Eating belly eggs - as a symptom of the disease
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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To understand and describe the state of a person who suffers from a belching of rotten eggs, one should imagine the processes of formation of hydrogen sulfide gas in the digestive system. For this purpose it is necessary to know the following:
- when exactly does eructation appear?
- what does the patient himself associate with the eructation?
- burping worries immediately after eating or after a while?
- after eating what kind of food erupts?
The eructation appears involuntarily as a result of contraction of the diaphragm and is accompanied by the release into the mouth cavity of gas with the smell of rotten eggs.
An eructation can appear independently, or against the background of other accompanying symptoms: bloating (flatulence), diarrhea or constipation, attacks of nausea and vomiting, fever, etc. There may be signs of dyspepsia and intoxication of the body.
Eating belly eggs can not be considered as a separate disease: this is just one of the symptoms of any disease state in the digestive system. If the eructation has happened once, and the person after that has become easier - then, most likely, there are no grounds for concern. But if the eructation repeats, and the discomfort after that does not pass - then this is an obvious disorder in the gastrointestinal tract.
Eating belly eggs and diarrhea
Eating belly eggs and diarrhea: this combination of clinical symptoms is common in food poisoning - a pathological condition that develops after eating toxic substances or spoiled foods. Poisoning can cause microbes present in food. These are the simplest, as well as staphylococcal flora, E. Coli, strains of clostridia, klebsiella, cytrobacteria and their toxins. Sources of such microbes can be either people (diseased or healthy carriers), and animals.
Bacteria and their end products of vital activity penetrate into our gastrointestinal tract with food in which they are able to actively live and reproduce.
Toxins of many microorganisms (for example, staphylococcal infection) are resistant to high temperatures, so the danger of poisoning does not disappear even after boiling the foods. In most cases, the spoiled food itself gives itself out: it smells unpleasant, it changes in taste, color and consistency. One of the clear signs that the product is unsuitable is the fermentation of food, that is, the appearance of gas formation in it.
When food poisoning, in addition to burping of rotten eggs, the following symptoms can be observed:
- abdominal pain, nausea, severe diarrhea (watery, with fetid odor, with remnants of undigested food);
- fever, headache;
- weakness.
At the first sign of poisoning, help should be given immediately. If the intoxication is insignificant, then the eructation of rotten eggs during poisoning passes for 1-3 days, the symptoms gradually fade.
Eating belly eggs and vomiting
Causes of eructation of rotten eggs, along with vomiting, can be the poisoning described above, or stenosis of the pylorus - the digestive sphincter separating the stomach from the duodenum. The role of the gatekeeper is control over the physiological intake of digested food from the acidic environment of the stomach cavity to the alkaline intestinal environment.
Stenosis of the pylorus can arise due to the formation of scars on the ulcer of the pyloric canal or anterior part of the duodenum. Such a process can develop after several acute periods of peptic ulcer, as well as with an untreated or untreated ulcer. The scar helps to narrow the luminaire's lumen, which provokes the stagnation of the food mass in the stomach and the development of the corresponding symptoms.
If the gatekeeper is narrowed slightly, and the food nevertheless passes from the stomach further along the digestive tract, then a belch of rotten eggs can disturb only periodically. There is vomiting eaten on the eve of food (especially after overeating), heartburn, heaviness in the stomach.
If you do not help such a patient, then soon the fermentation reactions in his stomach will be replaced by putrefaction, the metabolism will be broken, the patient will lose weight until exhaustion. It will take urgent hospitalization with surgical intervention.
Bloating and belching of rotten eggs
Eating belly eggs against a background of bloating often occurs when the acidity of the stomach environment decreases.
Hydrochloric acid is necessary for the stomach to fight against the bacterial flora that has got into the body with dirty and stale food, and also for the processing of food. With a decrease in acidity, these processes are violated, which inevitably provokes the development of microbes in the digestive environment, food stagnation and inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
If gastritis in combination with a low acidity occurs for a long time, then such symptoms can develop:
- eructation of foul eggs;
- putrefactive-metallic taste in the mouth;
- heaviness in the stomach after eating;
- diarrhea or embolism difficulties;
- dull tenderness in the abdomen soon after eating;
- increased gassing in the intestine;
- general signs of a deficiency of vitamins in the body (fragility of nails, dry skin, hair loss);
- signs of anemia (pallor of the skin, lowering of the hemoglobin level).
People who suffer from reduced acidity often want to eat some sourish product, or something that will stimulate the production of acid in the stomach: a piece of dark bread, cookies, sour cabbage, apple, lemon, etc.
The chronic form of the inflammatory process in the stomach is characterized by periods of relief and exacerbation of the disease. When the level of lowering of acidity is not strongly pronounced, the above symptoms can disappear. With the onset of an exacerbation, they again manifest themselves with renewed vigor.
Nausea and burping of rotten eggs
Unpleasant belching of rotten eggs against a background of nausea can be a symptom of pancreatitis - an inflammatory reaction in the pancreas. Such a disease can be a consequence of infectious or inflammatory pathologies of the abdominal cavity: pancreatitis often accompanies cholecystitis or stones in the gallbladder. Also, pancreatitis appears everywhere with malnutrition and lifestyle: from exposure to mucus of alcoholic beverages, nicotine gums, which we swallow with saliva, from significant food overloads (overeating and excessive consumption of fatty and spicy dishes), from taking a large number of certain medicines. This disease most often falls on the elderly and obese.
With the disease of the pancreas, patients note soreness in the abdomen (under the spoon), nausea, dryness in the mouth, hiccough and burping of rotten eggs. With exacerbation of pancreatitis, there may be an increase in temperature, increased heart rate, lowering blood pressure, sticky sweating. Nausea can result in profuse repeated vomiting. This condition requires mandatory hospitalization of the patient.
If your stomach hurts and belches with rotten eggs
If belching with rotten eggs is accompanied by abdominal pain, it is important to determine where the pain appears: in the stomach, pancreas, in the small or large intestine.
With pain in the stomach, you can suspect a chronic form of gastritis with reduced acidity; burping of rotten eggs in this case provokes stagnation or putrefactive processes in the stomach, which is due to the inability to digest food. The latter can be observed with complete deficiency of hydrochloric acid (achlorhydria) or with its lack (achilias). Regardless of why the stomach hurts, belching of rotten eggs will appear only when food stagnates.
When combined burping of foul eggs with pains "under the spoon" you can suspect acute pancreatitis - an inflammatory process in the pancreas.
Pain in the intestines, in combination with a belching of rotten eggs, may indicate irritable bowel syndrome - a pathological condition that occurs with signs of digestive disorders. This syndrome occurs with prolonged stress, with prolonged diets and the use of unusual food, with disorders of the endocrine system and dysbacteriosis. The disease is associated with a change in the sensitivity of intestinal receptors, which significantly affects the functional capacity of the intestine. Irritable bowel syndrome is accompanied by pains in the abdomen (more near the navel or lower), which slightly decrease after defecation or the escape of gases. Stool disorders can be either in the direction of diarrhea or in the side of constipation. Gaseous formation in the intestine intensifies in the second half of the day. The disease is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and overcrowding in the abdomen, as well as burping by air or rotten. Such phenomena are inherent in intestinal atony - the absence or weakness of intestinal peristalsis.
Eating belly eggs and temperature
The causes of burping of rotten eggs and temperature can be many. It can be both alimentary disorders, and inflammatory processes. There are cases when these symptoms appeared against the background of neuroses and extreme psychoemotional states. Indeed, eating disorders and stresses - unfortunately, frequent companions in everyday life. However, if belching and fever appear simultaneously with acute pain in the abdomen - this is an alarming signal that can not be ignored. Without delay, you should see a doctor or even call "emergency help."
Acute soreness in the abdomen is often accompanied by a belching of rotten, bouts of vomiting and fever. It can talk about pancreatitis, gastritis or acute poisoning. In such situations it is better not to take any medications, especially analgesics, so that on arrival the doctor can establish the correct diagnosis.
The following signs should also be alerted:
- belching foul and temperature against a background of sharp cutting pains in the abdomen;
- eructation of rotten eggs and temperature against a background of bloody diarrhea;
- belching rotten at the same time with high temperature, febrile state.
With such symptoms, you should always call an "ambulance" and wait for the doctor to come, if possible without using any pills yourself.
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