Pain in the prostate
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The role of the prostate is to develop substances that contribute to the process of maturation of sperm with the maintenance of the active state of spermatozoa. The gland is connected with all the organs of the small pelvis by the means of the nerve pathways, which often causes pain in the prostate.
Difficulty of the prostate is due to its anatomical location - from the bottom of the bladder, covering the initial areas of the urethra, bounded from behind by the rectum. The gland is in the center of the man's pelvis and has three parts: the left, the right and the middle. The prostate gland is lined with smooth muscle and glandular tissue, and the surrounding fibrous capsule contains septa from the connective tissue. The upper and lower arteries respond to the supply of the prostate with blood.
Causes of pain in the prostate
The following causes of pain in the prostate can be distinguished:
- prostatitis of acute or chronic type;
- the presence of stones in the gland;
- cancerous tumors;
- diseases of the rectum (eg, hemorrhoids);
- development of cystic neoplasms;
- inflammation of the paraurethral glands.
Prostatitis can be infectious and non-infectious. The causative agents of infectious prostatitis are often staphylococci and streptococci, which are present in various organs of each healthy person, manifesting themselves only when the protective functions of the body decrease. Pathogenic flora (chlamydia, gardnerelly) is allocated a third of all cases of the disease.
Influenza and herpes virus provoke disease in 20% of men.
The development of prostatitis depends on the age of the patient. In young people, the disease is noted against a background of a previous urethritis or with a mixed infection. Men of middle age and older get infected on a descending way - at an age difficulty of outflow of urine.
Fungal form of prostatitis occurs in weakened patients, due to incorrect therapy.
The cause of blood stasis is physiological disorders or changes in sexual activity. A conscious delay in ejaculation causes tension in some parts of the reproductive system, as well as in the prostate. Regular use of this technique leads to pathological changes in the gland and stagnation of blood.
Pain in the prostate can occur with dysfunction of neighboring organs as a result of prolonged constipation, eating disorders, consumption of large amounts of fatty, spicy foods and alcohol abuse.
The risk group includes male truckers, who receive a constant perineal injury during the ride. The amplitude and impact strength are not large, but the regular effect of the entire muscle mass of the body on the prostate develops a "Scythian disease". So there are pains, problems with urination, a violation of potency.
Physicians identify the causes of painful sensations that do not obey the human will:
- the peculiarity of the structure of the venous system of the prostate itself, as a result of stagnation of blood;
- anatomical structure of the gland, which can lead to stasis of secretion;
- interaction of the neural-reflex activity of the bladder and rectum;
- hormonal imbalance;
- changes in the prostate with age with the participation of hormones;
- low immunity from birth.
Pain in the prostate
Pain syndrome differs in intensity, nature and localization. The most common complaints are associated with unpleasant sensations during urination, sexual intercourse, ejaculation or immediately after sexual contact.
Pain in the prostate can focus in a particular place or be vague when it is difficult to determine the source of pain. Most often, discomforts spread to the genital area, the pubic region, are given to the scrotum, lower abdomen, lower back, sacrum and anus.
The period of exacerbation can occur with a disorderly sexual life and, on the contrary, because of prolonged abstinence. The factors that provoke pain in the prostate are:
- supercooling;
- excessive physical or mental stress;
- predominance of a sedentary lifestyle;
- uncontrolled drinking.
Symptoms of pain in the prostate
The clinical manifestation of prostatitis is inherent in more than one hundred symptoms. Of course, they do not occur together, but are distributed depending on the stage of the disease, the level of changes in the hormonal background, the age of the patient, often combined with disorders of the nervous system.
Symptoms of a general nature, as a rule, do not attract the attention of a man: weakness, problems with sleep, mood swings, severe fatigue, decreased efficiency, etc. All this is written off for life's troubles.
In the second stage, vegetative disorders are associated with: increased sweating, an itchy sensation in the buttocks and perineum. The picture is supplemented by attacks of quick temper, aggression, gloominess, sometimes even tearfulness and weakness.
Local symptoms of pain in the prostate appear much later in the form of unpleasant sensations of the lower abdomen during urination. There are burning sensations in the urethra, problems with erection and urination. Very often the disease occurs without symptoms or with one or two.
The intensity of pain varies from a constant pulling character to a severe pain syndrome, requiring the taking of an anesthetic. As a rule, the pain concentrates in the testicles, rarely covers the lumbosacral section, imitating radiculitis pain.
Soreness extends to the perineum and suprapubic region of a third of patients. Pain of the inguinal zone, in the penis and rectum, coccyx, at the bottom of the chest and kidneys - is much less common.
Pain in prostate cancer
Prostate cancer occurs in men 50-60 years old. The cause can serve as a genetic predisposition, prostate adenoma and carcinogenic factors.
Clinical symptoms are expressed by three main complaints: soreness, urination disorder and hematuria (urine with blood). The intensity of pain manifestations directly depends on the stage of the disease.
In the first stage of pain in prostate cancer are described as aching sensations of the perineum. Soreness is caused by the pressure of the growing tumor on the capsule of the prostate gland and the compression located in it, the nerve endings. The fourth stage has a strong pain syndrome of a permanent nature, the tumor grows into the capsule and the surrounding tissues of the organs. Relief from pain comes with taking painkillers.
Problems with urination are found more often in the third stage. If the tumor has grown into the bladder, hematuria appears. Symptoms similar to pyelonephritis are also observed with the germination of ureteral orifices. Penetration of the tumor into the rectum, can cause the appearance of blood in the stool.
Pain in prostate adenoma
In the early stages of prostate adenoma (a benign tumor type), there is no soreness with frequent urination. Pain in prostate adenoma is characteristic in later stages or in complications in the form of secondary cystitis, an inflammatory disease of the prostate.
With prostate adenoma, the gland is enlarged. Common symptoms include: a feeling of incomplete release of the bladder, a weak jet and an increase in the duration of urination. There may be a delay in urine, requiring emergency medical attention.
The disease affects men who have reached forty years of age or older. Late fertility doctors call the main factor affecting the development of adenoma.
Pain after removal of prostate adenoma
Surgery is performed by the method of open adenomectomy, which can lead to a number of complications:
- infectious-allergic type;
- functional character;
- organic species.
The most severe consequences of surgical treatment are functional (urinary incontinence) and organic (urethra structure, presence of "pre-bladder") disorder.
On the site of the removed adenoma, a cavity called "pre-rash" can form. In most patients this does not cause any discomfort. Only a small percentage of men who have undergone urethritis mark pain after removal of the prostate adenoma in the perineum. Soreness can be so strong that it is impossible to sit.
Particularly severe manifestations are associated with the formation of a "pre-bubble" with urethral stricture. The patient suffers from frequent urination round the clock. The onset of urination is associated with severe pain and a pressing feeling in the perineum, after which a weak jet appears. Soreness decreases with the onset of urine excretion literally drop by drop. Such conditions require the excision of the "prebubble" according to Solovyov, in the second case with the reconstruction of the urethra.
Pain with prostate massage
A correctly conducted procedure, taking into account all contraindications, does not cause a pain syndrome in the patient. If after the third session there are no positive changes, the massage may not be for you.
Easy massage of the prostate gland by the urologist helps to remove painful processes, relieve tension of the nerve endings of the prostate.
Intensive medical manipulations can cause not only pain in the massage of the prostate, but also pose a threat to the health of the patient. In the case of acute bacterial prostatitis, the probability of infection of the blood is high. The presence of stones in the prostate can cause rupture of cell membranes. Unqualified physician is able to personally lead to damage to the tissues of the large intestine.
Excessive pressure also causes pain in the prostate, it is dangerous to rupture a short section of the urethra. A similar defect, leading to a breakdown in the structure of the urethra, is often not diagnosed. A substandard procedure is detrimental to the healthy flora of the urethra.
Some forms of prostatitis (chronic and bacterial) with an extremely enlarged prostate are characterized by pain in the prostate during a massage.
Pain in the prostate with a massage can be due to the psychological tightness of the male, in which the muscles are spasmodic. It is important for the patient to relax the press, gluteus muscles and lower back.
Pain after prostate massage
Massage of the prostate is used as a treatment for prostatitis. Only a qualified doctor can perform the procedure, as incorrect performance threatens irreparable health consequences.
Pain after massage of the prostate in the form of a rub during urination can lead to irritation of the urethra and a burning sensation in the penis. Symptoms subsided, but appear after the next session. In this case, the doctor should change the tactics of exposure, and the patient should wait for about 20 minutes after the therapy with a visit to the toilet. During this period, the ducts of the prostate will close, there will be no irritation from contact with urine and a "fire" will not happen.
A urologist can recommend special means that help close the ducts. In order to facilitate the process of urine isolation, phytopreparations or uroantiseptics are prescribed.
Pain in the prostate after defecation
Pain in the prostate after defecation is associated with prostatitis, abscess or cancer of the gland.
The parenchymatous prostatitis proceeds violently with a pronounced clinical character. Along with general weakness, chills, loss of appetite, dysuria, a sharp increase in the prostate gland is found. To complaints are added constipation, localization of pains in a rectum of pulsating character. There may be discharge from the anus.
A variety of acute prostatitis is an abscess that develops against a backdrop of soreness in the perineum, with and after defecation, is characterized by a state of weakness and severe intoxication. In the case of spontaneous dissection of the abscess, the presence of pus in the urine and feces is isolated.
Pain in the prostate in the development of cancer can cover the bone system. The initial stages are characterized by pain syndrome with urination and defecation. As the tumor grows, soreness acquires a constant symptomatology, localized in the rectum and perineum.
Pain in the prostate after sex
Pain in the prostate after sex with urination is a sign of chronic prostatitis.
Discomfort is localized in the crotch area, but can spread to the anus, suprapubic and inguinal region. Unpleasant sensations are also noted on the inner surface of the thighs and directly in the genitals.
Pain in the prostate is permanent in the form of severity, often not associated with the release of urine. In some cases, there is severe pain syndrome with urination, ejaculation or defecation after sexual contact.
A characteristic symptom of the chronic process will be itching of the genitals, anus and the urethral canal. The disease progresses, leading to sleep disorders, reduced performance, general lethargy and loss of strength.
Aching in the prostate
The presence of stones in the prostate gland is expressed by the discomfort of the perineum, the head of the penis, pain in urination. Aching pain in the prostate is amplified during defecation, when sitting on a hard surface, during intimacy. Some patients report painful ejaculation during sleep.
Pain in the prostate of the aching, pulling type is inherent in chronic prostatitis and urethritis. Soreness is accompanied by a burning sensation. The syndrome is permanent.
Cooperitis (an inflammatory process in the bulbous urethral gland) is described by aching pain with an increase in defecation and sitting position. Most of the disease is a consequence of urethritis.
Who to contact?
What if the prostate hurts?
When there are painful symptoms in the perineum, you should contact a urologist who will send for diagnosis:
- physical examination of the prostate;
- transrectal ultrasound;
- bacterioscopic study of gland secretion;
- analysis of a smear from the urethra;
- exclusion of sexual infections.
Of course, it is best to visit the doctor regularly for the purpose of timely examination and prevention of diseases.
What to do with pain in the prostate? Do not panic. Pain in the prostate is an unpleasant phenomenon, which may indicate a banal nervous or physical overstrain.
The pain of the perineal region is associated with pelvic pain syndrome, which is chronic. At inspection no infringements are found out.
Treatment of prostate pain
To treat benign glandular hyperplasia, drugs that exert therapeutic effects in cases with pronounced symptoms are used.
Treatment of pain in the prostate in severe forms of disease, when pharmacological drugs are not able to help, is to conduct surgical methods.
Prostatitis, most often, is cured with antibiotics.
The fight against prostate cancer is a complex process, requiring an individual approach. It is important to consider everything: the age of the patient, the nature of the disease, the general condition, the features of the symptomatology. The complex effect is applied: chemotherapy, surgical intervention.
Prophylaxis of pain in the prostate
The natural processes of aging the organism affect the problems with the prostate. Therefore, doctors recommend taking steps to slow down the process.
Prophylaxis of pain in the prostate includes a diet based on fresh vegetables and fruits with the minimization of fatty foods. The mechanisms of the appearance and development of cancer of the gland are still not clear to modern medicine. Therefore, the diet extends to the prevention of cancer and prostate adenoma.
The main guarantee of health to this day remains - the observance of intimate hygiene. Scientific evidence has found the fact that cleanliness of the stronger sex is more common with prostatitis.
The asymptomatic course of a number of male diseases requires systematic examinations of the urologist. Regular visits to the doctor can promptly identify prostate problems and prescribe optimal treatment.
The standard consultation of pain in the prostate includes:
- conversation with the urologist;
- rectal examination;
- ultrasound examination;
- blood test for PSA;
- analysis of the prostate secretion and urethral discharge;
- if necessary - bakposev on flora and a biopsy of sites of a gland.
Pain in the prostate often indicates a chronic process in the gland. To aggravate the course of the disease may be violations of the immune, neuralgic nature, hormonal changes, allergic manifestations, pelvic organs and other causes.