use of the drug depending on the dynamics of the disease. The drug can cause side effects, especially in people who have a persistent intolerance to the main components of the drug. Do not use drops with hypersensitivity, during pregnancy and lactation. The tool is able to influence the concentration of attention, therefore it is forbidden to use it to people whose work is to manage complex mechanisms.
Eye Ointment Ointment
Ointment for eye burns is used in combination with eye drops and pain medications. Most often I use tetracycline or erythromycin ointment. Sulfacyl-sodium ointment has proved to be very effective.
- Tetracycline ointment. The drug is laid down the lower eyelid 3-5 times a day. Despite its effectiveness, the drug has a number of side effects. Usually the drug is well tolerated, but in some cases it can cause a decrease in appetite, nausea, intestinal distress, stomatitis, inflammation of the rectum, Quincke's edema. Apply ointment is not possible with increased sensitivity to antibiotics. Precautions are used for kidney disease, for leukopenia (a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood). Pregnant and children under 8 years old, the use of ointment is prohibited.
- Erythromycin ointment. The drug is laid down the lower eyelid 3 times a day. With the elimination of trachoma up to 5 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the damage to the organs of vision. Usually the course does not exceed 2 weeks. Use ointment is not possible for severe violations of kidney function and increased hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Side effects are not excluded. They appear in the form of irritation, allergic reactions and secondary infection.
- Sulfacyl-Sodium ointment. Before using the product, it is worthwhile to test for the sensitivity of microflora to it. The drug is used in the form of ointments, with a concentration of 10%, 20% and 30%. The agent pays for the eyelid 3-5 times a day. The exact dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Medication can cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions and dyspeptic disorders. It can not be used when hypersensitivity to the main component.
Treatment of eye burn with welding
Treatment of eye burn with welding should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is important to give the person first aid in time. If the injuries are minor, it is important to eliminate all the symptoms that cause discomfort anyway. Treatment is primarily aimed at preserving vision. At the first stages of the defeat, there is no danger. But if it is 3 and 4 degree of defeat, it is not always possible to restore the opportunity to see.
First aid consists in washing the eye with water, in large quantities, or with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese). Fine mechanical particles should be tried with a wet cotton swab, tweezers or medical needle. It is best if the extraction of particles is carried out by a medical professional, but in any case, anesthesia is required in advance.
If it is not possible to quickly remove solids, injections of the preparation containing soluble calcium are performed. As the eye is cleaned, the cavity beneath the eyelids is filled with a disinfecting ointment or solution. For this, Tetracycline, Erythromycin and Sulfacyl-Sodium Ointment are suitable. Methods of using the agents have been described above. Apply these medications after the approval of the attending physician. To eliminate the pain syndrome, analgesics are used in the form of Analgin and Diclofenac. The maximum number of tablets per day should not exceed 4-6 pieces.
Treatment of a corneal burn
Treatment of a corneal burn of the eye includes a number of basic methods based on a conservative elimination of the problem. Antibacterial drops are widely used. It can be Sulfacil-Sodium, Levomycitin and Normax. The method of using them has been described above. Apply also Tsiprolet, Okatsin and Tobramycin. Depending on the condition of a person, they can be digested up to 6 times a day. In severe lesions, every 15-30 minutes until the symptoms are completely eliminated. Do not use drops if hypersensitivity to the main components and during pregnancy. Side effects are manifested in the form of allergic reactions.
Along with the drops, ointments such as Levomycetin, Erythromycin and Sulfaci-Sodium are used. They are laid down the lower eyelid up to 5 times a day. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. The use of drugs is also not possible with hypersensitivity and during pregnancy. Possible side effects in the form of allergic reactions, and general deterioration of the condition of the victim.
Antibiotics are widely used. These include Tebomycin, Penicillin and Lincomycin.
- Tobramycin. Prior to the appointment of a patient to the drug, it is desirable to determine the sensitivity to it of the microflora that caused the disease in this patient. Doses are set individually. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously drip (for intravenous infusion, a single dose of the drug is diluted in 100-200 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution). Usually, it is enough 0.002-0.002 kg / kg body weight up to 3 times a day. Use the product is not possible with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and during pregnancy. Medication can cause a number of side effects. These include headache, fever, thrombocytopenia, hearing loss, ringing in the ears and vestibular disorders.
- Penicillin. It has an antimicrobial effect. This is achieved both with resorptive and local action. Penicillin preparations can be administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously and intravenously, inside the cavities, into the spinal canal, by inhalation, sublingually (under the tongue), inside; Locally - in the form of eye and nasal drops, rinses, rinses. Dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The product may cause side effects. Most often there are allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity to penicillin, bronchial asthma, urticaria, hay fever and other allergic diseases, with increased sensitivity of patients to antibiotics, sulfonamides and other medicines.
- Lincomycin. Doses and treatment are established by the attending physician for each patient individually, depending on the age, nature and severity of the disease. Apply the drug preferably an hour before meals, and 2 hours after it. Usually prescribe 500 mg of the drug 3 times a day. In difficult situations, receptions increase up to 4 times. The course of treatment is usually 1-2 weeks. The product may cause side effects. They appear in the form of nausea, vomiting, stool and allergic reactions. You can not use an antibiotic with hypersensitivity to the drug and severe liver and kidney function. Children up to 6 years of age, it is impossible to give a remedy.
Treatment of chemical eye burn
Treatment of chemical eye burn includes therapeutic methods and surgery for rehabilitation in order to maximize the preservation of vision, both in the acute period and in the distant period.
The first step is to remove the damaging agent. For this purpose, extensive washing is used. Ideally, the eye should be washed with a sterile, balanced buffer solution, such as normal saline or Ringer's solution. Then the inflammation is monitored. Inflammatory mediators released at the time of injury cause necrosis of cells and attract other participants in the ongoing inflammatory process in the tissues of the eye. This powerful inflammatory response not only inhibits re-epithelialization, but also increases the risk of corneal ulcer and its perforation. This action is performed with the help of Acetylcysteine. The agent inhibits the formation of the corneal ulcer. Inside, in / in, in / m, inhalation, endobronchial, topical. Dosing regimen is individual. Inside, adults - 400-600 mg / day in 2-3 hours. A single dose for children depends on age. Use the drug is not possible with hypersensitivity to its main components. Possible side effects in the form of allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
If drug treatment does not help and the degree of lesion is high, surgical methods are used. These include the partial removal of areas of necrotized conjunctiva or superficial corneal tissues, transplantation of cultured stem cells of the corneal epithelium, transplantation of limbal stem cells and removal of the conjunctival symphobaron.
Treatment of eye burn with ultraviolet
Treatment of eye burn with ultraviolet is the use of cycloplegic drops of short action, such as 1% Cyclopentolate solution. The product provides a reduction in spasm and discomfort. It is applied topically, by digesting it into the conjunctival sac. For inflammatory diseases of the eye - 1 drop 3 times a day, in severe cases - every 3-4 hours. For the expansion of the pupil - 1-2 drops 1-3 times with an interval of 10-20 minutes. Has its side effects and contraindications. It can not be used with hypersensitivity and angle-closure glaucoma. Side effects include the manifestation of allergic reactions.
Antibiotics are also prescribed in the form of drops or ointments. This is tetracycline, Erythromycin ointment and antibiotics Linkomycin and Tobramycin. The method of using them has been described above.
Painful sensations may require the use of sedatives and analgesics or a pressure bandage to reduce eye movement. Valerian can be used as a sedative. Analgesics - Analgin and Diclofenac. It is preferable to use systemic analgesics, since the appointment of local anesthetics slows the epithelialization of the cornea.
Treatment of thermal eye burn
Treatment of thermal eye burn should occur quickly. First of all, it is worth to rinse the eyes with water, and 20% solution of Sulfacyl-Sodium into the eyes. Then 20% of Sulfapyridazine sodium, 0.25% solution of Levomycitin; 0.02% furacilin. Apply and special ointments in the form of tetracycline and Erythromycin.
A detailed description of these preparations and methods of their use has been described above. It should be understood that independent treatment can lead to a number of negative consequences. In no case can you try to solve the problem yourself if the defeat is too strong. In this case it is about 3-4 degrees. Here, without surgical intervention, it is impossible to manage. All actions should be aimed at partial restoration of vision. Defeats of this nature can completely deprive the person of sight. Therefore, it is necessary to act quickly and correctly. Only a medical professional can provide quality care and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Treatment of eye burn with acid
Treatment of eye burn with acid should be carried out immediately. From the speed of reaction depends on the possibility of a person to see. The affected eye should be washed with a large amount of saline, water or any other available at the injury site or on the way to the hospital for a neutral aqueous solution. Eye wash should last at least 2 hours, if there is no way to verify the physiological state of the pH of the conjunctival cavity.
Solid, powdery or granular chemicals must be removed mechanically from the conjunctival cavity. In case of burns with lime, the conjunctiva is washed with 0.01 M (6%) with a solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic sodium.
Medication is also mandatory. But before that you need to diagnose a person's condition. The mydriasis and accommodation paralysis is achieved by instillation of 1% Atropine solution twice a day. Locally, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used at least four times a day, until the complete restoration of the epithelial layer of the cornea. Penicillin and Lincomycin act in their capacity. With common lesions of conjunctiva, ointment dressings are prescribed with the use of Tetracycline and Erythromycin.
Treatment of a retinal burn
Treatment of a retinal burn requires washing the affected organs with water or saline in large quantities. This process should last at least 15-20 minutes. Thus, it is possible to wash all the toxins. To act in such cases is necessary immediately.
If a person does not have the opportunity to wash the place of water damage, you need to call the hospital or another medical facility where the patient will be provided with the necessary professional help. If the lesion is caused by alkali, it is forbidden to wash the eyes! This will increase the negative effect. In this case, you should wash the eye with a dilute solution of acetic or boric acid. In the field of chemical production, Analyte is often used. His hit on the eye area is very undesirable. But when the retina is affected by this substance, it is necessary to wash the eye with an unconcentrated solution of ascorbic acid.
If the lesion bears a thermal character, it is necessary to impose a bandage, pre-soaked with cold water or with the necessary medicines. For this purpose, ointments Sulfacil-Sodium, Erythromycin and Tetracycline are suitable.
If only the retina is damaged, the eye does not need anything to wash, you can put a cooling compress. A person should not open his eyes, so that the bright light does not irritate the organs of vision. It is advisable to take an analgesic in the form of Analgin, Tempalgina or Diclofenac. Medical treatment is prescribed by the attending physician.
Treatment of eye burn with lime
Treatment of eye burns with lime is necessary as much as possible and thoroughly cleanse the eyes with clean running water. In this case, you should turn your eyelids with tweezers and remove lime particles with a tampon. This is a mandatory measure! Care must be taken to ensure that all lime particles are carefully removed.
Then wash the lime burned with a three-percent solution of Na2 EDTA (or disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid). This acid reliably binds calcium cations. As a result, complexes are formed that dissolve rapidly in water and easily wash out of tissues within 24 hours.
At any degree of injury, mandatory hospitalization of the patient is indicated. After all, at first glance, not a difficult defeat, can lead to the strongest consequences in the future. If hospitalization after washing is postponed for some reason, you should continue to instill a solution of Na2 EDTA (disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) every two drops. Naturally, medicamental elimination of the problem is also used. In the form of the use of tetracycline and erythromycin ointment, as well as antibiotics Penicillin and Linkomycin.
Treatment of sunburn eyes
Treatment of sunburn of the eye is not particularly difficult. A person first of all should remove a strong irritation. To do this, special drops for the eyes - Sulfacil - Sodium, Levomycitin and Normaks - are suitable. Bury them until you have a noticeable improvement. This action is usually carried out every 15-30 minutes. After that, the dosage is reduced. Then you should use the drug up to 6 times a day.
In addition to droplets, special ointments are widely used. These include Tetracycline and Erythromycin. They are laid under the lower eyelid up to 5 times a day. When complications apply antibiotics, in the form of Penicillin. Such treatment should be accompanied by a doctor's consultation.
It is recommended to completely avoid sunlight. It is advisable for a person to walk in sunglasses until complete elimination of irritation and inflammation. With such a defeat of the organs of vision, it is necessary to go to the hospital. To exclude the possibility of possible complications. Usually, sun damage to the eyes does not pose a particular danger, so the treatment is more sparing.
Prevention of eye damage consists in following certain rules. It is necessary to understand that any radiation, including infrared and ultraviolet, is very harmful and dangerous to the eyes and acts on them destructively. Ultraviolet radiation causes damage to the cornea, retina and lens. It can occur in a solarium, in the workplace of medical institutions. Therefore it is necessary to use special protective glasses.
The eyes suffer greatly during welding. People who have direct contact with welding machines should wear special masks. This will avoid strong irritation. Do not look at welding at all.
Going to the beach, on a hot sunny day, it is worth putting on sunglasses. This will avoid injury to the visual organs. Observance of simple rules, and wearing glasses will protect your eyes from the negative effects of bright light. This will save the vision and not worry about possible side effects. When working with chemicals, alkalis, acids and lime, you need to protect your eyes. After all, such a defeat is fraught with serious consequences.
The prognosis of the damage to the organs of vision is favorable in most cases. But it all depends on the degree of burn and speed of the person. If, after getting into the eye of a foreign object, first aid was provided on time, you should not worry.
It is necessary to understand that the outcome of severe eye damage, as a rule, is entropion, the formation of a thorn, the infection of the conjunctival cavity, atrophy of the eyeball, a significant degree of decrease in visual function.
In almost 90% of cases, eye burn can be prevented. Therefore, the prevention of lesions, in the first place, requires compliance with safety regulations when handling chemical and flammable substances, household chemicals, the use of protective glasses with light filters
If, after getting a foreign body into the eye, a person rendered first aid and went to the hospital, the probability of a favorable outcome is great. In this situation, everything depends on the victim himself. Do not self-medicate, you should trust professionals. Even with severe damage to the organs of vision, there is a chance to restore them.