Atonic constipation
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many have come across the problem of going to the toilet “by and large”, but if this is an isolated case, then there is no need to worry, it is worse when the constipation worries a person constantly and becomes his norm. Most often this disease affects women, although men have not avoided such a fate. Mostly physicians diagnose patients with this problem, atonic constipation.
This pathology suggests that the problem is associated with the inability of the muscular tissues of the intestine to perform their work. Their strength decreases - this leads to a weakening of the peristalsis of the colon. It is this disruption in the work of the digestive system and leads the human body to constipation.
Causes of Atonic Constipation
To effectively deal with the problem, you must first know the causes of atonic constipation. Only in this way can one qualitatively influence the patient's body, expecting from him an adequate response.
- Very often, this disease occurs in people who, by virtue of their character or professional activity, must lead a sedentary lifestyle. That hypodynamia and can provoke the weakening of smooth muscles. To make it clearer, it is worthwhile to imagine a person after a long illness, during which he had to spend a long time in bed. In the process of recovery, he has to learn to walk again, as the muscles are weakened, and they simply do not have the strength to carry such a load as the body. Similar processes occur with the muscles of the intestine, because in the process of walking a person strains many different muscle groups, forcing them to work. The smooth muscles of the large intestine, which promote the stool to exit the anus, are also included here. If a person has no problems with intestinal motility, then the process of defecation usually happens once or twice a day. Whereas in a problem intestine this process can take place once, twice or three days, or even less often. At the same time a lot of feces is collected in the intestine, which leads to a discomfort.
- The second leading cause of atonic constipation is an alimentary trait. That is, the root cause of pathology lies in those foods that often make up the menu of a person. If he prefers fast food, a monotonous diet, which mainly consists of flour products and meat dishes, doesn’t really care that there is enough plant food in his diet, then you shouldn’t be surprised that he is plagued by constipation. After all, this food is devoid of natural stimuli, which, acting on the receptors of the intestinal mucosa, force them to reduce.
- Affects the occurrence of atonic constipation and the diet. If a person is accustomed to eat on the go, eat out snacks and eat fully once a day, this approach to your health will not lead to anything good.
- The high content of lime in the water a person drinks can also be provoked by fixing the feces.
- The cause of atonic constipation may be a small amount of fluid that the patient consumes throughout the day.
- If people with this problem begin to abuse cleansing enemas, as well as decoctions or drugs with a laxative effect, the nerve endings on the intestinal mucosa, under the constant influence of an irritant, begin to deplete, which invariably leads to a decrease in the tone of the walls and problems with defecation. In this case, doctors say about "lazy bowel syndrome."
- This pathology may develop as a consequence of the inflammatory process occurring in the patient's body.
- To lead to this disease and a strong physical depletion of the body.
- Ulcerative or erosive damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract can also provoke atonic constipation.
- Our body is a unique product of nature, in which all the functioning of systems and organs is interconnected. A small failure in one link of this complex is enough, as a chain reaction of disturbances throughout the body begins. Therefore, problems with defecation can happen as a result of a stressful situation in which a person was by chance.
- Prolonged psycho-emotional stress.
- The cause of atonic constipation can be and the defeat of the body toxic substances.
- This problem can occur when large amounts of lost fluid: if it predominantly goes through the mucous membrane and skin of a person. This can happen when the injured person is ill and the disease proceeds with a high temperature, as well as in a hot season.
- Excessive body weight can also provoke atonic constipation.
- A woman has problems with bowel movements that can occur on the background of pregnancy, as well as immediately after childbirth.
- A similar problem can cause the onset of menopause in women.
- This may be a consequence of surgery involving organs of the digestive system.
- There are also endocrine causes of this pathology, provoked by a decrease in the function of the pituitary, thyroid, and ovaries.
- Drug treatment - taking certain groups of drugs.
Symptoms of atonic constipation
If a person has recurrent problems with defecation, then the symptoms of atonic constipation correspond to the manifestations of the general state of the body in this pathology:
- In the large intestine a lot of feces accumulate, which is why the intestine has to be stretched to fit all the masses. At the same time, they begin to put pressure on nearby organs and systems, causing discomfort and painful symptoms in the lower abdomen.
- Emptying of the intestine occurs once twice a day, and even less.
- The patient has to make increased efforts (to push) so that the process of defecation takes place.
- Fecal masses become quite dense structure.
- A person has a feeling that he is bursting from the inside.
- The general condition of the patient is deteriorating.
- A person loses his appetite; even his favorite food cannot return it.
- There may be signs of intoxication of the body: discoloration of the skin, nausea, increase in body temperature indicators, and others.
- With the emergence of feces, in its composition may appear bloody streaks.
Atonic and spastic constipation
In case of problem defecation in a patient, proctologists divide this problem into atonic and spastic constipation. These types of this pathology have significant differences. Signs of atonic constipation include:
- Large amounts of feces.
- During defecation, first of all, a copious amount of very dense structures is released, as the last portions of feces have a normal density.
- With this type of problem, there is pain in the lower abdomen, and to go "to the toilet" you have to put enough effort.
- With the accumulation of feces in the intestines, it swells, thereby forming sausages of large diameter. When they exit are very frequent cracks and tears of the mucous membrane of the anus, which leads to the appearance of inclusions of red blood in fecal masses.
Whereas spastic constipation manifests itself:
- Fecal masses leave fragmentary, representing small separate structures.
- The patient suffers from increased gas separation.
- There is a feeling of distention inside the abdomen.
- Pain symptoms are spastic.
- Reducing the overall tone of the body. A person feels constantly tired.
- When the patient is undergoing radiography, the radiologist may observe a slow movement of the feces in the intestine.
Atonic constipation in a child
After the baby begins to enter complementary foods, and subsequently when it goes to the menu of an adult, you can observe atonic constipation in a child. Problems with emptying the baby bother his parents. But we should not forget that in children of this age, the digestive system is not yet perfect and extremely sensitive. It is able to upset as external factors: a stressful situation, a change of environment, a daily routine. And internal: change in nutrition, disease.
More often, atonic constipation is diagnosed in a child, in which defecation occurs once every two or three days, or even less frequently. Fecal masses accumulate, become denser, while the baby is experiencing constant urge to empty the bowel. Unfortunately, defecation in such conditions is very difficult, since a very dense “stopper” of feces comes first and only then the baby can pokakat more freely (the next portion of feces goes to a normal consistency).
Atonic constipation in infants
Problems with bowel emptying are not only for adults, and newborn babies and babies who are breastfed often suffer from constipation. If a child under three years of age has private constipation, then their cause mainly lies in the area of pathological changes or imperfections of the child’s digestive system. The gastrointestinal tract is only being formed, so atonic constipation in infants is not uncommon.
If a child has up to three months to have a bowel movement less than once or twice a day or in children up to three years old, which feeds food into the food less than once a day, you should not panic, but you should not ignore the problem. In such a situation, it will be right to consult a pediatrician, because besides problems with defecation, the baby may have an appetite and abdominal pain, the baby becomes moody, his sleep is disturbed.
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Diagnosis of atonic constipation
To prescribe adequate treatment, the doctor should properly assess the type of problem. Therefore, the diagnosis of atonic constipation consists of several specific stages.
- Analysis of patient complaints.
- Visual assessment by the doctor of the appearance of fecal masses. This factor will make it possible to distinguish between which type of pathology the disease belongs: atopic or spastic.
- In atonic constipation, feces have a dark color and come out of the anus in large masses.
- At the same time, a more dense stool comes out first, and then its consistency becomes thinner.
When diagnosing atonic constipation, it is very important to determine the original source of pathological discomfort in the body. Only by finding the cause, it will be possible to talk about adequate effective treatment.
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Treatment of Atonic Constipation
To develop an effective treatment protocol is possible only by correctly identifying the root cause of the pathology. But all the same, the first thing that determines the treatment of atonic constipation is the correction of nutrition and the introduction of a supportive diet, which is based on the patient accepting a sufficient amount of plant foods with coarse fiber, which contributes to the “launching of the bowels”.
If atonic constipation concerns a baby, then puree-shaped and liquid dishes should prevail in its menu. They will help the intestines recover.
In this case, it is necessary to develop a schedule for eating and defecation, and try to stick to it clearly.
Gymnastics, with specially selected exercises, has a positive effect on strengthening the muscular tissue of the abdominals. For small babies, light abdominal massages are very effective.
If such measures do not bring a therapeutic effect, then the treating doctor will use medication.
To stimulate intestinal peristalsis, drugs of the anticholinesterase drugs group are prescribed: ittomed, peristyle, ganaton, prozerin darnitsa (tablets) or 0.05% solution for injection, kalimin 60 N, coordination, montana and others.
Peristyl in a 0.05% solution is injected subcutaneously to an adult patient in a dose of 0.5 mg or 1.0 ml one to two times throughout the day. For children, the recommended dosage is 0.05 mg per year for the life of a small patient, but this amount should not exceed 0.75 ml.
With oral medication a single dose is 0.015 g, administered to the patient two to three times a day. At the same time, the maximum daily dosage should not be more than 0.05 g. The duration of therapeutic therapy is 25–30 days. When medically necessary, the treatment can be repeated after three to four weeks break.
Contraindications of the medicinal product include the patient's tendencies to epileptic seizures, body hypersensitivity to peristyle components, bronchial asthma, in case of hyperkinesis (twitching of the whole muscle group), atherosclerosis and failure in heart rhythm.
If the problem of feces is accompanied by painful symptoms, then antispasmodics are entered into the patient’s treatment protocol. It can be spasmalgon, spazmalgin, pentalgin, drotaverin, spasmalin, maxigan, bralangin, papaverine hydrochloride, no-spa forte, linkas and others.
Spasmalgon is administered to the patient intramuscularly in a dose of 2–5 ml two to three times throughout the day. Before opening the ampoule, it should be slightly warmed in the palms. The duration of therapy is not more than five days. If during this time the pain symptoms did not go away, it is necessary to stop taking the medication and replace it with another one. The maximum daily dosage is 10 ml.
In the pill form of reception for adult patients and adolescents over 15 years of age, a dose of one to two tablets of two or three approaches per day, but not more than six per day is prescribed.
For children aged 13 to 15 years, the dosage is one tablet two to three approaches per day, but not more than three per day.
For children aged 9 to 13 years, the dosage is half a tablet two to three approaches per day, but not more than two per day.
It is not recommended to prescribe spasmalgon to patients suffering from hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and other drugs of the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as failures in the circulatory system, liver and / or kidney dysfunction, while reducing the tone of the urinary and / or gall bladder, closed-angle glaucoma, intestinal obstruction, suspected surgical pathology.
With great care, this drug is used if the patient has a history of gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastrointestinal tract pathology, as well as if the patient's professional activity is associated with working on potentially dangerous machinery and driving.
For long-term problems with bowel movements, the attending physician may prescribe to the patient and drugs of a laxative effect: isaman, phenolphthalein, isafenin, castor oil, lizalak, bisadil, regulax and others.
Phenolphthalein is attributed to adults 100-200 mg one to three doses per day, which corresponds to one to two tablets. If the reception is a one-time, it is better to administer the drug overnight.
- Children of three - four years - 50 mg, one - three doses per day.
- Babies of five - six years old - 100 mg each, one - three doses per day.
- Children from seven to nine years old - 150 mg each, one - three doses per day.
- Adolescents from 10 to 14 - 150-200 mg, one - three doses per day.
There are no special contraindications for taking the medicinal product, only the age of a small patient up to three years.
But there are restrictions on the use of laxative drugs:
- Their prolonged use causes the body to become addictive, and for the implementation of the same action requires increasing dosage.
- The introduction of drugs of this group for a long period of time leads to changes in the structure of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, which can provoke the degeneration of its tissues into malignant cells.
- Their prolonged use leads to the loss of electrolytes.
- Can trigger an allergic response in the body.
- Their prolonged use causes aggravation of disorders of the intestinal motor activity.
Can be appointed by the doctor and rectal suppositories. For example, glycerin candles, which are inserted into the anus once a day. It is advisable to do this after 15–20 minutes after breakfast has been finished.
This type of therapy is contraindicated if the patient suffers from hemorrhoids, which at the time of treatment is in the acute stage, if there are wounds in the anus, as well as in the case of inflammatory pathology of the rectum.
Oil enemas or water procedures such as the circulating shower, which is supplied with a temperature of 32–34 ° C, will help to structure bowel movements and make them more “transportable”. The duration of the therapeutic course directly depends on the clinical picture of the disease and the sensitivity of the patient to the proposed treatment protocol.
Enema with atonic constipation
Often, one of the points in the treatment protocol is used to give an enema for atonic constipation, but such a procedure should be prescribed and monitored only by the attending doctor. Depending on the genesis of pathological discomfort, enemas of various kinds are prescribed:
- Cleansing - this enema is carried out with a volume of liquid in one - two liters. To improve the quality of clipping, decoctions of chamomile flowers of apothecary, oak bark, calendula, natural apple cider vinegar can be introduced into it. Such a procedure will quickly and effectively clean the colon and normalize the pH balance in it.
- Oil - it helps to soften the feces and improve their progress through the intestines. The volume of injected drug should not be more than 150 ml, while the injected oil should be warm (temperature 38-39 degrees). The greatest effectiveness of the procedure is manifested if it is put to the patient immediately before going to bed. The effect of cleansing manifests itself eight to ten hours after clipping.
- Entering hypertonic solution. You can get it without much effort at home. Under this name hides a saline solution prepared from 100 ml of warm boiled water and one tablespoon of salt. The volume used in the procedure should not exceed 100 ml. Such enemas work as stimuli of sensitive receptors of the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall, as well as soften the stool well.
There are also contraindications to the use of this method of treatment and the use of laxative drugs:
- Contraindications to this therapy include complete bowel obstruction, an acute form of fever, inflammation of the appendix process and other inflammatory processes affecting the organs of the abdominal region.
- Long-term use of a laxative is not worth it, because in the process of cleaning the intestines, calcium is washed out and there is a mismatch in water-salt metabolism.
- If a drug with laxative characteristics is taken for a long time, then it becomes addictive and already large doses are required to obtain the desired effect. Therefore, periodically drugs must be replaced by analogues.
In therapeutical measures, the centuries-old experience of alternative medicine is used:
- In such a situation, a decoction of flax seeds. This drink is preferably consumed immediately before bedtime, together with seeds. Such a decoction is taken in case of chronic constipation, but it is not worth drinking it for a very long time - it becomes addictive and its effectiveness decreases. You should not consume this product if there is a history of keratitis or cholecystitis.
- In the morning to “run” the intestines, pour warm boiled water into a cup and dissolve a tablespoon of natural honey in it and drink it. This tool should not be taken if the person has a history of cholecystitis or colitis.
- In such a case, you can make compote based on dried apples and cherries. Drink three to four times throughout the day.
- Brine of fermented kpusta has good laxative properties, especially if you drink it in half a glass, in the form of heat and before entering a little yeast.
- Effectively prevents constipation decoction of their oats, cranberries.
- The plum juice and the juice obtained from the radish, which it is desirable to drink warm, works pridely.
- If the work is sedentary, kefir will help to support the motility, preferably if it is a day or two after the release, as well as slightly sour milk.
- Seshestvueyu and this recipe: in a glass of yogurt enter 10 grams of vegetable oil and in the evening, before bedtime, drink a little grotto
- Cucumber pickle has laxative properties, but the classic with spices and seasonings will not work. You should pour cucumbers with water and let them stand in a warm place for at least a month. After he is ready, drink four glasses during the day.
- Carrot juice is suitable for atonic constipation for both adults and children.
- Fresh beet or spinach juice. They can be drunk either alone or mixed with celery juice or carrots. The drink is taken throughout the day several times.
- If the constipation has passed into a chronic state, for the relief of intestinal release, a salad of boiled or baked beets will do. Enemas with the juice of this vegetable are also effective.
- Two and a half teaspoons of dill seeds (pre-grind them) are added to one and a half cups of boiling water, and then steamed. This is the daily amount of fluid that is drunk throughout the day. A similar recipe is suitable for cumin seeds.
- Effective with atonic constipation and tea from anise seeds. Pour a tablespoon of the product with freshly boiled water and insist for 20 minutes, then strain and take a quarter cup three to four times throughout the day, half an hour before meals.
- You can take freshly squeezed aloe juice (agave), which is drunk one teaspoon two to three times a day for 20 to 30 minutes before a meal. The duration of such therapy is from 15 to 30 days.
- If it is difficult to take a bitter juice, it can be sweetened with honey. Sheets agave for two weeks to put in the fridge. This simple method allows biostimulation of the plant. After this time, juice is obtained from the leaves and natural honey is introduced into it in a similar proportion. If the beekeeping product is candied, it should be held a little on the water bath until it becomes liquid, but it should not be held for a long time. At high temperatures, it loses some of its properties beneficial to the human body. Store the resulting drug should be in a cool place. It is recommended to drink after waking up, on an empty stomach, in half a cup. After two days, the dosage can be slightly reduced.
- There is another recipe using these components. Before cutting aloe leaves, the plant should not be watered for two weeks. Then cut the leaves and get 150 ml of juice. Liquid honey (if candied - melt) in the amount of 30 g enter in the resulting liquid and mix. Keep ready medicine in a cool place. Drink one tablespoon twice throughout the day with a small amount of water. In the morning it is advisable to take on an empty stomach.
- Prepare a mixture of dill seeds (5 g) and chopped licorice root or licorice (20 g). Take one tablespoon of the collection and pour a glass of boiling water. Hold for about 15 minutes in a water bath or put to insist, carefully wrapped. Take half a glass, which is drunk an hour after a person has eaten.
- Perfectly proven in the treatment of atonic constipation wavy rhubarb root. It can be used for these purposes in any form. The recommended daily dosage is one tablespoon. This can be either a powder form of the medicine, or a syrup or tincture. In small quantities, this product can work as a stuffing device. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to especially carefully follow the recommended doses. Mostly rhubarb is good for normal bowel movement in children and adolescents. For older people, especially if they suffer from persistent constipation, as well as have a history of bleeding hemorrhoids, taking this drug is undesirable.
- Wheat bran, taken in the amount of two tablespoons, works perfectly in this situation. This volume of product combined with a glass of freshly boiled milk. Mix the mixture thoroughly and leave for 30-40 minutes. Another option is to boil it for 15 minutes. Take twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime, half a glass (preferably on an empty stomach). The duration of the therapeutic course is one month, during which it is recommended to practice cleansing enemas once a week.
- The syrup obtained from rowan berries works well. Wash the fruits and cover them with sugar, determine them in the sun, leaving them for a month. During this time, the fruit will start up juice, mixed with sugar. It is necessary only to watch, so that he does not begin to wander. Then drain the liquid, wring out the berries well. Place the syrup into the container, add a little alcohol in there - this will save the medicine from fermentation. The ideal ratio: 25 ml of alcohol are taken per half liter of syrup. It is recommended to drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
Diet for atonic constipation
In case of problems with gastric emptying, the first thing the treating doctor does is correct the patient’s diet. A diet for atonic constipation is less benign than is necessary for spastic constipation.
The diet of the patient must include fruits and vegetables in their raw form. These products are rich in dietary fiber such as ballast, cellulose and fiber. They perfectly adsorb water and actively irritate the nerve receptors of the intestine, which normalizes its peristalsis. Such products as food bran, carrots and apples, as well as rye bread have an advantage over others in this characteristic.
- It is better to start the day with a vegetable or fruit salad, drink water, with honey mixed in it, effectively start the intestines and vegetable juices, compote from prunes.
- From the first courses are preferable: vegetable and cereal soups (except rice), cold fruit soups, okroshka, beetroot soup, cabbage soup.
- Meat dishes made from lean varieties. Baked, boiled dishes are allowed. In moderation, you can eat milk sausages and boiled sausage of high quality.
- Baked or boiled lean fish is allowed, as well as seafood dishes.
- Fresh, boiled or baked vegetables are perfect for side dishes. A special place is occupied by vegetable recipes, which are based on beets.
- In your diet, you can use crumbly and viscous porridge (especially buckwheat), pasta: both boiled and in the form of casseroles.
- Of the legumes, green peas are preferred.
- Almost all fruits and berries, both in raw and processed form. Especially valuable sugary berries: figs, melons, apricots. You can please yourself with various mousses, compotes, jams, as well as candies made from berries or fruits.
- Eggs are preferably used only for cooking. But if you really want, then it is permissible not more than one per day.
- If the patient's body normally carries dairy products - they will be quite appropriate on the table of a person suffering from atonic constipation. It can be whole or acidophilus milk, yogurt, hard and rennet cheeses, one-day or two-day kefir.
- When cooking, you can use vegetable or butter, but do not abuse it.
- All sorts of vegetable, fruit and fruit - vegetable salads are allowed.
- Well normalizes peristalsis spinach, other greens and non-sour sauerkraut.
- From drinks you can consume weak teas, fruit juices, decoctions of wheat bran or rosehip.
- For an hour and a half before the main meal, it is advisable to drink a glass of cold carbonated (and even without gas) water. This will run the intestines and prepare it for food.
In the diet with atonic constipation, fasting days are welcomed, which the patient spends on apples or cabbage alone, but eats them in unlimited quantities. Such an approach to nutrition will not only allow the bowels to work, but also contribute to the normalization of weight, most importantly, without fanaticism - everything is useful in moderation.
If constipation "pursue" a person is not constant, but occasionally, you can use one of the following recipes, practicing periodic preventive courses:
- In the morning, a couple of hours before the intended meal, in two liters of boiling water, enter two tablespoons, without a large top, a spoonful of wheat bran. Allow them to gain volume, then eat like a mug.
- You can advise to eat sutra two apples, they should not be peeled. In this form, the fruit is more useful.
- If a person “went to the toilet”, and there was no expected relief, you can advise to drink half a liter of water for a few days in a row on an empty stomach, with a teaspoon of soda dissolved in it.
- Onion drops work well. Enough 10 droplets taken before meals to forget about constipation. For their preparation, it is necessary to peel the onion, chop finely and fill a container in 2/3 in which the medicine will infuse. Pour vodka or alcohol into the tank, fill it to the top, and leave it for ten days to stand in a warm place, you can leave it in direct sunlight.
- Effectively works and decoction or tincture of the hips, which must be drunk a glass before you go to sleep.
- For chronic constipation, you can drink some vegetable oil.
For prohibited foods in the case of prevention of atonic constipation include:
- Bakery products made from high-grade flour, including muffins, their puff pastry dishes.
- Smoked food (meat and fish).
- Eggs (used only directly for cooking).
- Mustard and horseradish.
- Various canned food.
- Dishes from white rice and semolina (limit).
- Mushrooms and dishes from them.
- Spicy spices and seasonings.
- Vegetables such as turnip, radish and radish.
- Strong coffee and tea.
- Culinary and animal fats.
- Alcohol.
- Chocolate.
- Various creams.
- Onion and garlic.
- And some others.
Prevention of atonic constipation
It seems that no one would argue that the prevention of atonic constipation is much better than its treatment.
In order to prevent the occurrence of this uncomfortable pathology, you should follow a number of simple rules:
- To live an active lifestyle. If a person has sedentary work, then it is desirable if he will go to work and back on foot.
- It is necessary to normalize your diet, removing “bad” foods from it and introducing a sufficient number of dishes that normalize the functioning of the intestines. The main meals should be at least four, an apple or other fruit will be good for snacking. Portions should be small, should not overeat.
- It is necessary to introduce into your daily schedule gymnastic exercises that allow you to “pump up” the smooth muscles of the intestine and abdominal muscles.
- Drink a sufficient amount of fluid in its various manifestations.
- Remove bad habits from your life: alcohol, drugs, nicotine.
- Trying to perform the process of bowel emptying at about the same time, it is possible to develop a conditioned reflex to defecation.
- Acceptance of any medication with laxative characteristics, as well as enemas should be prescribed only by a qualified technician.
- Frequent walks before bed and during the day.
- It is necessary to ensure that the defecation takes place at least once a day (normally - twice in adults, in infants a little more often), and then maintain the intestinal condition in this form.
- It is necessary to learn how to avoid stressful situations, and if it was not possible to cope with them, without being obsessed with the problem that has arisen.
Atonic constipation causes not only physical, physiological discomfort in a patient, it also affects the psychological state of a person, therefore prevention of atonic constipation is a very important measure to combat this pathological disease, allowing you to keep the bar high for any person’s quality of life.
Prognosis of atonic constipation
With timely adequate therapy and active preventive measures, the prognosis of atonic constipation is quite favorable.
Constipation is a problem that some people are afraid to share even with their loved ones. But your health is more important, therefore at the first symptoms of pathology you should consult a qualified doctor. Only a specialist is able to diagnose atonic constipation and give high-quality recommendations and, if necessary, write down the treatment. Adequate measures taken in a timely manner will allow to quickly deal with the problem and prevent more serious complications.