Aggressive behavior
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Aggression - the word of Latin origin ("aggredi") and means - "attack, attack." The modern rhythm of life, mental and physical stress, insomnia and regular stressful situations lead to the population becoming more and more aggressive.
Someone, spilling out negative energy, calms down and goes on, and someone can not cope on their own with a load of problems and aggressive behavior already becomes a mental illness, and not just a manifestation of a bad character or reaction to a particular situation. Psychotherapists consider aggression such destructive behavior of a person, which causes people psychological discomfort and physical damage. In addition, aggressive behavior without a cause can indicate serious hormonal disorders in the body, as well as the fact that a person suffers from Alzheimer's disease. In any case, aggressive behavior requires careful examination, which is not recommended to postpone in any case. It's no secret that aggression is increasing every year. It affects not only in disadvantaged countries, but also quite happy from the point of view of the economy and the standard of living.
Causes of aggressive behavior
Psychotherapists and psychiatrists reveal several causes of aggressive behavior, among which one can note the abuse of antidepressants and hypnotics; mental trauma, suffered as a child; problems in personal life and at work (dismissal); fatigue, accumulated from hard work without rest.
Motives for aggressive behavior
There are a number of motives for aggressive behavior. Let us consider them in more detail.
- Motives pathological - it's psychosis, nonsense, hallucinations and stuff. They are the result of mental abnormalities, diseases.
- Motives hostile - emotional disruption, rage, hatred, anger.
- Motives hedonistic - here aggression is a tool for obtaining pleasure.
- Motives authoritarian (the thirst for power) - a person who manifests an authoritarian aggression, strives to dominate over all other people at any price.
- The motives for denial are aggression as a way to violate established norms and rules.
- Motives for psychic self-regulation - through aggression, a person tries to balance his emotional state.
Also there are protective motives, motives of achievement and acquisition, motives of following.
Theories of aggressive behavior
Among the most popular theories of aggressive behavior - the theory of Sigmund Freud, E. Fromm, K. Lorenz.
Scientists divide theories of aggression into four categories that define aggression as an innate motivation, a deposit (the so-called attraction theory); a need provoked by external factors (frustration theory); emotional and cognitive processes; aggression as a model of social behavior.
The reasons for the aggressive behavior of younger students
Teachers and psychologists note that in recent years, younger students are showing more aggression both towards peers and teachers. The first reason experts call an unstable situation in families, where parents themselves are said to be aggressive towards their child and each other. As a result, aggression becomes the norm of life for such a child. In addition, the inconsistency of parenting (today it is possible, and tomorrow categorically impossible) leads to the fact that children feel confused and embittered
The aggression is also caused by conflicts with classmates, backwardness in studies, excessive demandingness, and often bias of the teacher.
Characteristics of aggressive behavior
Psychologists note that aggressive behavior begins to form at a very early age, when obstacles arise in the way of the child's desires. There are three factors that provoke the emergence of aggressive behavior - psychological, biological and social.
The biological factor is heredity, abuse of drugs, alcohol and psychotropic drugs, craniocerebral trauma, infectious disease.
The social factor is the influence of the family, friends, colleagues, antisocial circle of communication.
Psychological factor - egocentrism, emotional instability, impulsiveness, anxiety, suspiciousness, dependence.
Features of aggressive behavior
Aggressive behavior is a kind of behavior in which intentional harm is done, both physical and moral, to another person. Aggressive behavior varies by gender. Threaten other people (verbally, with a look, with a gesture). Among the characteristics of aggressive behavior, one can note the propensity to physical influence, down to cruel fights; damage to property; blackmail; humiliation and insult.
Psychology of aggressive behavior
Recall that aggression - the word of Latin origin ("aggredi"), meaning "attack, attack." Psychologists note that there is a difference between aggression and aggression: aggressiveness is a character trait of a person, and aggression is a state. By the way, Sigmund Freud believed that aggression is an innate form of behavior that can not be cured, only weakened.
Aggressive behavior in children
Psychologists note that aggressive behavior in young children (up to 3 years) is a natural process that should not scare their parents. The reasons for aggressive instillation in a child may be overexcitement, fatigue, hunger or thirst, poor health. With the correct approach of parents, the child, and in the absence of a biological factor of aggressive behavior, the child subsequently develops aggressive behavior.
Aggressive behavior in a child of 2 years
Two-year-olds actively learn the world, they are very inquisitive and open. It is at this age that any bans and non-receipt of the desired causes the child to react violently. At this age, children can not assess the consequences of their actions. He pushed his comrade through the sandbox, and he fell and hit hard. I do not advise you to abuse a child who showed aggression, psychologists and teachers. It's better to calmly explain the situation and switch your kid's attention to something else. Hysteria often indicates not a bad character, but of fatigue, hunger or thirst.
Aggressive behavior in a child of 3 years
Three years is the period of the first age crisis in children. Psychologists believe that at this age children's anger, anger, hysterics and aggression should not cause the parents to desire to punish and re-educate, but only to help, understand and explain. The reason for anxiety can be a cruel attitude of the child to animals. To correct behavior, it is better to turn to a child psychologist.
Aggressive behavior in a child of 7 years
Seven years - the period of another crisis in the formation of the child's personality. In 6-7 years, children go to school, fall into a completely unfamiliar world of framework and restrictions, thereby the crisis becomes deeper. "Seven Years" quarrel with their peers, rude parents and often ignore the authority of the teacher. Paradox, but psychologists are sure that it is not worth to suppress aggression in children. Evil breeds evil. When a parent punishes a child for manifesting aggression, then only exacerbates the situation. Aggression in a child of seven years provokes a nervous situation in the family, private quarrels between parents; the application of physical punishment to the child; section fighting, watching action films and thrillers; wrong motivation to resolve conflict situations - "and you hit him back."
Aggressive behavior of preschool children
The cause of manifestation of aggression in preschool children may be hereditary-characterological factors, biological factors, as well as brain diseases, somatic.
Psychologists are unanimous - if there is love and trust in the family, a friendly stop, the child will never become aggressive. Family, surrounding children and the media - these three factors (if the child is physically healthy) affect the level of aggression in the preschooler.
Aggressive behavior of younger schoolchildren
Teachers note that every year the number of aggressive children is steadily growing. Nevertheless, it is the younger school that has the greatest impact and impact on the child. That is, a qualified teacher, of course, with the participation of parents, can cope with the aggression manifested by students of grades 1-4. At the age of 6-10 children there is a becoming of the child's personality, the definition of his place in the team, often the children try to prove their worth through aggression.
Aggressive behavior of schoolchildren
As you know, the school imposes serious restrictions on students' behavior. And if students of lower grades perceive this as the norm, high school students sometimes protest. Often, difficulties arise when the student's financial situation is much higher than his teacher's and the child knows about it. Children from wealthy families feel special and require such an attitude, both from their peers, and from teachers. Causes that provoke aggression in schoolchildren, a lot. It is important that parents and teachers do not close the eyes to the problem, but try to solve it, involving psychologists and psychotherapists.
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Aggressive behavior of adolescents
Aggression in the teenage environment is growing every year. Socio-economic disparity, poor family situation, learning problems, the media, films that are dominated by violence are far from being the whole list of things that make teenagers to be aggressive.
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Aggressive behavior among educators
To the great regret, the professionalism of teachers decreases every year. It's not just about owning an object, but also the ability to communicate, influence and influence students, to become their authority is much more difficult than teaching complex mathematical calculations. The prestige of the teacher's profession is decreasing. Often, the aggressive behavior of children provokes the same response from teachers. Well, increasing the voice of the students is already a norm, and not an exception. Pedagogy is a complex science and it is possible to comprehend it far from every teacher. The aggressive behavior of teachers should not go unnoticed and covered by the team, such people do not belong in the education system. What can teach a teacher who regularly raises his voice and insults his students?
Aggressive behavior of men
Most often, men use open forms of aggression. The causes of aggression among men psychotherapists call such factors as heredity, socio-cultural factor, biological. Most often, men show aggression towards their family members, wives and children. Such aggression can be both physical and moral, including economic. It is rather difficult to correct aggressive behavior of men, since in almost 100% of cases they consider their behavior to be normal and do not want to communicate with psychologists.
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Aggressive behavior after a stroke
Aggression after a stroke is a typical consequence of this disease. The patient who has suffered a stroke becomes irritable, quick-tempered, and suffers from causeless mood swings. Relatives must have patience and help the stroke survivor. Since the patient needs complete rest and only positive emotions, the success of rehabilitation depends on this.
Aggression after a stroke is due to the fact that the patient has a psychophysical condition.
Forms of aggressive behavior
Verbal and physical aggression are forms of aggressive behavior.
The verbal form is humiliation and insult of a person with the help of words. This kind of aggression is direct and indirect.
Physical aggression can also be direct (physical humiliation), indirect (causing material damage) and symbolic (threatening and intimidating). There is still a real form of aggression, which manifests itself in inflicting physical injuries.
Psychotherapists give such a definition of aggression - this is a kind of motivated destructive behavior that contradicts the rules and norms of public morality, and also causes harm, both moral and physical and material.
Aggressive behavior is a form of reaction to problem situations, which leads to stress, frustration, etc.
Aggressive-passive behavior
Aggressive-passive behavior or passive aggression is a kind of behavior, reaction to problem situations, in which a person tries to suppress dissatisfaction, hide it deep inside himself. For example, delaying the adoption of an important, fateful decision. People who are prone to aggressively passive behavior, always consider themselves victims. Often they suffer from fear of decision-making and dependence.
Diagnostics of aggressive behavior
Diagnosis of aggressive behavior is carried out by specialists, for this there are not one dozen psychological tests that have been specially developed for the diagnosis of aggressive behavior. The difficulty may be that people who suffer from aggression almost always refuse to admit this.
Investigation of aggressive behavior
Over the past few decades, psychotherapists are concerned about the growth of aggression among the world's population, with aggression growing not only in developing countries, but also quite economically sound, for example, in the US. Scientists have identified such areas of study of aggression: physiological studies, psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive theories, ethological studies, and this is not the whole list.
Gender differences in aggressive behavior
Scientists say that among men, aggressive behavior is much more common than among women. Also, men are more likely to abuse children and animals. Studies (including animals) have shown that gender differences in aggressive behavior are primarily associated with different levels of testosterone hormone in women and men. The higher the concentration in the body of testosterone, the male sex hormone, the more aggressive the person. In men, physical aggression predominates, in women it is verbal.
Who to contact?
Correction of aggressive behavior
Aggressive behavior can be corrected both by specialists and independently by a person suffering from aggression. Correction of aggressive behavior in children, adolescents and adults is different, its selection is handled by qualified psychologists, the benefit of techniques developed enough. The main thing is the patient's desire to work on himself. Often, a school psychologist who knows the situation, which is said, from inside, will help to cope with the aggression of the student.
Prevention of aggressive behavior
Prevention of aggressive behavior is carried out by specialists. There are several ways to prevent aggressive behavior, including psychological, medication, pedagogical, and physical.
Prevention of aggressive behavior in school
Aggression manifestations in one way or another suffer all students, both junior and senior classes. In order to reduce aggression, parents of pupils of lower grades need to organize correctly not only the order of the student's day, but also his leisure, not forgetting about active sports activities. It's no secret that the more busy the child / teenager, the less time he has for all kinds of nonsense. However, fatigue can also have a negative impact on the physical and psychological state of the student, the measure is needed in everything. If the aggression is excessive, then without consulting a specialist is indispensable.
Prevention of aggressive behavior of younger students
Prevention of aggressive behavior of junior schoolchildren psychologists and teachers are engaged for more than one decade. To begin it is necessary to disclose the cause of the aggressiveness of the child 6-10 years, if possible, eliminate it, if this is impossible for a number of reasons, then carry out a psycho-emotional adjustment. An important aspect of preventing the aggressive behavior of junior schoolchildren is the organization of their leisure in the school.
Games for the prevention of aggressive behavior
Psychologists have developed a number of gaming techniques that reduce aggressive behavior for both adults and children.
"Toy in the fist" - the child closes his eyes, put a beautiful toy in his hand and ask to tighten his fist very strongly. After that, open your eyes and look at what's in your hand. Psychologists say that this simple game relieves tension and switches emotions.
"Bag of anger": in a small linen sack I pour sand, grains, it can be beaten and kicked when you feel anger and a rush of aggressive behavior.