Correction of aggressive behavior in children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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When correcting the aggressive behavior of a child, one must first of all remember one simple thing: aggression is a normal emotion that is inherent in one or another degree to everyone. It is an instinctive form of behavior, without which self-protection and survival are impossible.
But man is not an animal, and as we grow older, socialization of natural aggression takes place. Here it is important to emphasize that adults can not forcibly suppress child aggression, since aggression is an absolutely natural and normal feeling. Suppression of aggressive impulses of the child very often develops into an autoaggression or into psychosomatic disorders. The child must learn not to suppress, but to control his aggression. This is the main secret of correcting aggressive behavior in children.
Methods for correcting aggressive behavior
The destructive, aggressive behavior of children expires from three main reasons. Firstly, this is a feeling of distrust and fear in relation to the world around us. Secondly, the child collides with various prohibitions and the dissatisfaction of his needs and desires. And, finally, defending one's independence and independence, which is an indispensable factor in growing up.
Therefore, parents require the manifestation of unconditional love for the child in the same complicated case of correcting aggressive behavior. Insults and threats are completely banned: parents should be dissatisfied with a particular act, while taking the very personality of the child. Also, parents should remember their own aggression and learn how to control it. Own example and sincere love - these are the two bases for correcting the child's aggressive behavior.
Correction of aggressive behavior in children
Suppression of aggressive impulses, as we have already said, is dangerous for the child's mental and physical health. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child to express his negative feelings by any socially acceptable, non-obfuscated for the people around him: handicrafts, sports, drawing; with the help of toys, finally. Also, in order for the child to "release steam," psychologists recommend that a special "pillow for whipping", on which you can take out all the accumulated aggression.
One of the important methods is to teach the child to translate feelings from action into the verbal plane. Ability to talk about your feelings, and not immediately climb into a fight - the most important skill. In addition, it will also be easier for parents if the baby learns to explain in words why he is hurt or angry. Here, again, do not forget your own example. Speak! Without human communication, any correction of aggressive behavior will be meaningless and inconclusive.
Correction of the aggressive behavior of preschool children
Use the illusion that an adult knows more about the child's feelings than the child himself. Children need to respect the person - this seemingly obvious axiom turns out to be one of the most difficult moments for adults in correcting the child's aggressive behavior. Freedom and personal space are things that are important not only for adults.
But you can not go too far - the child needs attention from the adult no less. Attraction of attention is one of the main causes of aggressive behavior. For example, when a preschooler struck a comrade on the game, one should not start to scold the aggressor, but show attention to the victim: raise him, calm him, or better still - leave the room together. Deprived of attention and company, a small aggressor will understand all the negative consequences of violence.
Program to correct the aggressive behavior of preschool children
Aggressive children, by virtue of their own characteristics, have a rather limited set of reactions to an unpleasant situation. As a rule, children in such situations adhere to the power models of behavior, which they consider an ordinary defense.
The goals and objectives of this direction in the program for correcting the aggressive behavior of preschool children - to teach the child aggression is not the only way to respond to problematic syutatsi, there is still a wide range of more constructive reactions. This not only minimizes aggression, but also improves communication and socialization skills.
This will also contribute to the development of empathy. An aggressive child is weakly aware of his own emotions and ignores the emotions of others. The development of empathy is the most important moment in the correction of aggressive behavior.
Correction of aggressive behavior of younger schoolchildren
An important mistake that is allowed during correction of aggressive behavior of younger schoolchildren is "public reprimands". About the misdemeanor of a child you need to talk exclusively face to face, without the participation of a class or any other social group. In an interview you should avoid emotionally colored words ("embarrassing" and the like).
The child should be encouraged and not forget to praise. When a child reacts properly, you need to fix it with praise. But not on duty "You're a good boy", children feel false. Your praise, like emotion, should be sincere.
A good method of correcting aggressive behavior for preschool children and junior schoolchildren is the so-called fairy-tale therapy. Invent with the child a fairy tale with him in the title role. Simulate situations in which he behaves calmly and patiently and receives a reward for it.
Program to correct the aggressive behavior of the student
Children's psychologists identify six main blocks-directions, within which a correction of aggressive behavior is built. Each block is designed to correct a separate psychological trait.
- Decreased intrapersonal anxiety.
- Development of empathy and awareness of one's own emotions.
- Cultivate positive self-esteem.
- Training is acceptable and safe for the surrounding reactions to problematic situations.
- Development of self-control and management of aggression and anger.
- A separate unit is the psychologist's consultations with parents and teachers.
Such lessons should be conducted at least once a week. Duration of classes with preschoolers - no more than forty minutes, with younger schoolchildren - no more than an hour.
Correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents
Aggressive behavior of adolescents has its own characteristics, related both to physiological and social factors. A teenager, growing up, discovers many contradictions not only in the surrounding world, but also within his own "I-image." Emotional-value attitude towards oneself changes, and these personal shifts are often manifested in a sharp surge of self-discontent and uncontrolled aggression. Clearly, the correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents has its own characteristics.
Aggressive adolescents, with all the diversity of their personal characteristics, have common features. This is the poverty of value orientations, and the lack of enthusiasm, narrowness and volatility of interests.
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Program for the correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents
The suppression of aggression is unacceptable at any age, and in adolescence this moment is especially important. Forced suppression of natural instincts will only deepen the depression, suggestibility and passivity, so widespread among adolescents. The task of correcting aggressive behavior is not to suppress negative emotions, but to control them.
Programs to correct aggressive behavior of adolescents are designed to expand the social skills of adolescent children. Socialization for a teenager is the main problem, so aggressive teenagers are so important to learn to own negative emotions and manage themselves in unpleasant situations.
Psychological correction of aggressive behavior
Aggressive children are the most condemned and rejected among adults. Misunderstanding of the causes of childish anger and aggression leads adults to open hostility and rejection of such children. But normal contact with an adult is the basic condition for correcting aggressive behavior. Only interaction with sensitive and understanding adults will allow the child-aggressor to understand that not all adults are "bad", and the whole world is not so terrible and dangerous.
Therefore, parents should approach this problem with all responsibility. Moreover, the persistent effect of correcting aggressive behavior can arise only in the systemic, complex nature of the work and the elaboration of individual characteristics of character.
Psychological correction of aggressive behavior of children
Anger comes from weak control over your emotions (or lack of complete control), so when correcting aggressive behavior, you need to build self-regulation skills and control aggression. To do this, first, establish clear rules for managing aggression; secondly, to consolidate these rules and skills through a role-playing game that simulates a problematic situation. The child needs to master also relaxation techniques, since in addition to managing the problem state of the technique, relaxation promotes a decrease in the level of intrapersonal anxiety.
Psychological correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents
Correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents has its own characteristics. Conversations about the fact that "you need to behave yourself well" are useless. The case must be approached in a comprehensive manner, solving both the problems of the whole family, and the individual intra-personality conflicts of the adolescent.
It is especially important to form a productive, positive circle of interests of a teenager, taking into account, of course, the peculiarities of his character. The sense in minimizing free time: idleness for a teenager is destructive. We need to look for classes that positively influence the person: music, sports, self-education.
In contrast to younger children, group therapy rarely works with adolescents - it is better to conduct work individually.
Methods for correcting aggressive behavior of children
V. Oaklender identifies four stages of reaction of aggression and anger.
- Stage 1: provide children with practically acceptable methods for expressing aggression in a way that is safe for others.
- Stage 2: to help children really perceive feelings of anger, encourage them to emotionally respond to their aggression and the situation as a whole right here and now. To do this, it is recommended to visually identify your anger: draw it or fashion it out of plasticine.
- Stage number 3: arrange a verbal contact with an aggressive emotion: let the child speak out (even skovzy tears and screams).
- Stage number 4: discussion of the situation with the child. We wrote about this earlier: it is necessary to talk and try to find the true reasons of aggressive behavior together with the baby.
Individual correction of aggressive behavior
Often in aggressive children, there is a clear deformation of self-esteem, so correction of aggressive behavior implies correction of self-esteem. More often the aggressor child has a low self-esteem, which, in fact, is a mirror image of the child's perception of adults (parents and teachers). Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct a positive "I-image".
We emphasize once again the important points of individual correction of aggressive behavior, which an adult should remember. Firstly, an adult should talk to his child about his feelings and, in his own example, accustom him to this very child. Secondly, it is important to "actively listen" to the child's inner world. Thirdly, it is not the personality of the child that needs to be evaluated, but only actions.
Exercises to correct aggressive behavior
Psychologists widely use a number of exercises to control anger and correct aggression behavior. Here are a few of them:
- crumble and tear paper; on this paper, by the way, you can write all the negative words you want to say;
- to disrupt aggression on the "cushion for whipping";
- loudly yelling, using a "shout" made of a large sheet of paper;
- stomp or kicking any can;
- knead plasticine in a cardboard or board;
- in domestic situations you can use a water gun or, for example, inflatable batons.
Of course, such exercises are only methods of "quick reaction" and in fact are rather superficial. In order for the correction of aggressive behavior to be effective and successful, it is not enough to use only these methods. It is necessary to help the child to react to the problem situation as a whole.