
Information about doctor

Dan Fliss He is a professor, head of the departments of otorhinolaryngology and surgery at a major clinic in Israel. This is a well-known doctor, who has extensive experience in operative activity in the pathologies of the facial and cervical region, tumor processes in the nasal cavity and sinuses.

In his medical practice, the professor Fliss focuses on organ conservation and on facilitating the rehabilitation period after surgery. The main method of conducting operations is endoscopic, in accordance with modern international standards.

Dan Fliss recognized as one of the most successful otolaryngologists, oncologists, and not only in Israel. It is well known that the professor works closely with the Mount Sinai Clinic at the Canadian University of Toronto, actively participating in research at the Sannibrook Center for Microvascular Surgery and Reconstruction of the Head and Neck Region, and the Canadian Health Science Center.

Social profile on Researchgate

Education and work experience

  • 1989-2001 Hospital of the south of Israel - "Forty" (Beer-Sheva). 
  • 2001-2018 Head of the Department of Otolaryngology at the largest Israeli state medical center - Ichilov - Sourasky.

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Association of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
  • International associations in the field of surgical oncology of the head and neck
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