Belching in the child
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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An eructation in a child is an involuntary discharge of air through the mouth. Consider the main types of this disorder, the causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention.
With this phenomenon, absolutely everything is faced, both healthy and sick. This is due to the accumulation of air masses or gastric contents in the stomach or esophagus that exit through the oral cavity.
Similar is possible with an open cardiac sphincter due to a reduction in the gastric musculature. For the first time, frustration occurs in newborns who swallow excess air during sucking. But with normal development the problem goes away by itself.
Regurgitation without odor or taste is considered normal and can occur from 10-15 times a day. In addition, it performs important functions:
- Activates the motility of the stomach.
- Helps digest food.
- Does not allow the stomach to stretch, relieves the body of air and gases accumulated in the upper parts of the esophagus.
If the gastrointestinal tract functions normally, then there are no complaints of this disease, and if this happens, it is very rare. The ingestion of air is necessary to regulate gastric pressure. As a rule, it comes out in small portions and it is invisible. Proceeding from this, there are two types of malaise: physiological and pathological.
Frequent manifestations of the disorder indicate a liver, gallbladder, stomach or cecum. This may be due to indigestion, pancreatitis, chronic gastritis or bulbitis. Very often severe poisoning, malnutrition, overeating or eating on the move provokes the release of air with sound. To identify the real cause of pathology, a complex examination of the body is required.
Causes of eructation in a child
The causes of regurgitation in children can be physiological and pathological. In some cases, even nervous breakdowns lead to frequent exacerbation of the disease. Consider the main factors causing the disorder:
- Active conversation or excessive movement during lunch.
- Tight clothes.
- Binge eating.
- Nervous atmosphere during nutrition.
- Incorrect food and improper combination of foods (fruit after animal protein).
- Active games immediately after meals.
The presence of a smoker in the house can cause a reflux (because of the passive reception of nicotine). Chronic poisoning with nicotine venom causes weakening of all ligaments and sphincter, provokes functional insufficiency and chronic eructations. The above-described reasons provoke intestinal obstruction in children.
Diseases that cause eructation:
- Gastroparesis
- Pancreatitis
- Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm
- Gastritis
- Hepatitis
- Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach
- Disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract
- Cholecystitis
- Glistular invasion
- Dysbacteriosis
- Slouch.
Diseases are accompanied not only by the release of gases through the mouth, but also by such unpleasant sensations as: bloating, intestinal distress, pain, nausea. When these symptoms appear, urgent medical diagnosis and treatment is required. Some foods provoke unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. Frequent consumption of fatty, fried and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, chewing gum, can cause symptoms of many diseases.
Ebaw in a newborn baby
An eructation in a newborn baby is a perfectly normal phenomenon that occurs with any baby. The thing is that the baby's nervous system is rather weak, and the peculiarities of the structure of the digestive tract contribute to the movement of food in the opposite direction. That is, food from the stomach goes to the short esophagus, pharynx, mouth and out. With the growth of the gastrointestinal tract is reconstructed and frequent causeless regurgitation ceases.
With this problem, young mothers encounter at the time when they begin to overfeed the baby with milk. In this case, the baby pushes out too much, but it's quite normal. To ensure that this does not happen, it is sufficient to organize frequent and uniform feeding. If the malaise causes a newborn tears, it is due to the throwing into the esophagus of gastric juice. Sour milk mixtures can irritate the esophagus, causing painful sensations. If this happens too often, then there is a risk of otitis or sinusitis.
Before each feeding, lay your child on his stomach on a hard surface. In the process of feeding and after it, with gentle massage movements clockwise (from the navel with a slight pressure on the right side), stroke the stomach. This will allow the gazikam to emerge, which can press on the abdominal cavity, causing frustration. On how well the process of feeding in the first months of the baby's life is, depends on his nutrition and the state of the gastrointestinal tract in the future.
An eructation in a child as a sign of disease
Frequent regurgitation in patients of childhood can indicate problems with the body. This disorder in the thoracic period is considered perfectly normal, because during feeding a small amount of air is swallowed, which causes painful sensations. Up to one year the baby has an undeveloped gastrointestinal tract, so there are accumulated air masses that go through the intestine or through the mouth. To eliminate the disorder, it is recommended to monitor the diet of the baby and perform special exercises before and after nutrition (pats on the back and stomach).
If the disease accompanies older children, then the cause may be in improper diet or diseases of the digestive system. Carbonated sweet water, legumes, cabbage, canned and pickled products, and some sweets cause not only increased gas formation, but also a frequent release of air through the mouth.
Frequent belching of the baby
Frequent belching of air is the involuntary release of gases without a specific odor, from the esophagus or stomach through the oral cavity. Normally, swallowing movements cause small ingestion of air (2-3 ml), which normalizes the intragastric pressure. Subsequently, the air is released in small portions through the mouth. Excess air penetration is called aerography and can indicate gastric pneumatosis.
Causes of empty regurgitation:
- Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity.
- Conversations at the table and rapid absorption of food.
- Overeating and snacks on the go.
- Active games or physical activity after eating.
- Disturbance of nasal breathing.
- Aerophagy, neurosis.
- Abuse of chewing gum.
- Filling the stomach with gases due to the abundant use of carbonated drinks.
If the gastrointestinal tract functions normally, then the air outlet does not cause inconveniences or painful sensations. This is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor or taste. With aerofagy of neurotic origin, the release of air is possible at any time except for sleep. This syndrome is considered pathological and requires medical attention.
Eating belly eggs in a child
The eructation of rotten eggs is accompanied by a characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide. This is due to the release into the mouth of gases from the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract. An unpleasant odor arises from the rotting and decomposition of proteins, accompanied by chemical reactions.
The main causes of the disease:
- Gastritis and inflammatory processes that affect the mucous membrane of the stomach.
- Stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach (with the formation of scar tissue that separates the organ from the duodenum, narrowing of the lumen of the transition is possible)
- Disturbance of microflora, leading to a decrease in digestive enzymes.
- Malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract, which cause a decrease in gastric secretion.
The release of air with a rotten smell can be provoked by products containing sulfur or sulfur-containing preservatives. This category includes many protein products, herbs, some vegetables, seeds, amino acids and vitamins. Such a disorder can be accompanied by diarrhea, which indicates a decreased acidity of the gastric environment and imbalance between useful and pathogenic microorganisms.
The malaise with the smell of rotten eggs is quite common. Because of the immaturity of the internal organs of infants, there are many functional and psychosomatic disorders that cause violations of the bile outflow and its entry into the gastrointestinal tract. In this case the youngster complains of painful sensations in the region of the hypochondrium on the right, nausea and a loose stool with a high bile content. If recently there was a course of antibacterial therapy, this leads to a disruption in the balance of microorganisms in the intestines, causing the air to escape with the odor of bile and food residues. If the disorder occurs frequently, then a consultation with the gastroenterologist and laboratory testing is required.
An eructation of air in a child
An eructation of air in children occurs with malnutrition and certain abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system. In older children, this is due to fast snacks, eating on the go or talking during lunch. Active games and physical activities, after the baby has eaten, can provoke the release of air through the mouth.
The use of carbonated beverages, legumes and protein foods causes not only the release of air masses, but also increased gas production. If the disorder is accompanied by pain in the left hypochondrium, severity in the stomach, vomiting, heartburn, nausea and bloating, then such symptoms require medical attention. In this case, the ailment arose against the background of diseases of the duodenum and stomach, the treatment of which should be performed at the first signs.
Constant belching in the child
Constant belching is possible at any age and arises from the sudden release of gases from the oral cavity. This is due to the uncontrolled use of carbonated beverages or in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But the main reason is a violation of the digestive process. The gastrointestinal tract can not normally digest food and produces excess gases.
- In some children, the disorder appears due to insufficient production of gastric juice. The reason may be in the habit of washing down with a large amount of liquid, which dilutes the gastric juice and causes disruptions in the digestive tract.
- Lack of enzymes and increased fermentation can also lead to frustration. The use of thermally processed food and semi-finished products leads to flatulence, indigestion of the stomach. Increased fermentation causes yeast fungus Candida albicans because of a violation of the intestinal microflora. This happens with prolonged use of antibiotic drugs.
- If the constant outlet of air through the mouth is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and taste, this may indicate a pathology of the bile duct and gall bladder. The disorder provokes increased acidity. In this case, the patient suffers from heartburn, nausea and unpleasant pain in the stomach.
Doctors are not inclined to attribute an ailment to serious problems, since in most cases it is enough to take antacids for its treatment.
Sour eructations in the baby
Sour regurgitation requires careful diagnosis. If the disease occurs after eating, then this indicates an incomplete closure of the valve that separates the organs of the gastrointestinal tract from the esophagus. If the air outlet occurs 30-40 minutes after eating, the preliminary diagnosis is enzymatic deficiency. Digestive enzymes do not cope with the processing of incoming food, which triggers the processes of fermentation, formation and release of gases. Such processes may indicate pancreatitis.
If the air outlet with acidic aftertaste appears 2-3 hours after eating, then most likely the baby suffers from gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. This condition is often observed in bulbite, that is, a failure of digestion in the duodenum. Remains of food are retained in the stomach, and later they are thrown into the esophagus with hydrochloric acid.
In order to eliminate the disorder, it is necessary to establish its true cause. To treat sour regurgitation in itself is meaningless, since its appearance can provoke even dental problems. Parents should monitor the child's regular feeding. Disorderly consumption of foodstuffs will relieve food stagnation, increased gas production and air release with acidic aftertaste. Safe enzyme medications and drugs from the group of antacids reduce the acidity of gastric juice, eliminating unpleasant symptoms.
Eating and vomiting in the child
Eating and vomiting in children are pathological symptoms that require medical attention. In most cases, in addition to vomiting and regurgitation, complaints of heartburn may occur. This may indicate a peptic ulcer or other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. If the digestive organs have motor insufficiency, then it provokes vomiting. Do not forget that pathological symptoms can indicate nervous tension and stress.
- The disorder is possible with overeating, in this case the patient suffers not only from vomiting and painful air outlet, but also from unpleasant sensations in the abdominal region.
- If the disease is caused by high acidity, the vomit contains an acidic liquid with a small admixture of food masses.
- Vomiting with a sour or rotten aftertaste may be a symptom of a violation of the evacuation function of the stomach. This happens with the development of cicatrical and adhesive processes with the formation of stenosis.
Eating and gas in a child
The child eructations and gases occur at any age, and there are many reasons for this. Excessive flow of gases indicates disturbances in the digestive process. Increased gas production and the release of air through the mouth appear with plenty of fiber in the intestines and ingestion of air masses during meals.
The constant release of air through the mouth and gases indicate an incorrect formation of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. The provocateur of adverse symptoms may be malnutrition and the use of products, through which a large number of gases are produced. If the disorder causes pain, then a visit to the gastroenterologist is required.
Hiccough and eructation in the baby
Hiccups and regurgitation in children - this is the cause of discomfort at any age that requires treatment. These symptoms appear with overeating, eating without sufficient fluid. But sometimes the exit of air through the mouth and bouts of hiccups indicate an aerophagy.
- Hiccups are an involuntary sharp breath, accompanied by a characteristic sound and jerky protrusions of the abdomen. It is due to the contraction of the diaphragm. Frustration in children can occur due to hypothermia, hard or dry food, fear and intense feelings.
- Regurgitation - often a symptom of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestines, gall bladder, liver or cardiovascular system. In children, the release of air through the mouth is most often due to overeating. In this case, it is accompanied by an acidic, bitter or rotten aftertaste due to gases accumulating in the stomach.
If both ailments are repeated often, then medical attention is required, since they can be symptoms of pathologies requiring treatment and prevention.
Temperature and burpiness in the child
Temperature and eructation in children of any age is a sign of pathological processes in the body. These symptoms may indicate a digestive system. If the ailments are supplemented with diarrhea, gas and nausea, then this can be acute poisoning or enterocolitis. Both disorders require medical intervention. When poisoning it is necessary to take absorbents and antipyretic. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small / large intestine, that is, enterocolitis is treated with a special diet and the use of medications (antibiotics, probiotics, enzymes).
But fever and painful regurgitation can be caused by infection. If the baby has an intestinal infection of any etiology, then medication is required. When the protein infection appears liquid watery stool with green strands, if it is dysentery, then the stool is cramped with blood traces. In any case, it is necessary to establish the cause of the unfavorable symptoms and to engage in treatment.
Belching in children of different ages
Belching in children up to a year, as a rule, does not require medical care, since it refers to normal, healthy features of the functioning of the newborn's body. Regurgitation is dangerous if:
- The baby loses or does not gain weight.
- Regurgitation is accompanied by vomit masses of green color (with an admixture of bile).
- There is vomiting, the volume of which depends on the amount eaten.
- The exit of air from the oral cavity causes pains of a spastic character in the abdominal region.
- After belching, the baby begins to cough and choke.
It is considered normal to regurgitate in the first seven months of life of the baby. By 6-8 months he gradually stops regurgitating after every meal. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to feed it more slowly, observing a clear diet. After eating, it is worthwhile to support the baby in a vertical position for 10-20 minutes. If the air outlet and vomit are accompanied by blood veins, this indicates a rupture of blood vessels and it is worthwhile to seek medical help to monitor the condition of the baby.
Belching in a child 10 months
Eating in infants at 10 months has a physiological nature. Infants have an unformed digestive system, so after each meal the baby belches. The ingestion of air regulates intragastric pressure and in the older age comes out in small portions without causing frustration.
In order to make the air outlet from the stomach less painful, after each feeding the baby should be held vertically until the air from the mouth goes out. At the same time, you can stroke it on the back, as this contributes to better separation of air masses and gases. If the newborn is very excited, then the process of feeding and regurgitation causes tears and painful sensations. In this case, parents are recommended to show the child to a neurologist and gastroenterologist.
Belching in children after a year
Belching in children after a year often occurs due to increased nervous excitability. The excitable and nervous cub often suffers from gastrointestinal diseases and belches food. Disorder results in fast and erratic eating, talking during lunch, or watching cartoons that cause an emotional outburst.
Common causes of the disease:
- ENT diseases that disrupt the breathing process.
- Adenoids.
- Chronic rhinitis, including allergic nature.
- Chronic tonsillitis with hypertrophic palatine tonsils.
- Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
- Abundant salivation and swallowing of saliva.
- Diseases of the digestive tract.
In any case, if the disorder becomes a cause of discomfort or pain, then medical attention is required.
Belching in a child 2 years old
In a 2-year-old baby, regurgitation can be caused by psychological or physiological causes. Nervous shocks, fears and experiences lead not only to regurgitation, but also to vomiting, increased fever and heartburn. If the malaise is accompanied by a rotten smell or bitter aftertaste, then this indicates an infectious disease. Pancreatic disorders, gastritis or elevated levels of acetone lead to frequent regurgitation and heartburn.
To get rid of the disorder you need to revise the baby's diet. Many products cause increased gas production. In addition, you should monitor the drinking regime, do not give carbonated drinks and juices with dyes. After lunch, active games should be avoided, as this can lead to indigestion. Overeating and late feeding is another factor that provokes the disease.
Belching in a child 3 years old
Belching at three years can be caused by various reasons. If up to a year it appears due to a weak gastrointestinal tract, then in three years it signals about various diseases. In some cases, the state of the nervous system affects the frequent spitting of food. If the baby is nervous or excitable, then he is more susceptible to diseases of the digestive system.
- An illness can be triggered by a conversation during a meal, a messy meal or any other activities that cause emotional arousal.
- Very often lesions of the ENT organs disrupt the work of breathing and cause unpleasant symptoms. This occurs with a chronic cold, tonsillitis with enlarged palatine tonsils. Because of the illness, the baby swallows a large amount of air masses during meals, as it can not independently regulate breathing.
- Increased salivation often provokes an ailment. This is the case with diseases of the digestive tract or dental problems.
Treatment is based on identifying the cause, which provokes malaise. If the ailment is associated with a violation of feeding, then it is necessary to normalize this process, regularly feed and carefully make up the diet. If this does not help, then it is worthwhile to seek medical help, since it is possible that the baby has a gastrointestinal disease.
Belching in a child 4 years old
Eating in 4 years, usually occurs due to overeating, unbalanced diet or emotional outbursts during meals. If there is frequent regurgitation, it is worth consulting with an otolaryngologist, neurologist and pediatrician. If pathologies are not identified, then it is necessary to undergo examination of the digestive organs.
With malaise due to improper diet, parents should balance the diet of the baby and establish clear meals. The kid should eat on hours and small portions. In this case, you can adhere to a fractional power supply. If frequent manifestations of the disease should not be given during lunch, as this leads to dilution of gastric juice, which leads to heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms. Of great importance is the regime of the day, that is a full day and night sleep, outdoor walks, active games.
Belching in a child 5 years old
Belching in children 5 years is most often associated with casting into the esophagus the acid content of the stomach. Unpleasant symptoms with a rotten or sour smell appear with the use of products that stimulate the synthesis of hydrochloric acid by the stomach and bile by the liver. This category of products includes fried foods, carbonated drinks, juices with dyes and concentrated natural juices, vegetable oils in large quantities, spicy food, chocolate, baked pastry, too hot or vice versa cold.
Active games and physical exercises with a full stomach can provoke not only regurgitation, but heartburn and pain in the abdomen. Eating foods on the go or eating too hard food also causes symptoms of frustration. If the ailment is associated with a wrong meal or an unhealthy diet, then this process should be established. Particular attention should be given to the drinking regime, children are recommended to drink warm or cool water without gas.
Belching in a child 6 years old
An eructation in a six-year-old baby is possible with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other disorders on the part of all organs and systems of the body. Very often in children of this age, regurgitation appears due to reflux esophagitis. This disease is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the esophagus because of the casting of the contents of the stomach into it. To resolve the disorder, you need to contact the gastroenterologist. Most often, children are prescribed a course of probiotics and other medications to restore the normal functioning of the digestive system.
Bile stasis, high cholesterol, or an increase in alkaline phosphatase levels also cause painful symptoms with an unpleasant odor and taste. This is observed when the liver is enlarged, the gall bladder or the spleen is affected. If there are complaints not only of regurgitation, but also of pain in the abdomen, then it is worthwhile to seek medical help.
Belching in a child of 7 years
The eructations in seven-year-olds are often associated with nervous experiences and stresses. Since it is at this age that most kids go to school. Irrational food, snacks on the go or in the dry, cause not only discomfort, but can lead to a disease like gastritis. The parents' task is to carefully monitor the diet of the child, paying special attention to the drinking regime.
Regurgitation with a characteristic sound and odor can occur with physical activity after eating. If your baby is not fidgeting, then you should teach him to be calm. Since frequent exacerbation of the disease in overeating can lead to nausea, vomiting and other painful symptoms. As a preventive measure of the normal functioning of the digestive organs, it is necessary to undergo an examination at least once a year with a gastroenterologist.
Eating for a child 8 years old
The most common causes of eructations in children 8 years old are liver, gastrointestinal and liver diseases. In children, the motor skills of the upper part of the intestine and stomach may be disturbed, which leads to stagnation of food and frequent regurgitation after eating. In this case, the gastrointestinal tract and esophagus suffer, since acidic contents irritate the mucous membrane of the esophagus, causing pain in the abdomen and nausea.
Very rarely a violation is a sign of a birth defect - a failure of the cardia. With this pathology, the muscles responsible for closing the opening between the stomach and esophagus leave a lumen that passes the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. But this can have an acquired character. This happens with a long violation of diet, overeating, night snacks. Low immunity, stomach disease or lack of physical activity also lead to frustration.
Belching in a child 10 years old
The belching of 10-year-old children has many reasons. Many diseases of the digestive tract and digestive organs due to improper operation cause a sharp air outlet from the oral cavity with an unpleasant odor or taste. For example, with a disease of the gallbladder or liver, eructations are accompanied by increased salivation. Gastritis, a hernia of the esophagus, dyskinesia of the biliary tract, an increase in organs and other pathologies can cause frequent and seemingly unreasonable regurgitation. To establish the true cause of the disorder, it is best to contact the gastroenterologist.
If the disease occurs too often and there are no abnormalities in the digestive tract, then it is worthwhile to revise the diet. During the meal, do not drink water, because the drinks dilute the gastric juice (the lower its concentration, the more regurgitation). Do not give a soda and do not feed foamy products (whipped cream foams in the stomach). Do not allow drinking through a straw or chewing gum often, as this helps to fill the stomach with air. Hot or cold food, eating dry or overeating, cause not only the release of air through the mouth with an unpleasant aftertaste and odor, but also painful sensations in the abdomen.
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Treatment of eructations in children
Treatment of eructations in children begins with the establishment of the cause of malaise. To treat the disorder without the factor of its excitation does not make sense. In any case, against the background of therapy of the underlying disease, the patient is prescribed dietary nutrition. This implies the refusal to use carbonated drinks and foods that are retained in the stomach for a long time. You need to eat often, but in small portions.
If regurgitation is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the treatment is performed under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. This will achieve a good result in a short time. In some cases, the disease can be cured by following simple dietary guidelines. And in others, a serious approach is required with a comprehensive examination of the gastrointestinal tract.
- When the air leaves the oral opening with a smell caused by increased secretion of gastric juice, children are assigned alkalinizing agents (baking soda, alkaline mineral water).
- When empty, that is, air regurgitation should adhere to simple recommendations. First of all, give up carbonated drinks, thoroughly chew food and do not talk while eating.
- If the disorder appears before eating, then this indicates a lack of enzymes. For treatment, a course of lactobacilli is prescribed to normalize the flora of the intestine.
- If the malaise is accompanied by the smell of rotten eggs, then this indicates many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer, stenosis of the pylorus, and others). As a therapy, dietary nutrition, curative gymnastics and the use of enzymes with food are used. Very rarely pathology is surgically eliminated.
- A stubbly regurgitation that causes bad breath and a bitter taste is treated with enzyme medications. Patients are prescribed dietary nutrition and therapeutic gymnastics. If the disease is caused by serious diseases, then a long course of medical therapy and supervision with a gastroenterologist is required.
- If heartburn occurs, the cause of the disorder may be in improper diet or overeating. But such symptoms can indicate duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, so consultation with a gastroenterologist and a comprehensive examination of the digestive organs are required.
Do not forget about preventive measures to prevent ailments:
- Chew the food carefully and slowly.
- If the disorder is caused by stress or nervous overexertion, then it is worth doing a couple of physical exercises to relieve tension or take an infusion of valerian roots.
- Refuse chewing gum and carbonated drinks, as well as products that contain a lot of air (whipped milkshakes, whipped cream).
Alternative means of treating eructations
Alternatives are methods used to eliminate mild symptoms of the disorder. If the ailment is accompanied by heartburn, abdominal pain and other pathological manifestations, then medical attention is required.
The simplest alternative means:
- A mixture of 100 g of cranberry juice and aloe juice mixed with a spoon of honey and 200 ml of boiled water. Stir well and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for a week. The therapy should last for a month.
- At the tip of a teaspoon, pour the powder of calamus, take it and mix it with water. This will help to eliminate heartburn and strong regurgitation.
- Mix ½ cup of potato and carrot juice, take 3 times daily before meals.
- If the disorder appears after eating, then to cope with unpleasant sensations will help fresh carrots or an apple.
Treatment with non-traditional methods:
- If the air outlet through the mouth opening is caused by a gastritis, then for treatment use tea from twigs and leaves of blackberry, lemon balm, mint.
- To normalize the acidity of the stomach (at an elevated level), use a mixture of lime, mint leaves, fennel seeds and flax in equal proportions. Plants are poured with boiling water and insisted until cooling. The medication is taken 50 ml twice a day until well-being.
- When a duodenal ulcer or ulcer is used for treatment, fresh juice of white cabbage is used, since it is rich in vitamin U. The medicine is taken for ¼ cup 30 minutes before a meal. The course of therapy lasts 1-2 months.
- If the disorder is caused by a decreased level of acidity, then it is necessary to monitor the diet. Food should be mechanically and thermally sparing, but stimulating gastric secretion. In the diet should be sour-milk products, fresh vegetables and dishes from boiled cabbage.
An eructation in children occurs at any age and can be caused by various causes. If the disorder is frequent and aggravated after eating, then it is worthwhile to seek medical help. The gastroenterologist will conduct an examination of the digestive organs and appoint further treatment. But most often, the normalization of the process of nutrition and control of parents for a diet, restore the health of the baby.
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