Dryness of the skin of the body
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Man is individual, but belonging to the same species makes us similar. The human skin is its protective shell, which protects from external negative factors. But there is another side - the aesthetic side. Agree, it's nice to look at a person who has healthy skin. But, as it is not unfortunate, not everyone can boast of such a skin. In this light, this part of the human body is divided into dry, oily, combined and normal. Each of them, except for the latter, has its drawbacks, which require special attention. Dryness of the skin of the body, and in this article it will be about this, brings a lot of uncomfortable moments to his master: both physical and psychological.
Causes of dry skin of the body
If the problem exists, therefore, there is also a source that provoked it. The causes of dryness of the skin of the body are diverse and include both trivial household and deeper internal transformations, one of the symptoms of which is a pathological abnormality in the state of the epidermis.
The source of the problem under consideration can be:
- Individual feature, genetic predisposition.
- Inadequate daily intake of liquid, which for an adult should be from one and a half to two liters. This amount of moisture not only allows to normalize the water - salt balance, but also safely remove from the body various toxins and other substances harmful to humans.
- Age changes in the body. Over the years, there is hormonal changes in the body, which invariably affects the sebaceous glands that regulate the water balance in the body. Especially this fact becomes visible after the transition face of the forty-year boundary.
- Inadequate food, excessive hobby for fast food products, goods that have carcinogens, dyes, stabilizers and other "yeshki".
- Hypoavitaminosis is a lack of vitamins and trace elements. More specifically vitamins A, E, C.
- Improper care of hands, body and face, which negatively affects the work of the sebaceous glands, which protect against excessive loss of moisture.
- Hormonal status at the stage of menopause.
- Frequent use of cosmetics on the basis of aggressive substances.
- Wearing poor-quality (synthetic) shoes and clothes, which can cause allergy and malfunction of heat exchange processes.
- Frequent visits to the pool with chlorinated water.
- Adverse climatic factors:
- Scorching sun.
- Strong gusty winds.
- Sharp temperature changes.
- Reduced humidity of atmospheric air.
- Side effect of taking certain medicines.
- The costs of professional activities. For example, work in the "hot shop".
- The presence of bad habits.
- Frequent washing, "washing away" protective fatty film, protecting the epidermis.
- The presence of bad habits.
- Negative effects of artificial heating or air conditioning in the premises.
- Carrying out some cosmetic procedures.
One of the following diseases can become a cause of the considered problem:
- Diseases affecting the human nervous system.
- Atopic dermatitis.
- Neurodermatitis.
- Seborrhea.
- Hypothyroidism is a deficiency of hormones in the thyroid gland.
- Eczema.
- Lupus erythematosus.
- Psoriasis.
- Ichthyosis.
- Xerosis.
- Pink lichen.
- And others.
- Diabetes.
- Metabolic disease.
- Failures in the work of the digestive tract.
- Manifestation of an allergic reaction.
- Scarlet fever.
- Venereal and other infectious diseases.
- Perhaps this symptom is caused by an oncological problem.
Dry skin and itching
Dehydration of the epidermis brings many unpleasant minutes, it is also one of the causes of early skin aging. The protective layer of cells loses its elasticity and elasticity, wrinkles begin to form on their surface, eventually more and more contouring.
The first wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes - in a place with the most delicate and sensitive skin.
It is the level of hydration that determines the degree of elasticity and elasticity, as well as nutrition of the dermis cells.
If there is dry skin and itching, then this symptom does not always mean the presence in the body of any disease. Severe drying and the desire to scratch a certain area of the skin can be the result of frequent washing or hand washing with low quality soap, with a high degree of alkalinity. A similar result can be obtained in the case of too dry air in a room where people spend the maximum amount of time. For example, this often occurs during the heating season. And as a result - dehydration of the body, a malfunction in the work of sebaceous and sweat glands.
To change for the better the given situation it is possible additional artificial humidification of air in a room, change of cosmetic means for washing and a make up.
If the source of itching and dehydration is one of the diseases, it is necessary to conduct a course of treatment of the source, as well as to choose the right care for the corresponding skin. These are shower gels, lotions, oils, tonics, moisturizing and nourishing creams. This question will help to solve the consultation of a cosmetologist. If after a change of makeup the problem remains unresolved, it becomes necessary to consult a dermatologist, who will determine the cause or give directions to another highly specialized doctor: neuropathologist, gastroenterologist.
Peeling and dry skin of the body
The process of exfoliation is the increased formation of dead cells of the epidermis. Such a process occurs due to violations affecting the procedure for keratinization and rejection of the elements of the dermis. Peeling and dry skin of the body - these two symptoms often go hand in hand in many diseases.
Such a reaction of the body the patient can receive due to the presence of one of the diseases of a dermatological, infectious nature. With this symptomatology, consultations of such specialists may be needed: dermatologist, infectiologist, oncologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, surgeon, allergist.
Dry skin of the body in winter
With the arrival of the cold season, especially in our latitudes, many people are beginning to notice the deterioration of their skin. The dermis becomes dry, the stiffness is felt, there is another symptomatology: itching, dandruff, dermis is coarsening, becoming rough. Dryness of the skin of the body in winter - this factor is sufficiently explainable. The onset of cold weather brings with it gusty, harsh winds, considerable temperature changes, and a lack of moisture. All these negative factors have destructive effect on the lipid layer, which is the protective barrier of the organism, responsible for preventing bacterial invasion, maintaining a natural moisture level. Hydrolipid film - a balanced combination of produced sweat, moisture and sebum.
At the same time, the stocks of vitamins are gradually depleted, and their quantitative replenishment decreases, which leads to a weakening of the immune system, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and, consequently, the human body becomes more vulnerable to pathological invasion and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
When the heating is turned on, this process is only aggravated. If you do not take appropriate measures, the dermis quickly begins to lose fluid, the aging process of the cell is aggravated, the keratinization and rejection of cells that accumulate on the surface become more active. Over time, small cracks begin to form on the surface of the dermis, which are the "gates" for pathogenic microflora and infection.
Therefore, in the heating season, it is very important not only to moisturize your skin, but also to do everything to keep moisture, normally having experienced this difficult time period.
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How to get rid of dryness of the skin of the body?
Techniques to moisturize the skin are different and largely determined by the elimination of the source - the catalyst problem. If the cause is a specific disease, then the treatment of dryness of the skin of the body includes all the necessary measures that are able to stop the pathology, and hence remove the accompanying symptomatology.
If the reason is different, then it is necessary to take measures to protect the skin from the negative influence of external stimuli, which can be eliminated on their own.
- It is necessary to keep the skin clean, and you should not overdo it with the amount of washing and taking baths and showers. Cosmetic products for washing should be of high quality and correspond to the type of skin.
- Use only high-quality, unexpired cosmetics.
- In winter it is necessary to use protective creams.
- In everyday life, prefer clothes and shoes made of natural materials. This will protect against the appearance of allergic reactions to artificial material and protect against the occurrence of thermal overheating of the skin.
It is necessary to learn how to properly care for your skin.
- Skin covers of this type should be cleaned twice a day: morning and evening. In this case, give preference not to alcohol lotions, but, for example, thermal waters.
- Especially it is necessary to pay attention, that in the morning time it is not necessary to use means which remove from the surface of the dermis hydrolyside film. In this situation, a person loses protection when leaving home. Most gels and foams for washing, when cleaning, destroy this layer. Therefore, it is better to use them in the evening, because during the night this barrier will have time to recover.
- Do not take too hot baths, if possible, go to the soul. They are more useful to our body.
- After the bath, the body must be dried with soft, soaking, movements. The towel should be soft, not hard, and made of natural materials.
- The procedure for moisturizing should be done in the evening before bedtime. If moisturizing cream is applied in the morning, before going out onto the street, then the probability of its crystallization is high. And instead of protecting, the skin can get negative consequences.
- Use of nourishing creams and masks that provide air and moisture exchange should be applied in the morning, before going out to the street, and having a heavy texture should be reserved for the cold season.
- Several times a week it is necessary to enrich the layers of the epidermis with masks containing natural products: minerals and vitamins.
- Cosmetological methods of cleaning and nutrition should be used with the same frequency, but it is desirable to do it in specialized institutions and with an experienced skilled master. After all, deviation from the requirements of these procedures can only harm the skin, make an infection. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas.
- Do not forget about the diet and the balance of the diet. It is worth remembering, what we eat reflects on our skin. Food should be full, rich in substances useful to the body.
Quite actively and efficiently work in this direction and alternative medicine, which is cheap and easy to produce at home, but they are in many ways inferior to the products of cosmetology firms.
- The mask of egg yolks has proved to be very good. In a blender, grind 5 g oat flakes, then add 20 ml of vegetable oil (any) and one fresh yolk. Make up the ingredients of the cosmetic agent well. The mask is applied to the body in a small layer and is kept for a quarter of an hour. After completion, the nutritious gruel is washed off with warm water.
- For washing, the tincture of the string, which is prepared from a tablespoon of grass and a glass of boiling water, is perfect, which must be insisted for a quarter of an hour, previously wrapped.
- High cleansing effect shows home scrub, which helps to open the pores and rid the surface of dead cells, which is beneficial for the enrichment of the body with nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It should be immediately warned that this procedure is carried out infrequently and very carefully. To get a scrub, you need 20 grams of fatty cottage cheese (it's better to take the most fatty, bazaar milk from which you did not collect cream) and 40 g of coffee brew. These two ingredients are mixed and applied to the surface of the body with a small layer, massaging movements. Enough 15 to 30 minutes for the dermis to be cleaned and fed. After the procedure, take a warm shower.
- You can get at home and a wonderful nourishing cream, which effectively removes dryness of the skin of the body. To prepare it, you must first prepare a decoction: two tablespoons of chamomile medicinal (about 20 g) pour half a cup of boiling water and stand for 15 minutes in a water bath. After that, the broth is decanted and 5 ml of glycerin and 5 g of natural honey are introduced into the resulting liquid. Mix all ingredients until smooth. The first half of the cosmetic is ready.
For the second, melt 20 ml of butter and enter: one egg yolk, camphor oil (5 ml), vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 20 ml. Mix well and combine with the ingredients of the first half. You can use a mixer. Put the cream in a comfortable container.
If you choose cosmetics yourself, you can not nourish and moisturize, you should consult a professional dermatologist or a cosmetologist.
If the cause of unaesthetic skin is a disease, then the specialist can not do without the intervention. Only he is able to determine the cause of the pathology and paint a treatment that allows you to get rid of the problem.
If it is a fungal disease, the infectious disease specialist will treat, but at the same time it is necessary to sharpen your focus on the disinfection of common areas, for example, a bathroom and a toilet.
Remedies for dry skin of the body
Modern cosmetology and medicine are able to offer their patients numerous and diverse means from the dryness of the skin of the body. You just do not get confused in this "sea" of products and pick up the one that is suitable for the skin of a man the most. After all, our veil is individual and in the presence of several similar means, their degree of influence on the dermis can be different.
Today's cosmetology and pharmacological market is able to offer various forms and pharmacodynamic characteristics of the products. This and all kinds of scrubs, soaps, flavored oils, concentrated vitamin-mineral complexes, shower and wash gels, moisturizing and nourishing creams and masks, and other related products.
In the composition of funds that are used to eliminate the cause of dryness of the skin of the body, it is mandatory to introduce humectants (hydrates) - substances that, when applied to the skin, draw moisture to themselves. By the method of action and structure, these chemical compounds are carried to hygroscopic and film-forming.
Film-forming humectants are represented by such natural substances: mineral oil, fats, natural origin, beeswax, glycerin and others. When applied to the skin, they form a waterproof layer on the surface that effectively retains the liquid, preventing its evaporation.
A special place from the substances of this group is glycerin. As recent studies by American scientists show, it not only prevents dehydration, but also contributes to the activation of the ripening procedure for the young dermis cage. The renewed and young cell stabilizes the water-salt balance, preventing dryness of the skin of the body.
The six-atom alcohol-sorbitol belonging to film-forming hydratants has hygroscopic characteristics that allow not only moisturizing the skin but also making it supple, elastic and velvety.
Another representative of this group - linolenic acid, when applied to the epidermis, not only forms a hydrophilic layer, but also regulates the level of its lipid barrier permeability, thereby controlling the degree of local immunity.
To the category of hygroscopic humectants are such substances: collagen, lactic, pyrrolidonecarboxylic and hyaluronic acids, as well as urea. These compounds are in many ways analogous to skin components. They effectively retain moisture in the skin and subcutaneous layers, thereby protecting the epidermis from dehydration.
Substances of this group have the opportunity to normalize and maintain the necessary degree of natural moisturizing factor (NMF).
The highest level of hygroscopicity is hyaluronic acid. The gram of this substance is able to "turn" into a gel about a liter of a liquid substance, in this case water. It is this product, thanks to its unique properties, today widely used in medicine, cosmetology, the cosmic industry and in many other areas of human life. To date, this product is mainly derived from the skin of sharks and scallop roosters.
Natural collagen is able to bind such volumes of liquid, which by weight is 30 times greater than its own. Being present in the cellular and intercellular region of the dermis, they easily retain water, not allowing dryness.
Based on the above mentioned facts, when choosing a cosmetic remedy, it is necessary to pay attention to their composition. In the case of dry skin, these ingredients must be present in the make-up cosmetics purchased.
The best solution to the problem is to select an individual program for caring for your body. It should include not only cleansing, moisturizing and nurturing measures. It must necessarily include proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, a favorable emotional mood.
Experts in dermatology and cosmetology can help in solving this situation, after assessing the level of dehydration of the epidermis and taking into account the age of the patient, his individual characteristics of the body, the time of year. Thanks to joint efforts, you can achieve the desired result by acquiring a healthy natural appearance, thereby prolonging youth.
Vitamins from dry skin of the body
One of the reasons for this problem is gipavitaminosis - a lack of one or many vitamins in the human body. A number of them are simply necessary to maintain the normal state of the skin, allowing you to preserve its protective functions. Such vitamins from dryness of the skin of the body also exist and include vitamins B, C, A and E.
Most of the required amount of these substances a person receives with food, but the nutrition of modern people is not always balanced and requires additional input in the form of multivitamin complexes or other means, for example, as a local "delivery" with cream or other cosmetic techniques.
The basic for a healthy kind of epidermis is ascorbic acid or as it is also called - vitamin C. This substance plays an important role in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which in turn make our skin supple, elastic and velvety. Its deficiency leads to dehydration, skin dryness, epithelial scales more actively die, provoking an increased peeling of the cover. Lack of ascorbic acid can be replenished with berries of black currant, garlic, cabbage, citrus, onions, apples, sweet pepper, liver, tomatoes and other products.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) has no less influence. His tandem with vitamin A (retinol) has quite high antioxidant characteristics. Tocopherol is abundant in eggs, butter and vegetable oil, milk, carrots, various nuts, sprouted wheat grains.
For a long time already, and not without reason, retinol is called a vitamin of beauty. After all, its deficiency in the body immediately becomes visible on the condition of the hair, nails and skin of a person. The epidermis loses its moisture, elasticity and elasticity, it appears peeling and itching. This vitamin can not be restored simply by eating a vitamin, it should be cumulated in the body. Therefore, products that contain retinol as much as possible should necessarily be present on the table of any person daily. These are asparagus, dairy products, butter, cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkin, apricots, peas, peaches.
Not the least role in the health of the skin and its high level of protective forces play the vitamins of group B. Their biophysical properties are responsible for the level of assimilation of light and complex carbohydrates and fat structures entering the body with food. B group vitamins also affect the cleavage and synthesis of amino acids, which are a kind of building material of many cellular structures, including the dermis. You can get the substances of this group from bakery products cooked on a coarse flour, cereals from various groats. A lot of them in meat and seafood, vegetables and fruits. Substances of this group have high water solubility, which is not always good for effective assimilation, but allows them to be easily excreted from the body. Therefore, it is desirable to maintain an adequate amount of them and a complex of vitamins.
Cream for dry skin
Perhaps, not to do, in solving the situation, and without another cosmetic. But the cream from the dryness of the skin of the body must meet certain requirements:
- From the care of this type of skin, funds should be left on the basis of alcohol, peeling and scrub on the basis of rough structures. Otherwise, the skin can bring only additional discomfort and irritation. Such procedures are conducted no more than once a week.
- Creams for this type of epithelium should be made on the basis of one of the nutritious aromatic oils, while its composition should not include fragrances. Ideally, such a cosmetic product can be made on the basis of natural ingredients. This product will be more useful for the skin, because it lacks preservatives, only to store a home cream will have to be in the refrigerator.
There are many creams that meet these requirements. But if the family has children, and they inherited from one or both parents a dry type of skin, then it is undesirable to use adult cosmetics. For this, there are cosmetology products that have been developed taking into account sensitive baby skin, but they will be just as effective for an adult.
It should be noted nourishing children's cream. For example, Weleda with calendula. This product is made up of natural ingredients, perfectly softens the skin, removes peeling and itching.
Another - Swiss Nature Baby - it has a soft protective effect. The composition of the cream is natural:
- Jojoba oil helps moisturize the dermis.
- Aroma butter shi fills it with nutrients and increases its anti-cold protective qualities.
- Chamomile extract relieves irritation.
- Edelweiss extract activates local immune defense.
- Extract of violet trichrome heals wounds and stops inflammation.
This cream can be used in the morning, applying before going out to the street, and before going to bed, after taking a shower.
Children's cream "Mashenka", which also includes natural ingredients: eucalyptus oil, celandine extract, lavender oil. This cosmetic product has a pleasant texture and is easily applied to the skin, effectively nourishing, protecting and moisturizing the skin of both an adult and a child. Does not contain dyes. How strange it sounds, but in this situation, the medicinal product that actively influences the processes of tissue metabolism - panthenol, behaves well. This pharmacological drug stimulates healing with damage to the dermis, which invariably affects the establishment of a reliable barrier in the process of protection from excessive loss of moisture.
This tool can be used as a spray, and cream, which has another name - beepantene. Active active substance panthenol is easily applied to the skin and perfectly moisturizes it. One caveat - to use this tool should be done locally, without applying to the entire body.
Wishing to try to make a cream for dry skin at home, we want to offer several recipes. Preparation of these cosmetics will not take much time, but the landlady will know the composition of the cream exactly, which will avoid allergic reactions (negative additives) and reduce the cost of the product, while the quality of such a product is not inferior to those that were produced by cosmetology companies.
- Nourishing home cream
- Calendula oil - half teaspoon
- Coconut essential oil - half a teaspoon
- Sesame essential oil - teaspoon
- Cocoa butter (solid) - 40 g
- Beeswax - 8 g
- Chamomile essential oil - half teaspoon
Cacao butter and beeswax in a water bath is liquid. These components are thoroughly mixed with a special medical mixer or a regular glass stick, then put it in a cool place, so that the mixture cools down then warm or at room temperature.
Only after this should be carefully in turn to introduce essential oils. All the mix well. This composition is most effective after application of water procedures: bath or shower.
- Moisturizing home cream
- Cucumber - one
- Water - 40 ml
- Almond essential oil - 40 ml
- Beeswax - 5 g
Cucumber to peel and crush in any convenient way into a large-pulp gruel. Water and essential oil to heat. In a water-oil mixture, add two tablespoons of cucumber mixture. In a water bath, for half an hour, this composition should be heated on a small flame, after which it should be beaten with a mixer. Keep refrigerated.
You can also note the line of the company Garnier. Creams intensive care in its composition are represented by natural essential oils of various berries and fruits. Creams of this line work perfectly for moisturizing and nourishing dry skin. The maximum therapeutic effect can be observed with regular application.
Bioderma Atoderm - this cream can be used not only to prevent dehydration of the dermis and increase its protective qualities, but also in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and to maintain the skin in its proper form during the period of remission.
You can also note the body cream Lash. A wonderful cosmetic product, effectively moisturizing the skin with the type of epidermis under consideration, covering it with a protective lipid layer. This product is developed and created on the basis of natural oils. But this cosmetic product is still not recommended for use to moisturize the sensitive skin of a child's body.
If you inherited from your parents you got a dry type of skin, or in the process of life, this factor was acquired, you should not immediately get upset. The modern cosmetology market is ready to offer a wide range of diverse means, ready to come to the rescue, eliminating the dryness of the skin of the body. The main task of this cosmetics is to create or maintain the integrity of the hydrolysed film. After all, it is the barrier that prevents an increased loss of moisture, leading to the symptoms of dry dermis. If you can not solve the problem yourself, you should contact a specialist who will give recommendations and, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body, help you choose the most effective means of care.