Follicular pharyngitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of follicular pharyngitis
Catarrhal diseases are a fairly common pathology, which catches up every human being once in a lifetime. "Picking" it is not so difficult, but, nevertheless, what are the causes of follicular pharyngitis, so often striking the pharynx of an ordinary person?
- This pathology can overtake when a person breathes cold air.
- Nicotine and alcoholic beverages, weakening the body, can contribute to the disease.
- The cause of follicular pharyngitis can be viral damage to the body (for example, various strains of influenza).
- Provoke its appearance and development are capable of multiple pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci and others.
- A Candidate fungus can become a catalyst.
- Able to provoke, in rare cases, an allergic reaction.
- Injury.
- Contaminated air.
- Inhalation of chemicals.
- Stressful situations.
Symptoms of follicular pharyngitis
As the cold starts, almost everyone knows, but still it is not superfluous to once again voice the main symptoms of follicular pharyngitis.
- In the throat appears perspiration, a sense of the presence of a foreign object in the throat.
- The throat begins to feel pain, in some cases, it begins to give in the ear.
- There may be pain in the whole body, especially in the joints.
- Zev is brightly hyperemic.
- A wet cough begins.
- Begin to have trouble breathing.
- There may be stuffiness of the ears.
- There are changes in the voice, the timbre becomes hoarse.
- The amount of mucus released increases, which is the cause of coughing.
- Swelling of the posterior pharyngeal wall.
- There is an unpleasant, painful sensation when swallowing.
With the progression of the purulent process in the follicles, it is necessary to add:
- Rapidly growing body temperature, reaching dangerous for the organism numbers - 39 to C, and then 40 of S.
- Traced, due to pain in the throat, difficulty speech.
- Loss of appetite.
- Headache.
- Decreased muscle tone, there is a general weakness, the whole body begins to "break".
- The surface of the tongue is covered with a grayish, viscous coating.
- It is possible to increase the proximity of the lymph nodes.
- It is often enough to observe that the tonsils are covered with white dots.
- A severe form of manifestation is characterized by fever.
Follicular pharyngitis is capable of developing so rapidly that the defenses of the body against the "aggressor" may simply not suffice. And if the time is not to introduce medication support, this pathology can lead to a fatal outcome.
Diagnosis of follicular pharyngitis
This disease, often, is either a viral or bacterial genesis.
Follicular pharyngitis of a viral lesion is usually the first diagnosis of such diseases as acute respiratory disease, acute respiratory viral infection, and influenza. In most cases, this type of disease does not occur solely, but is accompanied by other diseases, for example, a common cold. In the event that in addition to the throat nothing else bothers - the fastest way, the cause of mucosal damage is the pathogenic bacterium. Diagnosis of follicular pharyngitis is relatively simple. Primarily, what the doctor - therapist or otolaryngologist will do - will analyze the patient's complaints and will very carefully examine, with the help of special mirrors and lamps, the oral cavity and pharynx. If necessary, the material is taken (a swab from the pharynx is taken) to further determine the causative agent of the disease. Without fail, the patient will have to make a general analysis of urine and blood - this will allow the doctor to assess the level of inflammatory process in the patient's body.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of follicular pharyngitis
Any therapeutic action should be aimed at arresting the root cause of the disease. Therefore, self-medication is not worth it - you need to use emergency medical services or visit your doctor who will establish the correct diagnosis. Only after this, you can proceed to therapeutic therapy. It is very important during this period, if the patient smokes, to give up nicotine.
If treatment of follicular pharyngitis is initiated at an early stage of the disease, then the therapy is simple enough and the disease, after cupping, does not leave complications. All the same, one should not treat this pathology too carelessly - it can lead to blood infection, as well as to chronic rheumatic fever, the brain can also suffer: distracted attention, apathy to the environment, inhibition in reactions, and even fainting may occur.
Treatment of follicular pharyngitis is carried out in a complex manner. The combination of antibiotics and alternative medicine is common. This therapy has two directions: elimination of local symptoms and unpleasant sensation in the throat region, as well as direct effective influence on the cause that provoked the disease. In this case, the patient is necessarily prescribed antibacterial therapy, drugs that relieve pain symptoms, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic medicines.
For local treatment, patients suffering from purulent pharyngitis are usually credited with drugs that help remove dryness of the pharynx and contribute to the return of the lost sensitivity of nerve endings. During treatment it is necessary to consume a lot of liquid: it can be juices, broths, warm herbal teas and teas with lemon, kalina and raspberries, fruit drinks, milk. Abundant drink helps reduce temperature, restore the water - salt balance of the body, it makes it possible to reduce the overall intoxication of the patient's body.
Multiple prescriptions for alternative medicine are also included. After recovery, it will not be superfluous to resort to climatic therapy, visiting the mountainous areas with their medicinal air or the seaside, in order to rehabilitate and enhance immunity, as well as to further treat chronic forms of the disease (but not during an exacerbation period).
Treatment of follicular pharyngitis with drugs
If the disease is accompanied by high fever and bright pathological symptoms, the patient is assigned to bed rest, since any, even a minor load, can complicate the course of the disease. Treatment of follicular pharyngitis with medications is a complex one, which allows not only to remove uncomfortable symptoms, but also to destroy the pathogenic microflora. And along with anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic medicines must be prescribed.
Antibiotics are prescribed. Groups of penicillins - ampicillin, amoxiclav:
- Augmentin
The dosage of the drug is purely individual and is assigned depending on the sensitivity of the bacteria to it, affecting the body, the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. Do not use the drug for more than two weeks without a revision of the dosage.
Breast ailments not older than one-year-old medication are given in drops: the newborns are given a figure of 0.75 ml for infants up to three months, and 1.25 ml for children older than three, but not more than 12 months. In especially severe cases, a dose of 30 ml per kilogram of the baby's weight is allowed in the vein. The drug is given to the children every six to eight hours.
Children aged 7 to 12 years are prescribed a syrup form - 10 ml of augmentin with a concentration of 0.156 g of active substance per 5 ml of the drug. In the event that the concentration is twice as high, respectively, the preparation for admission is taken half the dose. To children from two up to seven - 5 ml of the basic concentration. At the age of the patient from nine months to two years, 2.5 ml of syrup is administered, taken three times throughout the day. In a severe clinical situation, the dosage of the drug can be multiplied by a factor of two. For patients over 12 years of age, augmentin is prescribed in an amount of 0.375 g, which corresponds to one tablet. Reception is conducted three times throughout the day. If the degree of damage to the body is severe enough, the dose of the drug can be doubled.
It is not necessary to appoint augmentin to patients suffering from hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with pregnancy and breastfeeding. Caution should be taken to receive it if the patient has a history of liver dysfunction, a tendency to allergies, urticaria.
- Ampiox
The drug is administered orally. In this case, the dosage for adult patients and adolescents older than 14 years is 0.5-1 g taken four times a day. To children from three to seven - the daily dose is calculated at 0,05 g per kilogram of the child's weight. Children from 7 to 14 years of age, the calculation is based on a dosage of 0.1 g per kilogram of the patient's weight. Duration of treatment from five days to two weeks. The daily amount of the drug should be divided into four to six receptions.
Do not prescribe this drug if the patient is prone to toxic - allergic reactions.
Macrolide groups - azincine, clarithromycin:
- Sumamed
This drug is taken once a day, withstanding the condition of taking: an hour before meals or two hours after its completion. The adult dosage is 0.5 g for three days. Children at a rate of 10 mg per kilogram of the weight of the baby, taken three days in a row. Contraindications for this drug include: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, in the case of renal and hepatic insufficiency, the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
Groups of cephalosporin - cefotiam cephalexin, cefazolin:
- Cefuroxime
The method of administration of the drug is intravenous and intramuscular. For newborns, this dose ranges from 30 to 60 mg per kilogram of body weight infants, injected every six to eight hours. For children from a year and older, the amount of the drug is calculated from the equality of 30 to 100 mg per kilogram of the body weight of the small patient, divided into the same six to eight inputs. Adults receive cefuroxime from 0.75 to 1.0 g and divide into eight doses. In case of severe pathology, the dosage can be increased to 3-6 g daily, and the interval between doses should be reduced to six hours. Special contraindications this drug does not have, except the hypersensitivity of the patient's body to the components of the drug.
If necessary, the attending doctor will prescribe antipyretic agents - efferalgan, paracetamol:
- Nurofen
Inside the drug is attributed to adults in a dose of 0.2-0.8 g, taken three to four times throughout the day. If clinical effectiveness is observed, the daily dosage is reduced to the figures of 0.6-0.8 g. Nurofen is recommended to be consumed after eating, squeezed with a large amount of liquid (milk or water).
Contraindicated nurofen patients whose concomitant diseases are: ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing the level of hematopoiesis, insufficient work of the heart muscle, optic nerve pathology, arterial hypertension, pregnancy.
Aspirin is usually not prescribed because of the increased risk of causing bleeding. These drugs, usually, have minor analgesic characteristics.
Antiseptics are also actively used:
Sprays for irrigation of the throat - aqua maris, stopangin, givalex, inhalipt:
- Yoks
The drug in the form of an aerosol is sprayed in the oral cavity, capturing the pharynx two to four times a day. If necessary, spraying is carried out every four hours. The drug is contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to its components, in the case of hyperthyroidism, during pregnancy and lactation, with decompensated heart failure, renal dysfunction and toddlers up to the age of six.
Tablets for resorption - septothete, pharyngosept, decatinil strepsils:
- Trachian
The method of using the drug is simple enough - it is necessary to dissolve every two hours for one tablet, and over a day should not use more than six tablets - this is a dosage for patients 12 years and older. The recommended duration of admission - two - three days. If after 5 days of taking the drug no therapeutic effect is observed, you need to seek the advice of your doctor.
It is not recommended to take the drug to patients suffering from hypersensitivity to the component composition, during pregnancy and breastfeeding of the baby, as well as to children up to the age of four, since they do not know how to resolve it.
Antiseptic means for rinsing - solutions of soda, solution of furacilin, hydrogen peroxide, stomatidin:
- Rivanol
The drug is diluted to proportions from 0.05% to 0.2% and the freshly prepared composition rinse the throat. Do not use rivanol in case the patient has kidney pathology.
In the treatment of follicular pharyngitis medicines also use medicinal products (sugar candies and sprays) of vegetable nature - isla, kampho:
- Doctor Mom
Syrup gives babies from three to five years in the amount of half a teaspoon three times throughout the day. Children from six to 14 years of age, the dosage increases from half to a teaspoon of the drug, drunk three times throughout the day. The duration of treatment is two to three weeks. For patients older than 14 years (including adult patients), 5-10 ml are prescribed, taken three times a day. The duration of the course of therapy should be monitored by the attending physician. Contraindications include only hypersensitivity to the component composition of the drug.
Such herbal preparations make the cough softer, and some of them have a slight analgesic effect.
Alternative treatment of follicular pharyngitis
Do not give up on the wisdom of our ancestors, who for many centuries have learned to improvise means to cope with this pathology. But it should be noted that the alternative treatment of follicular pharyngitis is just a concomitant help. Do not self-medicate, and, after consulting with the doctor, you must enter into your therapy.
- Sea salt with iodine shows itself perfectly. On a glass of warm water, add two to three drops of iodine and half a teaspoon of salt, dissolve well and gargle with this solution every 30 minutes. To drip iodine more than the recommended one is not worth it, there will not be a significant effect, and you can burn the larynx. Try not to swallow the formula during the rinse.
- The freshly squeezed juice of a potato which to the same rinse a throat has perfectly shown itself.
- On the basis of berries and leaves, blueberries are prepared with a decoction, which is drunk warmly throughout the day (five to seven times).
- Perfectly suitable inhalation, done in the morning and at night with oils such as peach, pink, olive or menthol. For a glass of boiling water take ten drops of the drug and breathe for ten minutes.
- For inhalations, the collections of such herbs are perfect: horsetail, immortelle, raspberry leaves. We pour one tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and let us brew for about two hours. Strain, this infusion can be drunk, they can also gargle.
- Rinse with soda to remove irritation of the larynx. To do this, a teaspoon of soda should be dissolved in 200 ml of warm water.
- Do not forget about such a gift of nature as propolis. 40 - 50 g of the product must be cut as small as possible. In the resulting powder, gently enter about 100 grams of flavored oil. Less expensive and more common vegetable or butter is suitable here, but nevertheless a greater effect can be achieved by introducing peach, olive or any other having antiseptic properties. This composition should be set aside for a week, putting it in a warm place, daily shaking it lightly. After a seven-day exposure, dissolve the solution and use the resulting liquid for inhalation. Such an exercise is done twice during the day (in the morning and in the evening) for two months. This medicinal composition can be prepared in advance and stored in a cool place, using for the intended purpose during the period of the disease.
- Excellent broths for gargles of throats from such grasses as a camomile, eucalyptus, a sage and a calendula have proved. Apply these herbs separately, and in the form of fees. To prepare the solution, a glass of boiling water is injected with one tablespoon of any of these herbs. Ingredients boil for 15 minutes on a steam bath and for 45 minutes at room temperature. Then drain the liquid and use it to rinse.
Do not forget and what is strictly forbidden to do during any form of viral, catarrhal or fungal infection of the throat, including follicular pharyngitis.
- It is strictly forbidden to drink and eat hot food. The food should be warm.
- You can not soar your throat.
- Do not eat too cold food.
- For the period of illness, remove from the diet sharp and spicy food. If, however, you can not live without spicy food, then before consuming it is worth swallowing, before holding in your mouth, a little butter, and after eating well rinse the throat with infusion of herbs. Otherwise, all treatment can go wrong.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of follicular pharyngitis
Any sane person understands that the disease is better to prevent than treat it, for fear of complications. Therefore, the prevention of follicular pharyngitis is quite relevant for everyone and general advice will be very appropriate.
- If possible, try to breathe through the nose, avoiding oral breathing.
- The room in which a person lives or works is more often ventilated, letting in fresh air.
- Regular wet cleanings are mandatory. They will reduce the risk of allergic irritation of the larynx, which is an excellent soil for viral damage.
- The air in the living and working area must be moist.
- It is necessary to maintain the hygiene of the oral cavity, timely treating the teeth.
- It is necessary to monitor your overall health by maintaining your immune system at the proper level.
- Hardening, walking in the fresh air.
- Rational nutrition, filled with vitamins and trace elements.
Forecast of follicular pharyngitis
This disease is not particularly dangerous for a person, but only if the patient conducts adequate treatment. If you ignore the acute symptomatology, the situation will unfold in an unpleasant scenario: a purulent lesion - intoxication of the body - a fatal outcome. If the diagnosis is made on time and in time the patient has started the necessary treatment, the prognosis of follicular pharyngitis is quite favorable. Therefore, it is not necessary to engage in self-treatment, wasting time, it is necessary to immediately seek medical advice and start treatment.
Probably, there is no person on Earth who has not encountered a cold at least once. During this time mankind has learned to stop such a disease - multiple medicamentous and alternative drugs are now put on the protection of our health, but the incidence of the population has not decreased. Naturally, follicular pharyngitis is better to prevent, but if the infection has already occurred, then do not hesitate. The earlier to begin treatment therapy, the more qualitative and quick the result can be obtained.