Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Galvanoz is a somewhat unusual disease in our understanding. Disease caused by inducing galvanic currents in the oral cavity, which appear when a potential difference occurs.
Since the saliva has a fairly good conductivity, small electrical discharges begin to be felt in the mouth. A "battery in the mouth" is about galvanization.
Analysis of the results of clinical trials showed that 15% to 43% of people who are forced to use these services are "intolerant" of certain materials of crowns and dentures.
Causes of the galvanose
Modern orthopedic dentistry is concerned about the increasing number of cases of galvanic disease caused by the patient's "individual intolerance" to the materials from which the prostheses used by him are made.
In more detail, consider the causes of galvanization:
- For the production of materials, from which the denture is subsequently made, to date, about twenty chemical elements and compounds (both metals and non-metals) are used. This is: stainless steel; silver-palladium alloys; cobalt-chrome compounds; materials created using platinum and gold ... Applicable elements: iron, titanium, chromium, cobalt, nickel and others. Composite materials consisting of compounds of copper, silver, cadmium, magnesium or manganese are used as a material for soldering individual parts of the prosthesis design. The cause of galvanization can be "individual not perception" of the body of any of the materials.
- The presence of dissimilar materials in the oral cavity often leads, due to the difference in potentials, to the appearance of galvanic currents, which are irritants and cause of galvanic symptoms.
Symptoms of the galvanose
The manifestations of this disease are caused by the emergence of a complex symptomatology caused by the electrical microcurrents that have arisen in the oral cavity.
Galvanosis of the oral cavity
Dentistry for the last hundred years has made a deafening leap in its development. Orthopedic dentistry also does not stand still. There are new technologies and new materials, which, unfortunately, do not solve the problem of "intolerance".
Used in medicine for the manufacture of prostheses, metal alloys, falling into the oral cavity of the prosthesis, are often susceptible to corrosion (electromechanical) process. Remembering school chemistry lessons, you can understand what happens to any metal or alloy when it is lowered into the electrolyte solution. He receives a potential that is individual and inherent in a particular substance or compound. The chemists chose the potential of an electrode of normal hydrogen, which is equated to zero. If in the oral cavity there are alloys or metals with unlike potentials (cathode, anode), then the electric circuit closes and the patient receives a galvanic battery in his mouth. In this case, the alloy, which has a large negative potential, begins to corrode, that is, to break down. And if you consider that saliva is an excellent electrolyte, you can imagine what electrochemical reactions take place in the mouth of the patient. The numerical value of microcurrents can reach a value of 50, and even 150 mV. While the norm is considered to be the size potential, not exceeding 10 mV.
The result of this reaction and becomes the cause, which provokes galvanization of the oral cavity. That is, we can say that this disease is due to the materials of the prosthesis.
Dentists identify the following symptoms of galvanization:
- Appearance of an unpleasant metallic taste in the oral cavity.
- Constantly haunting the sour taste.
- Pathology of taste buds with a violation of taste sensitivity. For example, sweet to such patients can be perceived as bitter ... Either the sick person generally ceases to perceive the sweet, sour, bitter ...
- Pathology of the salivary glands. Sensation of dryness in the oral cavity. It is caused by irritation of the nerve endings, which leads to deviations in the work of the autonomic and central nervous system.
- The appearance of burning and itching.
- Slight puffiness on the surface of the tongue.
- The mucous surface of the tongue is hyperemic.
- There are also general physiological abnormalities: a decrease in vitality, complaints of pain in the head, nervous reaction to others.
- Most often, these feelings begin to appear after a month or two after orthopedic treatment, the material of which was stainless steel, or repeated prosthetics, which material was another material or alloy (clasp prosthesis made of chromium-cobalt alloy, gold compounds or others).
- In places of alloying, it is possible to observe the appearance of an oxide film.
Physicians distinguish two varieties of galvanose: hidden (or as it is also called atypical doctors) and a typical type of disease.
Atypical form of galvanization
With this type of disease, the potentiometric values exceed the parameters of a healthy person by three times, but there are no obvious symptoms of the disease. Only single symptomatic abnormalities can occur. Disease of this form can last for several months, and several years from the time of insertion of the prosthesis and to the establishment of the diagnosis. At a confluence of certain factors, atypical galvanization can also transform into a typical form.
Atypical variety of the disease is insidious in that it is very difficult to ascertain, but not having received timely treatment, the patient can get an even more dangerous disease - malignant neoplasm that affects the soft tissues of the face-jaw region.
A typical form of galvanization
This type of manifestation of the disease is marked by pronounced signs of galvanization. Therefore, it is much easier to establish a diagnosis than in the case of an atypical form. If you do not eliminate the root cause, the disease can continue for several months and years. Since any disease is, first of all, a decrease in the protective forces of the body, it is often enough diagnosed and the appearance of concomitant diseases, such as: bronchitis, acute respiratory disease, herpes and others. Danger of this disease in possible complications. One of the most unpleasant is cancerous growths.
Diagnostics of the galvanose
To date, it is not always possible to find apparatuses that allow measuring the bioelectromagnetic reactivity index (BEMR) in specialized out-patient clinics, although such preparations already exist. These are laboratory pH meters, millivoltmeters pH-340, microammeters M-24, potentiometers PP-63 and UPIP-601.
Diagnosis of galvanization with the help of such a device is quite simple. With the help of this measuring instrument, BEMR is measured in the area of contact between the oral mucosa and the prosthesis. In the role of the standard take the indications of the same device in saline. If the measured value is greater than the control value by 30% or more - they diagnose galvanization.
If such a measuring device does not have a polyclinic, then the dentist should rely only on the symptomatology and on his experience.
In this case, the doctor assigns a spectral analysis of saliva, which accurately determines the quantitative index of trace elements (iron, chromium ...). The quartz spectrograph ISP-28 is used.
With the disease under consideration, the pH value shifts toward increased acidity, but insignificantly. Skin tests for galvanose are negative.
It is necessary to distinguish the disease from glossalgia. They are quite similar symptoms, but in the first case the patient complains in the area of the tongue for burning, and when glossalgia patients complain of pain in the tongue. Symptoms similar to allergic and toxic stomatitis are similar, the cause of which is also the material of the prosthesis. But do not forget that with galvanization, the main blood values remain unchanged, while with higher stomatitis, leukocytosis with increased ESR rates, as well as other abnormalities, is observed.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the galvanose
With different forms of the disease, the approaches to treatment are somewhat different. Treatment of galvanose atypical form suggests:
- Elimination of the root cause: removal of the prosthesis with dissonant metal. Even a simple extraction of a crown made of stainless steel can give a fairly rapid positive effect.
- Very often galvanosis develops on the basis of the already existing periodontium. This can lead to the progression of inflammatory processes, concomitant diseases caused by complications. In particular, to candidiasis, perioste ...
- Therefore, if necessary, resort to surgical intervention (if there was a purulent abscess - it must be opened, to treat the wound).
Drug Support
Necessary drugs ascribe a doctor. The protocol of treatment depends on those associated diseases that need to be stopped.
If the complications are caused by the excessive development of pathogenic fungi, the specialist assigns to the patient preparations of antifungal action:
- For example, Fluconazole: Daily dosage - 50 ÷ 400 mg. The amount is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease. Reception is conducted once a day. The drug is contraindicated for persons suffering from individual intolerance to azole compounds.
Together with fluconazole ascribed and terfenadian. It is able to prevent the occurrence of allergic manifestations.
- Terfenadian: The maximum allowable daily dose of this drug is 480 mg. It is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal mucosa. This medicine can be attributed even to patients whose production activities involve increased concentration. The exception is the work of the driver of the vehicle. Contraindicated this drug and patients who have a history of severe liver disease.
General strengthening therapy
The doctor obligatorily appoints the patient immunostimulants.
- Tincture of magnolia vine: This tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy, or cook yourself.
- Take it twice a day: the first time on an empty stomach in the morning, the next before dinner for 20-30 drops, and if necessary, bring up to 40 drops.
Prepare at home can be as follows:
- Take 20 dry or fresh lemongrass Chinese berries, fall asleep in a dark bottle and pour 100 ml of 96% alcohol. Carefully close.
- Keep in a dark place for about two weeks. Then filter, the berries are wrung out and again put into tincture.
- They last for three days. Again filter.
- The composition is ready for use.
- Keep in a cool and dark place.
- Treatment for at least a month.
Tincture extract eleutherococcus: This drug is used twice a day in the morning, half an hour before meals, 20 ÷ 40 drops. The course of treatment should be at least three weeks.
If there is a need for treatment of a typical form of galvanization:
- As in the first case, first you need to eliminate the root cause.
- Drug treatment. Therapy of inflammatory processes, other complications. If necessary, resort to surgical treatment.
For example: The patient is attributed norsulfazole, if the pathogen of the inflammatory process is staphylococcal or streptococcal infection. The drug is well absorbed by the digestive tract, it is quickly excreted from the body. Apply 2g one-time (the maximum daily dosage should not exceed 7g). Drink this medicine better soda solution (1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate per glass of water), or a glass of "Borjomi".
If galvanose is associated with ulcerative stomatitis, the doctor can prescribe a patient with an inhaliptus. Produced in the form of an aerosol. Excellent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory medicine. It includes both norsulfazole and streptocide, and thymol, oil additives of eucalyptus and mint ... Irrigation of the oral cavity is carried out for 1 ÷ 2 seconds 3 ÷ 4 times throughout the day. Contraindication to its use may serve as intolerance to the organism of the patient who are part of the preparation of oils and sulfonamides.
All treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. If any of the prescribed medications is not suitable for the patient, the doctor will replace it with another one or adjust the dosage.
Maintaining the immune system
To stimulate the protective functions of the body, the patient receives prognognosan. This polysaccharide drug works great both for chronic and acute inflammatory processes. Before setting a course of treatment, the patient is given a tolerance test. For an adult, intramuscularly, 15 μg of the drug. If the test showed a normal response of the body to drugs, they begin treatment. Injections are performed intramuscularly, 1 ÷ 2 times a day. Dosage - 25 ÷ 30 mcg, with severe manifestations of the disease, the doctor can increase the dosage to 50-100 mcg. It is set individually for each patient. The usual course is no more than six injections. Contraindications to the use of this medication can be considered diseases of the cardiovascular or central nervous system.
Pyrogenal. This drug is administered both intravenously and intramuscularly. The dose is strictly individual. A shot is made one in two to three days. Dosage is increased stepwise: first - 25 ÷ 50 MPD, increase until the moment when the temperature begins to rise (up to 38 ° C). This dose is continued to enter until the moment the increase has not stopped. Again increase the dosage by 25 ÷ 50 MPD. The maximum allowable daily amount is 100 MTD (for adults). Standard course - up to 30 injections.
Therapy of somatic abnormalities in the patient
In this case, you can do with simple soothing herbal tinctures (motherwort, valerian ...), or drugs based on them.
- Novo-Passit. Sedative phyto drug. For adults, the dosage is 5ml suspension or 1 tablet three times throughout the day, but not more often than 4-6 hours. If the drug causes nausea, then it is recommended to take it with food. Contraindications - only increased sensitivity to the components of the medication. Do not use with alcohol.
Prevention of galvanization reduces to the implementation of all rules and regulations for the sterilization of the material, the instrument and the prosthesis itself, before fixing the prosthesis to its place in the oral cavity.
- It is also necessary for the dentist to exclude the manufacture of prostheses from stainless steel (albeit with titanium nitride deposition, though without), designs with long bridges.
- Minimize the combination of different metals, especially for patients burdened by a weak immune system.
- Use of matched materials.
- Introduction of the newest technologies and alloys (metal ceramics, clasp prostheses ...).
- Hygiene of the use of a prosthesis.
- Individual approach to patients at risk. To this group on the disease galvanose are: people of advanced age; patients suffering from various diseases of the central nervous system; patients with a history of surgical intervention in the case of tumors of the maxillofacial region.
If the disease is not started and recognized early, a qualitative, effective treatment is carried out, then the prognosis of galvanization is unambiguously positive. Otherwise, this disease is dangerous not by itself, but by those complications that can develop - right up to soft tissue cancer in the maxillofacial zone.
First of all, the person must answer for his health. If you are one of those who are at risk, then you should pay more attention to the hygiene of the installed prosthesis (directly hygiene of the oral cavity itself, timely replacement of the design for a new prosthesis). And tekt, even with a slight discomfort in the oral cavity, immediately sign up for examination and for advice to a dentist. Then galvanization will not cause even more trouble with health. Careful and considerate your body, be healthy and happy!