Dehydrated burp
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Causes of rotten belching
If out of the mouth comes stench - it already says that in the body there was a pathological change. And in order to eliminate the consequences, it is necessary to determine the causes of the rotten belch. And they are vast.
- Pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas.
- Hypoacid gastritis. In the acidic environment of a healthy stomach, rotting of the protein food enzyme is impossible, but this is quite natural at its reduced acid level. Such a situation can be created against the backdrop of inflammatory processes in the inner layer of the walls of the stomach. Their prolonged course atrophies its ability to produce gastric secretion. And as a consequence - reduced acidity, the course of decay processes.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Half-digested food in conjunction with gastric secretion, due to dysfunction of the shut-off valve, is recycled back into the esophagus, irritating its mucous membrane.
- Diabetes. Pathology caused by increased indications of sugar (glucose) in blood plasma.
- Duodenogastric reflux. The situation is identical, but the product of the stomach is not thrown, but the contents of the duodenum, which is the fraction of enzymes (various biologically active elements), partially digested food and bile. The mixture is thrown into the stomach. The foreign composition injures and irritates its walls.
- Viral hepatitis A (jaundice). This severe infectious liver pathology, leading to disruption in the digestive tract.
- Herniated apertures of the esophagus (diaphragmatic hernia). This disease occurs when a portion of the esophagus located in the peritoneum is displaced through the opening into the sternum cavity.
- Reduced motor function of the stomach and intestines, which entails stagnation.
- Ulcers on the stomach and duodenal mucosa atrophy the mucous, forming stagnant phenomena, where the digested food begins to partially rot.
- Difficulty or complete lack of promotion of products of processing the body through the intestines.
- Gallstone disease (formation in the gallbladder of sand and stones).
- Cancerous growths of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Cholecystitis. Primary or chronic inflammatory process in the gallbladder.
- Postcholecystectomy syndrome. Complication arising after resection of the gallbladder.
Symptoms of rotten belching
A healthy person periodically also has a belch. But it is more associated with eating habits (rapid ingestion of food, consumption of carbonated drinks, etc.), but it does not cause any special discomfort.
A faint belch is a symptomatology that shows the processes of fermentation or putrefactive manifestations of the pathology of the stomach and intestines. Depending on the location of the lesion, the eructation is accompanied by another symptomatology:
- Flatulence. Increased gas separation and bloating.
- Painful sensations giving off when moving in the hypochondrium and lateral areas.
- Spasmitis of the intestine.
- Nausea, vomitive reflexes and even profuse vomiting.
- Problems with bowel movements: diarrhea, constipation, stool with blood (depending on the disease).
- Feeling of bursting and a stone in the stomach.
- Unhealthy plaque on the surface of the tongue.
- Decreased motor activity in case of complications.
It is necessary in time to see a doctor, go through the necessary examination and establish a diagnosis. Only after that the expert can paint an effective treatment.
Burp with rotten eggs
This non-medical expression has long been a part of the medical profession. Eating belly eggs characterizes the processes of fermentation (protein breakdown) in the stomach and intestines, with the release of hydrogen sulfide. With an eructation, this gas together with the vomitic masses is thrown into the esophagus or stomach and from there returns to the oral cavity, which gives an unpleasant odor from the mouth. The name of this process is due to associations with the rotten egg, because when it is damaged, the process of protein breakdown also takes place, which has an element such as sulfur in its composition. By means of complex biochemical processes, hydrogen sulfide forms. Similar reactions are observed when the gastrointestinal tract is malfunctioning.
Formed in the stomach, gas requires withdrawal. Eating a rotten egg is the body's response to a systemic failure and stagnant processes in it.
Dehydrated eructations and diarrhea
Such unpleasant phenomena as rotten belch and diarrhea speak about obvious problems arising at work of an organism. Pathology can be insignificant, and is associated with the consumption of fatty, spicy, smoked food. Also it is necessary to correct a diet to clean such symptomatology. But the causes of eructation in combination with diarrhea can be much more serious, especially if such symptoms do not go away after a day. This is a direct indication for immediate medical attention. Do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate an already difficult situation. Adequate treatment in any case can be prescribed only by a specialist after diagnosis.
- Hypoacid gastritis. Inflammatory diseases of the mucosa, accompanied by a decreased function of secretion (reduced acidity in the stomach).
- Food poisoning (canned food, fruit-treated fruits).
- Development of salmonellosis.
- The gall bladder failed, the outflow of bile was disturbed.
- Lamblias. This parasite can enter the intestine of a person with unwashed fruit and hands, as well as with the use of raw water. It settles in the intestines, affecting the digestive system.
- Violation of the enzymatic work. Imbalance of biologically active substances.
- Dysfunction of intestinal peristalsis.
- Dysbacteriosis. This pathology can arise from malnutrition or large doses of antibiotics, since the drug does not distinguish between "good" and "bad" bacteria.
- Eating specific foods.
- Such a symptomatology can indicate violations in the liver and pancreas.
Therefore, do not postpone the trip to the doctor, and in case of acute manifestation of symptoms, it is better to call emergency medical care at home.
A bad belch in the child
Belching in small people is a completely natural process, associated with physiological phenomena and the nature of nutrition. The child is emotional and in the process of nutrition is able, together with food, to swallow and portions of air, which also tend to exit. But if there is a stale eructation, it is worth to sound an alarm - this is a clear sign of a malfunction in the digestive system.
If the baby has an unpleasant smell from the mouth after taking a certain food and eventually passes, then you should not worry. This is a natural process in the still fragile child organism. But if the unpleasant smell is observed constantly and is not connected with the reception of products, it is worthwhile to seek advice from a pediatrician. Most often this symptomatology indicates inflammation of the caecal mucosa, gall bladder, stomach or liver diseases.
To save the baby from bad breath, it is worth reviewing his diet, after consulting with a child nutritionist or pediatrician. If the problem does not go away, a medical examination can not be avoided. Only after that the doctor will be able to paint an adequate treatment. And after its passage, having eliminated the reasons for the appearance of a child with a bad belch, you can get a healthy, clean breath from your baby.
But do not risk your child's health by prescribing treatment yourself.
Burning belching during pregnancy
As the fetus grows, the future mother's womb gathers volumes and mass. This increases the pressure on nearby internal organs, including the digestive tract. This is the cause of eructations in the pregnant woman at late gestation, which is natural and does not break out of the norm. But if a woman has a persistent rotten belch in pregnancy, then it is worth notifying the obstetrician - a gynecologist who is watching pregnancy. Since such a nuisance can talk about exacerbation of chronic diseases of the abdominal cavity.
Still, it is necessary to revise your food first: remove fatty, smoked and spicy foods, muffins and sweets. Maybe this will be enough to get rid of this problem - perhaps it is the reaction of the body to a specific product. Otherwise, a woman needs to undergo a test using techniques that are unable to harm the nascent life, and to determine the cause. Only after diagnosis, the doctor will adjust the diet and prescribe, if possible, gentle treatment.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis of rotten belch
If the unpleasant symptomatology is constant and does not pass even with a change of diet, it is necessary to establish the cause of the deviation. Diagnosis of rotten burp includes the following:
Patient Complaints Analysis: o
- How long ago a man suffers from this ailment.
- Is the occurrence of this symptom associated with food intake and specific foods.
- Duration of discomfort.
- Clarification of anamnesis of the patient.
Does the patient have pathological abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract:
- cholecystitis
- ulcers on the mucosa.
- gastritis.
- colitis.
- and others.
Use of laboratory methods:
- Clinical examination of blood.
- Test feces. Coprogram. It allows to differentiate in fecal secretions, fragments of undigested food, coarse fibers and fats.
- Biochemical treatment of plasma.
- Analysis of fecal masses for the presence of blood secretions (with suspicion of inflammatory processes in the intestine).
Other diagnostic methods:
- Gastroscopy (esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EHDS) - viewing the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenal mucosa The procedure is performed using a special medical device - a gastroscopy introduced into the stomach through the oral cavity and esophagus). Sample for a biopsy is mandatory.
- Irrigoscopy.
- Sounding. The diagnostic procedure is that the contents of the stomach and / or duodenum are sucked off using a probe. Conduct a study, establish the level of acidity of secrets. If the acidity of the stomach is below 2.0, a significant amount of altered material is observed - this is an indicator of pathological changes in the organ.
- Ultrasound (ultrasound) of the internal organs of the peritoneum. Revealing of tumor neoplasms.
- Radiography and radioisotope diagnostics.
- Analysis of the contents of the stomach for the presence of pathogenic microflora, affecting the wall of the digestive tract, especially the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.
- If necessary, additional studies or consultations of specialists are carried out.
Treatment of rotten belch
If the attacks of eructation are episodic and do not cause a person long discomfort, such a situation does not require treatment. If the attacks occur often and last more than an hour, continue for several days - this is an occasion to consult a doctor for advice and passing the diagnosis.
The treatment of rotten belching is the treatment of the disease that is the cause of its appearance and whose symptomatology it is. But you can take urgent non-drug measures (although this does not mean that you should ignore a doctor's visit).
- It is desirable to have a rest on a highly raised pillow, so it will be more difficult for the body to cast fermentation products into the esophagus.
- After eating, practice the promenade for half an hour - an hour.
- Do not wear tight clothes, belt on the belt should not be tightened.
- When diagnosing any disease, the corrective diet will not interfere. It is necessary to bring your diet into a balanced state, to exclude from food products that are prone to fermentation. The intake of food must be fractional.
- During sports, remove exercises that work to load the muscles of the abdominals, so as not to provoke attacks.
- To lead a healthy lifestyle: smoking and alcohol can also become provocateurs of this symptom.
Depending on the diagnosis, the treatment course can last from several days to several weeks and months. The effectiveness of the result depends on the patient's body and on the level of the doctor's qualification.
Can be prescribed drugs that can reduce the frequency of seizures, remove the unpleasant odor:
- Activated carbon. Usually the dosage of the drug is approximately 1 tablet per ten kilograms of the patient's weight. Reception is conducted one-time. To increase its absorption capacity, it is better not to swallow tablets, but to crush and dilute in water. Take the solution obtained. If there is no time to prepare the mixture, then you can well experience the drug in your mouth and drink it with water.
Do not take the drug in the acute form of gastrointestinal ulcers, if there is a suspicion of bleeding in the abdominal cavity. Activated carbon does not divide into useful and harmful elements, absorbing both. Proceeding from this, it is not necessary to take it together with vitamins, antibiotics and hormones.
Smecta. According to the instruction, adults can take this drug one packet (3 g) three times a day. Breastfed for up to a year - one packet per day. To children from one year to two - on a bag one - two times a day. Children older than two years - one package two - three times a day.
Contraindications are practically absent. It can be noted only individual intolerance to the drug and intestinal obstruction. Of the side effects, the appearance of constipation is rarely noted.
- Antibacterials of a wide spectrum of action:
Ospamox. The dosage and method of administration depends on the diagnosis and the degree of its severity. The drug can be taken internally with a whole tablet, if desired, chew, crush tablets or dilute with water, taking a ready-made solution. The intake of the medicine does not depend on the time of consumption of food.
For children over 10 years old weighing more than 40 kg and adults, the starting dosage is equivalent to 500 mg three times a day, in severe pathologies, the dose is raised to 750 mg - 1 g. Babies are prescribed as a suspension three times a day:
- age from 5 to 10 years - 250 mg.
- from two to five - 125 mg.
- up to two years - 20 mg per one kilogram of the weight of the baby.
The duration of the treatment course is up to 12 days.
Do not recommend prescribing the drug to patients suffering from hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, including penicillin drugs, as well as acute infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
Levomycetin. Doctors recommend to drink a medicine half an hour before a meal. If there is nausea and attacks of vomiting, it is better to take the reception for an hour after eating. Single adult dosage is 250 - 500 mg. The daily amount is 2g, if necessary, under the constant supervision of the doctor, it can be brought up to 4 g. A day is spent three to four times.
For babies up to three years, a single dosage is 10-15 mg per kilogram of a baby's weight. For children from three to eight years from 150 to 200 mg. Children older than eight - 200 - 300 mg. Reception is conducted three to four times a day
The duration of the course is from one week to two.
- Individual intolerance.
- Violation of the process of hematopoiesis.
- Porphyria of different stages.
- Dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.
- Eczema, especially wet.
- Fungal lesions of skin surfaces.
- Psoriasis.
But you do not need to prescribe drugs yourself, in order not to aggravate the situation.
What to do with a bad belch?
If the eructation is very rare and the discomfort associated with it is rapid enough, there is no need to take any measures. In this case, the question: "What to do with a loose belch?" You can answer: "Nothing!" But if this process is permanent and does not go on for a long time, then only the qualified medical worker is able to respond to the above question and then only after the diagnostics.
When gastritis manifestations are often prescribed:
Maalox. It is recommended to drink a medicine on one - two tablets after one - one and a half hours after eating. Tablets are better for dissolving or chewing.
If the drug is used in the form of a suspension, the dosage is 15 ml (one sachet or one tablespoon). Before use, mix well or shake well.
With prolonged admission, side effects may occur: phosphorus deficiency may occur. It is not recommended to use the drug in case of severe kidney dysfunction. Phosphalugel. The instruction recommends the use of the drug in an un-diluted form. Wash down with a small amount of liquid (preferably water). The required dosage is one to two packages, two to three sets per day. The effective time of reception is half an hour before meals.
In case of reflux:
Domperedon. The drug is prescribed:
Adults: - 0.01 g three - four sets a day before meals. In case of medical necessity, the dosage rises to 0.02 g with the same number of approaches.
Babies with a body weight of 20 -30 kg - 0.5 tablets twice a day.
Children with a weight of more than 30 kg - a pill twice a day. You can apply 1% solution of the drug at the rate of one drop per kilogram of weight three - four approaches a day. Meanwhile, 2.5 mg of domperedone can be flowed in the form of a suspension per 10 kg of weight orally. Three times a day. In case of medical necessity, the dosage is doubled.
Contraindications include:
- Perforation (through hole) in the wall of the stomach or intestine.
- Bleeding of the digestive tract.
- Hypersensitivity to the drug.
- Intestinal obstruction.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Small children weighing less than 20 kg.
In case of lesions of mucous erosions: Omeprazole.
In the case of reflux esophagitis or ulcerative lesions, the instruction to the drug recommends a dosage of 20 mg taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Capsule is drunk once, swallowing whole and squeezed with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is two weeks. In case the disease is not stopped during this period, usually the healing then proceeds on maintenance therapy.
If there is a poor degree of healing of ulcers, the dosage of omeprazole is increased to 40 mg daily, taking once. The healing usually occurs within a month. For prevention and maintenance therapy, the patient is prescribed a one-time daily amount of 10 mg of the drug. In case of medical necessity, the amount of the medicine can be increased to 20-40 mg once a day. The duration of preventive treatment is four weeks.
In the case of Helicobacter pylori infection of the mucous membrane, daily intake refers to a figure of 40 to 80 mg of the drug taken together with a drug such as amoxicillin in a dosage of 1.5-3 g. The dose is divided several times. Duration of treatment is two weeks. If during this time there was no complete healing, the course of therapy is extended for another two weeks. Adverse events with the use of this drug are rare, but they happen and their list is extensive. These are headaches, and insomnia or vice versa drowsiness, a taste disorder, minor pain in the abdomen and others.
Contraindications for the use of omeprazole include pregnancy and breastfeeding.
When pancreatitis is prescribed:
Mezim. The method of application is simple enough: shortly before a meal, drink one or two tablets (for adults). There are practically no side effects, diarrhea (diarrhea) may be a rare exception. Take this medication is not recommended for patients suffering from hepatitis, intestinal obstruction, mechanical jaundice, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the medication. Pancreatin. This medicine is taken individually with food, washed down with a small amount of water. The average daily dosage for adults is recommended in the range of 6 to 18 pieces. One-time you can take two to four tablets. If there is complete insufficiency of pancreatic secretion, the dosage can be increased (at the discretion of the attending physician).
The duration of the course is quite individual and ranges from days to months, in rare cases even years.
Babies six - nine years are prescribed one - two tablets with food.
To teenagers of 10-14 years - on two tablets together with nutrition.
The medication is administered only under the supervision of a doctor.
Pancreatin is contraindicated in chronic pancreatitis during the acute phase of the disease and in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Festal. Take the medicine inside without chewing. The starting dosage is one to two dragees three times throughout the day. In case of medical necessity, only the doctor appoints a higher dose individually. Before carrying out some studies (radiology, ultrasound), the patient drank two tablets two to three times a day, two days before the planned procedure. For children, the amount of the drug is determined by the doctor.
- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
- Diarrhea or penchant for it.
- Exacerbation of chronic or usual pancreatitis.
- Intestinal obstruction.
- Liver dysfunction.
- Mechanical jaundice.
- Hepatitis.
- Stones and sand in the gallbladder.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Children under the age of three.
If rotten belch is not associated with serious pathology, then the question: "What to do with a bad belch?" Alternative medicine can respond.
- It is necessary to remove beer from use, replacing it with chamomile decoctions. Such teas perfectly remove inflammatory processes and pain symptoms.
- Perfectly suitable and decoctions of dill, anise and fennel. They are able to relieve the sufferer and from flatulence, and completely or partially stop burping.
- Use yarrows, because it is not in vain called gastric grass. Its decoctions are also used as an anti-inflammatory drug in case of constipation, with diarrhea.
- Juice of carrots will help to overcome this unpleasant sign. If there is heartburn along with it, it is worth adding potato juice or a bit of potato starch.
- A solution of soda helps a lot with increased acidity. This does not mean that he cures the cause, no. Soda solution will help to stop the attack, bringing relief.
But it is still important to know the cause of this symptom. When you know the enemy, it's easier to fight with him.
Prevention of rotten belching
If you do not have such problems, this does not mean that this article is not for you. It's much easier to prevent the disease than to suffer and apply a lot of effort to get rid of it. Therefore, the prevention of rotten belching will be useful for everyone.
- Healthy, active way of life. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
- Balanced diet. It is necessary to refuse or minimize the intake of products that can provoke increased gas formation (legumes, carbonated beverages others).
- Periodic preventive examination by specialists. It is necessary to identify, diagnose and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in time.
Forecast of rotten belching
The eructation itself can not cause harm to health, but, being a symptom of many diseases. Therefore, the forecast of rotten belching buden is so favorable, how effective is the treatment of the underlying disease.
A faint belch is an unpleasant symptom, which brings considerable discomfort to a person. But in the light of the above, you need to be more attentive to the signals that the body gives you. After all, this symptomatology can indicate a serious disease developing inside. To hesitate it is not necessary. It is better to seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible and, if necessary, take a medical course. So you can quickly get rid of both the cause and the effect of the disease.