Treating belching
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Treating eructations includes various methods of dealing with this dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract: both traditional, medical, and folk, proven by centuries.
An eructation is a process of sudden and uncontrolled escape of gases from the digestive tract through the mouth. In some cases, along with the gases, food and crumbs are pushed out. Basically, the products of eructations are thrown out of the esophagus and stomach. The escape of gases is accompanied by certain sounds and unpleasant odors. Also, in addition to gases and pieces of food, gastric juice and bile may be "asked back".
The causes of eructation are numerous: it is the ingestion of air during meals, and violation of the rules of healthy eating, and the use of carbonated soft drinks (as well as other unsuitable food), and the deterioration of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as its disease. An eructation can also occur due to the wrong position that a person immediately took after eating (for example, bent sharply or lay flat).
Healthy people suffer from eructations only occasionally, but patients with certain ailments of the digestive system - constantly.
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Treatment of belching with air
An eructation of air occurs immediately after eating. It is a sudden outlet of air through a mouth opening, which is not accompanied by unpleasant odors. The air that gets into the esophagus or stomach during the meal starts to come back with the help of sharp and slightly unpleasant "exhausts".
As a rule, this type of burp disturbs a person when he eats in a hurry and poorly chews food. Such absorption of food "pieces", without careful processing, as well as rushing and fast paced meals, lead to the fact that a large amount of air enters the gastrointestinal tract. What subsequently will cause a belch.
Also, conversations at the time of eating contribute to the fact that during intercourse and simultaneous absorption of dishes in the human stomach gets a lot of air. Which then, absolutely naturally, "wants" to break out through the mouth opening.
Therefore, the treatment of belching air consists, first of all, in learning to absorb food in silence and tranquility. In the absence of conversations, unnecessary emotions and other factors that bother people during their meals.
Overeating can also contribute to the appearance after eating such unpleasant symptoms as belching air. Therefore, you need to make yourself a rule to eat as much as it helps to saturation, but not more. It is especially harmful to absorb food "in reserve" This leads not only to the eruption, but also provokes the occurrence of many gastrointestinal diseases.
Fond of many, especially children, chewing gum can also lead to the appearance of symptoms of eructation. The fact is that constant chewing is not a distinctive feature of a person (in contrast, for example, to a cow). Therefore, the constant chewing of anything in the mouth promotes the secretion of gastric juice in the absence of food that has got into the stomach. What causes its dysfunction, which manifests itself, first of all, in the appearance of burping by air.
Dietitians after meals recommend a short rest (about half an hour). If immediately after the end of the meal a person will undertake to perform some physical exercises, this can lead to the eruption. The stomach requires rest for some time, so that the food is processed and entered the intestines for further digestion. Physical loads involve squeezing the stomach, which leads to a disruption of the normal functioning of the process of digesting food.
Sometimes a belch of air is a symptom of some diseases, namely:
- disturbances of nasal breathing;
- diseases of the mouth and teeth;
- aerophagy, which manifests itself in ingestion of excess air when eating, which is caused by dysfunction of the stomach;
- some types of neuroses.
An eructation of air also occurs as a result of the consumption of certain food products - carbonated drinks, including mineral water, as well as beer. The appearance of a burp in this case is associated with increased gas formation in the stomach, which also connects the air outlet to the outside. Baking soda also contributes to the provocation of gas formation in the stomach, which can lead to the emergence of air from the mouth.
Well, of course, pregnancy, as a certain period of life in women, is most often accompanied by the eruption. Due to the fact that the stomach is squeezed by a growing uterus, the digestive processes in it are hampered and lead to stagnation and increased gas production. In this case, experts recommend changing the diet and strictly adhere to the rules of eating. Future moms are also recommended to follow a certain diet, which will contain extremely useful foods and drinks. And also that food that does not contribute to increased gassing in the intestine.
Treatment of rotten belch
Symptoms of rotten belching is the appearance of an unpleasant rotten smell from the mouth. This kind of eructation testifies that the food stagnates in the stomach, is not processed and is not sent to the intestines for further digestion and removal from the body. In this case, the accepted food begins to accumulate in the stomach, rot and form gases, which with an unpleasant odor are released back through the mouth. Probably, thus there are painful sensations in a spoon, testifying that with a stomach there are problems.
The causes of indigestion, in which food begins to rot and produce an unpleasant odor that is secreted through the mouth, are large enough. Diseases that cause such symptoms include:
- pancreatitis,
- hypoacid gastritis,
- gastroesophageal reflux disease,
- signs of diabetes,
- symptoms of duodenogastric reflux,
- the presence of viral hepatitis "A"
- the appearance of diaphragmatic hernia,
- lowering of motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract,
- the occurrence of ulcers in the epithelium of the stomach or duodenum,
- symptoms of cholelithiasis,
- the appearance of oncological processes in the digestive system,
- signs of cholecystitis.
With infrequent manifestations of rotten belching special treatment should not be. It is only necessary to take care of the proper nutrition, which was discussed in each section of this article. With constantly disturbing symptoms of a bad belch, you should consult a specialist and get a check-up. Since in this case, the treatment of rotten belching is a therapy of the underlying disease that caused the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.
General recommendations for the prevention of rotten belches are as follows:
- After the meal is over, it is best to walk calmly and leisurely for thirty minutes or one hour.
- Lie down to rest on a high pillow, which will prevent the release of food from the stomach into the esophagus.
- Do not wear tight clothing, especially belts and belts, which are tightened tightly around the waist and abdomen.
- Food should be taken often and in small portions. At the same time, each portion of the dish needs to be thoroughly and long chewed.
- From the diet to exclude foods that cause the processes of fermentation in the stomach. These include flour products and buns, sweets, legumes, cabbage.
- If the patient is engaged in sports loads, then with the intensification of the symptoms of a bad burp it is necessary to exclude exercises that exert pressure on the muscles of the abdominal press.
- A very desirable recommendation is getting rid of such harmful habits, like taking alcohol and smoking.
- It is recommended to take a certain amount of activated charcoal if symptoms of rotten regurgitation appear. To improve its absorption properties, the tablets are repulsed and diluted in water, and after they are drunk. If this process is time-consuming, and it is necessary to get rid of the eructation, it is recommended to thoroughly chew the tablets in the mouth and then swallow it with water. The use of activated carbon is contraindicated in acute forms of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Temporary therapist in the occurrence of a fruity burp can serve as a drug "Smecta". Adults are recommended to dose in the amount of one sachet three times a day. And children older than two years - twice a day for one package.
Treatment of eructations after eating
The eructation occurs, as a rule, immediately after eating.
To avoid belching after eating, it is necessary to conduct a thorough revision of those foods and drinks that are used by humans. Nutritionists and gastroenterologists advise you to exclude from the diet of carbonated drinks, including mineral water, dishes from beans and peas.
But the most effective method of treating eructations after eating is a leisurely and thoughtful meal. It is necessary to leave haste, various troubles and concentrate on food. Food should be chewed slowly, long and carefully. Then the symptoms of eructation will bother the person very rarely, and, perhaps, never.
Also it is necessary to observe the following rule of food intake - to eat in small portions. At the same time, each spoon of a dish or each sip of a drink should be small in volume, and portions of food themselves are slightly less than usual.
Another recommendation of nutritionists in the treatment of eructations is to exclude conversations at the table. It is clear that in our society sincere conversations were held among the family or close people, gathered for a delicious dinner. But this tradition leads to the fact that a lot of air gets into the stomachs of people talking behind food, which in most cases will cause a burp.
Gastroenterologists do not recommend drinking water with food or other drinks. The best time for taking drinks is half an hour (hour) before meals and an hour or two after eating. The fact is that the liquid that has got into the stomach at the same time as food, dilutes the concentration of gastric juice, which leads to a deterioration in the digestion of food.
Irregular bowel movements also affect the gassing process in it. The process of delayed digestion in the intestines leads to the formation of gases in the digestive tract. Which can start to go out through the mouth in the form of burps with an unpleasant odor. Therefore, in the presence of constipation and irregular stools, the patient needs to revise his diet. Experts recommend to introduce in the menu of the patient foods rich in fiber that help restore the correct operation of the intestines, and eliminate constipation, and then, and eructation.
People suffering from unpleasant symptoms after eating should remember that the treatment of burping after eating is, first of all, their task to revise their lifestyle. And only then - an appeal to doctors for drug therapy.
Treatment of severity in the stomach with eructation
Gravity in the stomach, accompanied by eructations - these are symptoms of dyspepsia. To these unpleasant phenomena can also be added signs of heartburn, bloating, flatulence, nausea and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.
The cause of such symptoms can be various gastrointestinal diseases, for example,
If the cause of eructation - a malfunction in the stomach, the following tools will help to cope with this unpleasant problem.
- Method of treatment number 1 - after the end of the meal, you need to dilute a quarter of a teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water. Water with soda is drunk, and after a while the eructation stops.
- Method of treatment number 2 - will also help magnesium, dissolved in water. Half a glass of water should take a quarter of a teaspoon of the drug. The liquid must be drunk immediately after eating immediately after the onset of signs of eructation.
- Method of treatment number 3 - once or twice a day you need to drip on a small amount of sugar, five drops of clove essential oil. The mixture is eaten, and the treatment procedure is used for a month.
Specialists-gastroenterologists for better regulation of the stomach are advised to take such drugs as "Omez", "Mezim", "Almagel", "Immodium".
But first of all, it is necessary to take care of the regime and quality of nutrition. If there are unpleasant symptoms in the stomach, you need to change the diet. First of all, you need to get rid of sweets - cakes, tea with sugar, jam and so on. Sugar, which got into the stomach, causes it to ferment the food, which leads to increased gas production, which means, flatulence and eructation. It is very harmful to eat sweet food immediately after eating. If a person wants sweets, it is better to eat them for half an hour - an hour before the start of the meal or an hour and a half after a meal.
Fatty foods are also provocateurs of many dysfunctions of the digestive tract, which means, and eructations. A large amount of fat in the diet - fat, butter, fatty meat and sausage, cheeses - is a factor that provokes eructations and heaviness in the stomach. Products of this group can be eaten a little bit, and in no case do not abuse them.
With severity in the stomach, followed by a belch, it is necessary to exclude the following foods from the patient's menu:
- coffee,
- chocolate,
- carbonated drinks,
- beer,
- Exotic fruits,
- whole milk,
- peas, beans and other beans,
- cabbage.
Experts gastroenterologists recommend once a week to adhere to a special diet. It is necessary to take from six to ten tablets of activated carbon once a day. And during this day, eat porridge on the water. Between meals it is necessary to drink plenty of clean water without gas, but not earlier than two hours after the end of the meal. Before meals, water should be drunk no later than half an hour before the meal. With regular use of this diet, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and the symptoms of eructation with simultaneous severity in the stomach disappear.
If, however, following the above recommendations, the severity in the stomach with eructation continues to torment the patient, most likely, the problem is not in the stomach, but in other diseases. For example, dysbacteriosis, dysfunction of the pancreas, dolichosigma (the presence of an elongated terminal portion of the large intestine) can cause unpleasant symptoms of severity in the stomach, accompanied by a belch.
In this case, you need to contact the gastroenterologist for an examination and undergo the appropriate course of treatment.
Dysbacteriosis can be easily detected in the laboratory, having passed the feces analysis for the study. One of the helpers at a dysbacteriosis is a diet, and also presence in a food allowance of sour-milk products - yogurt, fermented milk, curdled milk and whey.
Treatment of acidic eructations
Eating with a sour taste is a pathological symptom that can indicate some diseases of the digestive system. There is a kind of eructation, such as the appearance of an acid aftertaste after eating, which appeared simultaneously with the release of air through the mouth. Sour eructations can be accompanied by heartburn - burning in the stomach and esophagus - or arise independently.
To determine the likely diagnosis, as well as the correct methods of therapy, it is necessary to observe at what time there is a sour eructation. If a person's troublesome symptoms occur immediately after eating, this indicates a dysfunction of the valve located between the esophagus and the stomach. This valve is not completely closed, and therefore the food can penetrate outside, causing a sour taste in the mouth and, sometimes, symptoms of heartburn.
Occurrence of acidic eructation in thirty to forty minutes after the end of the meal means that a person suffers from an enzymatic deficiency. This is manifested in the inability of gastric enzymes to digest the entire volume of food. Therefore, in the stomach, fermentation processes begin which form gases and then eject them through the mouth opening. The alternative name for this disease is indigestion, and it must be treated only after consulting a gastroenterologist.
Another cause of the acidic eructation may be pancreatitis. With this disease, insufficient production of enzymes necessary for the digestive process is common. And in order to understand, the acidic eructation of this disease is caused, it is necessary to undergo a study recommended by a specialist. In pancreatitis, along with gases from the stomach, food particles are thrown into the esophagus as well as a certain amount of gastric juice, which is characterized by a sour taste.
Treatment of sour eructations can be prescribed by a gastroenterologist. Since independent attempts to ease one's own condition with the help of medication, can result in deterioration of the patient's well-being. But there are several recommendations that can be useful even before the survey.
First of all, you need to establish the correct diet. Breakfast, lunch and supper are necessary at a certain time. When the body gets used to such a regime, it is by the time of eating that the person will activate the development of the necessary enzymes. If you leave everything as it is, the unsystematic nutrition will continue to provoke stagnation of food in the stomach, as well as the formation of gases and the emergence of acidic eructations.
In addition, it is necessary to accustom yourself to take food in small portions, but often - at least four or five times a day. From the diet of the patient it is necessary to exclude many food products: spicy, marinated, excessively salty, smoked food. And instead of it in the menu should appear porridge, jelly and other food with a gentle and enveloping consistency.
In the morning on an empty stomach and before dinner, half an hour before eating it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water. After lunch, do not immediately go to bed: finding a horizontal position can cause deterioration of digestion, resulting in a belch.
With frequent and unpleasant symptoms of sour eructation, you can use Mezim, Festal or antacid medications that reduce the acidity of the environment in the stomach. Among the alternative methods of treating acidic burp the most effective is the use of freshly squeezed juice. This drink is taken fifteen to twenty minutes before meals in the amount of half a glass.
Treatment of frequent eructations
A frequent eructation occurs in the case of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Various forms of gastritis, especially chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease, ulcerative gastric lesions - these gastric diseases are among the first on the list of factors causing a constant eructation.
But not only the stomach can provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Dysfunctions of the liver and gallbladder, as well as the cecum, cause eructation no less frequently than problems with the stomach.
Treatment of frequent eructations can be made by alternative methods, indicated in the corresponding section, and also by a special decoction, which we will mention here.
Recipe for infusion, helping to cure frequent eructations. It takes twenty grams of dried root elecampane, which must be poured with boiling water in the amount of one liter. The drink is left to be infused until it is cooled to room temperature (but no less than half an hour). After which the drug can be drunk, preferably thirty minutes before eating. In some cases, especially strong and frequent belching infusion is used after eating like ordinary tea (but only without sugar).
Treating belching with alternative means
Alternative medicine offers many ways to heal from various ailments and problems with the digestive system. She can help with eructations.
- Means number 1 - goat's milk
It is necessary to find a constant source of fresh and quality goat's milk. And every day, drink a glass of drink three times a day after meals. Such efforts should be done two or three months, until the digestive system is regulated and the eructation is eliminated.
- Tool number 2 - exercise on the back
In this case, "charging" does not heal eructations, but only helps to cope with its symptoms and facilitates a person's condition. But this already means a lot, therefore, it is worth using the proposed method.
You need to lie on your back and lift your straightened legs at an angle of forty-five degrees. So it is necessary to hold out for two or three minutes, and then the legs smoothly fall to the floor. It is recommended to follow more than one approach. Due to physical activity, the symptoms of eructation become active, and then stop.
- Tool number 3 - flax seed
This tool has a truly one hundred percent effect in the treatment of eructations. And, to prepare a medicinal drug is simple. The main thing is to regularly use it, then the result will be noticeable and persistent.
Flax seeds are taken in the form of a prepared liquid three times a day for half an hour before meals. It is necessary to brew one tablespoon of flax seeds in a glass of boiling water. The infusion should stand for half an hour, and then a quarter of a glass of mucus must be drunk. The remaining portion of the drug is left until the following tricks. This course of treatment should last at least two to three weeks.
Treating belches with alternative means is not a panacea. In any case, a person suffering from this problem needs to consult a doctor - gastroenterologist, undergo a test and identify the causes of dysfunction of the digestive system.
Drugs for treatment of eructations
Pharmaceutical industry represents a large number of products that will help to get rid of the symptoms of eructation, as well as to prevent its occurrence.
Drugs for the treatment of burping should be used only in accordance with the instructions and after consulting a specialist. Self-medication can lead to the fact that the patient's condition worsens, and in his anamnesis there will be new painful symptoms and diseases. To prevent this, it is necessary to undergo research and identify the root causes that provoke eructation. And only after the conclusion of the doctor-gastroenterologist begin to use the drugs prescribed by him in the appropriate dosage.
Let's give a list of medicines recommended for use with symptoms of eructation:
- Motilac
- Omez
- Raniditin (in tablets)
- Motion
- Rennie
- Motilium
- Almagel
- De-naught
- Gastal
- Passenger
- Immodium
- Festal
Treating the eructation is a necessary measure, since the restoration of the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract contributes to the preservation of health and well-being for many years to come.