Frequent sneezing
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of frequent sneezing
The causes of frequent sneezing can hide in many everyday things. This can trigger an ordinary allergic reaction. This is an individual characteristic of a person, implying increased susceptibility to certain elements.
Provoke sneezing can dust, dry air, pollen of flowers, fluff. Even animal hair becomes the frequent cause of this reflex phenomenon. It can occur against a background of sharp and intense smells, as well as irritation of the nasal "cilia" as a result of bright illumination.
Affect the process is capable of artificial irritation, which was caused by mechanical interference. It can be a napkin, pollen, etc. A sudden change in temperature also affects this process. Frequently sneezing occurs with hormonal changes in pregnant women.
Sneezing arises from dust, wool and fluff, more simply, due to the influence of dust agents. To substances that often cause sneezing, include tobacco smoke and various perfumes. The process can occur due to rapid temperature changes. A person simply walks from the street into a warm room. Many women complain of frequent sneezing before childbirth, this is because there is a slight swelling of the nasal mucosa. Naturally, the disease can provoke the process. Usually it is flu, cold and rhinitis.
Frequent sneezing and runny nose are two interrelated processes. You can even say that these are inalienable companions of any catarrhal disease. Depending on the nature of the onset of symptoms, sneezing can occur both in the early stages of the common cold and throughout the entire period of the illness.
In order to eliminate the ailment, it is worthwhile to find out why it arose. If the symptomatology is diluted with a cough and temperature, then it's just a cold. In general, sneezing and nasal congestion simply do not arise. As mentioned above, this is a natural reaction of the body, which tries to eliminate from the body all foreign objects.
If sneezing engages in the summer, then, most likely the case lies in the allergy to something blooming. For this time of year, this phenomenon is quite normal. After all, trees, plants, flowers start to bloom. All of them give off a special pollen. It has an irritating effect on the nasal mucosa. This condition is characterized by tearing.
With a cold, the runny nose and sneezing also manifest themselves. But, the disease often begins with a significant inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Then there is a cough, due to the entry of microbes into the larynx.
In the absence of allergies and colds, sneezing in the morning can occur anyway. This is due to nonallergic rhinitis. Most likely the breathing is broken and the process of self-cleaning of the nose. This is due to the curvature of the septum or the presence of polyps.
Frequent sneezing and stuffy nose can be symptoms of ARVI, colds, flu, measles, chicken pox, rhinitis in pregnant women and allergies. In general, there are many reasons for the appearance of this symptomatology.
The most common of all the above options is the influenza virus. All types of ARVI are contagious, they are easily transmitted by air. In addition to sneezing and nasal congestion, a person complains of fever, sore throat and cough.
It must be understood that influenza is an acute respiratory infection. Over time, it can be significantly complicated by additional symptoms. If you start treatment on time and take an antiviral drug, the duration of the disease will be much less. In this case, the condition of a person is difficult. In addition to unpleasant symptoms, he is tormented by fever and general malaise.
These signs can provoke ordinary allergic rhinitis. In this case, in addition to the common cold, nasal congestion and sneezing do not bother. You just need to determine which allergen caused this condition and get rid of it, or take appropriate measures.
Frequent sneezing with a cold is quite normal, which occurs against the background of irritation of the nasal mucosa. The catarrhal diseases that are characterized by inflammatory processes affecting the upper respiratory tract are to blame for this. It can all happen against a background of hypothermia of the body or direct contact with a sick person. If the immunity is weak, then it's quite easy to catch a cold. Even being in public transport can lead to problems.
The main signs of a cold are a sharp increase in temperature, a manifestation of headache, coughing and general malaise. It does not exclude nasal congestion and frequent sneezing. This symptomatology should be removed by all possible means.
Once the disease is eliminated, sneezing will disappear by itself. This is not an allergic reaction, therefore, it is not necessary to eliminate it additionally. As soon as the runny nose disappears, sneezing will evaporate by itself. Simply put, there is nothing terrible in this phenomenon. It is enough to choose a qualitative treatment.
Frequent sneezing in the morning, most likely, provoked by a vasomotor rhinitis. This phenomenon arises from the presence of polyps in the nose. Contribute to its development may be a trauma to the nose, which led to the appearance of curvature of the septum. By the way, such an anomaly is possible from birth.
Sneezing into the light is due to the considerable irritation of the nasal mucosa due to the bright light entering the cornea. This action affects the trigeminal nerve. He, in turn, is too close to the optic nerve and reacts negatively to bright light. The signal enters the brain and the person sneezes.
Some people sneeze without a reason, just like that. This is determined by increased sensitivity of the mucosa. If a person complains of constant sneezing, but there is no special reason for this phenomenon, more precisely, it is not defined, there is a possibility of allergy development. In either case, the cause needs to be diagnosed.
Frequent sneezing without a cause is associated just with nonallergic rhinitis. This condition is characterized by the appearance of irritation of the nasal mucosa in single cases. I mean, it's not associated with a disease or a severe allergy. It is likely that the nasopharynx has dried up. Some people suffer from this phenomenon since birth. This is due to the curvature of the nasal septum. This defect can appear immediately at birth, or with time. It contributes to the development of trauma to the nose.
Sneezing without reason can occur in the morning, because of too bright light. This is quite normal phenomenon. The cause can be the flowering, dust or hair of the animal. And it is not necessary to have an allergy to these factors. The animal's wool can get into the nasal passages and cause irritation due to tickling. Naturally, this is not a serious problem. A similar situation can occur if you get pollen or house dust in your nose. In any case, this problem can not be eliminated. But to calm the soul, all the same, he will go to see a specialist.
Frequent sneezing during pregnancy
Frequent sneezing during pregnancy occurs due to changes in the hormonal background. In the blood, the number of female hormones increases significantly, and in parallel with this the blood flow is greatly accelerated. Therefore, the mucous membrane of the nose begins to swell, which leads to difficulty breathing.
The course of rhinitis can have a diverse character. Starting from mild symptoms and ending with cases that need medical treatment. Naturally, because of stuffy nose, lungs and heart suffer. The nose does not perform the main functions, does not contribute to cleaning and warming the air. Therefore, the lungs are exposed to the harmful effects of the external environment.
This condition for a woman can carry a double danger. After all, she suffers, as well as the developing fetus. If the mother is unable to breathe through her nose, oxygen starvation is observed. This negatively affects the development of the baby. Rhinitis leads to a change in taste, smell and the development of allergies. The complexity of this problem is due to the fact that you can not use vasoconstrictor drops. Therefore, a woman has to use alternative methods and put up with her condition for the period of pregnancy.
Frequent sneezing in the baby
Frequent sneezing in a child is usually accompanied by significant discharge from the nose. In this case, even guess is not worth it, it's a cold. Return the nasal breathing will help special drops. But cook them better yourself. After all, there is a risk of getting complications from taking drugstores, because of the age of the child.
If the baby sneezes, and thus the rhinitis is not observed, the reason can be hidden in the presence of dry crusts. They can prevent the baby from breathing. It is likely that this phenomenon is associated with too much over-dried air in the room.
In fact, there can be many reasons. If the child is in a conscious age, ask him to describe what he feels. It is likely that sneezing is associated with a cold. But, it can be a signal of development of a serious allergic reaction. It is necessary to moisten the air, try to remove possible allergens. After all, such a reaction can be triggered by animal hair or the flowering of some plants. The problem must be identified and eliminated.
Frequent sneezing in a newborn
Frequent sneezing in a newborn can be caused by a number of reasons. First of all, it is worth making sure that the baby does not have pathologies of the nasal septum. This cause often leads to nasal congestion and constant sneezing. If pathologies are not present, it is necessary to understand a problem. Sneezing, accompanied by a runny nose, and fever indicates the presence of a cold. To begin treatment it is necessary under the guidance of the children's therapist. If the reason is not in the disease, you need to look around.
Does the apartment have animals? Maybe the allergy is provoked by them. Usually, this phenomenon begins to manifest itself immediately from birth. You can not correct the situation, you have to get rid of the animal. Perhaps the problem arose against the background of too much over-dried air in the apartment. It is enough to do a wet cleaning and get a moisturizer. After that, monitor the state of the baby.
There really can be many reasons. If you can not identify the allergen yourself, you need to go to the therapist. Do not confuse food allergy, with a direct allergen. Irritant in food will not lead to sneezing.
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Diagnosis of frequent sneezing
Diagnosis of frequent sneezing is carried out on the basis of patient complaints. A person should describe how he feels, which triggers a sneeze, whether the process is accompanied by another symptomatology. Much depends on how long a complaint arose, whether a person has allergies. Impact on the problem can be the conditions of life and work, as well as contact with irritants.
After that, a rhinoscopy is performed. In this examination, attention is drawn to the color of the mucous membrane. For acute infectious rhinitis is characterized by a red hue, for allergic - pale or cyanotic. If there is a suspicion of an allergic type of disease, it is worth going to a doctor allergist.
This study involves taking skin tests. To do this, the immediate allergen should be placed on the skin and in this place it is pierced with a thin needle. If the skin starts to change, then the child definitely has an allergy.
There are cases of false positive or false negative results of skin tests. Therefore, it is necessary to submit a blood test for allergen-specific antibodies and immunoglobulins E. An intraspecific provocation test is also performed. It is characterized by the use of a solution with the investigated allergen, which is buried in the nasal passages. When an allergic reaction occurs, the test is considered positive.
Treatment of frequent sneezing
Treatment for frequent sneezing should be performed under the supervision of a specialist. Everything requires an individual approach and depends on the stage of the disease. Treatment in the initial stages should be performed with the help of washing. In some cases, drainage is used, it allows you to remove swelling and remove pathogens.
For washing there are various means. Suitable pharmacy solutions based on sea salt. Pay attention to Saline, Aqualor, Physiomer and AquaMaris. They significantly relieve edema and help reduce inflammation. It is enough to carry out 2 injections, 3-4 times a day. Each of these medicines has the same mode of action. But, they should be used according to the individual dosage of a specialist.
You can use the juices of plants, berries, vegetables, solutions enriched with manganese, iodine and furatsilinom. An excellent effect has ordinary sea salt. In its composition, it contains the necessary trace elements. Their active effect removes swelling from the nasal mucosa and removes excess mucus.
You can also use antiallergic drugs. So, antihistamine medicines Teridin, Zirtek, Claritin, Telfast will approach. They are taken inwards. One tablet is enough 2-3 times a day. Before taking, you should read the instructions for each drug. Naturally, the doctor will give detailed instructions on the treatment.
Treatment of frequent sneezing by alternative means
Treatment of frequent sneezing with alternative agents has a positive effect. But, it is not necessary to resort to it, without determining the exact cause of the onset of the symptom. You can just start to rinse your nose with a mixture of juice from one onion and two spoons of high-quality sunflower oil. There is another variation of this recipe, you need to take a few drops of water diluted with red beet, calanchoe, aloe, garlic or carrot juices. This composition simply rinses the nasal passages.
- Aloe juice actually has a positive effect. It is enough simply to dig in 2-3 drops of freshly squeezed juice into each nostril 2-3 times a day. The mother-and-stepmother's juice acts in a similar way. Bury it a few drops in each nostril. This action is performed 3-4 times a day.
- Menthol and camphor oil. Two of these ingredients should be mixed with each other and that's it. Together, they can significantly narrow the blood vessels and quickly rid the rhinitis. It is advisable to apply them 1-2 times a day.
- Labrador tea infusion. Take one tablespoon of this ingredient and insist on olive oil throughout the day. Then it is applied as usual drops, 1-2 pieces in each nostril, 3-4 times a day.
- Soda-tannin drops. It is necessary to take fresh tea leaves and mix it thoroughly together with soda. The resulting remedy is buried in 6-8 drops in each nostril. The prepared "preparation" is effective at the initial stage of development of rhinitis.
Prevention of frequent sneezing
Prevention of frequent sneezing is quite simple in its execution. First of all, you should avoid contact with patients who are carriers of ARVI. To do this, use personal protective equipment. This can be gauze bandages, masks and respirators.
It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, so as not to get a cold. If there are provocative factors, simply contact them. As a preventive measure, you can rinse or water the nose with saline solutions.
It is important to use personal protective equipment when working in a dusty room, as well as when in places with harmful production.
Naturally, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Completely abandon bad habits, regularly engage in moderate physical activity. To include daily walks in the open air, observe the regime of day and night. Of course, you need to eat right. In this case, sneezing is not scary at all!
Forecast of frequent sneezing
The prognosis of frequent sneezing depends on the cause, because of which everything happened. If the time does not begin to eliminate allergies, it leads to severe swelling and complications. Anaphylactic shock is not excluded. It is necessary to understand that this phenomenon is difficult. The forecast in this case may be unfavorable. If you turn to a doctor in time and follow all his recommendations, then the ailment will recede quickly, and the prognosis will be exceptionally favorable.
If sneezing is caused by a cold, then naturally, everything will go well. It is necessary to eliminate the disease and the symptom will go away by itself. If it arose against the background of an allergen, then it is necessary to eliminate it. Only in this way can you achieve a positive forecast.
If the problem occurred against the backdrop of pathological changes in the septum of the nose, then in this case, little is possible. Sometimes, an operation is performed, but it requires special expenses. And its complexity is at a high level. This does not mean that the forecast is unfavorable. Simply, you have to maintain your own condition all the time and everything will be fine.