Dryness of the hands skin
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the most common cosmetic problems that face the female half of humanity is the dryness of the skin of the hands. The causes of dryness are hidden behind the loss of moisture, which is simply necessary for our skin. The lack of moisturizing leads to the fact that outwardly the hands become coarse, dry, covered with cracks and redness. How can we help our hands, who have so many changes in the day? Can I achieve a lasting effect and get rid of the dryness for a long time?
Causes of dry skin
Dehydration of the hands surface can occur under the influence of external and internal factors. External factors can be as follows:
- the influence of natural factors: direct solar radiation, frost air, strong wind, etc .;
- low humidity in the room (for example, in winter with heating on);
- frequent effects of detergents on the skin of hands (soap, detergent, washing powder, cleaning solutions, etc.);
- ignoring the means to care for the skin of the hands, or improperly selected means.
Internal factors are the causes that are hidden inside the body:
- skin problems, allergic reactions;
- metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland hyperfunction);
- deficiency or poor absorption of retinol (Vit. A);
- hereditary skin diseases;
- age changes in the skin;
- anemia, dysbiosis.
Why is it important for us to know the causes of dry skin? If the cause is not eliminated, then the treatment can be unsuccessful, and no means, even the most expensive ones, will help. Therefore, before proceeding to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to remove the causative factor of poor skin condition.
Dryness of the skin on the palms
The skin surface on the palms is most exposed to external influences - this is the main working surface of the hands. It is not uncommon to have peeling, redness and dryness on the palms.
Small light scales on the palmar area can talk about a deficiency of vitamins (for example, A and D).
If dryness and flaking of the skin of the hands are expressed significantly, then it is possible to suspect a fungal infection, or an exfoliative form of keratolysis - a condition in which the skin becomes dry and flaky for no apparent reason.
However, the main cause of dry skin of palmar surfaces is a lack of moisture. Think maybe you need to pay attention to the detergent that you wash your hands (especially if you use antibacterial soap - it can not be used for a long time). If you replace this soap with cream-gel or other special moisturizers, then this can have a beneficial effect on the skin condition.
Do not allow the limbs to subcool - wear gloves in cold weather. If any methods of dealing with the problem do not help, consult a doctor: dryness can also be a sign of eczema and other dermatological problems.
Dryness of the skin of hands and feet
Adult patients often complain that the skin on the heels and elbows becomes dry and rough. This is possible, because in these areas, the skin has a thicker layer of the cornea, so these places should be given more attention.
What to do, in addition to using emollient cream and other care products?
First of all, revise the diet - your diet should be enriched with fatty acids. It is necessary to eat fatty fish, avocado, homemade sour cream and milk.
Pick up a mild detergent or shower gel and gently wash, paying special attention to dry areas. After the shower, necessarily treat the skin with a moisturizer or lotion.
It is important to consider that the skin surfaces on the legs and hands can become dry and with some pathologies. It can be a manifestation of psoriasis - the palmar-plantar form of the disease, which is characterized by itching, dryness, and peeling of the skin. It can also be a symptom of dermatitis, in which both skin layers and sebaceous glands suffer. In these situations, most likely, complex therapy is required - which means that you need to see a doctor for advice and treatment.
Dryness of the skin of the fingers
When the skin becomes dry on the fingers - this is one of the symptoms of a lack of moisture in the outer layer of the epidermis. The epidermal tissue is an external horny layer, in which, as a rule, very little water is retained (no more than 20%). If the body is not sufficiently moistened, then the epidermal layer is more than other tissues, this moisture deficiency senses. As a result - inhibition of metabolic processes, slowing down the supply of tissues, dryness and dullness of the outer layers. Simultaneously, the condition of the nails can worsen.
In addition to dehydrating the skin, it becomes more vulnerable to various bacteria and microbes that can penetrate the cracks and cause various skin diseases.
Unfortunately, dryness of the fingers is a very frequent condition, the most common in patients in old age. Due to age-related changes, the skin requires regular strengthened care. Already in middle age, the use of protective equipment for the hands should become an everyday necessary ritual, as well as mandatory care for the body and skin on the face.
Dry skin and cracks in the hands
If the hands became dry, and the surface appeared small cracks and "hooks", then, in the first place, we can assume a deficiency of vitamin substances and a breakdown in the function of the sebaceous glands. What factors can provoke such a state:
- frequent hand washing, especially hot water with detergents;
- use of alkalis, aggressive cleaning and cleaning products without putting on protective gloves;
- metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland disorders);
- hypo-avitaminosis, lack of nutrition, long and strict diets, unbalanced diet;
- The influence of the environment (prolonged action of wind, frost air or ultraviolet radiation);
- natural age changes.
To fix the situation, it is important not only to choose effective cosmetic means for the care of hands. Among other things, you should make adjustments in food:
- use a lot of greens, fruits, berries, vegetables, natural products;
- pay attention to the sufficient content in the products of vitamins of group B, E, A and ascorbic acid;
- drink at least one and a half or two liters of water per day;
- avoid completely fat-free products.
In addition to diet, try to lead an active lifestyle: walk in the fresh air, avoid stressful situations, fully rest, give enough time to work, and sleep and rest.
Dry skin and redness
The appearance of both dryness and redness on the hands can be the result of different reasons.
- Illiterate care, or lack of care for the hands, can trigger not only redness and flaking, but also the appearance of vesicles and dermatitis. Remember that in the summer, hands require moisturizing, and in the cold period - food. Therefore, choose the means for care, depending on the need for skin. Do not neglect the gloves in the winter.
- The use of chemicals for washing dishes or washing without the use of gloves can also lead to the appearance of dry spots and stains on the hands. Do not be lazy, try to protect your hands from aggressive chemistry. After doing homework, always apply a softening cream on your hands.
- Allergic response of the body can manifest itself on the sun's rays, medicines, products, cosmetic preparations. In cases of allergies, in addition to redness and flaking, there may be pruritus. Ask your doctor: they will help you detect a provoking allergen, and then prescribe effective antihistamines.
- Dermatological problems can also be the cause of redness and dryness of the skin. This may indicate the development of psoriasis, dermatitis, depriving, eczema. In such cases, without the help of a dermatologist can not do.
Remember that skin problems are not always harmless: in some cases, it can be a serious illness.
Dryness of the skin of hands in children
In children, the outer layer of the epidermis can dry out for many reasons. Among such reasons are frequent water procedures, increased water hardness, early refusal of breastfeeding, maternal nutrition during pregnancy or in the lactation period, diseases of the digestive tract (in particular, the intestine), the use of unsuitable means for bathing,
It should not be forgotten that the child's skin surface is extremely thin and sensitive, so there is a reaction to absolutely any irritation. Even ordinary baby talc is able to dry the skin surface. In addition, the sebaceous glands in the smallest babies may not yet be sufficiently developed.
Do I need to treat the baby's excessively sensitive skin? As a rule, with time, when the function of the kid's glands comes back to normal, the condition of the skin surface is normalized independently. If this did not happen, consult a doctor: you may need to revise the diet, both the mother and the baby. In some cases, the doctor can recommend special baby creams or ointments.
Dryness of the skin of hands and face
Very often dehydrated skin cover at the same time on the hands and face. This phenomenon is especially common in women who actively adhere to various diets for weight loss. This situation is considered in two versions:
- The woman adheres to a very strict and strict dietary diet, in which the body suffers from a deficiency of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
- The patient uses specific drugs to get rid of extra pounds, which have, among other things, a diuretic and laxative property. Under the influence of such drugs, the body excretes not only the excess fluid, but also the liquid necessary for the body, resulting in dehydration of the tissues.
Given the possible reasons, in such cases, you can recommend drinking enough liquid (at least two liters), and also diversify your diet with all kinds of low-calorie vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries, sour-milk products and natural fresh juices. Strong tea and coffee is better to exclude - they have a diuretic effect and only increase the symptoms of dehydration of tissues.
Dryness of the skin between the fingers
When the skin dries out between the fingers, a number of reasons can be suspected. However, most of them are associated with the lack of care for hands (or improper care), with the general condition of the body, with living conditions and professional activity, with food. If a woman washing or washing dishes without gloves, then the remains of washing powder or detergent accumulate between the fingers, which subsequently appear as a dry skin.
Also, interdigital peeling may be a result of a lack of vitamins in the body (group B and A), as well as a symptom of a fungal infection.
What can be done to prevent the interdigital spaces from drying out?
- After washing their hands, they must be carefully dried, paying attention to the areas between the fingers.
- When washing or washing dishes, use rubber gloves.
- You can not leave your hands wet, and even more so, go out in this form on the street.
- It is not recommended in frosty weather to be without warm mittens.
- It is important to choose a suitable tool (cream or ointment) for hands and use it regularly.
Hands require care not less than skin on the face or on other parts of the body.
Severe dryness of the hands
Increased dryness can cause diseases of some internal organs, for example, liver, intestines, thyroid gland.
Disorders of the thyroid gland function are manifested by apathy, lethargy, constipation, dehydration of the skin and cold extremities. The thyroid gland is treated by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis.
Disorders of the intestinal tract also affect the skin condition, since intestinal problems impair absorption of vitally important nutrients and vitamins. A person can eat properly and even take vitamin and mineral complexes in addition, but there will be no result, since the necessary substances are not digested and leave the digestive tract in transit.
With liver diseases, patients often complain of symptoms such as pallor and dryness of the skin, heaviness in the hypochondrium to the right, loss of appetite, attacks of nausea. Hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver are serious diseases, and they are treated only by a specialist. However, before making any conclusions about the severe dryness of the skin, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.
Who to contact?
Treatment of dry skin of hands
Treatment of dehydration of surface layers should be treated, based on the underlying cause of this condition. For example, if the whole matter is in the absence of proper hand care, then it is necessary to provide it: to get a good cream, scrub, mask to restore the hydration of the skin, and use these funds regularly.
If a bad condition of the hands is caused by any pathology, you should consult a doctor and treat a specific disease, whether it is diabetes, dermatitis or enterocolitis.
It is possible to give general recommendations for solving the problem of dehydration of the skin surface:
- it is useful to include in the menu products that contain enough vitamins - it can be vegetables, cereals, nuts, greens, fruits;
- it is desirable to delete out of the diet sweets, chocolate, caffeine-containing drinks and fried foods;
- it is important to get rid of bad habits - do not smoke and do not take alcohol;
- it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day - clean, still, without additives;
- a good effect can be achieved by simple massage of hands and palms with the use of moisturizing cream - this favors the flow of oxygen and improves the trophism of tissues;
- in the winter, do not forget about maintaining the optimal humidity in the apartment, and that on the street should go out in gloves or gloves.
How to eliminate dry skin?
When dehydrating skin, do not use ordinary soap: try switching to cream soap, which includes a nutrient that softens the epidermis.
- After washing hands, do not forget to wipe them thoroughly with a soft towel.
- If you wash your hands in warm or hot water, complete the procedure with a cool rinse - this activates blood circulation in the surface tissues.
- Going out to the street, remember that your hands should be dry, and in the cold season - in mittens.
- After morning hygiene procedures, as well as at night do not forget to use moisturizing cream with glycerin.
- Going out on the street in the heat, use a cream with ultraviolet protection.
- All household chores associated with water and detergents are carried out in protective latex gloves.
- Not an unnecessary procedure will be the use of scrub - it helps eliminate dead skin scales epidermis.
- If you have the time, after applying the cream on your hands it is useful to wear cellophane gloves, for about half an hour.
Remedies for dry skin
To restore the water balance of the skin, alternative means can be tested. The most popular of them are masks and baths for hands.
Using Masks:
- 1 tbsp. L warm vegetable oil mixed with 1 tsp. Any cream and ½ tsp. Lemon juice. The mixture is mixed and distributed over the skin of hands, from above we put on gloves. We use this remedy at night, once a week;
- beat egg white, add 2 tbsp. L. Lemon juice, put on hands for about 15 minutes, then rinse with water and fix the effect of moisturizing cream;
- We put our hands in a warm oatmeal, seasoned with vegetable oil, for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wash my hands in warm water;
- separate the two yolks, mix with 2 tbsp. L. Natural honey and as much vegetable oil. Mix the mixture on the skin surface and wait for the mask to dry. After that, wash the mass with warm water.
Use of trays:
- we lower the brush in a warm infusion of chamomile color for about 20 minutes. To wash out infusion it is not necessary: simply enough to dry up arms or hand and to put on from above a humidifying or wetting cream;
- warm the milk whey to + 40 ° C, lower the brushes into it and wait about 20 min. After that, dry the hands;
- we lower the brush into the warm vegetable oil.
In the bath you can add and essential oils at your own discretion. Appropriate for the procedures oil of bergamot, mint, lavender, citrus, cloves.
Cream for dry skin
- Hydroactive-cream with a triple action (Hydro active) - a regenerating agent for sensitive skin of the hands, as well as to improve the condition of the nails. Protects the skin from harmful effects of detergents and cleaning agents.
- Cream "Velor" (Concern Kalina) - intensively moisturizes and protects hands, eliminates small scratches and cracks. Contains extract from chamomile, glycerin and vitamin F.
- Cream "Salon spa" moisturizing and smoothing, contains kelp, fucus and silk. It gives the skin surface a tone, removes peeling, eliminates lethargy, nourishes.
- Cream Doctor Sante "Gentle silk, nutrition" cares for sensitive and flaky skin, does not leave after causing an unpleasant feeling of stickiness or heaviness. It is a thoughtful combination of intense moisturizing substances and plant waxes.
- The cream "Home recipes - softening" contains peach butter and royal jelly. The combination of these ingredients relieves inflammation, inhibits the age processes, promotes retention of moisture in the surface layers.
- Cream Handson "Biocream-moisturizing" deeply moisturizes the outer covers. Contains plant extracts of plants of the angelica and medinitsa.
Ointment for dry skin of hands
- Ointment "Boro Plus" is a universal cosmetic ointment that eliminates the cause of inflammatory elements on the skin surface, deeply cleanses and optimizes local metabolism, restores the function of sebaceous glands.
- Ointment "Radevit" - a combined anti-inflammatory and restorative. It reduces itching, makes the skin softer and moisturizes it, supporting the protective function of the surface layer. Contains retinol, tocopherol and ergocalciferol (vitamins A, E and D).
- Ointment "Bepanten" 5% remedy based on provitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Provides for the restoration of skin, speeds up metabolic processes in tissues, strengthens collagen fibers, perfectly moisturizes. Helps with cracks, scratches, inflammatory elements, etc.
- Ointment "Neutrogenia" restores the protective layer, not allowing moisture to leave the epidermis. Intensively moisturizes, provides a sense of comfort, it is easy to apply and perfectly absorbed.
- Ointment can be prepared and independently: for this use a mixture of salicylic ointment and glycerin, or mix equal parts of ammonia, medical alcohol, glycerin and distilled water. This mixture is applied to the skin surface several times a day. The composition can be added essential oils or pharmacy capsules with extract from sprouted wheat.
Vitamins for dry skin
To restore the water balance and nourishment of the skin, it is important to replenish the vitamin supply in the body. This can be achieved by increasing the share of vegetables and fruits in the diet, or by starting to take multivitamin complex preparations. This will allow not only to put in order the skin, but also to strengthen the body as a whole. What drugs are suitable for the treatment of dry skin?
- Neurovitan is a complex preparation with vitamins of group B. It is taken by the course from 2 to 4 weeks. You can eat up to four tablets a day.
- Vitrum beauty - specially selected complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. With regular intake improves the condition of nails, hair and skin, stimulates metabolism and accelerates the excretion of toxic substances from the body. Usually take 1 tab. Up to 3 times a day.
- Alphabet cosmetics - a drug that combines all the necessary microelements and vitamins to resist hypovitaminosis and micronutrient deficiencies in the body. Take 3 tablets per day, with an interval of at least 4 hours.
- Supradin Rosh is a multivitamin complex that takes into account all the needs of the body for restoring the beauty and health of skin and mucous membranes. Duration of treatment - no less than a month. Dosage - one tablet once a day.
For today in a drugstore it is possible to get weight of agents which eliminate dryness of a skin of hands. But it should be remembered that the deterioration of the skin can happen for various reasons: consider this, choosing a cosmetic or therapeutic tool for the care of hands.