Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Fracture is an inflammatory process that occurs in those parts of the skin, on which there is long-term friction and the effects of moisture for a long time.
This inflammation arises because when the moisturizing and irritating effect of the cutaneous secretory function is prolonged with sweating and sebum secretion, fungal microorganisms multiply in the folds of the skin. Fissures can also appear as a consequence of the friction of the contiguous skin surfaces. Places of localization of this inflammatory process, as a rule, are inguinal-femoral folds, and folds between the buttocks, between the fingers, in the region of the cavities in the armpits, under the breasts of women. In addition, diaper rash may occur with excessive body weight in the folds of the neck and abdomen.
Children are mainly affected by the formation of diaper rash, but they can also be noted in adults. It occurs mainly during the summer heat, due to prolonged walking, for those who do not observe the rules of personal hygiene, in people with a tendency to fullness and excessive sweating, etc. In children, this inflammation can be caused by insufficient drying of the skin after bathing, it appears in children with significantly exceeding the age norms of weight, with insufficient care, etc.
In most cases, it is relatively easy to cure if you do not run the disease to the point where ulcers and eczema start to appear on the skin. As a result of timely application for medical assistance, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment, the result of which will be an effective cure for this disease.
Causes of intertrigo
Causes of diaper rash are characterized by a number of factors, under the influence of which the development of this disease occurs. These include, in the first place, increased sweating. It can occur as a result of local or general overheating of the skin surfaces of the body, in particular when there is insufficient air flow and ventilation for a long time. Increased sweating is also noted during the fever and other diseases. In sweat and other secretions of the seriously ill, a large number of metabolic products appear as a strong skin irritant.
As one of the factors triggering the emergence of intertrigo is the aggressive action of urine when it is incontinent, irritating to the skin effect produces also discharge during hemorrhoids, and from fistulas.
Not the least role among the causes that can cause diaper rashness is also played by the individual characteristics of the organism of each individual person. So with a tendency to increased sweating and dysfunction of the sebaceous glands of the skin (mainly for obesity), this increases the likelihood of the development of this inflammatory process.
In addition, diaper rash can be a type of specific allergic reaction to the use of soap or some other means of body care, and besides it can take place as an allergy due to the use of certain foods.
Often diaper rash appears as a result of rubbing the skin against clothing. In this regard, the most unfavorable is clothing made from synthetic fabrics, and for small children, the use of disposable diapers may be a danger in this regard.
As a result of exposure to excessive moisture on the sensitive baby skin, the amount of protective lubricant on the skin of the baby is significantly reduced, which weakens the protective function and opens free access for the penetration of all harmful microorganisms. In addition, during the disintegration of urine, ammonia forms, which produces a negative effect on the skin.
Although the causes of diaper rash may be very diverse, however, regardless of what caused it, it should be remembered that such an inflammatory process is characterized by a high rate of development, and the formation of a vast area of lesion often occurs in just a few hours. Therefore, in order to minimize the possible undesirable consequences of the disease, it is necessary to take the necessary measures as soon as possible.
Symptoms of intertrigo
Symptoms of intertrigo are expressed in the appearance of erythema - redness, the area of which is symmetrical on both sides of the natural skin fold. Affected areas of skin are highly humid. If you do not proceed to appropriate treatment, further progress of the disease is characterized by the appearance in the fold of the skin surface cracks. Through these cracks, penetration into the skin of pathogenic microorganisms becomes possible. When diaper rash results in a more serious or neglected form, it is noted that there are bleeding ulcers that cover a black or brown plaque that has the smell of putrefaction.
A concomitant symptom of the disease is a burning sensation, often painful sensations. If pustular infection joins, pustules form on the edges of the wetting zone. Fragility in this case is called infectious and acquires the character of a chronic disease, the course of which can last for many years.
In children, when diaper rash is localized in the gluteal region, feces and urine, producing an effect that is irritating to affected areas of the skin during urination and defecation, causes constant tearfulness of the baby during these processes. If the disease is present for a long period of time, the child may experience weight loss.
Identification of any of the above negative phenomena indicates that there are symptoms of intertrigo, and this requires an immediate appeal to a medical specialist who will make the appointment of the appropriate treatment.
Wet tangles
Wet intertrigo is one of the most frequent cases of inflammation on the skin, accompanied by the appearance of wetting lesions of the skin in the places of formation on the human body of natural folds. Mostly children are affected by fissures. This process can be triggered by a child's allergy, such as diathesis, for example. But mainly diaper rash with the formation of wet sores occur due to the unfavorable prolonged action of excessive moisture on the skin, and besides this as a result of friction of the skin surfaces. The combination of these two factors causes a significant reduction in the layer of protective natural lubrication on the skin, which makes it possible for pathogens to easily penetrate the skin. As a result, an inflammatory process develops, characterized first by the appearance of lesions on the skin in the form of cracks and ulceration. Of these, fluid subsequently begins to be released, such wet sores often cause severe itching and quite intense pain.
If such dermal lesions with the presence of mocclusion are not treated, they tend to expand the area on which there is a wetting intertrigo, which can lead to the child becoming restless, constantly crying and sleeping poorly. And in adults, this problem causes severe discomfort and self-doubt, since such wetness can cause stains of moisture on clothing with an unpleasant odor. To avoid the fact that diaper rash will reach the stage where a large amount of liquid is released from the wound in its localization areas, and therefore it will affect the quality of life, you can if you seek medical help in time.
Diabetic Diseases
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that over a long period of its course adversely affects the condition of the entire human body. In addition to the development of all unfavorable phenomena affecting the blood condition requiring continuous monitoring of the sugar content in it, damage to the organs of vision, a negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, changes also occur in the skin condition. The skin of a diabetic with illness in an insulin-independent form - type 2 diabetes becomes coarser, becomes flaky, and its turgor is greatly reduced. The accompanying side effect of diabetes is the occurrence of increased sweating and a violation of skin thermoregulation. This mainly applies to those places on the human body, where natural skin folds are formed. Against this background, a fairly common phenomenon is diarrheal diarrhea.
Diabetes and diaper rash are in a relationship, expressed in the following. Due to violations of sugar regulation in the patient's blood, eczematous reactions, urticaria, are noted, which is the prerequisite for the appearance of diaper rash.
Diabetic dysfunctions are a problem requiring as much attention as all the other negative changes in the body's condition concerning various organs and systems associated with this disease. Since the body is weakened by the opposition of this severe disease, with a reduced protective barrier function and the ability to recover due to this, it is very vulnerable in terms of the possibility of developing all kinds of complications.
Streptococcal intertrigo
Streptococcal intertrigo is an inflammation of the skin, which has streptococcal bacteria as a causative agent. The prerequisites for the emergence of an optimal environment in which these pathogenic microorganisms are multiplying are characterized by the skin's tendency to excessive perspiration, an abnormally high activity of the sebaceous glands, and a lack of observance of basic hygiene rules in sufficient measure. Such factors can also be caused by such intertrigo factors associated with such individual characteristics of a person as the presence of excessive body weight, or diabetes mellitus.
This diaper rests, as a rule, in the places of the contacting surfaces of the folds of the skin between the hip and scrotum in men, in the area between the buttocks, in the armpits, under the breasts of women, behind the ears, and also in the folds of the abdomen with obesity.
With this disease, the skin acquires a bright pink shade, its parts in the lesions have a clear border with the surrounding healthy skin. The area of intertrigo is completely eroded and has a wetting surface. In the skin folds sometimes the formation of painful cracks, which bleed.
Thus, streptococcal diaper develops as a result of the pathogenic action of streptococci in the folds of the skin on the human body and is a rather unpleasant inflammatory process with the formation of wetness. At the same time it can be treated with lotion with a disinfectant solution, as well as with the use of various special ointments and pastes.
Fungal intertrigo
There are cases when the cause of inflammation on the skin becomes a fungal infection. The most frequent "guests" penetrating the skin and triggering a pathogenic process are Candida and Pityrosporum. Because of their pathogenic effect, there is such an unpleasant phenomenon as fungal intertrigo. The most susceptible to the development of fungal diaper rash are children who are predisposed to various kinds of allergies. But there is also the possibility of the opposite. The appearance of a pity at a certain confluence of circumstances may signal the onset of the development of an allergic reaction.
After the infection with the fungus on the skin appear patches of reddish color having a round or oval shape. Such areas have borders similar to fringe. Due to the fact that the fungus is supplemented with other microfungi, signs of lesion can be visualized as white pustules.
It must be taken into account that redness of the skin should not always be unambiguously regarded as inflammation. If the baby has light skin and the vessels under it are very close to the surface, then the pattern of vessels can appear through it. This is mostly noted on the little arms and legs. The same applies to infants who have excessive body weight against the background of metabolic and endocrine disruption.
Fungal diaper rash is very important to stop at the beginning of the development of this inflammatory process or, if possible, at the earliest stage, since if pathogenic progress is left to chance it may involve involvement of large areas of the skin in the area of damage and all sorts of complications.
Fractures under plaster
In the case of injuries to the limb or joints, one of the most important conditions for curing is the necessity, after having given the required position, to ensure their complete immobility, to immobilize. Sometimes the need for immobilization occurs in the postoperative period.
The most common material used for fixing is gypsum. The advantages of using it are not in doubt. This and the long-term practice of its effective application, and low cost, ease of use, a short time required to create a fixation bandage, no need, in any way, of special adaptations.
However, very often with immobilization in this way, patients are faced with such a problem as diaper rash under gypsum. Before applying a gypsum tire, the limb is wound with cotton, which after some time is filled with moisture from perspiration under the air impermeable layer of gypsum. This causes an unpleasant odor. But the most important thing is that the presence of gypsum interferes with hygiene procedures. The skin overheats, there is active sweating of the limb, from which an ideal environment for the propagation of pathogenic microbes and as a result - the appearance of intertrigo.
In order to prevent the development of such an adverse collateral phenomenon, hygienic measures should look like this. To process a skin under a gypsum it is necessary with use of a cotton wand which is thrust under a gypsum for wiping by any solutions and drawing of creams for care of a skin.
Fractures under the gypsum can be avoided in addition, if you use the latest materials for the application of immobilizing tires. Many of them, unlike gypsum, have low weight and water resistance, do not crumble, and provide a better opportunity for circulating air under the bandage.
What looks like diaper rash?
On what grounds about the appearance of diaper rash, in addition to the list of symptoms inherent in it, it becomes possible to determine that we are dealing with this particular disease? Fatigue is largely characterized by the appearance of the various depending on the stage on which this disease is located.
At the beginning of development and with an easy degree of diaper rash, it differs reddening in places where the skin is formed by natural folds. In the absence or limited supply of air to the skin, its covers are forbidden, which can provoke the appearance of inflammation, because of which red spots appear. Under the influence of irritating factors on the inflamed reddened areas there may be a small rash.
In the absence of necessary medical measures at the first stage, the diaper gets higher - the average severity category. In this case, against the background of the reddening of the affected areas, microcracks and erosion manifestations are visualized.
With further changes in skin condition, if treatment is not begun, diaper rash looks like pustular ulcers, from which the upper fragments of the skin exfoliate. As the negative progress of the disease progresses in these wounds, mocculation occurs, which causes an infection.
Certainly, it is better not to get to know personal diarrhea in the last, most serious stages of this disease on personal experience, or on the sufferings of a child, and immediately seek qualified medical help.
Interception on the pope
At the infant in infancy to one year of life the skin is very thin, tender and very easily vulnerable. It is prone to dryness and is not able to fully prevent the penetration through it of all substances and microscopic pathogens of various infections. The mesh of vessels in the skin of the baby is located in close proximity to the outer veils, and the thickness of the fat layer is very small. Because of this, the moisture evaporates in the shortest time when it overheats. One of the problems that moms can face is the diaper rash on the baby's prick.
This inflammatory process appears in the main gluteal folds and is caused by the fact that a large amount of moisture reduces the layer of protective natural lubricant on the skin, which opens a direct path for pathogenic microbes and in turn provokes inflammation.
To the development of inflammatory processes on the pope in the form of diaper rash occurs also due to prolonged skin irritation with calves and urine.
If too tightly wrap the baby, his skin, deprived of air access, overheats and prohibits. Also, when after bathing the baby is not dried carefully enough, the moisture remaining on the body is capable of becoming one of the factors of occurrence of diaper rash.
To cause inflammation, which in the future triggers diaper rash, friction from the diaper, the use of synthetic fabrics for swaddling, clothing made of synthetics.
Fatigue on the pope can be prevented if one adheres to the simple rules of caring for the baby's skin. It is necessary to carefully select the means of care that do not cause allergies; minimize the use of substances that can cause irritation; To put on diapers and clothes without rough seams (avoiding synthetics), which do not rub wrinkles on the skin; be sure to wash and cleanse the baby's ass from natural secretions every time he peeks or pokes.
Fracture between buttocks
Fracture between the buttocks is a skin irritation, which occurs not only in infants, but often also in adults. Taking into account the peculiarities of the location of such intertrigo, its treatment involves some difficulties. This disease is provoked by moisture and friction, usually in the hot season, when the high temperature of the environment leads to intense sweating, both in men and women.
The intertrigo between the buttocks is mainly people who are overweight, and in addition to the group at increased risk of its occurrence is the presence of diabetes.
The guide to action for intertrigue in the interannual area is the same as what measures should be taken in case of diaper rash. To overcome such a problem as diaper rash between the buttocks, it is first of all necessary to eliminate or minimize the friction factor. What is the wearing of underwear from natural, non-synthetic materials, without coarse stitches; the need to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene; and also in the use to remove irritation of the skin of all kinds of softening creams and vegetable oils.
Fracture on the neck
Headache in the neck mainly occurs in infants. Since the baby has not yet developed and the thermoregulation functions of the body have not settled, it is to a large extent subject to hypothermia or vice versa - it can easily overheat. In extremely hot conditions, the child begins to sweat, which is the prerequisite for the formation of intertrigo. Due to the fact that the neck of the newborn is short and the skin on it forms a lot of wrinkles, in them basically there is a congestion of sweat. As a result of its prolonged exposure, irritation may develop and the inflammation process may develop.
Therefore, to prevent this, it is very important to provide and maintain the optimum temperature for the baby. One of the key factors in this matter is the choice of the right clothes for the child. So, for example, if the room is not too warm, then his head should be put on a cap of flannel or fleece fabric, and when the temperature is high enough, the hat can be cotton. The same goes for the ruffles and sliders.
In the event that nevertheless it was not possible to protect the infant from the appearance on his neck of diaper rash, it is necessary to wash the affected skin with a cotton swab using a warm infusion of chamomile. After wiping dry, immediately apply a baby powder, which absorbs the remains of moisture and helps the skin to remain dry.
As we see, diaper rash is a frequent case of irritation on the baby's skin and so that it does not disturb the baby it is often enough to adhere to the basic hygienic rules, take care of the baby's skin to keep it dry and clean. It is also important to create optimal temperature conditions for the child, avoiding hypothermia, but not wrapping too much, which can lead to overheating and as a consequence - to intertrigo.
Fracture under the armpit
Along with diaper rash in the groin area, between the fingers and toes, in the folds of the abdomen with excess body weight and under the breasts in women, diaper rash is one of the most frequent cases of irritations and inflammations arising in the folds of the skin. Axillary cavities are among the places on the human body that are most susceptible to intense perspiration. Mostly, excessive sweating in men and women is noted in the summer because of the high temperature of the environment.
A large amount of sweat for a long time remaining under the armpit and on the clothes acts as a skin irritant. If this irritating factor is not eliminated, there is a possibility of occurrence of intertrigo. At the same time there is an itch of the skin, pain, a person begins to experience general discomfort, can become obsessed with such an emerging problem. In the process of development, if no medical measures are taken immediately against it, diaper rashness tends to increase the areas of damage covered by it. And in the event that fungi and pathogenic bacteria get on the damaged skin, infections and other undesirable complications can occur.
To prevent this from happening immediately, when there is an intertrigo under the arm, one should start treatment. The benefit in the initial stages is quite an adequate measure is simply to carefully wash with the armpit soap and apply a disinfectant to the affected skin area.
Fractures on legs
Fractures on the legs are a lesion of an inflammatory and infectious nature, to which the skin is exposed in the folds between the toes.
This process is caused due to the multiplication of pathogenic fungal microorganisms, the ideal conditions for which is excessive sweating and fat formation, mutual friction of the skin surfaces and insufficient inflow and air circulation in these areas of the body.
Provoked this kind of irritation and inflammation of the skin can be poor-quality shoes. In this regard, not the last risk factor is that a person has been walking for a long time, in particular, in rubber boots. To lead to the appearance of diaper rash on the legs is also such an individual feature of the organism as a tendency to excessive sweating of feet. Here it should be noted that in some cases the processes of excessively intense sweating of the legs indicate a violation of the functioning of the sweat glands, in connection with which the appropriate treatment should be prescribed. On the other hand, the allocation of a certain amount of sweat is an integral aspect of the healthy functioning of the body. Too active reduction of the sweat function in the legs can provoke the appearance of severe headaches in the patient.
Due to the fact that the legs are similar to the hands much more often than other parts of the body come into contact with the microflora that has pathogenic properties, there is a considerable share of the probability that inflammation will be accompanied by the development of all sorts of secondary infections. First of all, those whose pathogens become fungi. Therefore, in order to fully protect themselves from their appearance, including from diaper rash, one should pay close attention to any inflammatory processes that begin.
Hip of the navel
The fissure of the navel can be one of the special cases of omphalitis, an inflammation of the navel. The development of pathological progress is caused by inflammatory processes in the skin and fiber of the subcutaneous layer in the umbilical region. The cause of inflammation is mainly infectious - fungal or bacterial.
Characteristic manifestations are the appearance of swelling of the skin in the navel zone and the release of a purulent-bloody appearance from the umbilical cavity. As a result, formation of serous-purulent secretions of crusts is noted, which are subsequently separated. In the absence of appropriate treatment, over time, on the fossa of the navel (the bottom of the umbilical wound), excessive granulation occurs, which to a certain extent prevents the epithelization of such a mocclusion. There is a probability of the appearance of a mushroom-shaped neoplasm of pink color.
Treatment is not associated with any significant difficulties, and mainly reduces to the need to regularly treat the navel and umbilical ring with antiseptic solutions and ointments, and in addition, drainage is mandatory and physiotherapy is prescribed.
In detecting such a disease as diaper rash of the navel, one should not forget that self-appointed therapeutic measures and the use of medicines at their discretion in most cases aggravate the condition rather than what causes improvement. Thus, the choice of method and the selection of the treatment regimen must be carried out exclusively by a competent specialist in the relevant field of medicine.
Stop leverage
The stoppage of the feet is a consequence of skin irritation and inflammation of pathogenic agents, mainly fungi, which can be caused by the propagation in the skin of the skin. Preconditions to the emergence of such a process become excessive sweating of the feet, non-compliance with hygiene standards for the care of feet, wear of the skin from wearing tight shoes. This disease is localized at the beginning of its development, mainly in the region of the 3rd and 4th interdigital folds on the feet, and as it progresses further, it involves the areas of the skin beyond their borders in the affected area. Subsequently, cracks form cracks, which, as a result of prolonged walking, may tend to break the integrity of the skin, which are erosive and characterized by wet surfaces. There is some swelling of the skin, which at the same time acquires a reddish hue, there is general discomfort, severe itching and, in some cases, quite pronounced pain sensations.
The flow of diaper rash occurs chronically, the peak intensity of its appearances reaches the disease mainly in the summer, which is caused by the high temperature of the environment causing a strong sweating.
In order to forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as diaper rash, it is enough to adhere to a number of simple recommendations. In particular, to avoid irritation of the skin from scuffing, which can cause irritation and inflammation, you should wear loose shoes that do not restrict the mobility of the foot; a favorable factor is also the use of special orthopedic insoles. It is also necessary to thoroughly dry feet after washing, and with excessive sweating stops it makes sense to use a special powder.
Fractures in women
In addition to other basic functions, human skin also performs protective functions. It protects the soft tissues of the body from the adverse effects of the environment, and at the same time itself is quite easily vulnerable and prone to all kinds of lesions. The woman's skin is more delicate and vulnerable than the male skin. Among all the phenomena adversely affecting her condition, one of the most common and unpleasant are diaper rash in women.
Frontal lesions are characterized by an inflammatory process in the skin, especially in those places on the body where the folds of the skin are formed. For example, in the armpits, in the groin, in the lower abdomen under the breasts of women, etc.
In the most significant degree, the risk of such inflammation of the skin is present, if there are any metabolic disorders in the female body, she suffers from overweight. In the presence of excessive body weight in obese women, the places of localization of diaper rash are often the neck, popliteal and ulnar folds.
Friction when moving parts of the skin between themselves provokes irritation, against the background of which, if not take the necessary medical measures, inflammation develops. The result is the appearance in the folds on the skin of cracks and wet ulcerated areas. What can be a fertile soil for the development of fungal, as well as other infectious processes.
Females in women are caused by a combination of factors, among which the main ones are: the fact that a woman does not adhere to the necessary hygienic rules, a tendency to excessive sweating, excess weight, skin friction for a long time, and a defective skin function.
Breast Imbalance
Breast augmentation is not such a rare case of this skin lesion, however, because of the shyness and delicacy of the place of its detection, many women have considerable difficulties in order to address this problem to a medical specialist, or to open with it to anyone from his environment. But it should be remembered that apart from at least discomfort and pain, without timely proper treatment, his presence can lead to serious undesirable consequences.
Inflammation of this type is mostly women with excessive body weight. And the possibility of its occurrence is directly related to the fact that they do not wear a bra, or if the bra is made of synthetic fabric. Both these factors cause disruption of air circulation, which causes too intense sweating and activation of the sebaceous glands.
These processes may differ in their increased intensity against the background of the fact that during lactation and lactation in the female body, along with the production of milk, metabolism is accelerated. This is accompanied by an increase in local temperature, which also increases the risk of diaper rash.
The primary necessary measure against the development of this kind of inflammation is the need to minimize the friction of the skin folds. For this purpose, you can use a cotton cloth, laying it under your chest. Further, as for bras, they should not have hard stones in order to avoid traumatization of problem areas. In addition, you should pay the most attention to the issue of skin care. In the places of diaper rash, it is necessary to use the means to soften and restore it, at the same time as drying out the skin.
However, these actions are not fully sufficient therapeutic actions, and to overcome the diaper rash, when there are painful symptoms, you should always contact a medical specialist to determine the course of treatment and the appointment of the required drugs.
Leaks from gaskets
According to the opinion of a large number of medical specialists in the field of gynecology, gaskets are more preferable than the use of tampons. Among their main advantages is a better ability to absorb liquid, which causes a significant reduction in the likelihood of leakage. Of course, the risk is minimal only if the gaskets are replaced in a timely manner. In addition, unlike a tampon, the gasket does not obstruct the blood during menstruation, washing the vagina, it can freely come out.
Nevertheless, under certain circumstances, the use of tampons becomes more appropriate. It is like bathing during menstruation in open reservoirs or swimming pools. But gynecologists, as a rule, are unanimous in the recommendations on such days whenever possible to avoid bathing, even in the bathroom. Well, if a woman decided to swim after all, tampons will be useful here. Another case in which it may be worthwhile to make a choice in favor of the latter is the hot season.
In the summer period, there are significant prerequisites for the emergence of the greenhouse effect and to the fact that diaper riddles can appear. In addition, the pads can sometimes produce skin friction in inguinal folds, and menstrual blood is an environment in which active propagation of pathogenic bacteria can occur.
Faults from gaskets that can arise in some cases of their use are not the worst of their possibilities, since during the menstrual period the uterus opens slightly, which provides a simple way of getting into it pathogens of all kinds of infections. Therefore, it is necessary to wash off with each change of hygiene after every 3-4 hours, even if the allocation is not too abundant and the gasket does not have time to fill it to the limit.
Pregnancy Fatigue
The body of a woman during that period during which she carries a child is prone to a number of specific changes taking place in it, one of which is the activation of the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands of the skin. As a result, in the future mother, the same lesions of the skin, which are characteristic of newborns and infants, which are manifested in particular in the form of diaper rash, are quite often noted. Fertility in pregnant women is localized mainly in those places on the body where the skin forms natural folds, for example, in the armpits, under the breasts, in the groin area, etc. The peak of the maximum appearance of diaper rash occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. After the resolution of the birth, they will soon pass. In different periods of the year there is a different probability of their occurrence. With a greater frequency of diaper rash are found in the summer, but in the winter time the possibility of their appearance is low.
When diaper rash in pregnant women, the importance of personal hygiene becomes very important, in particular, special attention is required for places where skin irritation and redness are noted, where there are signs of developing inflammation. The primary task is the need to clean the pores in order to remove excess heat, provide optimal thermoregulation and, consequently, prevent skin inhibition.
Child's fluke
The child's frontal lobe is noted mainly in the newborn and in infancy. The reason for the occurrence of such irritations and inflammatory processes on the skin in the places of natural folds is, first of all, the fact that the baby has not yet established and has not settled the thermoregulation processes of the organism. Because of this, if the baby is wrapped and dressed in clothes that are too hot and not suitable for the environment, not only the skin overheats, but the body overheats too. This in turn can cause a fever in the child, and consequently increased sweating. What is one of the fundamental factors for diaper rash.
In addition, infants still have not developed control over the processes of natural parcels. Remains of urine and feces on the skin of the child in the absence of the required hygiene provoke the appearance of irritations leading to intertrigo.
The use of substandard diapers creates an obstacle to circulation and airflow to the skin, in addition, if they are made of too hard material, they can rub the skin strongly in the area of inguinal folds. It should also be noted that the baby's crotch in the diaper is characterized by a warm and moist skin condition, and in fact it provides ideal conditions for colonies of pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungal microorganisms to multiply there.
The child's perceptions in their early detection, as a rule, are not an excuse to sound the alarm, and with the immediate adoption of the necessary measures with them can be handled in a short period of time equal to three to four days. However, if diaper rash has the appearance of an infectious lesion, if there are pustular ulcerations in it, it already calls for the need to seek medical help from a specialist. But the main way to prevent such a nuisance is the daily care of the baby's skin and keeping it dry and clean.
Fatigue in adults
In the absence of any of the other diseases that may be characterized by similar manifestations and symptoms, diaper rash in adults often occurs due to insufficient circulation and airflow to the skin. It can happen for a number of reasons. Due to the wearing of underwear made of synthetic materials, preventing ventilation. As a result of the existing dysfunctions of sweat and sebaceous glands that do not allow the skin to "breathe".
To the group of the increased risk of the appearance of diaper rash in adulthood, the person has the excess weight of the body. With obesity as a consequence of the fact that the sebum secretion is activated, the pores become clogged, intense sweating is noted, skin irritations occur, which acts as prerequisites for intertrigo.
Fissures often occur in adults as a phenomenon associated with the course of certain diseases. These include fever, endocrine system diseases, renal dysfunction, as well as those that are characterized by mobility limitations. In this case, the areas of the natural skin folds, where irritation may appear, are joined by the shoulder and back areas.
In relation to the seriously ill, who are prescribed bed rest, you need to keep in mind the following. The secretion of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, sweat, urine and feces is a factor of unfavorable effect on the skin, since they contain the presence of metabolic and decay products, which are the result of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms or the consequence of metabolic disturbance.
Fatigue in adults is noted to a much lesser extent than in children, but they have a place to be and are localized mainly where the natural folds of the skin form on the human body: in the inguinal-femoral zone, under the armpits, on the buttocks, under the breasts of women, in the folds of the abdomen and neck in people suffering from excess weight. The incidence of their cases in men and women is approximately equal.
Fatigue in the elderly
At the person in advanced age the skin undergoes a considerable quantity of changes. This is reflected in the fact that the skin is substantially thinned, which mainly affects the skin of the hands, feet, large joints, and areas where there are bone protrusions. The features of the processes occurring in the skin become somewhat different. This reduces the activity of the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands, which causes the dryness of the skin and the loss of its elasticity. The skin of an elderly person is susceptible to trauma, the formation of cracks, it is easily formed ulcerations. And the ability to regenerate and restore is greatly reduced, the skin is hard to heal. An elderly lying patient, even from heavy bed linen or from his rough tissue, can injure the skin.
A fairly common phenomenon is diaper rash in the elderly. Elderly people do not tolerate conditions of excessive heat and excessive humidity. On the other hand, as a consequence of age-related violations of skin heat exchange processes, they tend to chill and freeze. And because of this, they can dress in warm clothes, maybe even too warm, out of season. What can act as a factor of overheating and intense sweating of the skin in those places where diarrhea most often occurs, where the skin forms natural folds: in the groin, underarms, under the breasts of women, or on the palms, if the hands are for a long time in a compressed condition.
Thus, diaper rash in the elderly can be a much more serious problem than that of adults, because the skin in old age as well as in children is more easily vulnerable and prone to the development of all kinds of negative phenomena. But unlike the functions of the skin in childhood, the possibility of healing it presents certain difficulties due to unfavorable characteristics.
Fatigue in a bed-ridden patient
In the current stage of development of medical science, patients with severe illnesses are provided with all the necessary appropriate medical measures using progressive diagnostic and treatment methods using the latest technical means and achievements in pharmacology. This also takes into account many of the nuances associated with the fact that a person with a chronic course of a disease and during prolonged treatment must be in a recumbent position. In particular, it concerns the observance of the rules of hygiene and body care. Due to the fact that among the accompanying medical products there are diapers for adults and all kinds of special means for treating the skin of the seriously ill, at present it does not present any difficulties. The use of diapers for adults is justified when urinary and fecal incontinence is noted in the disease. Do not neglect the carrying out of the skin toilet after each act of urination and defecation.
Remaining for a long time in bed, the patient lying in bed is sweating. Sweat without the ability to evaporate under the blanket from the skin, becomes an ideal environment for the multiplication of pathogens. The greatest number of final derivatives of metabolic processes that have toxic properties, differs sweat in the violation of renal and hepatic function. Being for a long time on the skin, they provoke her irritation and inflammation, cause diaper rash in a lying patient.
In addition, you need to remember that clean skin facilitates breathing, which is also very important for the seriously ill.
Proceeding from this, it is necessary, as necessary, to conduct hygienic procedures for the patient, to change bed and underwear, to make sure that it remains dry. Fatigue in a recumbent patient can be prevented by regular washing of the skin with a soap solution, followed by drying with a cool air jet with a hair drier, and arranging the skin folds with air baths, for which the patient's hands are understood upward, and the legs are divorced to the sides. It would be superfluous to also turn his time about time from back to belly.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Interception or allergy?
In case of redness on the skin, areas of irritation, inflammation, the question becomes urgent, what exactly are we dealing with, and what is it - diaper rash or allergy?
There are a number of features that are equally characteristic for one phenomenon, and for another. But there are also certain signs that may be mutually exclusive to them.
So, intertrigo is peculiar to appear only in clearly defined places of the human body. And this is mainly where the skin is formed by its natural folds. In particular, diaper rash is a rather frequent occurrence in the folds of the inguinal and femoral region and between the buttocks. The next common place of occurrence of diaper rash are axillary cavities. In women, they often appear under the breasts, and in obese people - in the folds on the abdomen and on the neck. When, due to some disease, the palm is in a fist for a long time, diaper rash may appear in the folds of the palms. Sometimes diaper rashness can arise in folds between the fingers or toes. However, most of all it is a consequence of poor and inadequate care of the skin of an infant or in the presence of a skin disease.
As for the allergy, its occurrence can be noted anywhere in the body, as a rule, it affects the face, forearm abdomen. Lack of the same on the face almost never appears.
The difference between diaper rash and allergy is also in the nature of pain symptoms. At an intertrigo on a skin there is a burning sensation and pricking, and to rashes of an allergic parentage the sensation of an itch accompanies.
Interception or allergy? It is often worthless to make a mistake in a definition. Therefore, one should not rely solely on one's own knowledge of medicine, and if anxiety symptoms arise, it is not inconvenient to go for a consultation with a doctor. Especially if the question is about the baby's health.
Who to contact?
Treatment of intertrigo
Treating diaper rash as one of the priority measures suggests that it is necessary to minimize the negative effects of factors that can lead to its progression and worsening of the skin condition in the lesions. When diaper rash of low severity is enough to weaken the influence of friction factors and high humidity, that is, first of all, to give up wearing uncomfortable and tight clothes, try to achieve a decrease in the intensity of sweating through the use of appropriate medications. It is also necessary to often wash the skin folds on the body with water with soap or a solution with antiseptic agents. After washing the folds, dry with a cloth that absorbs moisture well, or with a hairdryer with a cool air jet. In this case, you must be careful, because the lesions are very painful, and they can not be rubbed, but only make blotting movements, and wash with a jet of water or a solution with an antiseptic.
Treatment of intertrigo, when it is started soon after the identification of this problem, in most cases is effective and prevents its transition to more severe stages, often associated with rather adverse consequences.
Prevention of diaper rash
Prevention of diaper rash, first of all, requires that you must strictly follow the rules of hygiene, without neglecting regular hygiene procedures, so that the skin always remains clean and well-groomed.
A favorable factor in maintaining a healthy skin condition contributing to the prevention of the appearance of irritations, inflammation and diaper rash is the adherence to an optimal diet with a balanced diet and the availability of foods containing the necessary vitamins and microelements in the diet. In addition, it is necessary to approach with caution the use of food and beverages that are capable of acting as a cause of various kinds of allergic reactions.
Not the least role in the number of preventive measures against diaper rashes is the clothing that a person wears. It should be comfortable, without the gross seams of the powerful to rub the skin in the folds on the body, preferably not from synthetic materials. Shoes should be worn only according to the size of the foot.
In addition, it is recommended from time to time to arrange folds of skin air baths, accompanying them with certain procedures. For this, the legs are widely divorced in the sides, and the hands also sideways or rise up, with their subsequent straightening.
The delicate, tender and vulnerable skin of a small child requires special attention. She needs careful care and compliance with all basic hygiene rules. In order to prevent the occurrence of diaper rash in a baby, every change of a diaper must be accompanied by a mandatory washing out, after which the skin needs to be carefully dried. In addition, before putting on a clean diaper, it is recommended to lubricate the baby's crotch with cream or sprinkle with powder.
A very important condition for the care of bed patients is the regular change of bed linen, which must always be dry and clean.
As we see, prevention of diaper rash is not associated with anything so difficult to perform, and in many cases it is easier to prevent inflammation of the skin, paying constant attention to its condition, rather than making much more efforts to combat their possible consequences, including diaper rash.
Prophylaxis of diaper rash and bedsores
With the course of many severe chronic diseases, a person falls into the category of so-called "recumbent" patients. Being in a horizontal position for a long period of time can be associated with an increased likelihood of occurrence of various negative phenomena in some parts of the skin. Due to this, the prevention of diaper rash and pressure sores becomes very important.
The primary task in this matter is to constantly monitor the patient's skin condition. It is necessary to regularly conduct a thorough examination of the entire body with a view to possible detection of changes in the skin that may be harbingers of the inflammation arising in them. The great importance of such a preventive measure is that the earlier the appearance of diaper rash and bedsores is noted, the lesser measure of therapeutic effects is required to eliminate this problem.
Further, for prevention purposes, it is necessary to wash those places on the body that are at high risk of forming this kind of skin inflammation, with a frequency not less than once during the day. The need for such actions increases especially when the patient has incontinence, or there is increased sweating. In the process of hygiene procedures, it is preferable to use liquid soap, since when lathering it with a hard piece of it, you can injure the skin, whose protective function is weakened. After washing, make sure that there is not the least amount of detergent used on the skin, and carefully dry it.
One can not ignore the fact that, if possible, minimize the factor of any physical impact in relation to the skin. As it is necessary to avoid tight fitting of tissues, use bed linens from materials of non-friction areas of the body in which the skin can be damaged.
It is recommended to regularly change the position of the patient, after every two to three hours, turn from side to side, from the back to the abdomen.
Prevention of diaper rash and bedsores is very important for bed rest, because it helps to maintain skin health. And this, in turn, is by no means the last important factor in the good general condition and well-being of such a patient.